单词 | 今晨 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 今晨 —this morningSee also:晨 n—morning n 晨—dawn • daybreak
鮑磊議員問(譯文):副主席先生,土㆞發展公司已完成㆖環街市的重建工程, 而 今晨 由總 督主持揭幕儀式,我先在此向該公司致賀。 legco.gov.hk | MR MARTIN BARROW: Mr Deputy President, may I first of all [...] congratulate the LDC on the redevelopment of the Western Market which was opened by His [...] Excellency the Governor this morning. legco.gov.hk |
今 晨 對伊拉克進 行 的 58 秒 攻擊, 破 壞 了過 去 58 年 來世界各國 [...] 透 過聯合國 維 護 和平的 努 力 。 legco.gov.hk | With the attack of 58 [...] seconds on Iraq this morning, it destroyed the [...]hard efforts of the last 58 years by all the nations [...]in the world through the United Nations to preserve peace. legco.gov.hk |
布殊總統今晨 說,美 國 參 戰 是 為 了 帶 來世界和平及 除 去侯 賽 因,而不是 [...] 為 了 任 何秘而不宣的目 的。 legco.gov.hk | President BUSH this morning spoke that the United [...] States entered into the war to give peace to the world and to get rid [...]of Saddam HUSSEIN, and not for any other private agenda. legco.gov.hk |
我们今晨的齐聚是为了共同悼念在近期的青海大地震中罹难的2000位中国人民。 embassyusa.cn | We gather this morning to remember the [...] lives of more than 2,000 people who perished in the recent earthquake in Qinghai. eng.embassyusa.cn |
我發覺今晨有些㆟形容我過於謹慎,甚至可說 是過錯;有些㆟(那些經常以言過其實為㆟熟知的㆟)則形容我為魯莽行事。 legco.gov.hk | I notice that this morning some have described [...] me as too cautious, cautious to a fault; others have described me — others [...]who are not unknown for their rhetorical excesses from time to time — as being reckless. legco.gov.hk |
生署署長已於今晨六時向所有 E 座居民發信,通知他們這次 隔離措施的詳細情況。 legco.gov.hk | The Director of Health has issued letters to all units in Block E informing residents therein of the details of the isolation measure at around 6 a.m. today. legco.gov.hk |
但我亦相信他們所渴求的更多民主是他們相信會行之 久遠,而他們不少㆟,正如我從今晨 出 席 的電話答間節目所知,將更多民主界定為 [...] 與本港㆒九九七年之後的小憲法(即基本法)相符的民主發展。 legco.gov.hk | But I also think that they want more democracy which they believe will last and many of them, as I [...] know from a phone-in programme that I [...] took part in this morning, define that as [...]democratic developments which are consistent [...]with Hong Kong's mini constitution after 1997, that is, the Basic Law. legco.gov.hk |
截至今晨,死亡人数已升至 763 人。 daccess-ods.un.org | By this morning, the number of [...] those killed had risen to 763. daccess-ods.un.org |
環境保護署署長羅樂秉在今晨接受 香 港電台英文台訪問時,我親耳聽到他居然把今天香港空氣質素嚴重低落,其 [...] 中一個原因是歸咎於 95 年的前立法局沒有支持政府的提案,禁用柴油。 legco.gov.hk | This morning, when I listened to the [...] English channel of the Radio Television Hong Kong, I heard the Director of Environmental [...]Protection, Mr R. LAW, said in an interview that the appalling air quality in Hong Kong should partly be attributed to the fact that the then Legislative Council had not supported the proposal put forward by the Government in 1995 to ban the use of diesel fuel. legco.gov.hk |
Blackstone [...] 主席、首席执行官兼联合创办人 Steve Schwarzman 于今晨在费 城大学城科学中心召开的通告上发表了主题演讲。 china.blackstone.com | Blackstone Chairman, CEO and Co-Founder Steve Schwarzman delivered the keynote [...] address at this morning’s announcement, [...]which took place at the University City [...]Science Center in Philadelphia. blackstone.com |
