

单词 人龙


马龙人 n

Maroon n


Descendants of the Dragon (i.e. Han Chinese)

See also:

surname Long


people n
human n
man n

External sources (not reviewed)

Luckily, the queue moved forward 50meters in every 5 minutes.
A CAPITAL 的董事长和执行合人龙博望 先生说:“我们非常高兴可以得到北京市政府对这一人民币基金设立的支持。
André Loesekrug‐Pietri, Chairman and Managing Partner of A‐CAPITAL, said: "We are delighted to have the strong support from the Beijing Municipal Government for this pioneering RMB‐denominated fund.
所有苏里南人需认识到,土人和马 龙人 有 特 殊权利,由于他们的脆弱处 境,需要特别保护。
All Surinamers have to be aware that the Indigenous and Maroons have special rights and because of their vulnerability need special protection.
对媒体、非政府组织、宗教组织和土著人民和 龙人 组 织 的意识培训。
Awareness trainings for media, NGOs, religious organizations and organizations
[...] of Indigenous Peoples and Maroons.
希族人和马龙派教 徒申请返回北部并永久居住,但无进展(见 S/2009/609,第 17 段)。
There have been no new developments regarding the requests of Greek Cypriots and Maronites who seek to return to, and permanently reside in, the north (see S/2009/609, para. 17).
这些新招人员中的许人被送龙加国家公园内的训练营或马西西县县南部的Tambi、Mpati、Bwiza、Magera和 Tabero等地的训练营。
Many of those recruits were sent to training camps within the Virunga National Park or in the locality of Tambi, Mpati, Bwiza, Magera and Tabero in Southern Masisi.
中华人民共和国政府通过世界银行提交了 2010 年中人民共和国龙生产 与消费 淘汰情况财务审计报告以及该行业的结余报告。
The Government of the People’s Republic of China, through the World Bank, has submitted a financial audit
report on the phase-out of
[...] production and consumption of halons in the People’s Republic [...]
of China for the year 2010 together
with a balance report for the sector.
然后,他们走投无路的未来,龙猎 人 想 从 他采取Piisuke的谁。
Then, they are
[...] cornered by dinosaur hunters from the future, [...]
who want to take Piisuke from him.
静香,Suneo和吉安运行的成警察,谁把 龙 猎 人 在 监 狱里。
Shizuka, Suneo and Gian run into
[...] police, who put the dinosaur hunters in prison.
民政处负责组织以粮食和养恤金支票的 形式向北部 Karpas 和 Kormakitis 地区的希族人和马龙派教 徒社区提供政府 福利援助。
The Branch is responsible for organizing the delivery of government welfare assistance, in the form of food items and pension checks, to the Greek Cypriot and Maronite communities in the Karpas and Kormakitis regions in the north.
2010 年 1 月 8 日,关于能源的专门网站 Platts.com 出版发表一篇文章,转
[...] 载参议员莉萨·穆尔科斯基(阿拉斯加共和党)的发 人 罗 伯 · 狄 龙 的 声 明,指 出能源委员会约 7 个月前表决赞成 [...]
2009 年 7 月穆尔科斯基提出的 S 1517 计划, 即允许参与在古巴经济专属区的石油勘探和与此活动相关的旅行。
On 8 January 2010, the website Platts.com, which specializes in energy,
published an article that reported on the
[...] statements by Robert Dillon, spokesman for Senator Lisa [...]
Murkowski (Republican-Alaska),
that the Energy Committee had voted seven months previously in favour of bill S 1517, submitted by Murkowski in July 2009, which would permit participation in oil exploration in Cuba’s exclusive economic zone and travel related to that activity.
龙龙家有七口人,属 于迪巴巴旺(Dibabawon)部落,与其他部落一起构成了土著人社区。
Longlong’s family of seven is from [...]
the Dibabawon tribe – one of many tribes that make up the indigenous people’s communities.
Dragon person electron
本次技术研讨会主要深入讨论ALTERA最顶尖的产品技术及应用,并由多位专业的Altera及 龙人 员 主 讲。
This technology seminar focuses on ALTERA
top product technologies and application, and several professional technicians
[...] from Altera and Cytech have given speech.
会议将由以人士共同主持龙永图 先生,国际资本峰会联合主席;原中国外经贸副部长;中国入世谈判的首席谈判代表;博鳌亚洲论坛前秘书长;参议员让-皮埃尔•拉法兰(Jean-Pierre Raffarin)先生,国际资本峰会联合主席;法国参议院副议长;法国前总理;柳传志先生,国际资本峰会联合主席;联想控股有限公司董事长,联想集团创始人和名誉董事长;中国企业家俱乐部(CEC)理事长。
The conference will Co-Chaired by Mr Long Yongtu, Co-Chairman, ICC; former Vice Minister of Commerce, China; Chief Negotiator for China's WTO accession; Former Secretary General, Boao Forum For Asia; Senator Jean-Pierre Raffarin, Co-Chairman, ICC; Vice President, French Senate; former Prime Minister, France and Mr Liu Chuan Zhi, Co-Chairman, ICC; Chairman, Legend Holdings Ltd; Founder & Honorary Chairman, Lenovo; Chairman, China Entrepreneur Club (CEC).
教科文组织北京办事处该工作重点下开展了数项活动,其中有:2002 年 10 月中人与 生 物圈计划全国委员会在中国四川省九寨沟和 龙 生 物 圈保留地举行了“中国自然保护区生 态旅游管理”会议;在锡林郭勒生物圈保留地举办了以当地社区(包括该生物圈保留地管理 [...]
列研讨会;中国人与生物圈计划全国委员会牵头进行了一项题为“建立自然保护区,推动锡 林郭勒地区退化草原的恢复和可持续管理”的可行性调查(2002 年 7-12 月);举行了“维 护中国环境的生态研究”(ERSEC)项目(德国信托基金)的第二次指导委员会和项目协调 员会议。
