

单词 今儿个

See also:


son n

个儿 n

size n



External sources (not reviewed)

个照料期间,它 们应系统地旨在使儿童为今后自 食其力和充分融入社会做好准备,特别是通过参 与当地社区生活,获得社会和生活技能。
[...] the period of care, they should systematically aim at preparing children to assume [...]
self-reliance and to integrate
fully in the community, notably through the acquisition of social and life skills, which are fostered by participation in the life of the local community.
执行主任说明儿童基金会今后几 年的关键优先事项,包括 个 两 年期 (2012-2013 年)的关键优先事项。
The Executive Director described the key priorities of UNICEF over the next few years, including the next [...]
biennium 2012-2013.
今为止,儿童基金会已经从 41 个政府 收到了 2.91 亿美元(相比之下,2008 年为 3.84 亿美元)的认捐款用于 2009 年经常预算,其中包括在 2008 年 11 月的 联合国认捐会议期间收到的认捐款,以及在认捐活动之外收到的认捐款。
Including pledges received during the United Nations Pledging Conference in November 2008, as well as pledges received outside both pledging events, UNICEF had so far received pledges for 2009 regular resources in the amount of $291 million (compared to $384 million in 2008) from 41 Governments.
就像所有受洪灾影响的巴基斯坦人一 样,这位母亲和个婴儿在今后的岁月中仍将面临许 多困难。
Like all Pakistanis affected by the floods, this mother and baby still face many difficulties in the months and years ahead.
这里谨举个例子,如今,联合国儿 童 基金会 已具有在实地促进基础教育的广泛能力,世界银行已拥有一个有关政策研究的大型计划,国际劳工组织已在研究处 [...]
Today, to take four examples, UNICEF has extensive capacity for [...]
promoting basic education in the field, the World Bank has
an impressive programme for policy-related research, the International Labour Organization addresses issues from teacher status to child labour, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations takes a close interest in rural education.
以色列确实于 2010 年设立了个青 少年军事法庭,今他对 12 或 13 岁儿童的 刑期有所减轻,最长的刑期为九天, 远远少于往年。
Israel did establish a youth military court in 2010, and so far its sentences for children in the 12 or [...]
13 year-old category
have been lighter, with the longest sentence imposed being nine days, which is far less than in earlier years.
执行主任补充说,他同意儿童基金 今 后 需要 在 儿 童 保 护方面与个伙伴紧密合作。
The Executive Director added that
[...] he agreed that UNICEF needed to work closely together with partners on child [...]
protection in the future.
(h) 有鉴于此,工作组强调打算今后几 个 月 访 问阿富汗,以跟进 儿 童保 护方面取得的进展,关注依然存在的挑战,例如,武装集团、特别是塔利班在阿 富汗境内违反相关国际法,对学校和医院发动袭击的次数显著增加。
(h) In line with the above, the Working Group stresses its
intention to visit
[...] Afghanistan in the coming months to follow up on the progress made in the protection of children and to focus [...]
on the remaining challenges,
such as the significantly increased number of attacks on schools and hospitals in Afghanistan in contravention of applicable international law by armed groups, in particular the Taliban.
有人指出今后进行的试验性 会议可重点讨论少数个领域 ,以便促进更为深入的交流,确保讨论取得有意义 的成果。
It was noted that any future experimentation sessions would benefit from focusing on a small number of areas to promote more detailed exchange and to ensure a meaningful outcome from the discussions.
任职者将支助 10 个外地行动中的 100 名儿童保护顾问;设立和启动维 持和平行动中保护儿童政策的实施计划;查明培训差距和指导需求, 儿 童 保护 小今后制 定指南和专门培训材料(能力建设)提供信息;编制对文职部门和军事 部门进行儿童保护培训的标准化培训材料;为儿童保护小组编制监测和报告准则 和模板;组织和进行儿童保护年度讲习班。
The incumbent would provide
[...] support to 100 Child Protection Advisers in 10 field operations; create and initiate an implementation plan for policy on child protection in peacekeeping; identify training gaps and guidance needs for child protection [...]
teams in order to inform
