单词 | 今次 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 今次 adverb —this time adv
我們衷心感謝所有支持今次善舉 的人士,更向所有在地震中罹難及受傷的人士寄以 深切的同情。 asiasat.com | We are grateful to all who [...] supported this initiative and our deepest sympathy goes out to all the [...]people whose lives have [...]been affected by the disaster. asiasat.com |
筆者認為,政府今次能夠在引述民意調查後迅速發表有關調查的全部細節,是一種進步,對促進理性公民社會的發展踏出了重要一步。 hkupop.hku.hk | In the author's view, while the [...] government has released the details of the opinion poll after quoting it [...]in a timely manner, this [...]is a kind of advancement, as well as an important step towards the development of a rational civil society. hkupop.hku.hk |
今次發射 新衛星彰顯出我們對業務夥伴及投資者之長遠承諾,以及我們一直 以來對亞洲衛星行業的基本前景抱樂觀態度。 asiasat.com | The launch signals our long-term commitment to our partners and investors and our underlying optimism about the fundamentals of the Asian satellite industry. asiasat.com |
今次投資 正好以行動證明我們對澳門的經濟前景抱樂觀態度,加 [...] 大在本地市場的投資,藉此履行我們對港澳兩地社會之堅定承諾。 aia.com.hk | In addition to reflecting our optimism about Macau‟s [...] economic future, this investment [...]shows our strong commitment to Hong Kong and Macau,‟ Mr. Chan added. aia.com.hk |
今次這些 漂亮寶貝將首次來到亞洲,於Club Cubic嬌比載歌載舞,為觀眾帶來優雅奪目的匯演。 yp.mo | Performing in Asia for the first time, Bluebell Girls will stage at Club Cubic and bring audiences in Macau the most stunning and glamorous from Lido. yp.mo |
主席,我很希望我們的特區政府經過 今次 辯 論 之後,能仔細考慮一 下是否可以跟隨我剛才提出的例子,如英國、歐洲等地,設立一些真正 讓青年人有機會表達意見的地方,不要讓傳媒或其他人抹煞了他們的意 見,指所有青年人都是非常激進,只懂得破壞及罵人。 legco.gov.hk | President, I eagerly hope that after this debate, the SAR Government will carefully consider the possibility of developing platforms that provide genuine opportunities for young people to express views, as in the examples of the United Kingdom or Europe which I cited earlier on, so as not to allow the media or anyone else to rubbish their views by saying that young people are all very radical, who do nothing but causing destruction and scolding others. legco.gov.hk |
如果我們只說, 因為當局目標正確,一定要進行這些工作來達到這個目標,於是所作的 工作程序,我們沒法監察,也無須監察,或像劉江華議員剛才所指,一 旦監察,便會破壞工作高度的保密性,破壞工作的有效性,於是危害整 個社會安全;如果以這樣的心態 ⎯⎯ 我再強調一次 ⎯⎯ 以這樣的邏 輯、這樣的心態、這樣的立場來處事,那麼政 府 今次 要 求撥款8,000萬 元,明年是8億元,日後可能是18億元,我們也無須再問,因為還可以 問甚麼呢? legco.gov.hk | If we only say that because the Government's objectives are correct, and these objectives have to be achieved by carrying out this work, and therefore we cannot and need not monitor the process involved; or as pointed out by Mr LAU Kong-wah, once monitoring is carried out, the highly confidential nature and effectiveness of such work would be compromised, which would in turn jeopardize the security of the whole society; if this attitude is adopted ― I stress again ― if such logic, attitude or stance is adopted, there is no need for us to ask any question about the Government's funding proposal of $80 million this year, or $800 million next year or possibly $1.8 billion in the future, because there is nothing we can really ask. legco.gov.hk |
我認為,今次的教 訓令我們知道在屋邨管理和租務管理兩方面,都必須以人為本。 housingauthority.gov.hk | To my mind, the key lesson is that we need to adopt a people-oriented approach in estate and tenancy management. housingauthority.gov.hk |
