

单词 介于

介于 ()

lie between



be on the horns of a dilemma [idiom.]

External sources (not reviewed)

所有被招募的儿童均为男性,年介于 9 至 17 岁间,大部分儿 童在南部和西部地区被招募。
All recruited children are male, between the ages of 9 and 17, and most of them were recruited in southern and western regions.
在所有地区中,有两个组占有优势:首先是本地区组(其比例在 36%至
[...] 73%之间),其次 是第 I 组,而其它地区组所占名额比介于 3%到 18%之间。
In all regions, two groups are dominant: first, the group corresponding to its own
region (between 36% and 73%) followed by Group I, while the representation of the
[...] other groups varies between 3% to 18%.
此外,有些发言者认为,应该区分在驱逐国境内非法居留了一段时期的外国 人和最近才到达的外国人,前者的待 介于 给 予 最近才到达的外国人的待遇和给 予合法居留的外国人的待遇之间,如果驱逐国一直以来容忍他们的存在,就更应 该给予保障了。
Moreover, some speakers thought that a distinction should be drawn between aliens unlawfully present for some time in the territory of the expelling State and aliens who had recently arrived, and that the former deserved a treatment somewhere between that given the latter and that given to aliens lawfully present, all the more so if their presence had been tolerated by the expelling State.
大多数工介于这两 个极端之间,多次要求能够利用非结构化或动态任务完成结构化工作流程。
Most work falls somewhere between these two extremes, many times requiring the ability to utilize unstructured or dynamic tasking to complete a structured workflow.
黄灯表示您的耳机正在充电,且电 介于 70% 至 100% 之间。
Yellow light means that your headset is charging and is between 70% and fully charged.
泡沫塑料行业计划划分泡沫塑料企业的类别时依据的是其氟氯烃消费量,即大型企 业,年消费量超过 8.3 ODP 吨(75.0 公吨);中型企业,消费介于 2.8 和 8.3 ODP 吨 (25 至 75 公吨)之间;以及小型企业,消费量低于 2.8 ODP 吨(25 公吨)。
The Foam Sector Plan categorizes the foam enterprises according to their HCFC consumption, namely large size enterprises, an annual consumption of over 8.3 ODP tonnes (75.0 mt); medium size enterprises with a consumption between 2.8 and 8.3 ODP tonnes (25 to 75 mt); and small size enterprises with a consumption below 2.8 ODP tonnes (25 mt).
从视觉上看,它是中性灰, 或者介于黑色 和白色之间的一种灰色。
Visually it appears neutral, or a middle gray halfway between black and white.
执行局曾建议在文件 32 C/5 有关维修工作的预算项目中列入一笔款项,其数 介于教 科 文组织一座新楼或全部翻新过的楼房之价值的 3%--4%;总干事就执行局的这项建议而提 出的意见,将在 2004--2005 年计划和预算草案范围内提出。
The Director-General’s proposals on the Executive Board’s recommendation to provide in document 32 C/5 a maintenance budget of between 3% and 4% of the value of the UNESCO buildings, new or fully renovated, will be submitted in the framework of the Draft Programme and Budget for 2004-2005.
据国际锡研究协会说,在政府 2010 年 9 月下令禁止采矿 前生产介于 1 00 0 至 1 500 吨之间的锡矿没有在 2011 年 3 月 10 日解除采矿 禁令至 2011 年 4 月 1 日“不涉及冲突”出口期限这一短暂时间内出口。
According to ITRI, between 1,000 and 1,500 tons of tin ore produced before the Government’s mining ban of September 2010 were not exported within the short time frame between the lifting of the suspension on 10 March 2011 and the export deadline of the conflict-free smelter programme on 1 April 2011.
携带艾滋病毒的人中 有一半是妇女,新感染的人中有一半年 介于 15 岁和 24 岁之间。
Half of those living with HIV are women and half of new infections occur among young people aged 15 to 24.
在成本方面,无级变速器目前的定 介于 四 速 自动变速器和干式DCT双离合变速器之间;最昂贵的六速自动变速器和DCT双离合变速器成本更高,但无级变速器正在改善其价格定位,而博世(Bosch)正在开发的新一代无级变速器将进一步提高性能,降低重量,进而降低材料成本。
In terms of cost, CVT is now positioned in the middle, between a four-speed AT and a dry DCT; the most expensive six-speed automatics and DCTs are costlier, but CVTs are improving their price position and the new-generation CVT under development at Bosch promises to further increase performance and reduce mass – and therefore material costs.
油位 (发动机运行时)介于观察孔 (SG) 顶部和底部之间。
Oil level (with motor running) should fall between top and bottom of the sight glass (SG).
有专家坚持认为,这些“先进的”新兴 市介于传统 的新兴市场和发达的开放经济体之间,例如澳大利亚或加拿大,须 由投资者和研究人员从一个不同的角度进行研究。
Experts argued that these “advanced” emerging markets were halfway between the traditional emerging market and developed open economies, such as Australia or Canada, and needed to be examined by investors and researchers in a different light.
介于十六 进制80至十六进制9F范围内的数据释义为 控制代码。
Interprets data in the range of hex 80 through hex 9F as a control code.
介于玄关 和主要起居空间的画廊,自然地成为家庭生活中公共与私人领域间的中介空间,也为未来使用功能的扩充提供了可能。
The foyer leads to the gallery which naturally becomes a common space for the family before entering into the main living space and private rooms, and also provides a possible expansion for future needs.
尽管这种现象一般在西方世界较为普遍,但是根据《胃肠病学和肝脏病学》杂志2007年刊登的一篇文章记载:在亚洲,非酒精性脂肪肝的患病 介于 1 2 % ~2 4%之间。