the future development of guidance and specialized training materials (capacitybuilding); prepare standardized training materials for training civilian and military components on child protection; develop monitoring and reporting guidelines and templates for child protection teams; organize and conduct the annual child protection workshop.
保障个儿童在 家庭之外,在正规教育和 职业之外都有发展机会和条件。
Each child is guaranteed opportunities [...]
and conditions for their development outside the family and outside formal education and employment.
今天的很多儿童所面临的个前景 就是青年失业的问题,同时,越来越多对社会、经济和政治“默然无视”的青年则 感到自己并不能从这个社会中享受什么好处。
The prospect for too many of today’s children is one of youth [...]
unemployment, while a growing number of socially, economically
and politically “detached” young people feel that they have no stake in society.
关于 典向联合国儿童权利委员会提交的第四次定期报告的结论性意见为政 今 后 落实 儿童权利的工作提供了重要指导。
The concluding observations on the fourth periodic report to the UN Committee on the Rights
of the Child from 2009 are an important input for the
[...] Government’s future work on implementing the rights of the child.
取得的个积极进展是,这 12 名儿 童中9 名今年已获释。
On a positive note,
[...] 9 out of the 12 children detained on national security grounds, some held owing to their alleged association with Fatah al-Islam, as reported in my last report, were released this year.
希望会议期间重申 的目的性和紧迫感能够今后几个月 里 产生成果。
It is hoped that the renewed sense of purpose and urgency expressed during the
[...] meeting will bear fruit in the coming months.
他指出,国际药品采购机制正在逐步停止 对儿科艾滋病治疗的支持,并敦儿 基 会考 虑 今 后 在 这一领域发挥主要接受方的 作用。
He noted that UNITAID was phasing out support for paediatric
[...] treatment of AIDS and urged UNICEF to consider a future [...]
role as principal recipient in that area.
今天是微量元素日,700多儿童将参 加 今 天 的 活动。
Today is Micronutrient Day and over 700 children are expected to participate.
个儿童报 告虐待行为的电话。 有资料称,在阿尔巴尼亚,体罚和精神暴力仍常常被视为有益于儿童的教育和发 展,鉴于这一点,大赦国际敦促阿尔巴尼亚重新审查上述两项建议。
In the light of information that physical and psychological violence was still often regarded in Albania as having a positive effect on a child’s education and development, Amnesty International urged Albania to review the two recommendations.
讨论中普遍认为,在所有非正式 的场合下,诸如家庭内,个儿童都 应当在不必事先评估本人的能力的情况下, [...]
It was generally agreed that in all informal settings, such as the
[...] family, every child should be provided [...]
with meaningful opportunities to express
her/his views without a prior assessment of her/his evolving capacities.
人权观察社欢迎乍得政府支持关于解决招募儿童兵问题的建议,敦促乍得 随时向理事会通报采取了哪些步骤,确保所有儿童兵迅速和彻底复员和回归社 会,并防今后再招募儿童兵
Human Rights Watch welcomed the Government’s support for the recommendations addressing the recruitment of child soldiers, and urged Chad to keep the Council informed on the steps taken to ensure
the prompt and complete demobilization and
[...] reintegration of all child soldiers, and to prevent any further recruitment.
即将发布的 2010 年儿童基金会关于中低收入国家父母管教子女的作法的报 告确认,暴力管教方法的使用率很高,但也承认,这种做法与非暴力管教方法并 存;每 10 个儿童中就有近 9 个儿童受过体罚和心理侵害,在男孩、5 至 9 岁儿童 及母亲容忍体罚和存在家庭暴力的家庭里,这种情况的发生率更高;相反,在照 顾者较常与儿童开展教育和娱乐活动的情况下,暴力管教的发生率较低。
The forthcoming 2010 UNICEF report on parental child disciplinary practices in a range of low- and middle-income countries confirms the high prevalence of violent disciplinary methods, but also recognizes that this practice coexists with non-violent discipline; close to 9 in 10 children experience physical punishment and psychological aggression, with higher rates among boys, among children between 5 and 9 years of age and in households where mothers condone corporal punishment and domestic violence; conversely, violent discipline was less prevalent when caregivers were engaged in greater levels of educational and play activities with their children.
