单词 | 什么样 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 什么样 —what kind?less common: what sort? See also:什么—what? • who? • something 什—assorted • ten (used in fractions, writing checks etc) 么—youngest • insignificant • one or ace on dice or dominoes • exclamatory final particle • most junior • interrogative final particle • one (unambiguous spoken form when spelling out numbers, esp. on telephone or in military) • surname Yao 么么—kissing sound (slang onom.)
虽然第 1 款规定了所指的是什么样的人,第 2 款则是取代原来条款草案第 [...] 2 款的新案文。 daccess-ods.un.org | While paragraph 1 specified what persons were meant, [...] paragraph 2 was new and replaced paragraph 2 of the former draft article. daccess-ods.un.org |
发达国家和国际金融机构需要什么样 的 机 制来确保在合作和发展政策范围内 更好地审议荒漠化、土地退化和干旱问题和土地潜能问题? daccess-ods.un.org | What mechanisms are needed in the developed [...] countries and international financial institutions to ensure better consideration [...]of desertification, land degradation and drought and land potentials within policies for cooperation and development? daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 如何加强现有的贸易和发展伙伴关系,需 要 什么样 的 新 的伙伴关系以加 强发展中国家在国际贸易中的有效和受惠的参与? daccess-ods.un.org | (a) How can existing partnerships for trade and development be [...] strengthened, and what new partnerships [...]are needed to enhance the effective and [...]beneficial participation of developing countries in international trade? daccess-ods.un.org |
可能需要什么样的自愿性国际文 书? fao.org | What kind of international voluntary [...] instruments may be needed? fao.org |
这些研究成果应 该帮助我们制定一个国家战略,为学生、家庭和公众提供 一些相关信息,告诉他们什么样的教 育途径,包括研究生 教育可以打开那些可以满足国家需要的至关重要的职业之 门。 fgereport.org | These results should inform a national strategy to communicate to students, families, and the general public information about educational pathways, including graduate education, that lead to careers vital to our national needs. fgereport.org |
如果没有官 方地区规划图,投资者必须获得区域发展与 建筑许可(CADC),该许可规定该地区允许修 建什么样的建筑。 paiz.gov.pl | If there is no zoning map the investor must apply for Conditions for Area Development and Construction (CADC), which define the basic scope of the buildings allowed. paiz.gov.pl |
我们告诉他们什么样的做 法最符合他们的利益。 crisisgroup.org | We tell them what is in their best interests. crisisgroup.org |
建议 33 C/5 的主要工作重点是:(i) 以教育,包括幼儿教育为重 [...] 点,因为这是增强贫困家庭及其子女能力的最有效的手段;(ii) 开展关于对赤贫和持久存在 [...] 的贫困现象的研究,从而深刻了解贫困的性质以及战胜贫困需要 有 什么样 的 决心和行动; (iii) 创造政策制订者和穷人能够共同制订对所有社区都有益的包容性政策的机会; [...] (iv) 提高公众的认识和推广全面而又注重人权的消除贫困的方法。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Main courses of action recommended for document 33 C/5 were: (i) to place emphasis on education, including early childhood education, as the most effective means to empower the poorest families and their children; (ii) to carry out research on extreme and persistent poverty so as to gain [...] an understanding of the nature of [...] poverty as well as the type of commitment and [...]actions necessary to overcome it; (iii) [...]to create opportunities where policy-makers and poor people could work together in setting inclusive policies that would benefit whole communities; and (iv) to raise public awareness and promote a holistic and human rights-based approach to the eradication of poverty. unesdoc.unesco.org |
无论您选择什么样的统一通信或电话系统,Microsoft、Avaya、Cisco 或是其它,我们的耳麦都具有即插即用兼容性。 jabra.cn | Whatever your Unified Communications or telephony system of choice, be it Microsoft, Avaya, Cisco or others, Our headsets offer plug-and-play compatibility. jabra.com |
