单词 | 今音 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 今音—modern (i.e. not ancient) pronunciation of a Chinese |
当今音乐圈最顶尖制作人及歌手Kanye West,除了是备受世界注目的音乐人外,亦是不少年青人模仿的潮流对象。 think-silly.com | Kanye West, the hottest [...] producer and musician, isalso known [...]for his style icon status. think-silly.com |
今年,音乐节主办方SuperFly Presents邀请Serial [...] Cut发挥他们的设计才能,创作Bonnaroo的品牌方针和宣传海报。 ba-repsasia.com | This year, festival organizers SuperFly [...] Presents asked Serial Cut to flex their design muscle to create the official Bonnaroo [...]branding guidelines and promotional poster. ba-repsasia.com |
今日音乐制作与发行日趋数位,音乐风格与风景似乎可能跳脱特定都市脉络,可是打从音乐创作灵感与动机开始,都会景观与声响便已占有一席之地,无论是住宅模式、气候模式、交通模式,全都为各个城市创造显着的都会景观,进而发展出各种文化活动。 thisbigcity.net | Housing patterns, weather patterns, transport patterns- these features all coalesce to create the distinct urban landscape of each city, which in turn inform a variety of cultural endeavours. thisbigcity.net |
今次音乐会将分为「毁灭」及「梦幻」两部份,以世界末日以及末日後重生这沉重的主题,让人们反思生命、地球、宇宙万物以及自身的存在价值,更让乐迷知道Evade的音乐不仅出色,更意味深长。 yp.mo | Evade use their meaningful and [...] magnificent songs to question [...]life, the earth, the universe and the values of its living [...]creatures along with their fans. yp.mo |
为此,今年的音乐节将首次安排20场系列公益演出,走进故宫博物院、农工子弟学校、居民社区、企业等城市不同角落,且全部免费。 norway.org.cn | Thisyear the festival will for the first time arrange 20 additional non- commercial concerts, bringing [...] music out of the theater [...]and into schools, museums and hotels. norway.cn |
打那以後,他制作了好几件至今仍为音乐学院学生乐用的演奏乐器。 tomleemusic.com.hk | Since then he has built several instruments which are now [...] played by students oftheConservatory. tomleemusic.com.hk |
所有积压的庭审音像资料(35 000 [...] 小时)数字化工作于 2011 年 8 月完工,目 前已经制定今后所有音像记录的数字化程序,并已开始实施。 daccess-ods.un.org | The digitization of the entire backlog (35,000 hours) of the audiovisual recordings of the trial proceedings was completed in August [...] 2011, and the procedures for the digitization [...] of all incoming audiovisual recordings have [...]been developed and implemented. daccess-ods.un.org |
以前,配备 1/4 英寸磁带的 NAGRA 录音机是录音标准设备;而今天,数字录音带,DAT 已经被广为使用。 motion.kodak.com | Until recently, a Nagra recorder [...] with a 1/4-inch tape was standard equipment; todaydigitalaudiotape, or DAT, is used. motion.kodak.com |
今天,78岁的音乐家与瑞士结下特殊的因缘。 audemarspiguet.com | Today, the 78-year-old musicianhas a special [...] relationship with Switzerland. audemarspiguet.com |
今天是世界音像遗产日,值此机会我们要思考电影、电视和广播在传播 思想和信息,从而促进世界各地社区内和社区间对话方面所发挥的重要作用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Today isWorld Dayfor AudiovisualHeritage, a [...] day for reflecting on the power of film, television and radio to transmit [...]ideas and information and in so doing nurture dialogue among and between communities around the world. unesdoc.unesco.org |
Audyssey的Audio Dock是角逐今年年度音频产品大奖的4款入围产品之一。 tipschina.gov.cn | Audyssey's Audio Dock is among fourfinalists inthe running for Audio Product of the Year. tipschina.gov.cn |
从今以后,从调音台至功放之间只需一款设备,一款包罗所有基本周边功能的控制器。 acehk.com | Contractors will appreciate its control inputs for wall-panel logic control and the patent-pending Advanced Feedback Suppression (AFS™). acehk.com |
