

单词 今文经



former Han dynasty school of Confucian scholars

See also:



External sources (not reviewed)

一位发言者代表 15 个代表团发言,强调应总结坦桑尼亚联合共和国共同国 家方文件和今后共同国家方文件 的 经 验 教 训。
One speaker, intervening on behalf of
15 delegations, emphasized
[...] the importance of developing a lessons learned exercise regarding the [...]
CCPD for the United Republic of Tanzania and future CCPD.
经讨论后,会议上之处,文件可 作为资 文 件 提 交 今 后 的 一次会议。
After discussion, it was stated that the document could be submitted to a future meeting as an information document.
今文明世 界共享的人类价值和道德规范来自联合国的抱负 经 验 ,以及作 为本区域我们人民共同点的伟大的伊斯兰教诲。
The shared human values and ethics of today’s civilized world, which are derived from the aspirations [...]
and the experience
of the United Nations as well as the great teachings of Islam as the common ground of our people in the region, make us wary of the atrocities happening in Bahrain.
秘书处随时准备 好继续支经社会今后采 取步骤促进整个亚太区域的包容性可持续发展。
The secretariat stood ready to continue supporting the Commission in future steps to promote inclusive and sustainable development across the region.
所以该 代表团建议通过当前文本并在今后 得 到新数据的情况下重新考虑这个问题。
The Delegation therefore suggested
[...] to adopt the current text and to reconsider this [...]
question in the future if new data became available.
应提高透明度,常规武器贸易不应该受到“限制”;同时,必须建立必要的 保障办法,以防今后的国际文书的 要素和范围由于政治、商业 经 济 原 因而被 错加利用或者受到操纵。
Transparency should be fostered and the trade in conventional arms should not be “restricted”; at the same time, the necessary safeguards should be put in place in order to prevent the
parameters and scope of any future
[...] international instrument from being misused and manipulated for political, commercial or economic reasons.
今为止已经出现了无 数阐述在 TRIPS 下可供利用的选择方案的书籍文章 。 11 在文中我 们将选择叙述其中某 些部分,并讨论它们对我们为大多数发展中国家推荐的亲竞争专利制度的适用性。
Numerous books and texts detailing the range of options available under TRIPS have been produced.11 In the following paragraphs we describe some of these options and consider their relevance to the type of procompetitive patent regime that we recommend for the majority of developing countries.
经讨论后,执行委员会决定核准在巴西聚氨酸泡沫塑料制造业中将甲酸甲酯确认为 一种发泡剂的试验项目(第一阶段),总费用为 401,500 美元,外加开发计划署的机构支 助费用 30,113 美元,同时指出,该项目符合第 55/43(e)号决定,其目的是在全球传 经过 确 认的在硬质聚氨酯整皮泡沫塑料用途中使用的甲酸甲酯技术,且有一项谅解,即:该项 目是关于甲酸甲酯在硬质聚氨酯整皮泡沫塑料制造中的应用的最后确认项目,且核准该项 目不妨碍执行委员会审今后为 该项目第二阶段提出的供资申请。
Following a discussion, the Executive Committee decided to approve the pilot project for validation of methyl formate as a blowing agent in the manufacture of polyurethane foam (phase I) in Brazil at a total cost of US $401,500 plus agency support costs of US $30,113 for UNDP, noting that the project was consistent with decision 55/43(e) and that it had been designed to disseminate the results from the validation of methyl formate technology in rigid and integral skin polyurethane foam applications globally, and on the understanding that the project would be the final validation project for methyl formate in the manufacture of rigid and integral skin polyurethane foams, and that approval of the project was without prejudice to consideration of the future funding request for phase II of the project by the Executive Committee.
基础科学与工程科学、科学政策与保 文 化 :在 当 今 复 杂 的社会中,基础科学和工程 科学与完善的科学政策和保养文化一样,是实现可持续发展的关键支柱。
Basic and engineering sciences, science
[...] policies and a culture of maintenance: in the complex societies of today, basic and engineering [...]
sciences are an essential
pillar for the attainment of sustainable development as are sound science policies and a culture of maintenance.
经文的传 播数量日益增加,各宗教之间彼此极为宽容,不同宗教徒和谐共 处。
Religious texts are circulated in [...]
increasing numbers and there is a strong tolerance among the various religions with people
of different religions living in harmony.
此外,如文第 2 段所述,根据大会第 63/266 号 决议,秘书长已在他的报告中列入 2010-2011 两年期特别政治任务预算 总额的预测数据,他估计可能高达约 1 148 739 700 美元,比 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预算中的特别政治任 经 费 多出 319 811 300 美元(见 A/64/349,第 78 段和附件三)。