讨论应包括 对教科文组织未来作用的思考,如(当然不局限于 ) 什么样 的 做 法有效 、 什么样 的 做 法无 效、教科文组织准则方面的职能与业务职能之间的联系、教科文组织在国家、地区和全球各 级作用的界定、如何更好地发挥跨部门做法的优势、以及如何使教科文组织的工作更好地为 该地区服务。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This discussion should include reflections on the future role of UNESCO including, but not limited to, what works and what doesn’t, the linkages between UNESCO’s normative and operational functions, the definition of the role of UNESCO at the country, regional and global levels, ways to better use intersectorality to advantage, and ways that UNESCO’s relevance in the region could be enhanced. unesdoc.unesco.org |
正如上文所述,这包括明确界定可以 给 什么样 的 发 明授予专利 , 什么样 的发 明不能授予专利,以确保正确应用新颖性,创造性和工业实用性这三个标准。 iprcommission.org | These include, as we have [...] discussed above, clearly defining what constitutes a patentable invention [...]as opposed to an unpatentable [...]discovery, and ensuring that the concepts of novelty, inventive step and industrial utility are properly applied. iprcommission.org |
因 此,他希望委员会到时能将他有关这一主题的工作成果以条款草案的形式提交给 大会,再由它决定采取什么样的最 后形式。 daccess-ods.un.org | He hoped, therefore, that, when the time came, the Commission would transmit the results of its work on the topic of expulsion of aliens to the [...] General Assembly in the form of draft articles, entrusting the [...] Assembly with deciding what they should ultimately take. daccess-ods.un.org |
MDC-T 对分阶 段解除制裁表现出了一些兴趣,也有一些个人呼吁 放松对特定实体的制裁,但是该政党还没有能拿出 [...] 一项全面的计划,也没能确定针对一些特殊的制裁 可以采取什么样的具体行动。 crisisgroup.org | MDC-T has indicated some interest in approaching removal of sanctions by stages, and there have been individual calls for the easing of restrictions on specific entities, but the party [...] has not put a comprehensive plan on the [...] table or identified what specific actions [...]should be taken in relation to particular measures. crisisgroup.org |
在投诉和申诉过程中,我可以得到 什么样 的帮助? amerihealthmercyhp.com | What kind of help can I have with the [...] complaint and grievance processes? amerihealthmercyhp.com |
关于正在发生什么样的歧 视、在何处、如何发生以及造成什么后果等 问题存在很少或没有确凿的数据,这被视为当前的问题,使抵制种族歧视的努力 [...] 受到限制。 daccess-ods.un.org | The existence of little or no hard data on what discrimination [...] is taking place, where, how and with what consequences was [...]seen as a current problem and limited efforts to combat racial discrimination. daccess-ods.un.org |
不过,我们可以从雇主对本科毕业生有哪些技能 上的要求推测他们对研究生会有 什么样 的 期 望。 fgereport.org | Nevertheless, understanding what skills are desired [...] by employers of undergraduate degree holders [...] may generalize to what is expected from [...]individuals with graduate degrees. fgereport.org |
我们要问,什么样的人会没收为冲突地区平民提供的 人道主义物资? daccess-ods.un.org | What kind of person, we must ask, confiscates [...] humanitarian supplies from civilians in a conflict zone? daccess-ods.un.org |
我的 Jabra LINK 180 提供什么样的兼容性设置? jabra.cn | What compatibility settings does my Jabra [...] LINK 180 provide? jabra.com |
上海和睦家医院致力于帮助家庭成员们了解当读小学的孩子成长为青少年时“会 是 什么样 的 前 景”。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Shanghai United Family Hospital and [...] Clinics (SHU) is committed to helping [...] families understand “what’s ahead” as their [...]grade school child becomes an adolescent. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
如果委员会按照本规则第71条第5 款指明应优先注意缔约国报告的结论性 [...] 意见中的某些方面,则应确立一项程序以审议缔约国就这些方面作出的答复并决 定随后适于采取什么样的行 动,包括为下一次定期报告确定日期。 daccess-ods.un.org | priority should be given to certain aspects of its concluding observations on a State party’s report, it shall establish a procedure for considering [...] replies by the State party on those [...] aspects and deciding what consequent action, [...]including the date set for the next periodic report, may be appropriate. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们需要走出去到工地上去,竖起耳朵,倾听 [...] 客户需求,睁大眼睛,看客户如何使用设备,以充分了解客 户期待什么样的设备。 volvospiritmagazine.com | You need to be out there with big ears, listening to customer [...] needs, and big eyes to see how they use the equipment in order to [...] fully understand what kind of things they [...]are looking for. volvospiritmagazine.com |