一个间隔是两地注意到差距” - 这是所有的音乐理论,你需要开始学习相对音高今天!拥有一个相对音高明智帮助你:“商业登记/ “通过耳★播放和轻松的音乐转录 [...] - •承认正在播放的间隔时间。 cn.moba-app.com | An interval is the gap between two notes" - [...] That's all the music theory you need to start learning relativepitch today! moba-app.com |
我国 代表团坚信,安全理事会必须再次讨论这个问题,并 且在今后以一个声音发言。 daccess-ods.un.org | My delegation is convinced that the Security Council must come back to this and in the [...] future must express itself in a single voice. daccess-ods.un.org |
今年的数字音乐报告反映了国际音乐业务都感受到了的日 益增长的乐观情绪。 ifpi.org | thisyear’sDigitalMusic Report reflects the [...] growing optimism felt across themusic business internationally. we are on [...]the path to recovery and driving the digital economy. these are hard-won achievements – we will be pushing to build on them in 2013. ifpi.org |
如今,乔治·迈克尔仍然鼓舞着年轻一代艺人,从如今的许多流行音乐和摇滚音乐艺人身上都可看到他的影响力。 tipschina.gov.cn | Today,George Michael continues to inspire young talent and his influence can be heard amongst manyof today's popand R&B [...] artists. tipschina.gov.cn |
今年春天,《觉》音乐+艺术节、Idle Beats、创可贴T恤以及兵马司唱片共同合作,将在北京展开一个多媒体音乐和艺术的特别活动日,包括来自Idle [...] Beats和创可贴T恤的海报作品、兵马司的专辑和海报存档,另有国内独立音乐资讯网站无解音乐网(Wooozy.cn)挑选的数支优秀年轻本土乐队参与表演。 yugongyishan.com | Music + Art, Idle Beats, Plastered T-shirts, [...] and Maybe Mars come together in a multimedia music and art showcase event in [...]Beijing featuring poster art from Idle Beats and Plastered T-shirts, album and poster art from the Maybe Mars archives and a musical programme showcasing some of the best young(ish) bands playing in Beijing today, selected by leading Chinese-language music information and criticism website Wooozy.cn. yugongyishan.com |
可是,如果只是有声音,今天指甲,明天指乙,後天指丙,政府是否每次也要成立调查的聆听委员会呢? legco.gov.hk | But if there is nothing but dins, with [...] people accusing Atoday,B tomorrow and [...]C the day after tomorrow, should the Government [...]set up a commission of inquiry every time when such dins are heard? legco.gov.hk |
影片的2006年爱尔兰小姐选美,在节日公园举行,美国偶像,大卫总统Tabaré,西班牙的眼睛与音乐表演,参观今天的西班牙小姐,等等。 fidelcarrera.com | Videos of Miss Ireland 2006 pageant, held at the [...] Festival Park, withmusical performances by American Idol, David Tabaré, Spanish Eyes, visit the Miss Spain today, etc. Work done [...]for MBC Events. fidelcarrera.com |
我非常感谢在塔宁大使之后发言,因为我们有 必要听取阿富汗政府、阿富汗当局和阿富汗人民的声音,尤其是在今年。 daccess-ods.un.org | I am very glad to speak after Ambassador Tanin, because we [...] need to hear the voice of theAfghan Government, authorities and people, this yearin particular. daccess-ods.un.org |
对联合国电台历 [...] 史资料进行了数字化处理,从而能够持续在线公布从二十世纪四十年代至今的特定历史音频录音资料,包括 150 多次演讲、戏剧和其他六种正式语文的电台广播 [...]节目。 daccess-ods.un.org | The digitization of United Nations Radio classics has [...] enabled the continued online [...] publishing of selected historic audio records from the 1940s to [...]the present, including over 150 [...]speeches, dramas and other radio programmes in the six official languages. daccess-ods.un.org |
奇怪的是,企鹅们都知道那一间是属於他们的家!一抵达家後,企鹅们都纷纷发出了声音,彷佛在聊今天在大海遇见的事。 4tern.com | When they reached home, [...] all of them made sounds simultaneously. Looks like they were telling what they did in the sea today. 4tern.com |
在抵挡福音许多年后,今天在肯尼亚的六十万马萨伊人(Maasai)中,已经有九万人成为了耶稣基督的门徒。 conversation.lausanne.org | Today,after years of resistance tothegospel,some 90,000 [...] of Kenya’s 600,000 Maasai are followers of Jesus Christ. conversation.lausanne.org |
