单词 | 今年 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 今年 —this year今年 adverb —last year adv • next year adv
在今年的PC Hi展会上,瓦克还将展示一系列含有BELSIL® [...] DMC 6038 的护肤产品。 wacker.com | At PCHi this year, WACKER will [...] display a series of skin care products containing BELSIL® DMC 6038. wacker.com |
并且,尽管其不 [...] 是《禁止酷刑公约》的缔约方,但它 于 今年年 初 向 酷刑问题特别报告员发出了邀 请。 daccess-ods.un.org | And, although it was not a party to CAT, it had extended an invitation to the Special [...] Rapporteur on Torture earlier this year. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们认为,今年初在国际公务员制度委员会的同意下,为阿卜杜勒·萨拉姆国际理论 物理中心开展的这个试办项目是错误的。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Launched at ICTP at the beginning of this year, with the consent of the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC), this project is, in our opinion, a mistake. unesdoc.unesco.org |
今年,联合国发布了第三份千年发展报告《缩小千年差距》,报告汇总了最新的发展 数据。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The United Nations published this year its third MDG [...] report, Closing the Millennium Gaps, which incorporated the latest development data. unesdoc.unesco.org |
大会第六十五届会议欢迎非洲联盟《保护和援助非洲境内流离失所者公约》 获得通过并正处于批准进程,表示赞 赏 今年 适 逢 成立六十周年的联合国难民事务 高级专员办事处所展示的领导能力,赞扬该办事处不断努力,在国际社会支持下, 援助非洲各庇护国;敦促国际社会本着国际团结和分担重负的精神,继续慷慨资 助高级专员办事处的难民方案,同时考虑到非洲对有关方案的需求大增(第 65/193 号决议)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly welcomed the adoption and the ongoing ratification of the African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa, expressed its appreciation, in the year which marked the sixtieth anniversary of the Office of the High Commissioner, for the leadership shown by the Office, and commended the Office for its ongoing efforts, with the support of the international community, to assist African countries of asylum, and urged the international community, in the spirit of international solidarity and burden-sharing, to continue to fund generously the refugee programmes of the Office, taking into account the substantially increased needs of programmes in Africa (resolution 65/193). daccess-ods.un.org |
同时,让安全理事会第一项关于保护平民的决议 十周年的今年成为 以全面和一致的方式处理这一问 题的持续努力开始产生结果的一年。 daccess-ods.un.org | first Security Council resolution on the protection of civilians, be the year in which a sustained effort to approach the issues in a comprehensive and consistent manner begins to produce results. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于对迄今建设和平的评估和今年的 目 标,他认 为我们应该采用那些其他评估指标,他是否希望为 2009 年增加任何其他目标? daccess-ods.un.org | With regard to the assessment of peacebuilding so far and the objectives for this year, what other indicators of success does he think we should be following, and what other objectives, if any, would he like to see added for 2009? daccess-ods.un.org |
於今年首六個月內 ,天浪衛視錄得港幣二百四十萬元之虧損(二零零六年:港幣二百萬元),本集團所 [...] 攤佔約為港幣一百九十萬元 。 asiasat.com | In the first half of this year, Skywave [...] incurred a loss of HK$2.4 million (2006: HK$2 million), of which our share was approximately HK$1.9 million. asiasat.com |