科聯系統集團執行董事任景信先生表示:「對 於 今次 I P L 獲得『2011年度中國優秀軟件產品』的獎項,我們深感榮幸。 ipress.com.hk | Mr. Peter Yan, Executive Director of C&T Holdings commented, :We are proud and honored to have won the 2011 China Outstanding Software Product Award. ipress.com.hk |
为了提出《协定》合理化方式并分析其执行情况,一年举行两次常会和特别 会议:常设工作组(迄今 10 次会议 )、次区域制宪委员会(迄今举行了 45 次会议) 和每两年举行一次审查会议(迄今 7 次会议)。 daccess-ods.un.org | With a view to come up with modalities to streamline the Agreement as well as for the purpose of analysing its implementation, regular and extraordinary meetings are organized twice a year: standing work groups (10 meetings so far), subregional constitutional commissions (45 meetings held so far) and Review Conference events two years (7 conferences so far). daccess-ods.un.org |
今次為不 宜接受心臟移植的末期心臟衰竭患者置入人工心臟,目的是為病人提供永久治療,以延長病人生命及改善生活質素。 hksh.com | Usually used as Bridge-to-Transplantation (BTT) for patients waiting for a donor heart, this time LVAD is implanted in the patient for DT with an aim to prolong and improve his life. hksh.com |
正是這個原因,香港大學民意研究計劃早已決定, 在 今次 特 首 選舉期間,進行各式各樣的選舉調查,包括專題調查、滾動調查和選舉論壇即時調查。 hkupop.hku.hk | Because of this, the Public Opinion Programme at the University of Hong Kong has decided to conduct various election surveys including focus surveys, rolling surveys and election debate instant surveys during this CE election period. hkupop.hku.hk |
作為香港最具規模的保險公司之一,友邦香港榮獲之 兩大獎項,充分印證出公司對內專注建立一支專業至上的營業團隊,對外則致力為客戶提供優質 卓越的服務,體現出今次獎項 「追求卓越‧盡責承擔」的主題,獲得是次殊榮是業界高度認許的 見證。 aia.com.hk | As one of the leading insurers in Hong Kong, the Company truly exemplifies the theme of the awards, ‘Striving for Excellence and Fulfilling our Commitment’, thereby winning widespread industry recognition. aia.com.hk |
至於填海所得土地的 土地用途地帶區劃,並不是今次檢討是否符合凌駕性公 眾需要的對象。 devb.gov.hk | Land use zoning on the reclaimed land is not a subject matter to be reviewed for justifying the compliance of the overriding public need test. devb.gov.hk |
今次活动 筹得的款项将捐给协助北韩难民的组织,为南韩和中国境内的难 [...] 民儿童提供食物、居所和教育,旨在投资在新一代上,希望他们长大后帮助北韩同 胞。 ccineurope.org | The funds raised in this activity will [...] be donated to organisation helping North Korean refugees, as food for the refugee [...]children in China and South Korea, and for accommodation and education, with a view that in investing in this new generation, there is a hope that they in turn will help the North Korean compatriots when they grow up. ccineurope.org |
去年於雅典奧運馬術比賽奪金的Nicolas Touzaint因其參賽馬匹受傷而被迫退出賽事 , 今次 部 長 的到訪正為法國馬術選手及馬術聯會帶來深刻的支持與注目。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | She also shared her grief over the forfeit of Nicolas Touzaint, medal winner in Athens, whose horse has been injured during a training session. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
繼早前憑著Swirl 2.0突出的趣味設計而人所共知後, 今次 則 由 原點出發,推出一款強調專業音質的DJ Headphone TMA-1。 think-silly.com | Following Swirl 2.0, which successfully attracted overwhelming interest, DJ Headphone TMA-1 is the company’s next offering. think-silly.com |
若你的Mac電腦安裝了上述的保安軟件,你就可以避 過 今次 的 感 染了。 hkcert.org | You are immune of this malware infection if you have installed the above mentioned security products on your Mac. hkcert.org |
基 於 我 們 會 在 今 次 有 關 逮 捕 問 題 的 研 究 中 討 論 警 方 行 政 保 釋 的 問 題,所 以 並 沒 有 在 我 們 較 早 的 保 釋 問 題 研 究 報 告 書 中 討 論 這 個 問 題 。 hkreform.gov.hk | Police operational bail was not considered in our earlier Report on Bail on the basis that we would examine this in the current reference on Arrest. hkreform.gov.hk |
