

单词 亿万富豪

See also:


millions and millions


Marriot International (Hotel chain)


rich and powerful
rich and influential person
big shot

External sources (not reviewed)

印度和中亿万富豪数量仅次于美国,但从全球标准来看,亚洲慈善捐赠数额仍然较 少。
Yet, by global standards, Asia’s record in charitable giving is small.
富国调万亿美元 解决金融问题时,难道我们会在只有数千亿美元的官方发展援助方面 “例行节约”?
Are we to “economize” on official development assistance (ODA), worth
[...] some hundred billion dollars, while trillions of dollars [...]
are mobilized in the rich
countries to fight their financial problems?
20岁的达奥翟.萨伊特在泰国曼万豪 酒 店 的后厨中准备晚餐。
Daojai Saetor, 20, prepares dinner in the
[...] kitchen of JW Marriott hotel in Bangkok, [...]
我们依据客户背景信息,确保将媒体呈现给这些分布在全国前三名城市内 亿万富 翁。
We diversified our portfolio of clients and delivered on media
guarantees by placing these clients in front of one of China’s top 3 cities of
[...] highest earning Millionaires and Billionaires.
Carrier先生说:“将在大会上汇报的新研究成果,将显示目前仍然存在这种非法假冒商品贸易所产生的全面影响,全球经济、政府和消费者每年损失 万亿 美 元 , 200多万份工作将受到潜在的威胁,”他补充说,“因此,所有利益有关者都必须再次为找到新的 富 有 创 造性的解决方案作出承诺;国际商会已通过其商业活动制止假冒和盗版倡议这样做了,我们将在本次大会上提出新的倡议和新的数据,继续支持知识产权发挥作用,以推动创新,创建新的计划,教育消费者为什么不要购买假冒伪劣产品。
Mr. Carrier said “New research to be reported at the Congress will show that the total impact of this
illicit trade in
[...] fakes is staggering, with more than US$1-trillion in annual losses to global economies, governments and consumers and potentially more than 2 million jobs at risk,” adding “It is essential [...]
that all stakeholders
renew their commitment to find new and creative solutions, and ICC, through its BASCAP program is doing that, and we will introduce new initiatives at this Congress providing new data, new support for the role of IP in driving innovation and new programs to educate consumers on why they should stop buying fakes.
该集团以其龙头企业海南航空(600221.SS)闻名,该旗舰资产一直被视为中国一流航空公司之一,投资者包 亿万富 翁 索 罗斯(George Soros)。
HNA, controlled by tropical Hainan province, is perhaps best known for its ownership of Hainan Airlines (Shanghai: 600221), a
flagship asset long considered one of China’s best run airlines and whose investors
[...] also include billionaire George Soros.
可是, 就例如東亞銀行事件,政府的調查和跟進工作卻是十分迅速的,給人的
[...] 強烈感覺是,對於一些涉嫌隱瞞資料或不正當手段的大財團 富豪 ,它 是軟弱無力的,但它對小市民則極為嚴苛,而對投資者方面的保障,似 [...]
This gives us a strong impression that it is soft with large
[...] consortiums and the rich who are suspected [...]
of withholding information or engaging
in improper practices, but harsh on the public and even apathetic towards investor protection.
王创建这个公司是想在目前由欧洲品牌(如Azimut阿滋姆或是Sunseeker圣斯克)掌控的游艇市场上夺得一席之地,吸 亿万富 翁 成为他们的客户。
The company aims to compete in a
marketplace currently dominated by European yacht makers like Azimut and
[...] Sunseeker and count billionaires among its clients.
他不同意政府當局在討論文件 第 12段指該等意見是完全沒有根據。考慮到新界東 北新發展區的各項特點,例如擬議新發展區鄰近深 圳、取道將於2018年啟用的蓮塘/香園圍口岸只需
十分短的時間往來兩地、預計該等地區內會有大量 內地學生、當局既沒有就新界東北將會發展的工業 類別制訂具體計劃,亦未有就該等地區落實"港人港 地
[...] "的政策訂定推行細節,梁議員質疑新界東北新發 展區到底是真正為香港人而設的新市鎮,還是為內富豪而設的後花園。
Taking into account the various characteristics of NENT NDAs, such as the close proximity between the proposed NDAs and Shenzhen, the short time required to travel between the two places through the Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai boundary control point that would commence operation in 2018, the anticipated large number of Mainland students in the areas, the absence of a concrete plan on the types of industries to be developed in NENT, and the lack of implementation details about the implementation of the policy of "Hong Kong property for Hong Kong residents" in the areas, Mr
LEONG cast doubt on whether NENT NDAs would genuinely be new towns for Hong Kong people
