

单词 今后

今后 ()

in the future
from now on

今后 adverb

ahead adv


从今以后 adv

hereafter adv

External sources (not reviewed)

与阿 富汗农村发展研究所和中央统计局之间签署的合作协议表明该国有一些专家今 后可由 他们对类似调查进行设计、执行和报告。
Partnership agreements with the Afghan Institute for Rural Development and the Central
Statistics Office mean that expertise exists in the country to design implement and
[...] report on similar surveys in the future.
有人指出今后进行 的试验性 会议可重点讨论少数几个领域,以便促进更为深入的交流,确保讨论取得有意义 [...]
It was noted that any future experimentation [...]
sessions would benefit from focusing on a small number of areas to promote
more detailed exchange and to ensure a meaningful outcome from the discussions.
对本协定的资金,不得根据执行委员 今后 做 出的可能影响为其他消费行业项目或 国家任何其他相关活动所作供资的任何决定进行修改。
The Funding of this Agreement will not be modified on the basis of any future Executive Committee decision that may affect the funding of any other consumption sector projects or any other related activities in the Country.
代表团希望,本次审议进程以 及预计将今后举行 的其他会议的最后结果将使双方都感到满意。
It hoped that the final results of this and other meetings expected to be held in the future would be satisfactory to both sides.
他强调了请会员国提供咨询和指导意见的几个问题,其中包括:教科文组 今后 行 动的范 围;教科文组织的使命和职能;教科文组织的四个计划中每个计划的战略目标的选定;横向专题的 选择;反映在每项战略目标“预期结果”的制定方面的重结果的方法。
He highlighted several issues on which Member States were invited to provide guidance and direction, including the scope of UNESCO’s future action; UNESCO’s mission and functions; the choice of strategic objectives for each of UNESCO’s four programmes; the selection of cross-cutting themes; the results-based approach, which is reflected in the formulation of “expected outcomes” for each strategic objective.
会议鼓励秘书处就区域会议的组办工作征求成员国反馈意见,以便加 今后 会议 的组织工作和效率,最大程度利用会议促进各位部长和其他代表之间的交流, [...]
The Conference encouraged the Secretariat to seek feedback from member countries on the conduct of the Regional Conference, with a
view towards enhancing the organization and
[...] efficiency of future sessions, maximizing [...]
opportunities for exchange among ministers
and other delegates, and striking a balance between discussion of technical issues and programme and policy matters.
伊 朗代表团邀请各成员国、亚太区域各机构和国际伙伴以各种可能的方式参与 建立该中心的进程及今后的各 项活动。
The delegation invited member States and institutions in the region and international partners to participate, in various possible ways, in the process leading to the establishment of the Centre and in its future activities.
今后的方针问题,一些会员国赞赏总干事采取的促进包括地区和地区间在内的不 [...]
同文明间对话的行动,并强调了这种对话在消除不同民族和不同文化之间的不信任以及在解 决冲突和反恐斗争中的关键作用。
As regards future orientations, [...]
several Member States commended the initiative taken by the Director-General to promote
a dialogue among civilizations, including at the regional and interregional levels, and emphasized the critical role such a dialogue could play in overcoming mistrust between peoples and cultures as well as in the context of conflict resolution and the fight against terrorism.
柬埔寨注意到越南通过进一步执行各项 方案和有关计划,增进和保护其公民的权利,尤其是在经济、社会和文化领域的 权利,包括少数群体权利,坚持致力于应 今后 的 挑 战。
Cambodia took note of the continued commitments of Viet Nam to address the challenges ahead through further implementation of programmes and relevant plans aiming at promoting and protecting the rights of its citizens, especially in the economic, social and cultural areas, including minority rights.
经讨论后,执行委员会决定核准在巴西聚氨酸泡沫塑料制造业中将甲酸甲酯确认为 一种发泡剂的试验项目(第一阶段),总费用为 401,500 美元,外加开发计划署的机构支 助费用 30,113 美元,同时指出,该项目符合第
55/43(e)号决定,其目的是在全球传播经过 确认的在硬质聚氨酯整皮泡沫塑料用途中使用的甲酸甲酯技术,且有一项谅解,即:该项
[...] 目是关于甲酸甲酯在硬质聚氨酯整皮泡沫塑料制造中的应用的最后确认项目,且核准该项 目不妨碍执行委员会审今后为该 项目第二阶段提出的供资申请。