The UNESCO Beijing Office carried out several activities under this main line of action including a conference on Ecotourism Management of China’s Nature Reserves organized by the Chinese
National Committee
[...] for MAB in October 2002 at the Juizhaigou and Huanglong Biosphere Reserve, Sichuan Province, China; a [...]
series of seminars
in Xilingol Biosphere Reserve, targeted at the local community including the biosphere reserve manager and in Beijing for donor agencies and governmental and academic institutions; a feasibility survey on the establishment of nature reserves promoting the rehabilitation and the sustainable management of degraded grassland landscapes in Xilingol region (July-December 2002), conducted by the Chinese National Committee for MAB; the second Steering Committee and Project Coordinators’ Meeting of the Ecological Research for Sustaining the Environment in China (ERSEC) project (FIT Germany).
关于环境规划署提出的长期管理龙 库 的 提案,人建议 ,作为一个替代办法,环境规划署可通过其履约协助方案的哈龙干事编写一份关于 [...]
第 5 条缔约方哈龙库义务的研究报告,同时,也许可以为帮助环境规划署开展这些工作提 供 40,000 美元。
With respect to UNEP’s proposal for the
[...] long-term management of halon banks, it was suggested [...]
as an alternative that UNEP, through
its Compliance Assistance Programme (CAP) halon officer, should prepare a study on halon banking operations in Article 5 countries, and that a sum of US $40,000 might be allocated to assist its efforts.
大脑的进化中海500万年前使用的信令结构和DHA的尽管去,从dynoflagellat es 恐 龙 和 人 类 的进化,它仍然是主要功能,只有欧米茄3结构组件,负责对视力,所有的感觉和运动功能和认知。
The brain evolved in the sea 500 million years ago using DHA for its signalling
structures and despite evolution going from
[...] dynoflagellates to dinosaurs and humans it is [...]
still the major functional and only omega
3 structural component responsible for vision, all sensory and motor functions and cognition.
提供演员参与海外电影制作,包括「火拼时速2」(美国)、「盗贼同盟」(韩国)、「特工阔少爷」第1集及第2集 (法国/比利时)、「世纪役战」(美国)、「蝙蝠侠黑夜之神」(美国)、「太极侠」(美国)、「金田一香港 龙 财 宝 杀 人 事 件 」(日本) 及「I Trust You」(意大利)。
Provided artiste agency services to films "Rush Hour 2" (USA), "The Thieves" (South Korea), "Largo Winch" 1 & 2 (France/ Belgium), Contagion (Hollywood), "Bat Man - The Dark Knight" (USA), "Man of Tai Chi" (USA), "Kindaichi Case Files - Hong Kong Kowloon" (Japan) and "I Trust You" (Italian).
秘书处代表介绍了 UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/56/11 号文件,其中载有下列项目的执行 进度报告:阿根廷氟氯化碳全国淘汰计划、不丹最终淘汰管理计划、中国氟氯化碳和龙 加速淘汰项目、柬埔寨氟氯化碳和 龙 全 国 淘汰项目、克罗地亚最终氟氯化碳淘汰管理计 划核查审计报告、加纳最终淘汰管理计划、肯尼亚在土壤熏蒸方面淘汰甲基溴的技术转让 项目、墨西哥全国氟氯化碳淘汰计划和墨西哥在化工生产行业淘汰 CFC-11 和 CFC-12 的行 业计划。
The representative of the Secretariat introduced document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/56/11, which consisted of progress reports on the implementation of: the national CFC phase-out plan in Argentina, the TPMP in Bhutan, the accelerated phase-out of CFCs and halons in China, the NPP for CFCs and halons in Colombia, the verification audit report of the terminal CFC phase-out management plan in Croatia, the TPMP in Ghana, the technology transfer leading to methyl bromide phase-out in soil fumigation in Kenya, the national CFC phase-out plan in Mexico and the sector plan for phasing out the CFC-11 and CFC-12 production sector in Mexico.
[...] 际中心的环境和费用绩效采取了许多前瞻性措施:安装照明光电感应器和效率更 高的龙头; 使用再生纸和为循环使用分离废物。
However, benefiting from a high level of public environmental consciousness in the host country, they have adopted many proactive measures in recent years to improve the environmental and cost performance of Vienna International Centre (VIC): the installation of
motion-detectors for lighting and of more
[...] efficient water faucets; use of recycled [...]
paper and segregation of waste for recycling purposes.
15年的艰苦创业和不断创新,铜管生产线引进消化吸收到再创新,经过无数老一代 龙人 的 默默奉献,终于厚积薄发,以雄厚的技术实力,成为了铜管行业的引领者,把制冷铜管的产业规模做到了世界第一。
Then by 15 years of hard work and innovation, the introduction of copper pipe production line and digestion and innovation, GD has developed the biggest scale in the refrigeration copper tube industry and become the leader for his strong technical strength with the dedication of generations of GD people.