今 年这两 个 群体在 瓦达克省的 Behsud 又发生了暴力冲突,而据联合国难民事务高级专员办事处(难民 署)――联合国阿富汗援助团的代表团指出,这次冲突造成了至少 [...] 23 人死亡,造成 6,000 多家庭流离失 所和财产的破坏,还第一次包括清真寺的破坏。 daccess-ods.un.org | This year again witnessed violent clashes between the two groups in Behsud district [...] of Maidan Wardak province, which, according [...]to a joint Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)-UNAMA mission, resulted in at least 23 deaths, the displacement of more than 6,000 families and destruction to property, which for the first time included mosques. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一章介绍了过去 12 个月新闻部为提高对巴勒 斯坦问题的认识而开展的重要报道,特别是通过联合 [...] 国电台和联合国新闻中心,组织每年一次的中东和平 问题国际媒体研讨会——今年的研 讨会在里斯本举 行、通过巴勒斯坦青年记者培训方案、联巴信息系统 [...] 文件数据化及传播信息和组织外联活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | That chapter provides information on the valuable coverage given by DPI in the past 12 months to raise awareness of the question of Palestine, especially through UN Radio and the United Nations News Centre, the organization of the annual International Media Seminar [...] on Peace in the Middle East, which was held [...] in Lisbon this year, the training [...]programme for young Palestinian journalists, [...]the digitization of documents for UNISPAL, and the dissemination of information and the organization of outreach activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
他认为,特别委员会希望批准今年提 出 的经口头 修正的工作安排,认为特别委员会随后可视需要修 [...] 改其会议时间表。 daccess-ods.un.org | He took it that the Special Committee wished to [...] approve its proposed organization of work [...] for the current year, as orally revised, [...]on the understanding that the Special [...]Committee might subsequently revise its meeting schedule as and when required. daccess-ods.un.org |
主席先生,我国代表团现在热切希望通过您所奠定的基础,并且在您一贯有 魄力的领导下,本机构将打破停滞状况,一个新时代――一个能够权衡所有成员 的安全需要的谈判时代――将能够在 今年 届 会结束时在裁军谈判会议的报告中得 到反映。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mr. President, and with your customary leadership and courage, this body will break out of its stagnation, and that a new era — an era of negotiations able to weigh the security needs of all members — will be able to be reflected in the report of the Conference on Disarmament at the end of this year’s session. daccess-ods.un.org |
正如成员们所知,今年是本 周期的最后一年,委 员会议程上有三个实质性项目,即“促进实现核裁军 [...] 和不扩散核武器目标的建议”、“宣布 2010 年代为第 四个裁军十年的草案纲要”和“常规军备领域切实可 行的建立信任措施”。 daccess-ods.un.org | As members are aware, there are three [...] substantive items on the Commission’s agenda [...] for this last year of the current [...]cycle, namely, “Recommendations for achieving [...]the objective of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons”; “Elements of a draft declaration of the 2010s as the fourth disarmament decade”; and “Practical confidence-building measures in the field of conventional weapons”. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,他询问未来的报告中是否可 能述及在今年已经 开始的向民主过渡的过程中酷刑 和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格待遇或处罚之间的联 系,从而更好地利用这项工作中产生的机遇和吸取的 教训。 daccess-ods.un.org | Lastly, he enquired whether it would be possible for a future report to address the link between torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment within the framework of the transitions to democracy that had gotten under way that year, in order to make better use of the opportunities and lessons learned throughout that process. daccess-ods.un.org |
在向前来纽约参加今年裁军 审议委员会会议的 所有同事道别并祝他们一路顺风之前,我还要感谢秘 [...] 书处工作人员对于各国代表团的协助。 daccess-ods.un.org | Before bidding farewell and wishing a safe [...] journey to all colleagues who came to New York to participate in this year’s [...]session of the Disarmament Commission, let me also thank the staff of the Secretariat for their assistance to delegations. daccess-ods.un.org |