洛杉矶(2012年11月27日)-非营利性艺术组织,独立电影协会 于 今晨 公 布 了2013年电影独立精神奖提名名单,该协会发起举办了电影独立精神奖、洛杉矶国际电影节以及洛杉矶艺术博物馆(LACMA)独立电影展。 piaget.com.cn | LOS ANGELES (November 27, 2012) – Film Independent, the nonprofit arts organization that produces the Film Independent Spirit Awards, the Los Angeles Film Festival and the Film Independent at LACMA Film Series, announced nominations for the 2013 Film Independent Spirit Awards this morning. piaget.com |
例子: [...] 「因為彼得想吹口哨所以不開心」或「 今晨,我在窗口看到巴士的倒影」。 countdowntokindergarten.com | Examples: “Peter is sad because he wants to whistle,” or “I saw the reflection of [...] the bus in the window this morning! countdowntokindergarten.com |
鑑於過去數天淘大花園 E 座居民感 [...] 染嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合症的人數大幅上升, 生署署長已下令由今晨(3 月 31 日)六時起把該座大廈隔離 [...]10 天,以防止疾病蔓延。 legco.gov.hk | In view of the continued steep rise in the number of cases of infection in Block E of Amoy Garden in the past few days, the Director of Health has ordered the building [...] to be isolated for a period of 10 days starting [...] from 6 am this morning (31 March) to [...]prevent the spread of the disease. legco.gov.hk |
由几艘船只和来自 32 个国家的共约 600 [...] 人组成 的、向贫困的加沙运送人道主义援助的多国民用船队 今天凌晨遭到非法伏击。 daccess-ods.un.org | The multinational civilian flotilla, composed of a few ships and a total of [...] around 600 people from 32 countries carrying humanitarian aid to impoverished [...] Gaza, was unlawfully ambushed early today. daccess-ods.un.org |
我大约于今天清晨5.30分 起床,且必须确保我有足够的时间用餐以及准备今天潜水所需的完整配备。 oris.ch | This morning I got up at around 5.30 am [...] to make sure I had time to eat and get my equipment organised for today’s dive. oris.ch |
伊索兹-恩贡代特先生(加蓬)(以法语发言):我 愿首先就中国今天早晨发生 的地震向中国代表团转 达诚挚的慰问。 daccess-ods.un.org | (Gabon) ( spoke in French): I wish first [...] of all to convey sincere condolences to the Chinese delegation regarding the [...] earthquake that struck China this morning. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,我第一個步驟是會在今天凌晨 12 時才暫停會議,請各位委員有 心理準備。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, the first step that I shall take is to suspend the meeting at midnight. legco.gov.hk |
不用說,這與昨晚精 [...] 彩刺激的世界杯賽事有關;但更重要的是,不同黨派的議員, 在 今 早 的 凌 晨 時 分 ,仍在進 行游說。 legco.gov.hk | No doubt this has somewhat to do with the very exciting World Cup [...] matches last night, but more importantly, lobbying from the different sides which [...] extended into the small hours this morning. legco.gov.hk |
及至今日凌晨,政府在預計無法得到立法會通過條例草案之後,終於宣佈擱置立法。 hkupop.hku.hk | Until the early hours of today, after anticipating [...] the amended bill would not be passed in the Legislative Council, the [...]government finally announced the deferral of the legislation. hkupop.hku.hk |
涂謹申議員:主席,我首先要申報利益,我 在 今 天 凌 晨 1 時 ,突然成為 了一位藝術家陳維明的義務律師,他在今早9時 [...] 45分已經被遣送離境。 legco.gov.hk | At 1 am today, I suddenly became a volunteer [...] lawyer for the artist CHEN Weiming, but he was removed from the territory at 9.45 this morning. legco.gov.hk |
作为援助的第一步,中国国际救援队 60 余人 已经携带专业设备,乘专机今天早晨 离 开 北京,预计 今晚抵达海地开展救援工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | As an initial step in our assistance, a Chinese international [...] rescue team of more than 60 [...] members departed Beijing this morning in a special aeroplane and with [...]specialized equipment. daccess-ods.un.org |
