单词 | 今晚 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 今晚 —tonight今晚 adverb —this evening advSee also:晚 n—evening n • night n 晚 adj—late adj
總而言之,捱過了今 晚,政 制事務局局長也許是可以保住烏紗,否則的話,我相信會是鬧出很大 [...] 的事情。 legco.gov.hk | In a word, after this evening's toiling, the Secretary [...] for Constitutional Affairs may be able to retain his office, otherwise, [...]I believe something significant will happen. legco.gov.hk |
我不知道徐先生和易先生今晚有沒 有看電視,如果他們看了, 我相信他們不會再罵我,因為我最後也有機會在全港市民面前說出這些 [...] 事件。 legco.gov.hk | I do not know if Mr TSUI and Mr YICK are [...] watching television tonight, and if they are, [...]I am sure they will not scold me any more, [...]for at last I have a chance to speak on these events before all the people of Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
我们要求有原则地解决加沙局势,我 们 今晚 通过 的决议实际上为我们提供了这样做的基础。 daccess-ods.un.org | We require principled resolution [...] of the situation in Gaza, and the resolution that we [...] have adopted tonight in fact gives [...]us a basis on which to do this. daccess-ods.un.org |
我还要欢迎所有其他今晚前来 的外交部、商务部、教育部、民政部、民航事务、中国国际贸易促进委员会的杰出中国官员和地方政府官员。 embassyusa.cn | I also want to welcome all the other distinguished Chinese officials [...] joining us here tonight from the Ministry [...]of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Commerce, [...]the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Civil Aviation Affairs, the China Council for Promotion of International Trade and the local government officials. eng.embassyusa.cn |
我们正打算今晚现场 使用具有新条码生成设施的新互联网。 tec-it.com | We are planning to go live tonight with a new internet [...] which will have the new barcode generation facility. tec-it.com |
今晚高层 大气研究卫星重返地球大气层的情况与我们在Aerospace准备的模型是一致的。 tipschina.gov.cn | The reentry of UARS this evening is consistent with [...] the modeling we prepared at Aerospace," Ailor added. tipschina.gov.cn |
Q4] 下面的因素對你參與今晚的燭 光晚會有多重要? hkupop.hku.hk | Q4] How important the following factors are in bringing you [...] to the candlelight vigil tonight? hkupop.hku.hk |
Q4] 今晚既辯論有無令你整體上更加支持或者反對政府提出既政改方案? hkupop.hku.hk | Q4] Has tonight's debate changed [...] your degree of support or opposition towards the government's political reform package in general? hkupop.hku.hk |
在今晚的颁 奖典礼上还宣布了首批获得电影协会-亚太电影奖学会电影基金的名单(MPA APSA [...] Academy Film Fund)。 china.embassy.gov.au | Also announced at this evening’s ceremony were the [...] first grants to be offered by the MPA APSA Academy Film Fund, a new initiative [...]of the Asia Pacific Screen Awards (APSA) and the Motion Picture Association (MPA) which is available exclusively to APSA Academy members. china.embassy.gov.au |
我们向安理会及其成员表示感谢,我们尤其要感 谢联合王国外交大臣阁下、联合王国政府以及外交大 [...] 臣领导的代表团,他们从一开始就与我们一道开展了 不懈的真诚努力,他们的提案构成了我 们 今晚 所 通过 决议的基础。 daccess-ods.un.org | In thanking the Council and its members, we would particularly like to thank His Excellency the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom and Government and delegation, who worked tirelessly and sincerely with us from the very [...] beginning and provided a proposal that constituted the basis on which we reached the [...] resolution that we have adopted tonight. daccess-ods.un.org |
请看看澳大利亚今晚时事 电视节目的视频报告。 foss.cn | See a video report shown on [...] the Australian Today Tonight current affairs [...]TV programme. foss.nl |
