

单词 仅是

仅仅 ()

only (this and nothing more)

See also:


only adv


External sources (not reviewed)

我们的目标,仅是实现 多党选举民主, 而且是实现真正的自由民主,有政治多元化和强大的人权保障。
The objective is not merely to attain a multiparty electoral democracy, but a genuine [...]
liberal democracy, where there is
both political pluralism and strong human rights safeguards.
私营标准在全球农产食品价值链的食品安全管理方面越来越 重要的角色已经引起对透明度和标准制定程序的关注, 仅是 私 营 标准,包括法典标准。
The increasing role of private standards in food safety governance in global agri-food value chains had served to further heighten concerns about
the transparency and inclusiveness of the standard-setting
[...] process, not only in private organisations but also in Codex.
作为《公约》的最直接受益人,青少年的参与提醒了与会者《公约》的持续相关 性和重要性,以及保护和促进他们的权利 仅是 其 未 来生活的迫切需要,也是他 们当前生活的迫切需要。
As the immediate beneficiaries of the Convention, the presence of the young people helped to remind participants of the continuing relevance and importance of the Convention and that the protection
and promotion of their rights is
[...] urgent not only for their lives in the future but also for their [...]
lives in the present.
泰国正处于走向更加包容性的经济增长模式的过渡阶段,他认为国家 财政部长的作用并仅仅是创造 增长,而更重要的是在保持经济稳定的同时 [...]
Thailand was in a transition period towards a more inclusive pattern of economic growth and, in his view, the role of a
country’s finance minister was not just
[...] to create growth but, more importantly, [...]
to deliver well-being while maintaining economic stability.
[...] 织进程,为这些进程调配资源,并以完全参与者而 仅仅是 观 察员的身份更多地参 与未来的对话和进程。
Facilitate and ensure greater and more meaningful participation of civil society groups in CFS and other FAO processes, and allocate resources
for these processes and greater inclusion in future dialogues and processes as full
[...] participants and not merely observers.
通常,私营安保公司被要求满足 的保护需求是国家警察部队无法提供的,无法提供的原因 仅是 缺 乏 足够资源, 而且还因为警察往往参与暴力、恐吓和腐败行为,是造成缺乏公共安全的一个主 [...]
Often, private security companies have been called upon to fulfil protection needs that the national police forces
have been unable to
[...] provide, not only because of a lack of sufficient resources but also because [...]
the police are often a
major source of public insecurity, taking part in violence, intimidation and acts of corruption.
如果中 国重新将关注的焦点放在那些可使缅甸人民受益 的项目上,所取得的结果将仅仅是 经 济 发展和增 强稳定,更可提升中国在缅甸的形象。
If China refocused on projects that truly benefit the people of Myanmar, the results would stretch beyond economic development and enhanced stability into boosting China’s image in the country.
[...] 团支持关于广告定义的新工作,以便保护消费者免受误导行为的影响,考虑到广告可 能比标识对消费者的选择产生更大影响,指出鉴于广告 仅仅是 一 个国家问题,应当 在国际一级加以处理。
Several other delegations supported new work on a definition of advertising in order to protect consumers from misleading practices, taking into account that advertising might have more impact on consumer choice than
labelling, and pointed out that since
[...] advertising was not only a national issue, it should be [...]
addressed at the international level.
小规模粮食生产者和其他民间组织的代表还将完全参与 粮安委的进程,而仅仅是作为 观察员参与其中。
Additionally the representatives of small-scale food producers and other CSOs will be full participants and not just observers of the CFS processes.
一些与会者欢迎教科文组织努力使其计划活动完全遵照《千年发展目标》,提供充足 的交叉参照,建议仅是总体活动而且也包括总部外的活动继续采用并完善这一方法。
Several participants welcomed UNESCO’s efforts to cast its programme activities fully within the framework of the Millennium Development Goals, providing sufficient crossreferencing,
and recommended that this approach be sustained and
[...] refined, not only globally but also by activities [...]
at the field level.
[...] 权法下的保证的义务,比提供有效补救措施宽泛得多;保证一项权利的行使,仅是侵权 行为发生之后而主要是侵权行为发生之前的国家义务。
The duty to guarantee under international human rights law is far broader than the provision of an effective remedy;
guaranteeing the exercise of a right is an obligation of
[...] the State not only after a violation [...]
occurs but also, essentially, before.
实 际上,许多矿工所面临的可能仅是 采 矿 与某种其他活动(一般是耕作)之间的选 择,因为采矿可能是一种辅助性职业,利用它来赚钱投资于耕作。