Following a discussion, the Executive Committee decided to approve the pilot project for validation of methyl formate as a blowing agent in the manufacture of polyurethane foam (phase I) in Brazil at a total cost of US $401,500 plus agency support costs of US $30,113 for UNDP, noting that the project was consistent with decision 55/43(e) and that it had been designed to disseminate the results from the validation of methyl formate technology in rigid and integral skin polyurethane foam applications globally, and on the understanding that the project would be the final validation project for methyl formate in the manufacture of rigid and integral skin polyurethane foams, and that approval of
the project was without prejudice to
[...] consideration of the future funding request [...]
for phase II of the project by the Executive Committee.
会议建议今后区域 会议的时间安排做一次全面审议,确保在粮农组织大会 就工作计划及预算进行最终审议和通过之前,能就此进行充分讨论。
The Conference recommended a review
[...] of scheduling for future Regional Conference [...]
sessions, to ensure that adequate discussions
and considerations could be made prior to the final deliberations and approval of the programme of work and budget by the FAO Conference.
为了能够面对当前今后的挑 战,有必要增加物质、人力和制度基础设施, [...]
提高农业生产力并扩大商品和国家的出口能力,将气候变化和土地退化问题纳入 国家预算的主流,调动非传统捐助方特别是民间社会组织和私营部门参与减贫战 略,促进区域一体化、特别是牵涉到建立价格缓和机制时的区域一体化,以及加
To be able to
[...] face current and future challenges, it [...]
is necessary to increase the physical, human and institutional infrastructure;
increase agricultural productivity and expand the export capacity of communities and countries; mainstream climate change and land degradation issues into national budgets; involve non-traditional donors, in particular civil society organizations and the private sector, in poverty reduction strategies; promote regional integration, especially as far as the creation of the price mitigation mechanism is concerned; and strengthen the capacity of the State to respond to social demands.
大会鼓励会员国通知秘书长在使用标准汇报 制度方面可能出现的问题,以及不提供所要求的数据的理由,并继续向秘书长提
[...] 出看法和建议,说明改进标准汇报制度 今后 运 作 和扩大参与的方式和方法(第 64/22 [...]
The Assembly encouraged Member States to inform the Secretary-General about possible problems with the standardized reporting system and their reasons for not submitting the requested data and to continue to provide the Secretary-General with
their views and suggestions on ways and means
[...] to improve the future functioning of [...]
and broaden participation in the standardized
reporting system (resolution 64/22).
我们的目标是,今后两年 至少在每一个 环礁的一所学校建立这样的股。
The target is to establish one such unit in at least one school in each atoll within the next two years.
大会在该项决议中,认可方案委员会的结论和建议,即请秘书长充分执行大 会题为“在联合国秘书处实行问责制度”的第 64/259 号决议,并今后的计 划 大纲和战略框架的两年期方案计划中,说明为在联合国秘书处促进问责文化而采 取的具体措施和行动。
In the same resolution, the General Assembly endorsed the conclusions and recommendations of the Committee requesting the Secretary-General to fully implement Assembly resolution 64/259, entitled “Towards an accountability system in the United Nations Secretariat” and to present concrete measures and actions taken to promote the culture of accountability within the Secretariat in future plan outlines, as well as in the biennial programme plans of the strategic framework.
他希望今 后类似 决议的磋商中,主要提案国将在整个过程中 引领不限成员名额的非正式协商,以确保增加透明 度。
He hoped that, in future negotiations [...]
on similar resolutions, the main sponsor would lead open-ended informal consultations
throughout the process in order to ensure more transparency.
在该届会议上,委员会商定:今后 的任何审查应当依据委员会先前对这个问题的审议、法国和美国提出的意见 (分别为 A/CN.9/635 和 A/CN.9/639)以及秘书处的说明(A/CN.9/638 及增 编),据认为,后者对贸易法委员会议事规则和工作方法的制定和演变做了特别 重要的历史回顾;㈡应当委托秘书处编写一份工作文件,借助其先前说明 (A/CN.9/638 及增编)中的有关资料,介绍委员会在适用议事规则和工作方 法、特别是在决策以及在非国家实体参加贸易法委员会工作方面的现行做法; 该工作文件将有助于委员今后就该 事项进行正式和非正式协商。
