单词 | 今生 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 今生—this life
如今,生物技术日臻完善,深刻地影响着与人类生产生活息息相关的人类与动物健康产业、农业、采矿、能源和化工等诸多领域。 australiachina.com.au | Biotechnology is now moresophisticated, [...] with significant impacts on human endeavour and industry ─ from human and animal [...]health, to agriculture, mining, energy and the chemical industry. australiachina.com.au |
如今生产的大约半数压缩机是螺杆式压缩机。 schaeffler.cn | About half of all [...] compressors produced todayare screw-type compressors. schaeffler.us |
准时安全地上班、上学、购物如今,生机勃勃迈向现代化的大都市如果没有短途公共交通简直令人无法想象。 voith.com | Without public transport systems, modern pulsating metropolises would be unthinkable. voith.com |
13:5还有就是今生的东西只是暂时的,而神所赐的是永恒的。 bcbsr.com | Heb 13:5 Furthermore things in this life are transitory, but what God provides is eternal. bcbsr.com |
大麻仍是全世界迄今生产、贩运和消费最为广泛的植物制成的药物。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cannabis continues to be the most widely produced, trafficked and consumed plant-based drug worldwide. daccess-ods.un.org |
同样司空见惯的是,非传染性疾病已成为当今生活方式的一部分。 daccess-ods.un.org | Also commonplace is the fact [...] that NCDs arepart oftoday’s way oflife. daccess-ods.un.org |
当今,生产线的末端设备特别是码垛机,已经是 为未来市场(在很多地区已是为现在市场)提供所需产品的有效战 [...] 略工具。 ocme.it | Today, much morethan in the [...] past, the end of the line and palletisers in particular, must be considered strategic tools [...]that can guarantee companies the possibility of dealing in the products that the market will demand in the future and, in many cases, is already now demanding. ocme.it |
在土着人民的观念中,土地和领地是“生 命空间”,保障着他们今生后世的生存。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the mindset of indigenous peoples, land and territory are “the vital space” and guarantee the existence of presentand future generations. daccess-ods.un.org |
澳大利亚代表团提请注意,澳大利亚政府致力于和解工作,帮助所有澳大 利亚人更好地了解过去以及过去对土着人民当今生活的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | The delegation drew attention to the Australian Government’s commitment to reconciliation, helping all [...] Australians to move forward with a better understanding of the past and how it affects the [...] lives of indigenous peoplestoday. daccess-ods.un.org |
而敬拜邪灵的人只得到可怜的"好感觉",肉体的健康,对生活和命运没有任何帮 助,而代价不仅是在今生受到极大的捆绑,失去很多的自由和幸福,更重要的是,如 果不悔改信奉耶稣,这些可怜的人还将失去永远的生命,虽然他们还不相信是这样, 但他们必受到上帝的审判。 vck-web.org | While worshippers of the evil spirits can only get a few pitiful "good feelings," they get no help for either their physical health or their lives or fates. vck-web.org |
就如这些犹太人视耶稣为能够把他们从罗马的统治之下解脱出来,并能在他们坐着什么也不做时给他们食物的政治领袖,许多基督徒视耶稣是他们得救的救主,能够给他们永生的生命和他们今生就能享受的眼前益处,但同时却不愿按他说的去做。 bcbsr.com | Just as these Jews saw Jesus as a political leader who could deliver them from the Romans and provide for them miraculously while they sit back and do nothing, so also many Christians view Jesus as Lord over their salvation, who provides them with eternal life and the temporary benefits they receive in this life, but at the same time are not really willing to do what he says. bcbsr.com |
利用现有的精轧机线能进行线材轧制, 通常生产5,5 - 16 mm 的线卷,或者和 VCC® 组合在一起进行棒材轧制,能生 产 8 - 16 mm 的盘卷,后者是当今生产螺纹钢最具有革新的一种生产方式。 sms-meer.com | The presence of the finishing blocks allows a further extension either for the production of wire rod (normally for 5.5 to 16 mm in coils) or for the production of bar in coils with the VCC Vertical Compact Coiler line (normally for 8 to 16 mm in compact coils), which is the most innovative way of producing rebar today. sms-meer.com |
马太福音 4:1-11;在第 3 节经文中,我们发现耶稣被撒但试 探; 在第 6 节经文中发现今生的骄傲; 在第 8、9 节的经文 中发现眼目的情慾,在第 4、7、10 节耶稣用同样的字句來 胜过试探,耶稣所用的字句是什麽? calvarygs.org | In Matthew 4:1-11; we find Jesus tempted by Satan in verse 3; the pride of life in verse 6; and the lust of the eyes in verses 8 & 9. calvarygs.org |