In reality, the choice facing many miners may not simply be between mining and some other activity (typically farming), since mining may be a secondary occupation used to raise money for investment in farming.
多位与会者明确指出必须对框架及其功能如何与其他进程及国际谈判,如将 于 2012 年举行的联合国可持续发展问题会议(里约+20 会议)、世界贸易组织和
[...] 《联合国气候变化框架公约》的进程及国际谈判之间的关联保持敏感,这 仅是 为了 避免重叠和冲突,还是为了找到合适的可能的协同配合。
A number of participants flagged the need for sensitivity as to how the framework and its functions would relate to other processes and international negotiations, for example those of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development to be held in 2012 (Rio+20), of the World Trade Organization and of the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change, in order to avoid
[...] duplication and conflicts but also to find possible [...]
synergies where feasible.
欧洲社会宪章》仅是欧洲大陆社会模式的基本政治宣 言,而且也是保护和保障社会权利和人类基本需要的必然法律框架。
The European Social Charter is not just a fundamental political declaration for the
[...] continental social model, but also a consequent [...]
legal framework for the
protection and guarantee of the social rights and elementary necessities of the human nature.
伟大的将是在国家,谁在他身上打下铁梁,粉碎他,使他的呼声达到上天的手痛苦的以法莲支派弥赛亚要经过七年,但他愿意为成全提交他的人民, 仅是 生 活 ,而且还死了所有这些谁是亚当死亡;和神地的天上的宝座,他的战车在四活物的处置带来的复活和再生对所有天体的伟大工程拮抗剂“(pesiḥ.传译36)。
Great will be the suffering the Messiah of the tribe of Ephraim has to undergo for seven years at the hand of the nations, who lay iron beams upon him to crush him so
that his cries
[...] reach heaven; but he willingly submits for the sake of his people, not only those living, but also the dead, [...]
for all those who died
since Adam; and God places the four beasts of the heavenly throne-chariot at his disposal to bring about the great work of resurrection and regeneration against all the celestial antagonists" (Pesiḥ. R. 36).
因此,下列各项建议的对象仅是缔 约 国,而且也包括 其他相关的行为方,例如其实际控制区内儿童不可剥夺的权利、包括受教育权必 [...]
Therefore, the following recommendations are
[...] addressed not only to States parties but also to other [...]
relevant actors including non-State
actors who may have de facto control over areas in which the inalienable rights of the child, including his/her right to education, must be respected, protected and fulfilled.
乌干达政府认为,第 1325(2000)号决议及其第
[...] 1889(2009)号后续决议是标志性的决议,这 仅仅是 因为 我们坚信妇女在冲突期间和冲突后发挥的重要 [...]
作用,而且从我们的经验来看,我们承认妇女在预防 和调解冲突的进程中具有不容否认的作用。
Resolution 1325 (2000) and its follow-up resolution 1889 (2009) are
considered by Uganda’s Government to be landmark
[...] resolutions not only because of our strong [...]
belief in the important role that women
play during and after conflict, but also because, from experience, we recognize women’s undeniably positive role in conflict prevention and mediation processes.
这意味着将为所有人提供无障碍设计,而 仅仅是 针 对残疾人 的无障碍产品及服务,从而达到任何创新或发展的最高质量、多功能性及普遍适 用性。
This promotion of accessibility and design for all also means that we should not confine our vision to products and services designed to facilitate access by persons with disabilities, but should reach out to all citizens, seeking in doing so to achieve the highest quality, versatility and general usefulness in every innovation or new development.
目前,教科文组织仅是性别 问题技术工作组成员,为将性别问题纳入主流的行动计 划和定期性别问题审计活动做出实质性贡献,还是联合国女童教育倡议(UNGEI)的积极合 作伙伴。
Currently, UNESCO is member of the gender technical working group, contributed substantively to the gender mainstreaming plan of action and the periodical gender audit exercises, and is an active partner of the United Nations Girl’s Initiative (UNGEI).
利比亚境内的冲突和由反对派控制领土的转变过程,已逐渐表明,在利比亚 境内有着极大量的武器库存,仅是 数 量 众多,而且其系统和型号繁多,包括: 小武器、轻武器、重型武器和相关弹药,以及地雷和爆炸物。
The conflict in Libya and the evolution of control of the territory by the opposition has gradually revealed the
very large weapons stocks in
[...] Libya, not only in terms of their vast numbers, but also the wide variety [...]
of systems and models,
including small arms, light weapons, heavy weapons and related ammunition, as well as mines and explosives.