除上文披露者外,於最後可行日期,董事並不知悉任何其 人 士 於 本公司的股份或 相關股份中擁有權益或淡倉,而該等權益或淡倉根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第2及第 3分部的條文須向本公司作出披露,或直接或間接擁有面值10%或以上任何類別股本 權益(或與該等股本有關的購股權),而該等股本附有權利可於任何情況下在本集團 任何其他成員公司的股東大會上投票。
Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practical Date, the Directors are not aware of any other person who had an interest or short position in the Shares or underlying Shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, directly or indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital, or options in respect of such capital, carrying rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of any other member of the Group.
(E) 在考慮有關委任兩名或以上董事擔任本公司或本公司擁有權益 之任何其他公司之職務或受薪職位(包括委任條款之安排或修訂或終止有關委任)之 安排時,須就每名董事分別提呈決議案,而每名有關董事均可就各項決議案投票(及 計入法人數) ,惟有關其本身委任(或委任條款之安排或修訂或終止有關委任)之 決議案除外,及除非(如上所述在任何上述其他公司之職務或受薪職位)該董事連同 其任何聯人士擁 有百分之五(5)或以上之上述其他公司任何類別股本之已發行股份 或該公司任何類別股份之投票權。
(E) Where arrangements are under consideration concerning the appointment (including the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) of two or more Directors to offices or places of profit with the Company or any other company in which the Company is interested, a separate resolution may be put in relation to each Director and in such case each of the Directors concerned shall be entitled to vote (and be counted in the quorum) in respect of each resolution except that concerning his own appointment (or the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) and except (in the case of an office or place of profit with any such other company as aforesaid) where the other company is a company in which the Director together with any of his associates owns five (5) per cent or more of the issued shares of any class of the equity share capital of such company or of the voting rights of any class of shares of such company.
在访问期间,工作组发现,非人后 裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和 定量的分类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非 人 后 裔 或其他少数群 体的具体措施或扶持行动政策。
During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.
本會促請政府全 面 檢討西九龍文娛藝術區發展計劃,在規 劃文化設施 之 前 , 應 先 考慮有關‘軟 件 ’的 內容, 延 長提交發展建議的期 限 ,並公開 及 詳 細 地 諮詢文化界 、 專 業 團 體 、地產 界 、立法會、公眾 及相關組織 , 以 貫徹文化委員會就西九龍發展計劃提出‘人 為本’、 ‘建立伙 伴 關 係 ’ 和 ‘民間主導’的原則 , 制 訂 公 開 、公平 和 適切合 宜 的發展及運作方案, 而 在發展過程中,政府應 促成發展商與 文化界 的 伙 伴 關 係,讓 文化界參 與 區 內 設施的策 劃及將來的運作。
That this Council urges the Government to comprehensively review the West Kowloon Cultural District development project, consider the ‘software’ contents before planning the cultural facilities, extend the deadline for submission of development proposals, openly and thoroughly consult the cultural sector, professional bodies, the real estate sector, the Legislative Council, the public and relevant organizations, and uphold the ‘people-oriented’, ‘partnership’ and ‘community-driven’ principles put forward by the Culture and Heritage Commission for the West Kowloon development in formulating a development and operation plan that is open, fair and proper; and in the process of development, the Government should also facilitate a partnership between developers and the cultural sector, so as to allow the latter to participate in the planning and future operation of the facilities in the district.
人如在任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處所任何部分之內或之上拾獲任何物品或物 體,須在切實可行的範圍內盡快將該物品或物體交 人 員 ; 除 人 員 外 ,任 人 不 得 將遺失或遺留 在任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處所任何部分的財物,移離任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處 所任何部分,但目的為在切實可行範圍內盡快將該財物交 人 員 則屬例外;而就拾獲者與公司之 間而言,拾獲的所有物品或物體均須當作由公司所管有。
Every person who finds any article or object in or upon any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises shall hand over the same to an official as soon as is practicable and no person other than an official shall remove from any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises any property lost or left behind therein, save for the purpose of handing over the same as soon as is practicable to an official [...]
and all articles
or objects so found shall as between the finder and the Corporation be deemed to be in the possession of the Corporation.




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