单词 | 什麽时候 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 时候n—momentn period 时候—length of time 什—assorted ten (used in fractions, writing checks etc) 候n—climaten seasonn
(c) 署 方 预 期甚麽 时 候可完成 建 立 新 界 村 屋 僭 [...] 建 物 的 资 料 库 的 工 作,以 将 新 界 村 屋 纳 入 现 行 的 楼 宇 管 制 资 讯 系 统 ? bd.gov.hk | (c) When will the setting up of a database of UBWs [...] in New Territories Exempted Houses (NTEHs) be expected to complete so [...]as to include these houses in the current Building Condition Information System? bd.gov.hk |
至於应该在什麽时候就什麽议题如何投票,则不属本文讨论的范围。 hkupop.hku.hk | Whereas how tovote on what topic and when is beyond [...] the scope of this discussion. hkupop.hku.hk |
你应该考虑公司什麽时候需要花很多钱(比如发工资、付账单 的时候),而什麽时候会有钱进帐。 las-elc.org | You should consider when your employer spends a lot of money (around payday, or timeswhen bills are due) and when money will be coming in to the account. las-elc.org |
学院式或工作为本式的学习皆提供学生机会,让他们能以 探讨不同领域,好为将来职业生涯和/或念大学(选读什麽主修)打下良好基础。 sfusd.edu | Both the academy and work based learning opportunities provide ways for youth to explore various fields that may develop into a career and/or college major. sfusd.edu |
当我们规 划每天发生什麽的时候,需要牢记我们的憧憬和长远计划,以使日常琐事与远大憧憬 [...] 合拍。 pavetheway.org.au | As we planwhat happens inthe everyday we [...] need to keep our vision and long term plans in our heads so that the everyday [...]is in step with the broader vision. pavetheway.org.au |
不需再烦恼一清早什麽地方买花, 然後长途带到会场, 我们在毕业典礼前直接送花束公仔到你所需的地点,时间尽量配合你的安排, 最爲方便也避免花碰伤. givegift.com.hk | You no longer need to worry where to buy the graduation flower early in themorning, and have to bring it all the way to the venue, we directly send [...] it to where you need it, at [...]the time most convenient to you, which also prevents unnecessary damages of the flower during transit. givegift.com.hk |
你知道我什麽时候最有活力吗? thisbigcity.net | You know when I feel most alive? thisbigcity.net |
如 果 新 披 露 标 准 的 实 施 对 集 团 的 财 务 状 况 和 经 营 结 果 没 有 影 响,那麽比较性 信 息 只 需 要 在 合适时提供。 zte.com.cn | While there has been no effect on the financial position or results of operations of the Group, comparative information has been included/revised where appropriate. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
我曾经见到画火柴人的人变成专业艺术家,一年画画能赚$60000,所以我不相信有人说“我不知道该怎麽画...”的时候他们是真的不能为。 tc.alivenotdead.com | I've seen people who drew stickmen to being a professional [...] artist making over $60k [...] usd a year doing art so I don't believe it when someone says "I don't know how to draw..." that they can't do it. alivenotdead.com |
(b) 就 实 施 「 村 屋 僭 建 物 申 报 计 划 」 及 制 定 村 屋 结 构 安 全 检 验 及 安 全 核 证 指 引 , 署 方 预 期甚麽 时 候可公布 相 关 的 统 一 的 申 报 表 格 及 作 业 指 引 ? bd.gov.hk | (b) Regarding the implementation of the “Reporting Scheme for UBWs in Village Houses” and the formulation of guidelines for inspection and safety certification of the structural safety of village houses, when will the standard reporting form and practice guidelines be expected to be published? bd.gov.hk |
继续从这边→SKYPE的更新是什麽? cafetalk.com | Learnmore>WhatisSkype update? cafetalk.com |
一个人应该在什麽时候准备持久授权书? malssa.org.au | When should a person make an Enduring Power of Attorney? malssa.org.au |
其实无论什麽时候出发都可以,只要你决定了就去吧。 4tern.com | If you really don’t know how to to choose a [...] time, just let the flight decides it for you. 4tern.com |
还是投注英超,我觉得切尔西和曼城的比赛很有趣,因爲迪马特奥的突然离开,我倒是想看看贝尼特斯这个前利物浦的主帅会怎麽做,他在利物浦的时候可不怎麽让切尔西的球迷待见,看他是否能最後得到壹份长期的合同。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Staying in EPL, I find the game between Chelsea and Man City of particular interest due to the sudden departure of Roberto Di Matteo. Rafa Benitez formally of Liverpool has been named interim manager and he will have many Chelsea fans to convince after his spats with the club whilst managing Liverpool if he wishes to get the job on a permanent basis. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
什麽时候需要更新你的纽西兰打工渡假电子签证? 4tern.com | In whatkind of situation that Ineed [...] to update my New Zealadn Working Holiday Electronic Visa? 4tern.com |
注意:如有需要,一次过更改以後聚会的时间,但不要经常因为组员有事而更改时间;经常更 改时间,组员就不知道什麽时候要来,也令每位组员以为小组的时间应改动迁就他们。 magdalenatoday.com | Soon no one will know what time to come, and [...] everyone will feel like group should be moved for them. magdalenatoday.com |
无论在什麽 时候,学生都不应该认为GCPS的个人电子邮件是隐私的或机密的。 lilburnms.com | At NO TIME should a student consider GCPS [...] e-mail, networked applications, oraccount [...]or technology access private or confidential in any way. lilburnms.com |
没错,在历史上希腊队壹些方面跟当地的经济有很多共同之处,即失败——近期的欧洲杯上他们的表现让我们有点儿吃惊,我没什麽可说的但我认爲这有利于让我们团结在壹起,我想这样我们更能取得进展。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | OK historically some of the Greek sides have had much in common with the local economy ie, failing – but we surprised a few in the recent Euro’s and I can’t help but think it will stand us in better stead going into a group I think we’re more than capable of progressing from. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
在多航段旅程中乘搭头等或商务客舱时,为什麽有时候我会在某些航段被安排到不同等级的客舱? dragonair.com | When I fly First or Business Class in an itinerary that has multiple sectors, why am I sometimes placed in a different cabin class in one or more sectors? dragonair.com |
署 方 预 期 顾 问 在甚麽 时 候完成所 有 首 轮 取 缔 目 标 的 [...] 现 存 村 屋 僭 建 物 的 工 作 及 向 署 方 提 交 报 告 ? bd.gov.hk | Please advise on the progress of appointing the consultants [...] and the detailedtimetable for the entire appointment [...]process? When will the consultants [...]be expected to complete identifying all existing UBWs in village houses belonging to the first round targets for enforcement and to submit a report to the BD? bd.gov.hk |
世界民意研究合作计划总监Steven [...] Kull表示︰「纵使人们普遍担心塔利班在阿富汗重新夺权,大部分人似乎认为应该交由阿富汗人民决定到底北约组织军队应否撤出,和什麽时候撤出。 hkupop.hku.hk | On average 53 percent have this belief, while 30 percent assume that most Afghans want NATO forces to stay "Even though there is widespread concern about the possibility of the Taliban regaining power in Afghanistan, most people seem to be saying that the [...] Afghan people should decide whether or when NATO forces leave," comments [...] Steven Kull, Director of WorldPublicOpinion.org. hkupop.hku.hk |
他们需要了解人们吸收高尔夫信息的方式,因爲学员的学习方式和高尔夫挥杆中的技术要领在任何教学课程中都非常重要,就像教授什麽是正确的握杆。 cindyreidgolf.com | The concept of how a student learns and the mechanics involved in the golf swing became just as important to any instruction program as teaching a proper grip. cindyreidgolf.com |