At that session, the
[...] Commission agreed that: (i) any future review should be based on the previous deliberations on the subject in the Commission, the observations by France and the United States (A/CN.9/635 and A/CN.9/639, respectively), and the note by the Secretariat (A/CN.9/638 and addenda), which was considered as providing a particularly important historical overview of the establishment and evolution of UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work; (ii) the Secretariat should be entrusted with the preparation of a working document describing current practices of the Commission with the application of rules of procedure and methods of work, in particular as regards decision-making and participation of non-State entities in the work of UNCITRAL, distilling the relevant information from its previous note (A/CN.9/638 and addenda); this working document would serve for future deliberations on [...]
the subject in the Commission
in formal and informal settings.
书记官长回顾法庭法官和国际法院法官薪酬对等原则,这是自 1996 年以来 缔约国会议成员一直遵循的原则;他提请会议注意 SPLOS/224 号文件中的提议今后若修订国际法院成员薪酬,则同样的调整应自动适用于法庭法官。
Recalling the principle of equivalency between the remuneration of the judges of the Tribunal and the members of the International Court of Justice, which had been followed by the Meeting of States Parties since 1996, the Registrar drew the attention of the
Meeting to the
[...] proposal contained in document SPLOS/224, according to which, in the case of future revisions of [...]
the remuneration of the
members of the International Court of Justice, the same adjustments should be automatically applied to the judges of the Tribunal.
[...] 事司法委员会第二十一届会议报告会员国所提的建议;建议为强 今后 预 防 犯罪 大会的成果而限制其议程项目和讲习班的数目,并鼓励举行以议程项目和讲习班 [...]
十一届会议核准第十三届联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法大会各讲习班的总主题、议 程项目和议题(第 66/179 号决议)。
At the same session, the General Assembly invited Member States to provide their suggestions in relation to the overall theme, the agenda items and the topics for the workshops of the Thirteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, and requested the Secretary-General to report to the Commission on Crime Prevention and
Criminal Justice at its twenty-first session on
[...] the suggestions made by Member States; [...]
recommended that, in order to strengthen
the outcome of future crime congresses, the number of their agenda items and workshops be limited, and encouraged the holding of side events that are focused on, and complement, the agenda items and workshops; and requested the Commission to approve at its twenty-first session the overall theme, the agenda items and the topics for the workshops of the Thirteenth Congress (resolution 66/179).
缓解饥饿状况并保今后食物供应的充足而方便,需要对食物的生产、储 存和销售方式、包括农业水利的利用进行再思考。
Alleviating hunger and ensuring adequate, accessible food supply in the future requires rethinking how food is produced, stored and distributed, including the use of water in agriculture.
[...] 并为此要求各相关国际金融机构和机制发挥更为积极主动的作用,以期防今后再度发生金融危机。
The Committee recognized the importance of trade finance for promoting trade and investment and called for a
more proactive role for relevant international financial institutions and
[...] mechanisms to prevent future financial crises.
一个代表团指出了一个协调的公路发展方案的潜在好处,并说该方案 将今后几年 由上海合作组织主持启动。
One delegation noted the potential benefits of a programme on coordinated development of roads, which would be launched under the auspices of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the coming years.
(e) 在今后制定 的任何法规中扩展目前的贸易法委员会私人融资基础设施 项目文书的范围,以涵盖基础设施发展方面的各种私人融资形式以及目前尚未 涉及的有关交易,例如,可能不包括基础设施发展的公私伙伴关系、自然资源 [...]