此外,贫困是可预防的死亡、健康不良、高死亡率和低 预期寿命的根源,这仅是因为更多地面临暴力侵害,而且是因为物质上的被剥 夺及其后果,例如,缺乏食物、安全饮用水和卫生设施等。
Moreover, poverty is a cause of preventable death, ill-health, high mortality
rates and low life
[...] expectancy, not only through greater exposure to violence but also material [...]
deprivation and its consequences,
such as lack of food, safe water and sanitation.
她想知道从一个 慈善组织获取报道内容的私人报纸是否被视为公共 信息,仅仅是因为 它从慈善组织那里收取了间接 税。
She wondered whether a private newspaper that received content from a charitable organization would be considered public, simply because it received an indirect tax benefit from the charitable organization.
他们提出,最初不得不离开伊 朗伊斯兰共和国的原因之一是他们曾担任律师和议员的父亲在阿富汗结下了很多 敌人,而这些人是现政府的官员,他们担心 仅仅是 因 为 自己的姓氏,回国就会 遭到杀害。
They submitted that one of the reasons why they had to leave the Islamic Republic of Iran initially was that their father, who was a lawyer and Member of Parliament, had made many enemies in Afghanistan, who are now officials in the present Government, and they fear to be killed if returned, simply on the basis of their name.
我们相信,即将于两天后在奥斯陆举行的筹备会 议将确保该区域各行为体和其他方面会弄清是否可 就此问题一道集思广益,以便我们能够在伊斯坦布尔 发表一份更加强有力的声明或类似文件,可能的话, 采取某种结构性后续办法,以便确保伊斯坦布尔的讨 论内容不仅仅是一份声明。
We believe that the upcoming preparatory meeting in Oslo, to be held in two days’ time, will ensure that there is a clear idea among regional players and others about the possibility of brainstorming on this issue, so that we can come up with a stronger declaration, or something along those lines, in Istanbul, and possibly some type of follow-up structural approach in order to ensure that whatever is discussed in Istanbul does not remain just a statement.
在联合国改革(“一体交付”)的背景下,与其他有关方面和在联合 国内开展协作,仅是促进可持续和包容性发展的一个重要战略,而 [...]
且也成为以最有效和最高效的方式执行相关全球授权和承诺(例如 《毛里求斯战略》、《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》和里约+20 大会成果) 的一个重要战略。
Collaboration with others and within the United Nations in the context of United Nations
reform (“Delivering as one”) has also become a
[...] vital strategy not only for fostering sustainable [...]
and inclusive development,
but also for implementing global mandates and commitments (such as the Mauritius Strategy, the Istanbul Programme of Action, and the outcome of the Rio+20 Conference) in the most effective and efficient manner.
在关于阿拉伯-以色列冲突的决议中, 以色列及其保护国执行仅仅是关于 巴勒斯坦分治 的一半内容,而另一半关于在巴勒斯坦领土建立巴 勒斯坦国的内容却被忽略。
The only part of any resolution on the Arab-Israeli conflict that had been implemented by Israel and its protectors was half of the resolution on the partition of Palestine, while the other half, regarding the establishment of a Palestinian State in Palestine itself, had been forgotten.
还有必要从技术角度审查 第 2 条(e)款中“利用”一词的范围,因为条款草案 作为一个整体,所处理的仅是含水层或含水层系统 的管理和利用,还涉及保护和养护问题。
It was also important to examine, from a technical standpoint, the scope of the term “utilization” as contained in article 2, paragraph (e), since the
draft articles as a
[...] whole dealt not only with the management and utilization of the aquifer or aquifer system, but also with the [...]
preservation and protection thereof.
他的挽救工作构成了神对世界的拯救工作功率决定性或末世论的体现,对进一步的“最后的事”在未来后浓度betokened到犹太大卫教派,它降低 仅仅是 “ 初 步”的角色,那些复发要素的福音,是耶稣的信息特色。
His redeeming work constituted the decisive or eschatological manifestation of the power of God operating for the world's salvation; the later concentration on a further "last thing" in the future betokened a
relapse into Jewish apocalypticism, which
[...] relegated to a merely "preliminary" role [...]
those elements of the gospel which were
distinctive of Jesus' message.
此外,作为走向无核武器世界的脚踏实地的第一 步,日本认为,加强不对无核武器国家使用核武器的 安全保证或持有核武器的目仅仅是 阻 止 他方使用 核武器等看法应当得到重视。
Furthermore, as a first practical step towards a world without nuclear weapons, Japan finds worthy of attention such ideas as enhancing the effectiveness of security assurances not to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon States or retaining nuclear weapons solely for the purpose of deterring others from using such weapons.




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