

单词 人食用

See also:


food product
use as food


eat people
man-eating (beast)
fig. oppress the people

用食 n

drinking water n


be in need of staff
employ sb. for a job
manage people

External sources (not reviewed)

如食物因 容器欠妥而不宜人食用,提 供有關食物以作出售亦屬違法。
Should the food be rendered unfit for human consumption due to a problematic container, it would be an offence to offer such food for sale.
[...] 因此並無證據證明有關商戶出售不宜 人食用 的 食 物,故此,該 署並無提出檢控。
As the results of the test on the puffer fish and the related products seized indicated that they
were non-toxic and there was no evidence
[...] to prove that the food sold by the traders [...]
was unfit for human consumption, no prosecution
had been taken against the traders concerned by the FEHD.
132章,附屬法例U)(下稱“該條 例 ”)根據《公眾 生及巿政條例》(第 132章
[...] )(下稱“主體條例”)第 55(1A) 條訂立,以限制售賣、託付、交付或輸入任何人造糖以 人食用 或任 何含有人造糖並擬人食用的食 物,但該規則附表內所指明者則除 外。
The Food Adulteration (Artificial Sweeteners) Regulations (Cap. 132 sub. leg. U) ("the Regulations") are made under section 55(1A) of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap. 132) ("the Principal Ordinance") to restrict the sale, consignment, delivery or
importation of any
[...] artificial sweetener for human consumption or any food intended for human consumption containing [...]
any artificial
sweetener except those specified in the Schedule to the Regulations.
現行法例已 對野味、肉類及家禽實施入口管制,根據《進口野味、肉類及家禽規 例》(第 132AK章 ),任何人除非預先獲得食物環境衞生署(“食環署”)
[...] 署長的書面准許,否則不得輸入沒有官方衞生證明書證明適宜 人食 用的肉類或家禽。
Under the Imported Game, Meat and Poultry Regulations (Cap. 132AK), no person shall import meat or poultry without an official health certificate which certifies that the meat or poultry concerned is fit for
human consumption, unless a prior written permission from
[...] the Director of Food and Environmental [...]
Hygiene (DFEH) is granted.
修訂規例的效力是,任何人如在2008年 12月
[...] 1日或之後,將任 何含有紅2G的擬供出售人食用的食 物在香港售賣、託付、交付或輸 入,或售賣或為出售而宣傳用於食物中的紅2G,即屬犯罪。
The effect of the Amendment Regulation is that on or after 1 December 2008 a person commits an offence if he
sells, consigns or delivers, or imports
[...] into Hong Kong, any food intended for sale [...]
for human consumption that contains Red
2G, or sells or advertises for sale Red 2G for use in food.
本港並無法例規管食物接觸物料的使用,但《公眾衞生及市政條例》(第 132章)規定,所有在香港出售的食物必須適宜 人食用。
In Hong Kong, there was no legislation to regulate the use of food contact materials but Public
Health and Municipal Services Ordinance, Cap.
[...] 132, required all food for sale in Hong [...]
Kong must be fit for human consumption.
在這些情況下,中心建議業界在產品包裝上提供清晰的食用指 示,例如“供四人食用”。
For such cases, it is also recommended to provide clear serving instruction (e.g., “serves 4”) on the product package.
修訂規例旨在修訂《食物業規例》( 第 132章,附屬法例 X)("主體規例"),以禁止從指明禁區抽取海水,飼養擬售賣 人食 用的活魚及活的介貝類水產動物。
The Amendment Regulation seeks to amend the Food Business Regulation (Cap. 132 sub. leg. X) (Principal Regulation) to prohibit the extraction of seawater from specified prohibited areas for keeping live fish and live shell fish intended for sale for human consumption.
官方衞生 證明書會證明有關禽蛋適宜人食用。
The official health certificate will certify the fitness of the poultry eggs concerned for human consumption.
倘若農業食品與獸醫局有理 由 相信在持牌 加工場所 加工處 理 的 任 何 肉類製品或魚類製品經 攙雜、受 污染或 因其他理由 不適宜人 食用,農業食品與獸醫局可 向該加工場所 的持牌 人 發出書面指示,要求該持牌人即 時回收有 關 肉類製品或魚 類製品的所 有 存 貨 ,以及停 止售賣、供應或分銷該肉類製品 或魚類製品。
Where AVA has reason to believe that any meat product or fish product which has been processed in a licensed processing establishment is adulterated, contaminated or otherwise unfit for human consumption, AVA may issue a written directive to the licensee of the processing establishment requiring the licensee to forthwith recall all stocks and to cease the sale, supply or distribution, of the meat product or fish product.
根據第 132AK 章第 2 條,“主管當局"指任何國家內根
[...] 據現行法例有權檢驗食品以及證明食品是否適宜 人食用的 機關,而該機關當其時是已獲食環署署長加以認可的。
Under Regulation 2 of Cap. 132AK, "competent authority" means any authority, having power
under the laws in force in any country to