(e) Broadening
[...] the scope of the current UNCITRAL PFIPs instruments in any future text, to cover [...]
forms of private financing
in infrastructure development and related transactions not currently covered, such as public-private partnerships (PPPs) that might not include infrastructure development, concessions over natural resources and the private provision of services previously provided by Government.
政府养老基金的目的是推动必要的政府储蓄,以应 今后 公 共 养老支出的迅 速增长,并为石油收入的长期管理提供支助。
The purpose of the Government Pension Fund is to facilitate Government savings necessary to meet the rapid rise in public pension expenditures in the coming years, and to support a long-term management of petroleum revenues.
非洲集团认为,联合国环境规划署(环境署)理 事会全球部长级环境论坛第十一届特别会议 (A/65/25)的成果对环境今后的工 作至关重要,特 别是关于 2010-2013 年中期战略的各项决定。
The African Group considered the outcome of the eleventh special session of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Global Ministerial Environment Forum (A/65/25) to be critical to the future work of UNEP, particularly with regard to the decisions on its medium-term strategy for the period 2010-2013.
[...] 点;鼓励布雷顿森林机构进行改革;落实更多资金,以便为发展供资;主动预今后潜在 的挑战,如气候变化等;制定收入重新分配政策,据以降低市场波动引 [...]
和公平经济的过渡;鼓励社会公平,以便更好地保护环境;制定旨在创造更多就 业机会的政策;制定国内立法,鼓励使用不对粮食安全构成威胁的可再生能源; 逐步维持对可再生能源的使用提供补贴的稳定性;在全球一级更好地协调宏观经 济政策。
The recommendations of the Symposium were to press for more reforms in global governance; maintain the focus of development on poverty reduction; encourage reforms at the Bretton Woods institutions; secure greater capital in order to
fund development; be proactive in
[...] anticipating potential future challenges such [...]
as climate change; set up income redistribution
policies as a way of reducing the costs of volatility in markets; stabilize exchange rate regimes through the use of reserve funds and loans from regional banks; foster the transition towards a green, fair and equitable economy; encourage social equity for a better preservation of the environment; set up policies to increase the creation of employment opportunities; put in place national legislation to encourage the use of renewable energies posing no threat to food security; maintain over time the stability of subsidies for renewable energy use; and better coordinate macroeconomic policies at the global level.
服实现千年发展目标的障碍;建设和激活人的能力的重要性;改善教育和科技研 究;鼓励和支持创新;增强妇女权能,让妇女在阿拉伯社会发挥有效的基本作用;
[...] 减少贫穷;解决失业问题;提供标准更高的医疗保健;所有这些都是我们的社会今后数十年发展的基本组成部分。
In view of our concern for the well-being and future of Arab citizens, consultations took place on ways of overcoming obstacles to achieving the Millennium Development Goals; the importance of building and activating human capacities; improving education and scientific and technical research; encouragement and support for innovation; the empowerment of women to play an effective and fundamental role in Arab societies; poverty reduction; unemployment; and the provision of higher
standards of health care, all of which are fundamental components in the development of our
[...] societies in forthcoming decades.
食典委同意着手苦木薯品种标准化的新工作,作为一项单独的标准,但条件 是委员会可今后的一 个阶段审议制定均适用于两种木薯的单一标准的可能性,与 食典委在可能时制定更加横向的和包容性标准的方法保持一致。
The Commission agreed to initiate new work on the standardization of bitter varieties of cassava, as a separate standard, with the understanding that the Committee might consider, at a later stage, the possibility of having a single Standard applicable to both types of cassava, consistent with the Codex approach to develop more horizontal and inclusive standards when possible.




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