Furthermore, as noted in paragraph 2 above, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 63/266, the Secretary-General has included in his report a projection of the total budget for special political missions for the biennium 2010–2011, which he estimates could amount to some $1,148,739,700, or $319,811,300 more than the provision for special political missions in the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 (see A/64/349, para. 78 and annex III).
我也感谢秘书长潘文今天在 此出席会议并发 言,并感谢建设和平委员会主席和世界银行代表萨 [...]
I also convey my thanks to Secretary-General Ban
[...] Ki-moon for being here today and for his statement, [...]
as well as to the Chairperson
of the Peace Building Commission and Ms. Sarah Cliffe, representative from the World Bank, for their reports on their respective areas of responsibility.
本摘要概述了文件“透明度和问责制:2002-2009 年提交《不扩散条约》报 告的情况”的内容,文件汇编了 今 提 交 的报告,介绍了各国承诺提交报告的 背景,说明就报告的适当范围和格式不断进行的讨论,概述所提交报告的内容, 并提出有关建议,说明可如何改进报告,从而更好地实施问责制原则,强调该原 [...]
则是 1995 年无限期延长《条约》的一部分。
This summary provides an
[...] overview of the paper entitled “Transparency and accountability: NPT reporting 2002-2009”, which compiles the reporting to date, provides background [...]
to the reporting
commitment, reviews the continuing discussion of the appropriate scope and format of reports, broadly surveys the content of reports submitted and recommends ways in which reporting can be strengthened and thus better meet the principle of accountability that was emphasized as part of the 1995 indefinite extension of the Treaty.
鼓励会员国在实质性会议开始前尽早向 委员会提交其国家工文件,以便于 今 后 的会 议上进行审议。
Member States are encouraged to present
[...] their national working documents to the Commission as [...]
early as possible before the beginning
of the substantive session to facilitate deliberation in the meetings ahead.
[...] [...] 对约谈各机构期间查明的问题进行的量化分析;协调各项多边环境协定的报告要求,以查 明发挥联合优势的机会和避免重叠;评 今 后 对 未支 经 费 的使用;说明机构之间的无收 费互换服务;提高报告的透明度;项目执行方法;环境规划署/履约协助方案活动的管理与 [...]
Areas requiring further analysis included: projected support costs for the next triennium and reallocation of resources; quantitative analysis of issues identified during interviews with agencies; harmonization of reporting requirements across MEAs to
identify opportunities for synergy and
[...] avoid overlaps; assessment of future use of unspent funds; [...]
accounting for in-kind services
between agencies; improving transparency in reporting; project implementation approaches; management and accounting of UNEP/CAP activities; and determination of relevant key performance indicators.
我指示政府制定有效鼓励措施,最大限度地让私营资本参与 文经 济 部 门的 工作。
I instruct the Government to develop effective incentives for the maximum involvement of private
[...] capital in the hydro-economic sector.
书记官长回顾法庭法官和国际法院法官薪酬对等原则,这是自 1996 年以来
[...] 缔约国会议成员一直遵循的原则;他提请会议注意 SPLOS/224 号文件中的提议今后若修订国际法院成员薪酬,则同样的调整应自动适用于法庭法官。
Recalling the principle of equivalency between the remuneration of the judges of the Tribunal and the members of the International Court of Justice, which had been followed by the Meeting of States Parties since 1996, the Registrar drew
the attention of the Meeting to
[...] the proposal contained in document SPLOS/224, according [...]
to which, in the case of future revisions
of the remuneration of the members of the International Court of Justice, the same adjustments should be automatically applied to the judges of the Tribunal.
随后,民主同盟军向联刚稳定团递交了一封信,引用 古经经文,并 威胁说,如果联刚稳定团继续进行侦察的话,将对联合国营地和 [...]
人员发动进一步袭击(见附件 6)。
ADF subsequently transmitted a letter to
[...] MONUSCO, citing verses from the Koran and threatening [...]
further attacks on United Nations
camps and personnel if the reconnaissance missions persisted (see annex 6).
有了妥当 的政策,新的通信技术就能在多个领域带来好处,包括为得不到充分服务的民众
[...] 提供教育和经济机会以及推广可持续的做法,并推动创业和中小企业发展——在今经济状 况下,它们构成创造就业的驱动力量。
With the right policies in place, new communications technologies can provide benefits on a multitude of fronts, including educational and economic opportunities for underserved populations and the dissemination of sustainable practices, and act as catalysts for