虽然该文书只述及一种 特定形式的保留对话,但其中确立的原则同样可以搬用于所有这类现象,不论这 一对话是在什么样的情况下进行。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although this instrument concerns a specific form of the reservations dialogue, the principles that it establishes can easily be applied to the phenomenon as a whole, regardless of the context in which the dialogue unfolds. daccess-ods.un.org |
其中的第一步是,界定促使国家采取应对行动的风险或活动 是 什么 , 什么样 的反应才是适当的、必要的。 daccess-ods.un.org | One of the first steps is [...] defining what risks or activities should prompt a State response and what responses [...]would be appropriate and necessary. daccess-ods.un.org |
发展中国家的专利局和立法机构都应该充分认识到它们在制定和 执行专利政策时所采取的措施会带来 什么样 的 商业和社会冲击。 iprcommission.org | Both patent offices and legislatures in developing countries need be fully aware of the commercial and social impact of the approach they take in devising and implementing patent policy. iprcommission.org |
这一概念对于理解成长着 的教会应该是什么样的是十分重要的。 sallee.info | This concept is vital to the [...] understanding of what a growing church [...]should be. sallee.info |
电影制作人Joel Marsden与奥黛丽·赫本儿童基金会执行制片人兼主席Sean Hepburn Ferrer发布了影片《WORLD [...] VOTE NOW》,并提出这样一个问题:什么样 的 革 命性全球政治运动能够引起欧洲议会、社会党领袖Evo [...] Morales、Hugo Chavez和美国国务院这样的貌似对立的机构的共鸣? tipschina.gov.cn | Film maker Joel Marsden and Sean Hepburn Ferrer, Executive Producer and chairman of the Audrey Hepburn Children [...] Fund, unveil the film WORLD VOTE NOW and [...] pose the question: What revolutionary global [...]political movement can resonate with [...]such seemingly opposite entities as the European Parliament, socialist leaders Evo Morales, Hugo Chavez and the U.S. State Department? tipschina.gov.cn |
虽然本指南面向的是研究新手 (ECR),但高级研究人员和 高级研究经理也务必要了解如今的 ECR 需要什么样的指导与帮助, 这一点很重要。 biggerbrains.com | Although the Guide speaks to Early Career Researchers (ECRs) it is also very important that senior researchers and senior research managers are aware of the mentoring and assistance that ECRs require these days. biggerbrains.com |
无论您的简历使用什么样的风 格或格式, 您都一定要有一份满足以下条件的简历:它包含准确的最新 [...] 信息,而且希望判断您在研究事业中所作出成果之质量的任何人, 都能轻松理解您的简历。 biggerbrains.com | However, no matter what style or format [...] you use for your CV, it is essential that you have one and that it is accurate, [...]up-to-date and relatively easy to absorb by someone who wishes to determine the quality of your research career outputs. biggerbrains.com |
正如我在去年 11 月向安理会发言(见 S/PV.6222)中指出的那样,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那仍 [...] 然陷于国内无法达成基本共识的痛苦,不知这个国家 应该成为或能够成为什么样的国 家——权力更加集 中的国家或权力彻底下放的国家——以及不知如何 [...]达到这样的国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | As I pointed out when I spoke to the Council in November (see S/PV.6222), Bosnia and Herzegovina remains [...] afflicted by a lack of a basic and fundamental [...] consensus about what sort of country [...]it should be or could be — whether a more [...]centralized or a very decentralized State — and how to achieve either option. daccess-ods.un.org |
(f) 增添一些文字,说明按照什么样的标 准来确定何时应将对养恤金办法的 修改记入核心账户,何时应将之记入补充表;这包括概述如何处理对养恤金的商 定和非商定改动的文字 daccess-ods.un.org | (f) To include some additional text clarifying the criteria that determine when changes to pension schemes should be recorded in the core accounts and when they should be recorded in the supplementary table; it will consist of text outlining how to treat negotiated and non-negotiated changes to pensions daccess-ods.un.org |