[...] examine articles of food and to certify as [...]
to their fitness for human consumption,
which is for the time being recognised by the DFEH.
人食用的食 品进口,特别是要满足社会方案需要的食品,也受到禁 运的影响,因为限制措施限制了食品的数量和质量,从而对人口中弱势群体的粮 [...]
The importation of food products for human [...]
consumption, particularly those destined to meet social programmes, is affected
by the embargo, as restrictions limit their quantity and quality, thus having a direct effect on the food security of the vulnerable segments of the population.
根據第 132AK 章,任何人除非預先獲得食物環境衞 生署衞生主任的書面准許,否則不得輸入沒有官方衞生證明書證明適宜 人食用 的肉類或家禽。
Under Cap. 132AK, no person shall import meat or poultry without an official health certificate which certifies that the meat or poultry concerned is fit for human consumption, or otherwise a
prior written permission from a health
[...] officer of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) will be required.
有關罰則與《公眾衞生及市政條例》(第132章)第54條 就售賣不宜人食用的食 物所訂的罰則一致。
The penalty was in line with the
[...] penalty for selling food that was unfit for [...]
human consumption under section 54 of PHMSO, Cap.132
郭榮鏗議員建議 政府當局考慮刪除配方粉定義中"看似是"和"滿足年齡未滿36個月的人
[...] 的全部或部分營養需要"的提述,並取代為"(a)主要為供年齡未滿36個月人食用以攝 取營養而製造、銷售、供應或要約售賣;及(b)外表是粉狀 [...]
Mr Dennis KWOK has suggested the Administration to consider deleting the references to "appears to be" and "satisfy wholly or partly the nutritional requirement of a person aged under 36 months" in the definition of powdered formula and substitute it with "(a) is manufactured,
sold, supplied or offered for sale
[...] predominately for the nutritional consumption by [...]
a person aged under 36 months; and (b)
has the physical appearance of milk or milk-like substance in powder form.
在本港,除害劑的入口、生產、售賣和供應均受《除害劑條例》(第133 章)規管,有關條文由漁農自然護理署負責執行,但有關出售 人食用 的 食 物必須合乎 衞生、未經攙雜和適宜人食用一事 則受《公眾衞生及市政條例》(第132章)規管,有 關條文由食物環境衞生署(食環署)負責執行。
In Hong Kong, the regulation of import, manufacture, sale and supply of pesticides came under Pesticides Ordinance (PO), Cap. 133, which was enforced by
Agriculture, Fisheries and
[...] Conservation Department, whereas the regulation of food on sale for human consumption must be wholesome, [...]
unadulterated and fit
for human consumption came under PHMSO, Cap. 132, which was enforced by Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD).
(c) 若該批魚類及魚類製品適宜人食用 , 當 局會決定放 行;若不適宜人食用,當局會把貨品扣押,直至該批 貨品從新加坡移走、銷毀或棄置。
(c) decision of releasing, if the consignment of fish and fishery products is fit for human consumption, or detaining the consignment if it is unfit for human consumption, pending its removal, destruction or disposal from Singapore.
1.海产品的化学污染 许多化学污染物是通人食用海产 品而威胁人类健康的。
Examples of regional applications include the North Sea and the Georges Bank region of the Northwest Atlantic.
不在上述條例範圍內的擬作為食物 人食用 的 中 藥會視作食 物,因此受擬議的規管方案規管。
Chinese medicine intended for human
[...] consumption as food that fell outside the scope of the said legislation would be considered as food, and hence [...]
under the proposed regulatory framework.
第 25號法律公告在《進出口規例》中加入配方粉的定 義,即符合以下兩項描述的粉狀物質:一、供或看似是供年齡 未滿36個月人食用;二 、是或看似是粉狀的奶或類似奶的物 質,用以滿足年齡未滿36個月的人的全部或部分營養需要。
L.N. 25 adds a definition of powdered formula to the IE Regulations to mean a substance in powder form that is or appears to be for consumption by a person aged under 36 months and is or appears to be milk or milk-like substance in powder form to satisfy wholly or partly the nutritional requirement of a person aged under 36 months.
(二 ) 邊境管制人員會採取哪些措施檢查入境人士有否攜帶受進 口管制的物品(包括瀕危物種、未經煮熟的肉類、禽鳥及蔬 菜,以及雞蛋等);邊境管制人員去年發現多少人攜帶該等
受管制物品入境;涉及的物品種類、數量,以及重量為何; 當局有否向該等人士提出檢控或予以警告,以及如何處理
[...] 檢獲的物品;當局如何核實攜帶入境的受管制物品只供人食用的聲 稱;會否採取跟進行動以調查該等人士隨後有 否將物品出售;有否計劃管制旅客攜帶香港受管制的物品 [...]