如今生产地点不再重要,重要的是要有专业的工作环境和高效的团队精神。 csinstrument.com | As you know many international brands are manufacturing in Asia, and the customers can expect the same level of quality as if the product would be manufactured in the original country. Important is that a company has a professional organization packed with a common spirit to achieve excellent results. csinstrument.com |
一系列的视像将为观众提供一种非同寻常的体验,在这次非线性的体验之旅中,观众将切身感受观塘区曲折的前世今生、激烈的思想碰撞以及它未来的发展方向。 venicebiennale.hk | The work is conceived of as an integral part of the exhibition design and is intended to evoke the complex, non-linear, partial experience of moving through a busy, dense city, full of competing claims and ideas, contradictory stories and motives. venicebiennale.hk |
甚至莲华生大士(将佛教带到西藏的印度神秘大师;佛教传入西藏后,和苯教及其他佛教入藏前的民间信仰结合,形成今日我们所知的藏传佛教)也亲口说:“我们在今生的情况完全由前世的行为决定,没有任何办法可以改变。 amccsm.org | Even from the very lips of Padmasambhava, the Indian Tantric master who brought Buddhism to Tibet (where it was united with the Bön religion and other [...] pre-Buddhist folk religions to form Tibetan [...] Buddhism aswe knowittoday)wehave the following [...]quotation: "Our condition in this [...]life is entirely dependent upon the actions of our previous life and nothing can be done to alter the scheme of things. amccsm.org |
我曾经在生活中多次经历困境;然而,由於我了解自己是从哪里来、我是慈爱天父的女儿以及今生以後会是如何,因此这帮助了我仰赖主,并且获得基督的赎罪所带来的平安。 mormon.org | I have had trying times in my life, but understanding where I came from, that I am a daughter of a loving Heavenly Father, and what is after this life, has helped me to rely on the Lord and gain the peace that can come through the Atonement of Christ. mormon.org |
还评论说,基础物理学最终将产生今后的应用,但是此类应用不应使用投资收益等标准来衡量。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was further remarked that fundamental physics would eventually lead to future applications but that such applications should not be measured by criteria such as return of investment. daccess-ods.un.org |
我愿感谢莫雷诺-奥坎波先生今天与会,以及他 根据第1593(2005)号决议提交关于达尔富尔局势 [...] 的报告。 daccess-ods.un.org | I wish to thank Mr. Moreno-Ocampo for his [...] participation heretoday,as wellas for [...]his report on the situation in Darfur pursuant to resolution 1593 (2005). daccess-ods.un.org |
就领汇管理有限公司执行董事及行政总裁苏庆和先生今次拒绝出席立法会的会议,讨论与其管理房委会分拆出售 设施的相关事宜,本委员会对此表示遗憾,并建议本会再 一次邀请苏庆和先生出席会议。 legco.gov.hk | That this Panel regrets that Mr Victor SO Hing-woh, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of The Link Management Limited (The Link), has refused to attend a meeting of the Legislative Council for discussion of issues relating to the Link's management of facilities divested by the Housing Authority, and proposes that Mr SO be invited again to attend a meeting of this Panel. legco.gov.hk |
由於领汇公司拒绝房屋事务委员会的邀请,没有出席2007年 1 月 4日就分拆出售房委会产业设施进行讨论的会议,委员通过了下述议 案 ⎯⎯ " 就领汇管理有限公司执行董事及行政总裁苏庆和先生今次拒绝出席立法会的会议,讨论与其管理房委会分拆出售设施 的相关事宜,本委员会对此表示遗憾,并建议本会再一次邀 请苏庆和先生出席会议。 legco.gov.hk | That this Panel regrets that Mr Victor SO Hing-woh, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of The Link Management Limited (The Link), has refused to attend a meeting of the Legislative Council for discussion of issues relating to the Link's management of facilities divested by the Housing Authority, and proposes that Mr SO be invited again to attend a meeting of this Panel. legco.gov.hk |
25 名分别來自庇理羅士女子中学、张祝珊英文中学、英基学校协会英皇佐治五世学校、喇沙书院及英华女学校的中学预科生和香港大学李嘉诚医学院医科生今天(5 月25 日)參加香港大学举办的「樂膳‧好师 与杰出学人对谈」活动,与1996 年諾贝尔生理学或医学奖得主彼得‧道荷堤教授(Professor Peter Charles Doherty)見面,一边共晋午膳,一边轻松交流。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | A group of 25 secondary school and university students, who come from Belilios Public School, Cheung Chuk Shan College, King George V School, La Salle College, Ying Wa Girls' School and The University of Hong Kong Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, joined the "Lunch with a Laureate" activity and had a dialogue with Professor Peter Charles Doherty, recipient of Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1996, over an informal lunch today (May 25, 2011). xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