來港出席展覽開幕的現任牛津大學校長Andrew Hamilton表示,十九世紀時的主編詹姆斯默里埋首編撰第一本《牛津英語詞典》,訂製了五千個文件格放置於繕寫室內,用以收集由不同編輯及民間讀者提供的英語文本資料 ; 今次 的 展 覽場地中,便有一處模仿這個場景搭建。 think-silly.com | In the 19th century, ‘Oxford English Dictionary’ first edition editor James A. H. Murray ordered five thousands drawers for his studies, in order to arrange the huge amount of information collected from editors and readers. think-silly.com |
我們也深信私營機構必定有 興趣參加這項發展計劃,因為政府 今次 會 以商業計劃的方式批出這項 工程,並會提供足夠的彈性給予他們制訂務實可行的發展方案。 devb.gov.hk | We are confident that the private sector will be interested in the project if it is offered as a commercial package that provides enough flexibility to produce a workable scheme. devb.gov.hk |
新一輯的Voices of Youth (VOY) 將於7月1日首播,今次我們 有幸得到香港電台轄下青年網上平台TeenPower的全力支持,與UNICEF一起打造青年發聲平台。 voy.unicef.org.hk | With the full support of TeenPower, a youth online radio of RTHK, the new series of UNICEF Voices of Youth was successfully launched on 1st July. voy.unicef.org.hk |
今次表演 不單是一個 當旋律與節奏遇上靜止與活動元素所產生的音樂探索,同時亦提升 展覽作品裡從行為轉為思想中所體現的雙重性質。 osagegallery.com | This musical exploration of the [...] friction between performative and still elements [...]in melody and rhythm, through a theatrical [...]and vigorous interpretation of sound, amplifies the artworks’ dualistic nature of the transmission from action into thought. osagegallery.com |
今次音樂 會將分為「毀滅」及「夢幻」兩部份,以世界末日以及末日後重生這沉重的主題,讓人們反思生命、地球、宇宙萬物以及自身的存在價值,更讓樂迷知道Evade的音樂不僅出色,更意味深長。 yp.mo | Evade use their meaningful and magnificent songs to question life, the earth, the universe and the values of its living creatures along with their fans. yp.mo |
今次展覽 以少量機板與零件樣品,加上製作精美的產品目錄,搭配柏青哥(Pachinko)、柏青斯洛(Pachinslot)產品海報的張貼,在現場的推廣宣傳,獲得當地客戶熱烈的迴響。 taiwanslot.com.tw | At this year’s show, the [...] company displayed a small number of mainboards and parts samples and promoted its products with [...]well-designed product catalogues and wall-mounted posters of Pachinko and Pachinslot products. taiwanslot.com.tw |
今次「LeCreuset Baby」系列有可愛的粉紅及粉藍兩色,由可以用來煮粥及糊仔的16 [...] 厘米堅韌防黏系列牛奶鍋、16 厘米圓型鑄鐵鍋,到上桌用的、造型別緻的小湯碗、小熊碗連長方形托盤,全部均易於清洗及保養,幫爸爸媽媽節省不少時間之外,又能吸引小朋友進食。 daydaycook.com | The new “Le Creuset Baby” [...] collection includes the Round French Oven 16cm (1.3L) and TNS Milkpan 16cm (1.6L) which are suitable [...]to make porridges and baby foods; Baby Soup Bowl 250ml, Bear Ramekin 80ml with Rectangular Plate. daydaycook.com |
SLS AMG的優雅線條與AMG的極致動力調校, 今次 的 開 篷版上依舊表現得淋漓盡致,而不變的,是難掩的稀有與尊貴品味;為了配合軟式頂篷設計,平治全面加強車體鋼材運用,讓SLS AMG Roadster擁有完美的車體剛性與駕馭安全。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | In addition to a high level of occupant comfort, the key factor for driving pleasure in the new SLS AMG Roadster is of course the outstanding performance. The basis for this is the innovative body design: the chassis and body are of aluminium, a design combining intelligent lightweight construction with high strength. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
今次VOY還 特意泡製這個全新的VOY 網站,配合V-VOTE投票站、「童‧權」監察站及小城「諸」事信箱的互動功能,讓收聽節目的您能參與及發言!快啲行動,成為VOY 一份子,讓VOY能真真正正代表香港的青年人 voy.unicef.org.hk | In addition to our new series of radio programmes, we have also launched the brand-new VOY website with newly-added interactive features like the V-Vote, VOY Inspectors, and the All Mailbox etc. ACT NOW and join the VOY family! voy.unicef.org.hk |