While this phenomenon has traditionally been more prevalent in the western world, according to a 2007 article published in the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, the prevalence of NAFLD in Asia is between 12% and 24%.
在有限距离拖拽的低速环绕型网具, 包括底层围网,在燃料消耗介于被 动和拖拽网具之间。
Encircling gear types that are dragged a limited distance at slow speed, including gear such as bottom seines, rank between passive and towed gears in fuel consumption.
糖尿病前期介于正常 血糖调节与糖尿病之间的中间阶段。
Pre-diabetes describes the intermediate stages between normal blood sugar regulation and diabetes.
在过去 40 年中,还没有出现过类 似的年人均国内总产值稳步增长 3%(2004-2008 年)的情况,上一次繁介于 1960 年代末和 1970 年代初石油危机之间,当时该区域连续 7 年有相同的增长率。
A similar period of steady per capita GDP growth of over 3 per cent per year (as recorded in 2004-2008) had not been seen for 40 years, since the boom that lasted from the end of the 1960s to the oil shock at the beginning of the 1970s, during which the region posted comparable growth rates for seven consecutive years.
Mark II+
[...] 无栅高输出离子源采用了空心阴极,并且设计为适合直 介于 70-130cm 的加工室中的真空镀膜制程。
The Mark II+ Gridless High Output
Ion Source features a hollow cathode and is designed for vacuum coating
[...] processes in chambers from 70-130 cm in diameter.
专家组在 2011 年 11 月 1 日和 2012 年 3 月 2 日与矿产和能源部的会议上 得知,石油领域最重要的变化之一是,目前所有收入都直接转入国家账户(据估 计,科特迪瓦石油日产介于 35 000 至 40 000 万桶之间)。
During meetings with the Ministry of Mines on 1 November 2011 and 2 March 2012, the Ministry informed the Group that one of the most important changes in the oil sector is that currently all revenues are transferred directly to the State’s accounts (Ivorian oil production is estimated between 35,000 to 40,000 barrels per day).
换言之,它有能力给540头奶牛组成的牛群每天挤奶三次,或者给800头奶牛组成的牛群每天挤奶两次,或者达 介于 两 者 之间的能力。
In other words, it has the capacity to milk a herd of 540 cows three times per day or 800 cows twice per day or anything in between.
经过讨 论,委员会认为知识产权许可问 介于 知 识产 权和商业法之间,因此虽然属于委员会的任务 范围,但是委员会的工作应当与知识产权组织 等其他组织合作开展。
After discussion, the Commission agreed that intellectual property licensing was an issue at the intersection of intellectual property and commercial law and thus, while it fell within the mandate of the Commission, any work by the Commission should be undertaken in cooperation with other organizations, such as WIPO.
小岛屿发展中国家分组 15 至 24 岁 人群的识字率大介于 64%和 100%之间。
Literacy rates among 15-to-24-year-olds range mostly between 64 and 100 per cent for the small island developing States subgroup.
总的来说,2009 年旅游业的缩减率估介于 3%和 6%之间。
Overall, the downturn in tourism was estimated at between 3 per cent and 6 per cent in 2009.
基于本季度改善的商业形势、及最近好转的订单趋势,加之过去 18
[...] 个月来全球重组努力产生的强劲利润增长,Emerson 预计全年每股收介于 2.20与 2.40 美元之间,其中包括收购 [...]
Avocent 的影响。
Based on the improving business conditions in the first quarter, improving recent order patterns, and strong profit improvement from the last 18 months of global restructuring efforts, Emerson
expects full year earnings per share in the
[...] range of $2.20 to $2.40, which includes [...]
the impact of the Avocent acquisition.
您需要输入SWAP LONG 和 SWAP SHORT(USD或点数)的值,然后点击“计算”按钮使用FXOpen的Mark Up计算器,你就可以比较不同的经纪收取的加价,找出谁的隔夜利息是真正基于市场LIBOR和LIB ID , 介于 0 . 2 5% 和0.75%之间的中等加价,谁的隐藏的费用太高。
To do this, enter the SWAP LONG and SWAP SHORT values in USD or in pips for the requested lot size. With FXOpen’s Mark Up calculator, you can compare the mark-ups charged by different brokers, to find out whose swaps are really based on the market LIBOR and LIBID overnight rates with a moderate mark-up between 0.25% and 0.75%, and whose hidden charges are too high.
接入网 指 公用电信网中,接入介于本地交换机和用户之间,主要完成使用户接入到核心网的 任务,接入网由业务节点接口(SNI)和用户网络接口(UNI)之间一系列设备组成。
It is formed by a line of equipment between the service node interface (SNI) and the user network interface (UNI).
她戴着一顶丑陋的鼬皮帽子,显得没有品位,这顶帽子可能很贵重,但也非常丑陋,而她那只宠物狗就更加丑陋,黑黄相间的毛发,也 介于 斗 牛犬和火蜥蜴之间。
She displays certain amounts of tastelessness by a ghastly skunk's fur hat, which is probably very expensive but also very hideous, and also by her even more hideous lapdog, black with yellow sploshes, probably a cross between a bulldog and a salamander.
世界银行审查了特大型公司提供的资料,并表示有 4 家冷藏公司 HCFC-141b 的消 费介于 77.0 和 231.0 ODP 吨(700 和 2,100 公吨)之间,另一家公司的消费量为 88.0 ODP 吨(800 公吨)。
The World Bank reviewed the information from the available super large companies, and indicated that there were 4 reefer companies with consumption between 77.0 and 231.0 ODP tonnes (700 and 2,100 mt) of HCFC-141b as well as another company with a consumption of 88.0 ODP tonnes (800 mt).




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