50年多年以前,Acoustiguide创造了语音导览,至今在技术及创意上仍居於领导地位。 acoustiguide.com | More than 50 years ago [...] Acoustiguide invented the audiotour,andthe company [...]has remained at the leading edge of creativity and technology ever since. acoustiguide.be |
然而,大联盟的机构,在德国福音教会,今天涵盖大部分新教徒,无论信义或加尔文主义,自由主义或保守。 mb-soft.com | Nevertheless, the large union body, [...] theEvangelical Church in Germany,today encompasses most [...]Protestants, whether Lutheran [...]or Calvinist, liberal or conservative. mb-soft.com |
我们应该从这里,在联合国今天这个会议上, 在这个合作年,倾听那些抱怨的声音,听世界各地 2 亿失业者的声音,听 8 000 [...] 万不抱希望再能找到工作 的年轻人的声音,听今天仍然生活在绝对贫困中的 14 亿人民的声音。 daccess-ods.un.org | We should from here, at this United Nations meeting today, in this year of cooperation, listen to those voices of discontent, the 200 million people around the world who are unemployed, the 80 million [...] young people without hope that they can ever find a job, the 1.4 [...] billionpeoplewho today still live in absolute [...]poverty. daccess-ods.un.org |
回港後活跃於演出及教育工作,自1995年开始任教於香港演艺学院及音乐事务处至今。 tomleemusic.com.hk | Upon returning to Hong Kong, Maria has been very active as both a [...] performer and teacher. She has been on the faculty of the Hong Kong Academy for [...] Performing Arts andthe Music Office since 1995. tomleemusic.com.hk |
欧洲国家广播机构占用户的 [...] 24%,而诸如中国中央电视台(CCTV)、法国 24 频道、国际半岛电视台、BBC 世界台、BBC 阿拉伯文台、美国之音和今日俄罗斯 等国际广播机构为 5%(见下图一)。 daccess-ods.un.org | National broadcasters in Europe made up 24 per cent of users, while international broadcasters such as China Central Television (CCTV), France 24, [...] AlJazeera International, BBC [...] World, BBC Arabic, VoiceofAmericaand Russia Today stood at 5 per cent [...](see figure I below). daccess-ods.un.org |
以前只有在商业剧场才能体验到前所未有的清晰音效和完美音色,如今在家庭剧院或会议室也可以享受到。 crestronasia.com | Experience unprecedented clarity and tone, previously heard only in commercial theaters, now in your home theater or boardroom. crestronasia.com |
例如长者提出交通半价优惠、长者医疗半价收费、缩短 [...] 轮候长者护理安老院舍的时间,甚至简单地要求取消长者综援的所谓 [...] “衰仔纸”,以及取消或延长综援长者的离港限期以方便长者在大陆生活 等,都是长者的声音,今天政府的回应方法仍是10年前殖民地时代常用 的 “头痛医头,脚痛医脚” [...]⎯⎯ 李卓人议员刚才跟我说,应是“头痛医 脚,脚痛医头”,这便更麻烦了 [...]⎯⎯ 未能综合地以一篮子的方法处理 长者的诉求。 legco.gov.hk | The elderly have requested, for example, the provision of half-fare concessions and half-price elderly health care services, the shortening of the waiting time for residential care homes for the elderly (RCHEs), or even simply the abolition of the requirement of the so-called "bad son statement" relating to the application for elderly CSSA, as well as the abolition or extension of the absence limit of [...] OAA recipients to facilitate their [...] livingin the Mainland.Nowadays,the Government still [...]responds in the same way as it [...]often did in the colonial era a decade ago by treating the head when there is headache and treating the leg when there is a leg pain ― Mr LEE Cheuk-yan just told me that it is treating the leg when there is headache and treating the head when there is a leg pain, which is even more troublesome ― it failed to respond to the elderly's aspirations with a basket of comprehensive measures. legco.gov.hk |