[...] or a backyard for rich Mainlanders.
[...] 和美利坚合众国的工人农民有一个共同的敌人,那 就是美国政府及该国亿万富翁。
The people of Puerto Rico and workers and farmers in the United
States of America had a common enemy, namely the Government of the United States and
[...] that country’s billionaire families.
为了方便分析,兹将共有超过 12 亿人口 的欧洲经济委员会(欧洲经委会)区 域 56 个成员按三大次区域划分:(a) 北美洲,人口 34 400 万,包括加拿大和美 利坚合众国;(b) 欧洲发达经济体,人口 52 200 万,以 35 个经济体组成,包括 欧洲联盟、欧洲自由贸易协会、以色列和四个人口少于 10 万的欧洲微型国家; (c) 欧洲新兴经济体,人口 37 400 万,包括在东欧和东南欧、高加索和中亚的 19 个经济体。
For analytical purposes, the 56 members of the Economic Commission for Europe (ECE)
region, which has a
[...] population of over 1.2 billion, are divided into three major subregions: (a) North America, with a population of 344 million, composed of Canada and the United States of America; (b) the European advanced economies, with a population of 522 million, composed of 35 economies [...]
including the
European Union, the European Free Trade Association, Israel and four European micro-States with fewer than 100,000 people; and (c) the European emerging economies, with a population of 374 million, composed of 19 economies in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia.
在酒店管理方面,有 14 个国际酒店连锁在古巴营业,没有一个是美国的; 像喜来登、希尔顿万豪和假 日酒店等美国酒店连锁,在加勒比地区有分店,而 且几乎都是世界十大顶级酒店,都无法进入古巴。
Cuba, none belongs to a United States hotel chain; Cuba is thus barred from such hotel chains as the Sheraton, Hilton, Marriot and Holiday Inn, which already do business in the Caribbean region and nearly all of which rank in the top 10 hotel chains in the world.
Simons以前是石溪大学(Stony Brook
[...] University)的数学教授,2006年和2007年均荣登这个排行榜,他 亿万富 翁 Jo hn Paulson手中夺回了收入第一的桂冠。
Simons, a former Stony Brook University math professor who
took top honors in the 2006 and 2007 rankings, reclaims the crown of highest earner
[...] from fellow billionaire John Paulson.
可悲的是9.11事件过去多年后,仍有多起重大恐怖袭击发生,包括2003年8月对联合国驻巴格达总部,2004年3月对马德里的四起通勤列车,2004年5月对沙特阿拉伯铝拜尔西方人的办公室和公寓楼,2005年7月对伦敦地铁,2005年10月对巴厘岛的一个海滨区和购物中心,2008年11月对孟买的多个地点,2009年7月对雅加 万豪 和 丽 思卡尔顿酒店,以及2010年3月对莫斯科地铁等恐怖袭击,这里仅列出了少数几个。
Sadly, major terrorist assaults have continued over the years since 9-11 — including attacks on UN headquarters in Baghdad (August 2003), on four commuter trains in Madrid (March 2004), on an office and an apartment block used by Westerners in al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia (May 2004), the London Underground (July 2005), a seaside area and shopping hub in Bali
(October 2005), multiple sites in Mumbai
[...] (November 2008), the Marriott and Ritz-Carlton [...]
hotels in Jakarta (July 2009), and the
Moscow Metro (March 2010), to name only a few.
It is located two blocks south from Marriott Hotel and four blocks away from Holiday Inn.
如果你想你可以坐公共汽车或出租车从任何角度的城市和到达香格里拉平塔街é 4-55和亚马孙道, 2次盖帽南万豪酒店举行。
If you want you can take a bus or a
taxi from any point of the city and get to La Pinta St. E 4-55 and Amazonas Avenue, two
[...] blocks south from Marriott Hotel.
财富和贫困联系在一起的,穷人总是暴露的比较,不断认识的可能性和机会是提供 富豪 , 但 似乎永远无法对自己的。
Wealth and poverty are always linked, and the poor are always exposed to the comparison, continually aware
of the possibilities and opportunities that
[...] are available to the rich but that appear forever [...]
inaccessible to themselves.
躍達汽車公司亦富豪、UD 及 Renault 貨車在香港及澳門的經銷商,並於二零一二年六月開設認可工場為該等貨車提供支援服務。
International Automobiles is also the
[...] official dealer for Volvo, UD and Renault [...]
trucks in Hong Kong and Macau, supported
by an authorised workshop opened in June 2012.
彼亦為為漢控股有限公司、泛海國際 集團有限公司、世紀城市國際控股有限公司、中國鎳資源控股有限公司、華鼎集團控股有限
公司、安寧控股有限公司、第一天然食品有限公司(已委任臨時清盤人)、福記食品服務控股 有限公司(已委任臨時清盤人)、金鷹商貿集團有限公司、毅力工業集團有限公司、弘茂科技