这次辩论意在有关 讨论得出的结论基础上进行,例如法国在去年 2 月推动的关于过渡和撤离战略的 讨论结论(S/PRST/2010/2);日本在 4 月推动的关于防止冲突再起的建设和平综 合战略的讨论结论(S/PRST/2010/7);土耳其在 9 月推动的关于维护国际和平与 [...] 安全的讨论结论(S/PRST/2010/18);乌干达在 10 月推动的关于冲突后建设和平 [...] 的讨论结论(S/PRST/2010/20);波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 在 今年 1 月担任主席期间 推动的关于冲突后建设和平:机构建设的讨论结论(S/PRST/2011/2)。 daccess-ods.un.org | It intends to build on the conclusions reached by relevant discussions, such as those promoted last year by France in February on transition and exit strategies (S/PRST/2010/2); by Japan in April on a comprehensive peacebuilding strategy to prevent the recurrence of conflict (S/PRST/2010/7); by Turkey in September on ensuring the Security Council’s effective role in maintaining international peace and security (S/PRST/2010/18); by Uganda in October on post-conflict peacebuilding (S/PRST/2010/20); and by Bosnia [...] and Herzegovina, during its presidency in [...] January of this year on post-conflict [...]peacebuilding: institution-building (S/PRST/2011/2). daccess-ods.un.org |
为了更好体现社会公益与责任担当, 今年 , CN NIC 联合国内外业界知名专家,根据 IP 地址、域名等互联网基础资源技术的最新发展,尤其是 IPv6 与下一代互联网、IDN 与多语 种邮箱电子邮件、DNSSEC 与域名安全等技术方面的最新发展,并结合这些新技术在物联网、 云计算、大数据等新兴领域的应用,首次编写和发布了《互联网 IP 地址与域名技术发展研 究报告》,并将逐步使之常态化、系统化,适时反映、分析和预测 IP 地址与域名技术的最 新进展、特点规律和未来趋势,以供互联网领域广大管理者、研究者、从业者参考。 cnnic.net | In order to do a better job for the public interests and assume its social responsibility, CNNIC, together with experts of the industry in and out of China, prepared and published for the first time Research Report of the Development of IP Address and Domain name Technology of the Internet based on the latest technological development of the fundamental resources of Internet such as IP address and domain name, especially the latest technological development of the IPv6 and nextgeneration Internet, IDN and multilingual e-mail address, DNSSEC and domain name security as well as the application of these new technologies in the emerging fields of Internet of things, cloud computing and big data, and will make the reporting regular and systematic so as to reflect the latest progress, analyze the characteristics and predict the development trend of IP address and domain name technology for the reference by the managers, researchers and workers in the Internet industry. cnnic.net |
他最后说,他今年访问 了 18 个国家,在每一个国家和每一个社区,他都看到了 公平做法能够改变儿童生活的证据。 daccess-ods.un.org | He closed by saying that in each of the 18 countries he visited this year, and in every community, he saw the evidence of what a difference an equity approach could make in children’s lives. daccess-ods.un.org |
令人高興的是,儘管亞太區內出現嚴重供過於求和競爭環境非常激烈,我們有數份 於 今年 上 半年 屆滿之主要合約已成功重新續約。 asiasat.com | It is pleasing that, despite the significant oversupply in Asia Pacific and an [...] extremely competitive environment, we successfully renewed several major contracts that [...] expired in the first half of the year. asiasat.com |
今年在日 内瓦将举行两个重要会议:《生物武器公约》第七次审查会议及 《禁止或限制使用某些可被认为具有过分伤害力或滥杀滥伤作用的常规武器公 [...] 约》第四次审查会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Geneva will this year host two important [...] meetings: the Seventh Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention and [...]the Fourth Review Conference of the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects. daccess-ods.un.org |