(b) of the measures adopted by the staff at boundary control points to check whether persons entering the territory bring in items which are subject to import control (including endangered species, uncooked meat, birds and vegetables, and eggs, and so on); of the number of persons found by staff at boundary control points to have brought such items into the territory last year; of the types, quantities and weights of the items involved; whether the authorities had instituted prosecution against or given warnings to these persons, and how the seized items were disposed of; how the authorities verified claims that such items which are
subject to import control were
[...] brought into the territory only for personal consumption; [...]
whether follow-up actions would
be taken to find out if these persons had subsequently put the items on sale; whether they have any plan to regulate the bringing into the territory by visitors items which are subject to import control in Hong Kong; and
(ii) 《公眾 生及市政條例》(第 132 章)規定食物或藥物製造 商及銷售商須確保其產品適合 人食用。
(ii) The Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance
(Cap. 132) requires that manufacturers
[...] and sellers of food or drug ensure that their products are fit for [...]
human consumption.
在 另一些地区,废弃的淘金时代矿山的汞和多氯联苯及其他污染物倾入所有水源, 污染了供水,并造成海鲜这种传统日常食物不安全而不能 人食用。
In other regions, mercury from abandoned gold rush era mines and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and other contaminants have been dumped into all water
sources, polluting the water supply and making seafood, a staple of
[...] the traditional diet, unsafe for human [...]
每批進口香港的冷藏或冰鮮肉類或家禽均須附有官方衞生證明 書,證明有關的肉類和家禽適宜 人食用 , 並須附有由食物環 境衞生署發出的進口許可證。
All consignments of frozen or chilled meat or poultry imported into Hong Kong must be accompanied with an official health certificate which certifies that the meat and
poultry concerned is fit for human consumption, and an import
[...] licence issued by the Food and Environmental [...]
Hygiene Department.
(a) 從禁區抽取海水,以供在食物業的運作中飼養任何擬人食用的活魚或活的介貝類水產動物
(a) extracting seawater from a prohibited area to keep, in
[...] the course of any food business, any live [...]
fish or shell fish that is intended for human consumption
(一) 食物環境衞生署(“食環署”)除了在入境口岸抽查進口水果 外,亦會在批發和零售層面抽查水果樣本,送往政府化驗所作農 藥殘餘的檢測,以確保在市面出售的水果是安全及適宜 人食 用。
(a) Apart from taking samples of imported fruits for tests at the border entry points, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) also take fruit samples at the wholesale and retail levels for tests on pesticide residues at the Government Laboratory to ensure that the fruits on sale in the markets are safe and fit for human consumption.
[...] 需,或有利於公眾衞生利益,或因其他情況而可保障公眾,可 訂立規例,規定、禁止或規管對擬出售 人食用 的 食 物添加指 明的物質,以及概括地規管或訂明該等食物的成分組合。
Under section 55(1) of the Ordinance, the Director may, so far as appears to him to be necessary or expedient in the interests of the public health, or otherwise for the protection of the public, make regulations for requiring, prohibiting
or regulating the addition of any
[...] specified substance to food intended for sale for [...]
human consumption, and generally for
regulating or prescribing the composition of such food.
渔业通过两个途径对粮食安全作出贡献:提供鱼 人食用 , 特 别是对低收入 消费者,从而改善粮食可供性和饮食的充足性,以此作出直接贡献;以及通过创 造渔业部门的收入作出间接贡献。
Fisheries contribute to food security through two pathways: directly, by providing fish for people, especially low-income consumers, to eat, thereby improving both food availability and the adequacy of diets; and indirectly, by generating income from the fisheries sector.
根據該計劃,食物安全中心在 進口、批發和零售層面,抽取食物樣本進行微生物、化學及輻射 測試,以確保出售的食物符合法例要求及適宜 人食用。
Under the Programme, CFS takes food samples at the import, wholesale and retail levels for microbiological, chemical and radiation testing to ensure that food offered for sale complies with all legal requirements and is fit for human consumption.
至於肉類、 海魚、淡水魚或通常用作人食用的 任何其他種類的水中生物,只要符合三項條件,即 [...]
未經烹煮、包裝在並無載有其他配料的容器內和並無添加其他配料,就可根據營養標籤 法例豁免項目第10項獲得豁免。
Meat, marine or fresh water fish or any other forms of
[...] aquatic life commonly used for human consumption [...]
satisfying these three conditions:
which was in a raw state, packed in a container which contained no other ingredient and to which no other ingredient had been 5.




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