[...] 控股有限公司、百利保控股有限公司 富豪 酒 店 國際控股有限公司及冠捷科技有限公司之獨 [...]
He is also an independent nonexecutive director and a member of the audit committee of Asia Orient Holdings Limited, Asia Standard International Group Limited, Century City International Holdings Limited, China Nickel Resources Holdings Company Limited, China Ting Group Holdings Limited, ENM Holdings Limited, First Natural Foods Holdings Limited (provisional liquidators appointed), FU JI Food and Catering Services Holdings Limited (provisional liquidators appointed), Golden Eagle Retail Group Limited, Ngai Lik Industrial Holdings Limited, PacMOS
Technologies Holdings Limited, Paliburg
[...] Holdings Limited, Regal Hotels International [...]
Holdings Limited and TPV Technology
Limited, all of these companies are listed on the Stock Exchange.
努尔 丁决定不如设法使用这些材料,于是行动计划由此产生, 最终导致了第一万豪国际 酒店爆炸案。
Noordin decided it would be better
to think of a way to use them and from there began plans for an operation that
[...] became the first Marriott hotel bombing.
设计精美的客房可将周边美景尽收眼底,内 万豪 Revi ve 床上用品、液晶电视、免费高速上网接入、会议设施和豪华的大理石浴室等,商务休闲两相宜。
Smartly designed guests rooms
[...] offer great views, Marriott Revive bedding, [...]
LCD TV, complimentary high-speed connectivity
in all guestrooms as well as meeting facility, and a luxurious marble bathroom.
另外一点:艺术得到了中国政府和中国 收藏家的支持,同样爱国人士的资金注入 也让艺术如虎添翼,中国艺术品的拍卖成 交价纪录会一直刷新,因为中国亿万富 翁正在以每年20%的速度递增,到2014年, 除中国之外其他国家亿万富翁只占到 全球的5.6%16。
Another strength: art enjoys the support of the Chinese government and of Chinese collectors who
are as patriotic as
[...] they are eager to invest - and with the number of Chinese billionaires set to increase by around 20% by 2014, (vs. 5.6% for the [...]
rest of the planet16
), we can expect Chinese art prices and auction records to continue forging ahead over the coming years.
伴随着中国百富翁和亿万富翁数 量的上升,人们对于奢侈品和高端产品的需求也随之增长。
China sees its number of millionaires and billionaires increase along with the demand for luxury and high-ends products.
而在中国奢侈品产业高速发展,万 、 亿万富 翁 越来越多的今天,奢侈品品牌纷纷抓住这一机会,打造出了制作精良的限量版产品。
With the booming luxury industry in China and the growing number of millionaires and billionaires, luxury brands jump on this opportunity to create their finest limited editions.
高博金律师事务所的纽约团队代表夹层融资公司 GSO RE Onshore
[...] LLC,在纽约州法院就有关纽约大型房地产开发项目的贷款违约事宜起 亿万富 翁 房 地产开发商 Tamir Sapir,最终获得 [...]
6,000 多万美元的简易判决。
Kobre & Kim’s New York team obtains US $60 million+ summary judgment in New York state courts on behalf
of mezzanine financing house GSO RE Onshore
[...] LLC against billionaire real estate [...]
developer Tamir Sapir over loan default relating
to large New York development.
最近发生财政和金融危机以后,全世界很多国家政府宣布了大规模的财政刺 激一揽子计划,总额超过 3 万亿美元(见图一和图二)。
In the aftermath of the recent financial and economic crisis, many
Governments around the world have announced massive fiscal stimulus
[...] packages of over $3 trillion (see figures [...]
I and II).
北京王府万豪行政公寓豪华舒适、品质卓越,其内设有 220 间套房,套间、单卧室、双卧室、三卧室等多种房型随心挑选,面积从 64 至 228 平方米不等,每间均带有设施齐全的厨房、阳台、专用办公区、保险箱、大屏幕液晶电视、DVD [...]
The Imperial
[...] Mansion-Beijing Marriott Executive Apartments reflects an exceptional level of luxury, you can [...]
choose among 220 fully
furnished suites from elegant Studio, One, Two to Three-beds ranging from 64 to 228 square meters, every suite comes with a fully equipped kitchen, balcony, dedicated office area, safe, large LCD TV, DVD Player, and wire & wireless internet connection.
公司 2009 财年的销售额达 209 亿美元,并在《富》美国 500 强最大企业排名中名列第 94 位。
Sales in fiscal 2009
[...] were US$20.9 billion and Emerson is ranked 94th on the Fortune 500 list of [...]
America's largest companies.




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