阿克拉姆先生( [...] 巴基斯坦)( 以英语发言) :主席先生,今天我将仅就议程的通 过发表意见。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mr. Akram (Pakistan): Mr. President, I will [...] restrict mycomments todaysimply tothe adoption [...]of the agenda. daccess-ods.un.org |
以日常生活举例,某学生今次以一分之微夺得全班第一名,从统计学分析,他可能只是幸运,因为他的成绩与第二名的学生没有显着分别。 hkupop.hku.hk | They belong to different levels, each with its own logic and rationale. Take a real life example - if a student won the first position by only one mark's difference, from a statistical point of view, he is simply lucky, because there is no significant difference between his/her results and his/her peer in the second place. hkupop.hku.hk |
20 名分别來自拔萃女书院、皇仁书院、沙田官立中学及保良局庄启程预科书院的中学预科生和香港大学李嘉诚医学院一年级医科生今天(11 月23 日)參加香港大学举办的「樂膳‧好师 与諾贝尔学人对谈」活动,与2008 年諾贝尔生理学或医学奖得主弗朗索瓦丝‧巴尔-西諾西教授(Françoise Barré-Sinoussi)見面,一边共进午膳,一边轻松交流。 hku.hk | A group of 20 secondary school students, who come from Diocesan Girl's School, Queen's college, Sha Tin Government Secondary School and PLK Vicwood KT Chong Sixth Form Colleage, together with medical undergraduates from the University of Hong Kong Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine joined the "Lunch with a Nobel Laureate" activity and had a dialogue with Professor Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, recipient of 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine, over an informal lunch today (November 23, 2010). hku.hk |
2013年3月14日 ─ [...] 香港)康宏理财控股有限公司(「康宏」及其附属公司「集团」;股份编号:1019)今天宣布,正式委任内地资深经济学家杨晨先生为康宏中国首席经济学家,杨先生今後将代表康宏中国接受媒体访问,专责分析内地宏观经济及第三方理财的发展。 convoyfinancial.com | (Hong Kong, 14 Mar 2013) Convoy Financial Services Holdings Limited ("Convoy", and [...] together with its subsidiaries, "the [...] Group"; Stock code: 1019) today announced the [...]formal appointment of Mr. Bill Yang, a [...]senior economist in the Mainland, as the Chief Economist of Convoy China. convoyfinancial.com |
马克·莱尔·格兰特爵士(联合王国) ( 以英语发言):我谨感谢秘书长提出的报告 (S/2012/462),感谢副秘书长拉德苏先生以及费 多托夫先生今天上午所作的通报。 daccess-ods.un.org | Sir Mark Lyall Grant (United Kingdom): I would like to thank the Secretary-General for his report (S/2012/462) and Under-Secretary-General Ladsous and Mr. Fedotov for their briefings thismorning. daccess-ods.un.org |
对教科文名称的 使用经常有不符合相关规定的情况发生,今后要确保执行局和大会确定的有关名称使用的规 定得到遵守。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Frequently, the use of the name does not conform to prevailing rules. In future, compliance with the prevailing policyon the subject, as decided by the Executive Board and the General Conference, will need to be ensured. unesdoc.unesco.org |
自 2007 年 1 月 1 日起一直担任上海 合作组织秘书长一职的哈萨克斯坦共和国代表博拉 特·努尔加利耶夫先生今天上午晚些时候将在大会发 言。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mr. Bolat Nurgaliev, representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who has held the post of Secretary-General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization since 1 January 2007, will address the General Assembly later this morning. daccess-ods.un.org |
16位分别來自玛莉诺书院、嘉诺撤圣玛莉书院、沙田学院及西岛中学的预科生和4位香港大学文学院本科生今天(3 月11 日)參加香港大学举办的「樂膳‧好师 与杰出学人对谈」活动,与1999-2009年英国桂冠诗人安德鲁‧莫逊教授(Professor Sir Andrew Motion)見面,一边共进午膳,一边轻松交流。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | A group of 16 secondary school students from Maryknoll Convent School, St. Mary's Canossian College, Sha Tin College and West Island School, together with four undergraduates from the University's Faculty of Arts joined the "Lunch with a Laureate" activity and had a dialogue with Professor Sir Andrew Motion, British Poet Laureate from 1999 to 2009, over an informal lunch today (March 11, 2011). xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |