单词 | 什麽 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 什么—what?less common: who? something Examples:为什么—why? for what reason? 凭什么—(spoken) why? for which reason? 都什么年代了—That's so out-of-date! What decade are you living in? 葫芦里卖的是什么药—what's going on? what has (he) got up (his) sleeve? See also:什—assorted ten (used in fractions, writing checks etc)
此书面通知必须说明所使用的 资料库名称,为什麽使用该资料库,并且必须包 含资料库公司的联系资料。 tuv.org.au | This written notice must state the name of the database used and why the database is used, and it must include the database company’s contact details. tuv.org.au |
在经济效益 和公共开支方面会有什麽裨益? devb.gov.hk | What benefits does it have in [...] terms of economic interest and public expenditure ? devb.gov.hk |
在其最纯粹的形式,这种“赛车精神”深深紮根在脑海中BRM区别的伯纳德·理查兹的作品,非常清楚什麽是市场上的。 zh.horloger-paris.com | This "racing spirit" in its purest [...] form, deeply rooted in the mind BRM distinguishes the creations of Bernard [...] Richards very clearly what is on themarket. en.horloger-paris.com |
以地铁经验为例,走入地底、在车站等候、沿轨道而行,在纽约饶舌乐里留下什麽迹象? thisbigcity.net | How, for instance, does the experience of the subway- venturing underground, waiting in the station, traveling along the tracks- inform rap in New York? thisbigcity.net |
这是经常断言或假定阿维斯塔宗教作为上述描绘的是宗教的大流士和其他阿契美尼德国王波斯( [...] 549-336年)从楔形文字铭文这些君主(旧波斯语言,方言的妹妹Avestic Zend公司) ,我们知道非常好他们的宗教是什麽。mb-soft.com | It is frequently asserted or assumed that the Avesta religion as above sketched was the religion of Darius and the other Achaemenid Kings of Persia (549-336 BC) From the cuneiform inscriptions of these [...] sovereigns (in the Old Persian language, a sister dialect of the Avestic Zend) [...] we knowprettywell whattheir religion was. mb-soft.com |
车的配合是为什麽我们如何才能表达自己的同时推动我们的车,感觉舒适,以及最後但并非最不重要,让其他人知道我们是谁。 hkcarworld.com | Car Mates are the why how we can express ourselves while driving our car, to feel comfortable with it, and, last but not least, to make the other people to know who we are. hkcarworld.com |
当我们规 划每天发生什麽的时候,需要牢记我们的憧憬和长远计划,以使日常琐事与远大憧憬 [...] 合拍。 pavetheway.org.au | As we planwhat happens inthe everyday [...] we need to keep our vision and long term plans in our heads so that the everyday [...]is in step with the broader vision. pavetheway.org.au |
了解运行一个足球学校是不容易的,我们为自己做的,我们要训练在每个阶段的形成,和我们一样,我们执行的训练方法,将是我们的教练,因为他们我们会成立,我们将评估我们的球员和我们的技术人员的工作发展,有效地管理一个足球学校,取决於所有这些属性和专业从事足球的主要我们不能让我们的组织漂移的足球训练,并没有节奏,所以才得到这个孩子的形成发展也随波逐流,他们的学习仅仅是自然的,但更积极的演变从体育良好的规划,这就是为什麽我们必须使用所有的工具,我们今天在足球中学习运动,以达到最高的效率。 futbollab.com | Knowing run a soccer school is not easy, we set ourselves to do, we're going to train at each stage of formation, as we do, that training methodology we perform, who will be our coaches, as they we will form, as we will evaluate the evolution of our players and the work of our technicians, manage a football school effectively, depends on all these attributes and the professionalism with which to engage the principal of Soccer we can not let football training operation of our organization to drift and without rhythm, so just get that child's formative developments also go adrift and their learning is simply the natural, but are much more positive evolution Thanks to good planning from the sporting, that iswhy wemust use all the tools we have today in football to achieve maximum efficiency in learning sports. futbollab.com |
重要的是细 阅你保险单或证书的限制、除外项目和扣减项 目,以决定什麽支出不在承保范围内。 familyvoicesofca.org | It is important to read the limitations, exclusions and reductions clause in your policy or certificate or insurance to determine which expenses are not covered. familyvoicesofca.org |
这就是为什麽汽车工程师把注意力转向悬挂系统几乎很快,他们已经掌握的四冲程内燃机。 hkcarworld.com | That's why automobile engineers turned their attention to the suspension system almost as soon as they had mastered the four-stroke internal combustion engine. hkcarworld.com |
有效的模型享有一个美丽的家园,伟大的旅行者,因为它是一个成功地合成了优良的机械制表大多数球迷的期望是什麽:设计简单,但其中一千,坚固的机械结构和原始的识别功能简单而有效的。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Effective model enjoys a beautiful home [...] with great travelers, as it is a [...] successful synthesisof whatis expected by [...]most fans of fine mechanical watchmaking: [...]design simple but recognizable among a thousand, robust mechanics and original functions simple and effective. en.horloger-paris.com |
根据上面的经文,基於什麽原因神可能选择不令我们复原,或不按我们所期待的应允 我们的祈求? magdalenatoday.com | According to these verses, whatare some of the reasons [...] God may choose not to restore us or answer our prayers the way we expect? magdalenatoday.com |
如果院校可以根据这些调查的结果修正形象,为什麽独立机构不能进行同类调查,把有关数据变成公共资讯? hkupop.hku.hk | If universities can seek improvements on their public image according to these survey results, why shouldn』t an independent organization carry out similar surveys and release the data as public information? hkupop.hku.hk |
我需要做些什麽才能加入新的体系? acronis.com.tw | What do Ineed to do to enroll in [...] the Program? acronis.eu |
说清楚期望 - 表达你期望什麽及请别人表达他们的期望﹐这会有助奠定良好工作关系的基础﹐因为 [...] 这会让大家清楚了解对方的观点。 bcepilepsy.com | Clarify expectations –Expresswhat youare expecting [...] and invite others to express their expectations will help to build [...]a foundation for good working relationship, as this will provide a clear understanding of each others’ perspectives. bcepilepsy.com |
假 若我们明天被那辆公车撞到怎麽办,我们为此事发生的可能性做了什麽规划? pavetheway.org.au | What would happen if we were hit by that [...] bus tomorrow andwhat have we done to [...]plan for the possibility of that happening? pavetheway.org.au |
启动 是人们意识到和自信,但生活原则-为什麽我要做我自己时,它可以为我做和不更糟糕的是,但我会把一切他们与蓝色的 kaëmočkoj,享受的人 启动 他们住在自己的快乐,他们控制世界,不是政府,他们真正是独立,他们希望,所以他们可以买不起最好可以处置的时间,所以他们把从生活的一切他们想要。 startap.g-sochi.ru | Startup are people aware and self-assured, but living according to the principle-why would I do myself when it can do for me and not worse, but I'll get everything on them with blue kaëmočkoj, people who enjoy Startup they live in their own pleasure that they govern the world, not the Government, that they truly are independent and can dispose of their time as they want so they can afford the best, so they take from life everything they want. g-sochi.ru |
37 试问这张照片中所展示事件的直接原因是什 麽? nysedregents.org | 37 What was a direct cause [...] of the event illustrated in this photograph? nysedregents.org |
家长想和需要医疗计划提供清楚的计划福利,如何为他们的子女取得承保服务,往什麽地方投诉和上诉,以及有什麽其他的资源,将会帮助他们满足子女的需要。 familyvoicesofca.org | Parents want and need clear information from their health plans about health plan benefits, how to get covered services for their children, where to go with complaints and appeals, and other available resources that will help them meet their child’s needs. familyvoicesofca.org |
当你面对挣扎时,若你依靠神,你的生命会有什麽不同? magdalenatoday.com | What in your life would be different if you relied on God when you have struggles? magdalenatoday.com |
他希望有更多人参与做义工:”我们希望更多人知道我们的历史,China Camp在哪里和我们想做些什麽。 ktsf.com | We would like to let more people know about our history and our mission,” said Lai. ktsf.com |
中国自古都有「以官为贵」的传统思想,这样的思想不转变,认为享受宴请是理所当然的,从宴请的目的来看,无非关乎名利,因此如要改变宴请坏风气,什麽法律约束先放一边,法制当然要完善,最重要的是先从思想上做起来。 thisbigcity.net | So to change such a bad habit, we should not just think about the law. thisbigcity.net |
我所获得最重要的表扬是来自於我的专区和分会会员认可我做为一位兰馨会员和一 位公民的素质, 这也是为什麽自我加入兰馨会之後大家选举我担任数个重要职位的原 因. soroptimist.org | The most important recognition is the acknowledgement from my fellow region and club members of my qualities as a Soroptimist and a citizen, so that they have elected me for important posts since I entered the Soroptimist organization. soroptimist.org |
至於是什麽原因没有投票,37%表示是因为「选举没有需要/浪费公帑」,16%表示「没有合适候选人/不满意候选人表现」,而15%表示「反对或不支持公投运动」。 hkupop.hku.hk | As for the reasons for not voting, 37% explained it was because [...] "election is unnecessary, wasting public resources", 16% [...]thought there were "no suitable candidates / not satisfied with candidates' performances" and 15% said they "opposed / did not support the referendum movement". hkupop.hku.hk |
在座各位若然听过乔纳森·布罗姆博士(Dr Jonathan [...] Broome)在最近会议上的专题演说,便会明白我们的目标是什麽,并会了解我们由脚前一步走到目的地所会遭遇的困难。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Those of you who heard Dr. Jonathan Broome's [...] key-note speech at the recent symposium will [...] understand bothwhat we are aiming for [...]and the difficulty of getting from where [...]we are today to where we want to be. housingauthority.gov.hk |
认识 该团体的行政管理系统和问责体制﹐於是你会知道应该联络谁人﹐以及与该名联络人的交流不能产 生你希望得到的结果时﹐接下来应该采取的合理措施是什麽。 bcepilepsy.com | Learn about the chain of command and the reporting structure of the organization so you know who to contact and what will be the logical next step to take when the interchange with the contact person does not yield the results that you are looking for. bcepilepsy.com |
对於你们为各系列产品的韧体升级上,还有与客户的沟通管道上都不断致力於保持高品质及友善态度的做法,这点真的让我很满意,而我也相信这就是为什麽许多消费者都决定使用你们家产品的原因。 synology.com | I very satisfies by you to maintain a high level of upgrade for all your product scale, communication and user-friendly, I think that’s the reason why many people choose your brand to make the difference. synology.com.tw |