今天的凌晨甚 至再次把為我們製造民主女神像的藝術家遣送離境,拒絕讓他來港探 訪。 legco.gov.hk | In the early hours of today, the artist who created [...] this goddess of democracy statue was repatriated once again, refused [...]entry to Hong Kong for a visit. legco.gov.hk |
今天早晨我会 晤了“四方”机制伙伴,我们将继 续一同努力,协助双方开辟前进的道路。 daccess-ods.un.org | Together with my Quartet partners, with [...] whom I met this morning, we will remain [...]engaged to assist the parties in forging a way ahead. daccess-ods.un.org |
4 月 23 日星期四凌晨 3 时 30 分许,该机离开阿斯马拉机场直飞摩加迪沙 K50 简易机场。 daccess-ods.un.org | On Thursday 23 April at approximately 3.30 a.m., the aircraft left Asmara airport and flew directly to Mogadishu, K50 airstrip. daccess-ods.un.org |
这起事件发生 在凌晨 5 时的高速公路上,造成了混乱的 局面,政府 正 在 请 检 查官办公室 查 清 事实。 daccess-ods.un.org | The events having occurred at 5 a.m. on a highway created a confusing situation and the Government is asking the Prosecutor’s Office to establish the facts. daccess-ods.un.org |
今早凌晨㆒時 左右,我嘗試撥這兩個電話號碼,先撥 27551122, 得到的是電話錄音,說若有甚麼問題就在電話㆗說出來,若有甚麼緊急的事,就致電 社會福署的熱線電話,或者報警,但社會福利署的電話就是同㆒單張內的電話號碼 (23432255)。 legco.gov.hk | I dialled 27551122 first and got a telephone recording saying that I could relate my problems on the telephone and that I could call the hot-line of the Social Welfare Department or the police in case of emergency. legco.gov.hk |
韩女士说一天早晨一起 床,就发现她女儿发烧而且身上出现了好多斑点。 unicef.org | Ms. Han said she [...] woke up one morning to find her [...]daughter with a fever and covered with spots. unicef.org |
國 泰 航 空 貨 運 董 事 兼 總 經 理 孟 天 宋 表 示 : 「 國 泰 航 空 自 2004 年 開 辦 慕 尼 黑 的 貨 運 航 班 後 , 一 直 致 力 擴 展 貨 運 網 絡 , 繼 2005 年 增 加 上 海 、 達 拉 斯 及 亞 特 蘭 大 新 航 點 後 , 於 今 年 五 月 加 開 晨 奈 的 貨 運 服 務 , 現 再 增 添 斯 德 哥 爾 摩 及 多 倫 多 兩 個 新 航 點 。 swirepacific.com | Cathay Pacific Director & General Manager Cargo Ron Mathison said: "The addition of Stockholm and Toronto continues our sustained network expansion which started with Munich in 2004, then Shanghai, Dallas and Atlanta in 2005, and last month Chennai. swirepacific.com |
條例草案的目的,是為按照《香港中文大學條例》(第 1109 [...] 章)(“主 體條例”)第 3(1)條,宣布晨興書 院及善衡書院為香港中文大學(“中大”) [...] 的成員書院,以及就對主體條例及《防止賄賂(教育院校轄下團體及其成員 列為例外)公告》(第 201 [...]章,附屬法例 B)所作的相應及相關修訂而訂定 條文。 legco.gov.hk | The purposes of this Bill are [...] to declare Morningside College and [...]S. H. Ho College as constituent colleges of The Chinese [...]University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in accordance with section 3(1) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance (Cap. 1109) and to provide for consequential and related amendments to the principal Ordinance and the Prevention of Bribery (Exclusion of Bodies and Members of Bodies of Educational Institutions) Notice (Cap. 201 sub. leg. B). legco.gov.hk |
條例草案的目的,是為按照《香港中文大學條例》(第 1109 章)(主 體條例第 3(1)條),宣布晨興書院及善衡書院為中大的成員書院,以及就對 主體條例及《防止賄賂(教育學院轄下團體及其成員列為例外)公告》(第 201 章,附屬法例 B)所作的相應及相關修訂訂定條文。 legco.gov.hk | The objective of the Bill is to declare the Morningside College and the S.H. Ho College as Constituent Colleges of CUHK, and to enact consequential and relevant provisions in the light of the principal Ordinance and the Prevention of Bribery (Exclusion of Bodies and Members of Bodies of Educational Institutions) Notice (Cap. 201, subsidiary legislation B). legco.gov.hk |