食典委同意着手苦木薯品种标准化的新工作,作为一项单独的标准,但条件 是委员会可今后的一个阶段 审议制定均适用于两种木薯的单一标准的可能性,与 食典委在可能时制定更加横向的和包容性标准的方法保持一致。
The Commission agreed to initiate new work on the standardization of bitter varieties of cassava, as a separate standard, with the understanding that the Committee might consider, at a later stage, the possibility of having a single Standard applicable to both types of cassava, consistent with the Codex approach to develop more horizontal and inclusive standards when possible.
今后的一个挑战是将目前对法官和检察官开展的有 针对性的能力建设活动,推广至刑事司法系统的其他专业群体,诸如辩护律 师、受害人诉讼代理和管教人员。
One of the challenges ahead is to extend the tailored capacity-building, which currently reaches judges and prosecutors, to other professional groups of the criminal justice system such as defence lawyers, attorneys representing victims and correctional officers.
副执行主任萨阿德·乌里先生指出, 今 后 的 几 个 月 里 ,研究办公室的的主 要工作是与本组织其他部门建立联系,在因诺琴蒂研究中心奠定的坚实基础上最 终确定战略框架。
Deputy Executive Director Mr. Saad Houry noted that in the coming months, the Office of Research would be busy creating linkages with the rest of the organization and finalizing the strategic framework, which would build upon the solid foundation laid by the IRC.
资金来源包括全球环境基金、清洁发展机制(该机制有潜力,不过 今仅 批准了个项目 )、私营部门和慈善捐助方。
Sources of finance include the Global Environment Facility, the Clean Development Mechanism (which has potential, although only one project has been approved to date), the private sector and philanthropic donors.
2007 年,摩尔多瓦共和国研究人员参与实施了 96 个国际项 目,其中包括 7 个美国民间研究开发基金会资助项目、18 个 MRDA 资助项目、 14 个 MTFP
资助项目、22 个 INTAS 资助项目、4 个原子能机构资助项目、6 个 北约资助项目、7 个 SCOPES 资助项目、6 个来自乌克兰的 STCU 资助项目、10
[...] 个欧洲联盟委员会资助项目、1 个大学合作计划资助项目、1 个儿童基金会资助 项目。
In 2007 researchers from the Republic of Moldova have participated in the implementation of 96 international projects, including through the means of CRDF (7 projects) MRDA (18), MTFP (14),
INTAS (22), IAEA (4), NATO (6), SCOPES (7), STCU from Ukraine (6), EC (European
[...] Commission) (10), TEMPUS (1), UNICEF (1).
导者开展活动,将使预防暴力和保护儿童不受一切形式的暴力问题明显列在国际 议程之上,并在所有地区以及在暴力有可能发生的所有环境里作为沟通者和行动
[...] 促进者;特别代表将促进信息分享和经验的交流,促进基于证据的预防暴力办 法,保障个儿童不受暴力侵害。
To move this process forward, the Special Representative on violence against children will act as an independent voice and a global advocate, keeping violence prevention and the protection of children from all forms of violence high on the international agenda, and as a bridge-builder and a catalyst of actions in all regions and in all settings where violence against children may occur; she will promote informationsharing and cross-fertilization of experiences,
stimulating evidence-based approaches to preventing violence and safeguarding the
[...] right of each child to freedom from [...]
教师应当接受教育 技巧培训,以完成此项任务;(g) 保证不存在基于性别、残疾(包括身体残疾和学
[...] 习障碍)、宗教或种族的歧视;(h) 保证个儿童的 身体健康受到关注;(i) 保证 [...]
教育世界上最年轻公民的方法具有以下特点:对整个教育体系,而不只是其个别 组成部分进行分析,并虑及儿童生活的所有生理、心理和社会条件。
Teachers should be trained in nurturing techniques in order to accomplish this; (g) assure that there is no discrimination on the basis of gender, disability (both physical and learning disabilities), religion or ethnicity; (h)
assure that attention is paid to the physical
[...] health of each child; (i) assure that [...]
the approaches to educating the youngest
citizens of the world are characterized by analysing the entire system of education rather than simply its individual components, taking into account all of the physical, mental and social conditions of a child’s life.




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