entrepreneurialism and the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises — the engine
[...] for creating jobs in today’s economy.
第3条[第18条] 草案第 2 款的文经过精 心斟酌和平衡,以解决这些问题。
Paragraph 2 of draft article 3
[...] [18] provided language, which was carefully [...]
crafted and balanced to address these aspects.
基金会代表今尚未参加经济及 社会理事会及其附属机构的会议,原因在 于:基金会专注于国内问题、伊朗人很难获得访问美利坚合众国的签证,以及缺 [...]
Participation of representatives of the Foundation
[...] in meetings of the Economic and Social Council [...]
and its subsidiary bodies has not so
far taken place because the Foundation concentrates on domestic issues, because it is difficult for Iranians to obtain visas to visit the United States of America and because of scarcity of funds (the Foundation is a charity relying mostly on public donations).
他认为,特别委员会希望批今年 提出 的 经 口头修正的工作安排,认为特别委员会随后可视需要修 改其会议时间表。
He took it that the Special Committee wished to
approve its proposed organization of
[...] work for the current year, as orally revised, [...]
on the understanding that the Special
Committee might subsequently revise its meeting schedule as and when required.
西班牙经济政策的目标,是使设备资产投资 担当起经济发展的主角,从而提今 后 几 年 经 济 发 展的质量。
The objective of economic policy is for investment in capital goods to become increasingly prominent, with a view to strengthening the quality of growth in the years to come.
2005 年为协调非商业性非政府组织的活动,乌兹别克斯坦成立了乌兹别克 斯坦非商业性非政府组织全国联合会, 今 该 组织 已 经 拥有 330 个乌兹别克斯坦 非商业性非政府组织,这些组织囊括所有社会生活领域,涉及方方面面(社会支 持、法律方面、女性方面、青年方面、环境方面)。
The National Association of Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organizations of Uzbekistan was established in 2005 in order to coordinate the activities of NGOs; it currently has 330 member organizations encompassing all aspects of the life of society and working in various fields (social support, the law, women, youth and the environment).
缔约国应修正其法律,以确保个人 可以自由地提供各级的私人宗教教育,并且可以进口他们认为数量适当的宗经文。
The State party should amend its law to ensure that individuals can freely
provide religious education in private at all levels and
[...] can import religious texts in quantities they [...]
consider appropriate.
更令人遗憾的是,这些言论在会议一开始就 出现了,而会议的目的恰恰是打击不容忍行为。因
[...] 此,新西兰在对该决定草案进行表决时投了弃权票, 但并不赞成《德班审查会议结文件 》 的精神今 后会 依据每份决议草案在打击种族主义和不容忍行 [...]
The delegation of New Zealand had therefore abstained from voting on the draft decision, but nonetheless did
not oppose the spirit of the
[...] Review Conference outcome document, and would consider each [...]
future draft resolution based
on its respective merits in the area of combating racism and intolerance.
在这样的方式,Shulḥan“约瑟夫Aruk卡罗,取得比Mishneh诵 经文 , 对 迈蒙尼德更大的实际效果,欠其权威的,这是作为对犹太法典的教义最方便的编纂公认的事实,而论文对宗教哲学,争取早的时间萨蒂娅协调与所有可能的情况下提到的犹太法典的权威独立思考的结果犹太教的真理,在他们可以很容易地画出了他们的论文确认和论据。
In like manner, the
[...] Shulḥan 'Aruk of Joseph Caro, which achieved greater practical results than the Mishneh Torah, of Maimonides, [...]
owed its authority
to the fact that it was recognized as the most convenient codification of the teachings of the Talmud; while the treatises on the philosophy of religion which strove as early as the time of Saadia to harmonize the truths of Judaism with the results of independent thinking referred in all possible cases to the authority of the Talmud, upon which they could easily draw for a confirmation of their theses and arguments.
除了这个米德拉士,连接通道与圣经上所依据的,独立的,明确的Halakah,除了 经文 h a l ak ic解释的形式被用在非常早的时期,在某些情况下,以及有关halakot藏品编译(comp.霍夫曼,LCP的11注2)。
In addition to this form of the Midrash, which
[...] connects the halakic interpretation with the Scriptural passage on which it is based, the independent, definitive Halakah, apart from Scripture, was used [...]
in very early times in
certain cases, and collections of such halakot were compiled (comp. Hoffmann, lcp 11, note 2).




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