我们将把这三份非正式文件中所 载的第 5、第 6 和第 7 [...] 组的剩余项目汇总成为一份文 件,并将在今晚刊登 在“QuickFirst”网页上。 daccess-ods.un.org | We will merge the remaining items from [...] clusters 5, 6 and 7 contained in the three informal papers into a single paper, which will [...] be available on QuickFirst tonight. daccess-ods.un.org |
截至今晚9時,內地共確診127宗人類感染甲型禽流感(H7N9)病毒的個案,其中,浙江46宗,上海有33宗個案,江蘇27宗,安徽四宗,河南四宗,江西五宗,福建三宗,山東兩宗,北京一宗及湖南兩宗。 news.gov.hk | As of 9pm today, a total of 127 cases [...] have been laboratory confirmed with avian influenza A(H7N9) on the Mainland, which [...]included Zhejiang (46 cases), Shanghai (33 cases), Jiangsu (27 cases), Anhui (four cases), Henan (four cases), Jiangxi (five cases), Fujian (three cases), Shandong (two cases), Beijing (one case) and Hunan (two cases). news.gov.hk |
今晚的发 布之后,限量的1800瓶将在全国的高端贩酒店销售。 ba-repsasia.com | Following tonight’s launch, the limited [...] edition run of 1800 bottles will be available to purchase in high-end liquor stores across the country. ba-repsasia.com |
今晚,本 会将向张泗川名誉会长、林继民名誉会长、黄祖耀名誉会长、陈共存名誉会长、陈永裕名誉会长、郑民川名誉会长和郭令裕前任会长颁赠褒扬奖,以赞扬他们在不同的年代,深谋远虑、鞠躬尽粹,为总商会的日常运作和蓬勃发展奠定了坚实的基础。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | Tonight, our Chamber will [...] be presenting meritorious awards to our honorary presidents and immediate past president, to pay [...]tribute to their outstanding leadership, wisdom and foresight in laying the firm foundations of the Chamber throughout the different generations. english.sccci.org.sg |
今晚我和 好友Scarlet,又來到這間提供美味生蠔的心水餐廳。 daydaycook.com | Tonight I went to my favorite [...] oyster restaurant, Fridge, with my good friend Scarlet. daydaycook.com |
我们何其荣幸,能够在今晚听到 一些人说他们已经打开心门接受主,多麽美好!我们要帮助他们继续行走在主的道上,需要极大的智慧。 amccsm.org | What a wonderful privilege we have and how wonderful to hear [...] some who said tonight that they have [...]opened their hearts to receive the Lord. amccsm.org |
身为如美家会员,您可以在我们搭档那里享有特价,无论您是 为 今晚 寻 找 一瓶好酒,为今天租一辆车,为这个星期安排洗衣服务或者为这个月安排语言课程。 roomorama.cn | As a Roomorama member, you’re privy to special rates with [...] our partners, whether you want a bottle [...] of wine for the evening, a car for the day, [...]laundry service for the week or language classes for the whole month. roomorama.com |
今晚是我 在基督城的最后一晚,第二天就去Motueka(一个我不知道怎么样的城镇)。 4tern.com | Tomorrow, I will leave to Motueka, which I have no idea, how is the place going to be. 4tern.com |
今天是登記投票的最後一天,要投票卻還沒有登記的民眾,還可以透過加州州務卿的網站, 在 今晚 午 夜 之前登記。 ktsf.com | Voters have up till midnight to register online. ktsf.com |
展覽之開幕典禮於今晚(12月11日)成功舉行,出席嘉賓包括香港特別行政區政務司司長林鄭月娥女士, [...] GBS, JP、西九文化區管理局行政總裁連納智先生, CBE, AM、匯豐私人銀行私人匯財策劃環球主管環球私人銀行北亞區行政總裁韋浩廉先生、香港藝術中心名譽主席及藝術節目委員會主席包陪麗女士, [...] BBS、香港藝術中心監督團主席梁國輝先生、The FRIENDS of the Hong Kong Arts Centre主席李徐子淇女士、客席策展人陳維德先生、香港藝術中心總幹事林淑儀女士,及部份參與是次展覽的藝術家/代表:N‧S‧哈夏先生、劉建華先生、阿迪提亞‧諾瓦里先生、「垂直潛水艇」創團成員許文綺小姐、草間彌生代表日本東京大田藝廊總監高倉功高倉功先生、吳鋌灝先生。 hkac.org.hk | Mrs. Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, GBS, [...] JP, The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr. Michael Lynch, CBE, AM, Chief Executive [...]Officer, West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, Mr. Bernard Rennell, CEO North Asia, Global Private Banking, Global Head, Private Wealth Solutions, HSBC Private Bank, Ms. Cissy Pao Pui Lai, BBS, Honorary President and Chairman, Arts Programme Committee, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Mr. Nelson Leong, Chairman, Board of Governors, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Mrs. Cathy Lee, Chairperson, The FRIENDS of the Hong Kong Arts Centre, Guest Curator Mr. Eugene Tan, Ms. Connie Lam, Executive Director, Hong Kong Arts Centre, as well as some of the participating artists Mr. NS Harsha, Mr. Liu Jianhua, Mr. Aditya Novali, Ms. Fiona Koh of Vertical Submarine, Representative of Ms. Yayoi Kusama Mr. Isao Takakura, Chief Director of Kusama Studio and Mr. Roy Ng Ting-ho. hkac.org.hk |
最新的系列今晚在纽 约发布。1800 Tequila与SPIN合作举办发布会,最近出现在杂志封面的Wavves将特别演出。 ba-repsasia.com | The latest [...] series will launch tonight in New York City. [...]1800 Tequila has partnered with SPIN on the launch that will feature [...]a special performance by Wavves, who recently appeared on the magazine’s cover. ba-repsasia.com |
他的歌曲《活得精彩》、《永远有多远》、《我们拥 有 今晚 》 和 《如果明天不再来》都已成为经典作品。 fao.org | His songs "Life is a rollercoaster", "When you say nothing at [...] all", "We've got tonight" and "If tomorrow [...]never comes" have become classics. fao.org |
我则是非常勤劳的一个,每晚煮的饭菜都 是 今晚 和 明天午餐的分量。 4tern.com | As for me, I was a bit hardworking. The portion I cooked, was [...] just nice for tonight dinner and tomorrow lunch. 4tern.com |
美國太空總署 (NASA) 今晚的成 功應該成為一個提醒,美國的卓越和傻秀─不只在太空,也在地球上─取決我們對那些像好奇號般能製造勝利的喜悅的領域持續的奉獻。 chenforcongress.com | NASA’s success tonight should serve as [...] a reminder that American preeminence and excellence – not just in space, but here [...]on Earth – depends on our continued dedication to the fields that make moments of triumph like Curiosity possible. chenforcongress.com |
任由家人或朋友宣揚酗酒吸毒的過癮之處(例如說: 「 今晚 真 痛快 - 我真的喝醉了」或 「這個派對好玩極了 [...] - 我們簡直飄飄欲仙」)或向他(她)提供吸毒/酗酒所需的金錢, 變相鼓勵他(她)繼續沉淪。 psychosissucks.ca | Don’t let the family or friends encourage drinking or drug taking by [...] making these behaviours sound good, (e.g., “Boy, [...] I had a great night - got really wrecked” [...]or “Had a great party - we all got [...]stoned”) or by supplying the money needed for drugs/ alcohol. psychosissucks.ca |
她如此接近,并且还没爆发:埃德温娜-亚历山大第三次止步夺冠戛纳GCT, 因为今晚有两个男人都比她更快:世界第一的瑞典的罗尔夫· 戈兰·本特松, 以及勤劳的荷兰人杰赫科·施罗德,他为自己在与伦敦Eurocommerce全球冠军巡回赛的第二名的成绩感到高兴。 luxe-immo.com | She was so close, and yet it did not work out: Edwina Tops-Alexander was prevented from winning the GCT of Cannes for the third time in a row by two men who were both faster than her tonight: the world's n°1, Swedish Rolf-Goran Bengtsson and the hardworking Dutchman Gerco Schröder, who is happy about his second victory in the Global Champions Tour with Eurocommerce London. luxe-immo.com |
如果还有人对美国是否凡事都有可能存疑,还有人怀疑美国奠基者的梦想在我们所处的时代是否依然鲜活,还有人质疑我们的民主制度的力量,那 么 今晚 , 这 些问题都有了答案。 englishok.com.cn | If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if [...] the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of [...] our democracy, tonight is your answer. englishok.com.cn |
本年度港樂「社群和諧」籌款音樂會邀請香港特別行政區 民政事局常任秘書長楊立門先生JP 擔任主禮嘉賓,同時更粉墨登場作壓軸演出;演唱流行歌曲《你的名字,我的姓氏》, 為 今晚 的 音 樂會畫上完美句號。 hkphil.org | Permanent Secretary for Home Affairs Bureau, Raymond Young Lap-moon JP. hkphil.org |