其实,除了非法没收土地和建造定居点外,以色列还继续采用其他各种非法手段, 其目的是驱赶巴勒斯坦原住民,包括拆除房屋 ( 从 今年 初 以来,占领国至少拆毁 了31座巴勒斯坦住宅楼,造成 106 名巴勒斯坦平民无家可归,包括 61 名儿童在 内)、取消居住权、继续关闭城内的巴勒斯坦机构、最近还决定禁止社会活动家 前往西岸其他地区,实际上切断了他们的工作及其与自然环境的亲密关系。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indeed, in addition to illegally confiscating land and constructing settlements, Israel continues to apply a host of other illegal measures aimed at driving out the indigenous Palestinian population, including the demolition of homes (the occupying Power has demolished at least 31 Palestinian residential buildings, leaving 106 Palestinian civilians, including 61 children, homeless since the start of this year), the revocation of residency rights, the continued closure of Palestinian institutions in the city and the recent decision to ban social activists from travelling to other parts of the West Bank, effectively severing them from their work and familial relations with their natural surroundings. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如,它今年推出 的新的供应客户关系管理系统将提供新的和改进的网络供应目 录,加强对客户询问的管理,处理网上提出的费用估价请求,对内部和外部顾客 的网上订单进行跟踪。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, the new Supply Customer Relationship Management system, which is being rolled out this year, will offer a new and improved web supply catalogue, and capacity for improved management of customer enquiries, handling of online requests for cost estimates, and online order tracking for internal and external customers. daccess-ods.un.org |
在对犹太法典的格仔财富的结果,它是非常罕见的手稿,以及整个巴比伦塔木德经发现只有在慕尼黑食品法典委员会(希伯来语MS第95号)在1369落成,而佛罗伦萨手稿包含几个论文第四个和第五个订单的日期 从 今年 1 1 7 6。 mb-soft.com | In consequence of the checkered fortunes of the Talmud, manuscripts of it are extremely rare; and the Babylonian Talmud is found entire only in a Munich codex (Hebrew MS. No. 95), completed in [...] 1369, while a Florentine manuscript containing several treatises of the fourth and fifth [...] orders dates from the year 1176. mb-soft.com |
中國主要葡萄酒進口商之一ASC Fine Wines 的年度品酒盛事於今年首度 由香港伸延至澳門,並將於11月28日假澳門威尼斯人®-度假村-酒店的高級意大利餐廳碧濤意國漁鄉舉行。 yp.mo | The annual fine wine tasting fair in Hong Kong organised by one of China’s leading fine wine importers, ASC Fine Wines, will for the first time be extended to Macao at The Venetian Macao Resort Hotel’s Portofino Restaurant on November 28. yp.mo |
它将于今年下半 年开始投入商业运营,届时, 240 兆瓦的联合循环电站将为它附近的电网提供电力,以及为 [...] Engro 化学有限公司的化肥厂提供蒸汽,该公司是巴基斯坦最大的尿素肥料生产商之一。 emerson.com | When it begins commercial [...] operation later this year, the 240-MW [...]combined-cycle plant will provide electricity to the grid [...]and steam for a nearby fertilizer plant owned by Engro Chemical Pakistan Limited, one of the largest producers of urea fertilizer in Pakistan. emerson.com |
安理会对确保索马里的责 [...] 任追究无所作为;而形成鲜明对照的是,安理会积极行动,打击海盗,包 括 今年 早时 考虑建立专门的索马里法院,审判索马里和区域内海盗嫌疑人,包括拥有治 [...]外法权的索马里专门打击海盗法院。 daccess-ods.un.org | The inaction of the Council to ensure accountability in Somalia is in sharp contrast with, for instance, Security Council [...] initiatives on combating piracy, [...] including by considering earlier this year the establishment [...]of specialized Somali courts [...]to try suspected pirates both in Somalia and in the region, including an extraterritorial Somali specialized antipiracy court. daccess-ods.un.org |
他提醒各位成员本次会议 提出的业务计划将为今年的工 作指明方向,由于 2011 年是充资年,任何决策和核准项目都 会对充资讨论的最终结果产生影响。 multilateralfund.org | He reminded members that business planning at the present meeting would set the direction for the year’s work, and that 2011 being a replenishment year, any decisions made on policy and project approvals would have an impact on the final outcome of the replenishment discussions. multilateralfund.org |
在今年5月的拍賣會中,一顆12.04克拉的濃彩粉紅色VS2級明亮式圓鑽在6分鐘的瘋狂競價之後,以1,740萬美元的高價賣給某位匿名電話出價者,原持有者收藏這顆寶石的時間長達36年。 ravenelart.com | In May of 2012, after 36 years in the hands of the same owner, a 12.04 ct. round brilliant Fancy Intense Pink VS2 sold for a stratospheric US$17.4 million at auction, after six minutes of frenzied bidding, to an anonymous telephone bidder. ravenelart.com |