

单词 人迹罕至

人迹罕至 adverb ()

lonely adj

External sources (not reviewed)

斐济具有丰富神秘的古老文化, 人迹罕至 的 地 方座落着宁静的小村庄。
Fiji is a blend of fascinating ancient cultures, with tranquil villages nestled off the beaten path.
如果你想要更安全,想了解更多信息或访 人迹罕至 的 精彩景点,我们可以帮我们带路。
If you desire greater safety, want to learn more or visit wonderful spots off the beaten track, we can help you with our guides.
来到强盗之桌,在这处最人迹罕至 之 地重温昔日的传说。
Revisit tales of the past
[...] at the province's least explored landscapes [...]
around Robber’s Table.
这个小岛还有精彩的钓鱼和潜水, 人迹罕至 的 沙 滩去游泳和冲浪,观赏地下洞穴以及鬼斧神工的岩层。
The island also has spectacular fishing and diving, secluded beaches to swim and surf from, underground caves and rugged rock formations.
乘坐直升机参人迹罕至的白 天堂海滩(Whitehaven Beach),将脚趾伸进世界上最纯净的闪亮白色硅沙中。
Take a helicopter tour to deserted Whitehaven Beach and stretch your toes in the brilliant white silica sand that is among the purest in the world.
在卡里树森林环绕的葡萄园午餐,探索奇妙的地下洞穴, 人迹罕至 的 海滩边游泳或冲浪。
Lunch in vineyards fringed by Karri forests, explore stunning underground caves and swim or surf from beaches you can call your own.
Freestyle in backcountry, larger jumps in powder, steep pillow lines, big cliffs and natural drops
您可以租一艘豪华游船在外礁游览一整天,如果您只想稍微放松一下,带上美味的野餐盒,找寻属于自己 人迹罕至 的 私 人海滩,在这唯一能看到的脚印可能就是自己留下的。
Charter a luxury cruise boat for a day on the outer reef, or if you just want to relax, pack a delicious gourmet picnic
and escape to your own deserted private beach
[...] where the only footprints you are likely [...]
to see in the sand are your own.
在两国间约长 2 000 公里的陆地边界中迄今已划界 1 700 公里以上,包括通 过卫星影像划分阿兰蒂卡山 人迹罕至 地区 99.4 公里长的边界线。
To date, out of the estimated 2,000 km, more than 1,700 km of the land boundary between the two countries have been demarcated, including 99.4 km of inaccessible areas in the Alantika Mountains through satellite imagery.
非法开采自然资源的网络仍然存在,尤其是在与科特 迪瓦、几内亚和塞拉利昂接壤 人迹罕至 的 地 区,毒品和武器贩运仍然继续,尽 管联利特派团的存在对重大的跨国犯罪活动起到了威慑作用。
Networks for the illegal exploitation of natural resources continue, in particular in inaccessible areas bordering Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea and Sierra Leone, and drug and weapons trafficking persist, although the presence of UNMIL deters significant transnational criminal activity.
叛乱分子得以瞄准边界沿线以及山 人 烟 罕至 地 带的基地和供应线。
The insurgents are able to target bases and supply routes along the border and inhospitable terrain in the mountainous areas.
然而,交通的间歇特性给环境工程师提出了很多挑战,而其它变数,如天气、路况、警笛、飞行器噪声 迹 等 等 甚 至 更 加 让 人 头 疼
The intermittent nature of traffic, however, presents a number of challenges for the environmental
engineer; other variables, such as weather, road conditions, sirens,
[...] aircraft noise footprints, etc., present even more.
已经有一些改善的切迹象, 见之于土 人 民 、暴力受害者和以往的侵 权行为,以及从体制入手增进该国的权利等方面。
Real signs of improvement had been seen in the conditions [...]
of indigenous peoples, victims of violence and past abuses, and
the institutional promotion of human rights in the country.
也有一些人鼓舞的迹象表 明正在形成这样一项共 识,即解决核武器带来的危险的最佳办法就是取缔 核武器。
There were also encouraging signs that a consensus was forming that the best way to address the dangers posed by nuclear weapons was to abolish them.
因為我深信詩人 Robert Frost 在詩中所說的這句話:「我走人跡 罕至 的 那條路,因而造就了大不同的結果。
As so expressively written by Robert Frost, “I took the road less traveled by and that has made all the difference.
社会耻辱感,继续影响残疾儿童的治疗,同样残 人 从 事 任何形 式的工作也是非罕见的
Social stigma continues to influence
the treatment of children with
[...] disabilities and similarly it is rare to see a disabled person in any [...]
form of employment.
又 例 如 我 稍 後建議的一個休 閒 漁 區 試 點   ─   吐 露 港,其 邊 緣 的 大 埔 海 濱 公 園 , 無論海 景 或 園 景 都 可 謂美絕 無 倫 , 但由於無完善 的 交通、 美 食 亭 和 其 他 多 姿 多 采 的 海 上 旅遊活 動 ,啟用多年 來人 罕 至 ,徒浪 費 龐 大 的經常性開支。
For example, in a pilot project of a leisure fishery area I will suggest later ─ Tolo Harbour, the Tai Po seaside park at which rim is of unmatched beauty in its sea view and park scenery, but for a lack of good means of transportation, food pavilions and other multifarious water tour activities, visitors have been scarce since its opening, wasting its enormous recurrent expenditure.
所以,這些市政大樓很多都是十室九空 人跡 罕至,實 在很浪費,王國興議員已向大家提供了很多相片。
This is indeed a great waste, and Mr WONG Kwok-hing has also shown Members many photos just now.
没有任何迹象表明,向特派团供应物资,特别是在不安全的地区或跨 人迹 难至的地 带供应物资所面临的困难将会减少。
There is no indication that the difficulty in supplying missions, particularly in insecure areas and across inaccessible terrain, will diminish.
如果中區警署是 有生命的,我相信它寧願成為一個熱鬧及與當代市民生活息息相關的地方, 而不希望變成一件殘留下來、冷冷清清 人 跡 罕至 及 與 你我日常生活毫無關 係的古董或死物。
I believe that if the Central Police Station Compound were animate, it would certainly want to be a mirthful place closely connected with contemporary life, rather than just an antique or inanimate object left over from the past, desolate, scantly frequented and totally irrelevant to everybody's daily life.
提高质量更高的图像记忆:随着内存2GB的视频卡帧缓冲区担任新的标准图形,玩家可以享受高品质的图形极端决议没有记忆的 迹 , 甚 至 无 需 增加。
Increased memory for higher image quality: With 2GB of video memory serving as the new standard for graphics card frame buffers,
gamers can enjoy superior quality graphics without needing to
[...] increase the memory footprint, even at extreme [...]
將來的壞分子可能會搜集一些網上高手,他無須處身香 港,他可以處身於一個海灘或一人 跡 罕至 的 小 島,然後利用這些高手經網 上或電腦竊取數目不菲、龐大的金錢。
He may simply take on some Internet or computer experts to steal huge amounts of money for him while he himself is lying on a beach or an uninhabited island.
在那些日子,圣灵的能力如此丰沛地流淌, 至 于 许 多的 迹 被 行 出来,如同耶稣所在的日子(马克6:56),那时候 人 被 抬 到大街上,放在床上或毯子上,当也耶稣经过村庄和小镇的时候,好摸耶稣的衣角。
The flow of the power
[...] of the Holy Spirit was so abundant in those days that many miracles were being performed, just as in the days of Jesus (Mark 6:56), [...]
when sick people
were carried out into the streets and placed on beds and mats to touch Jesus’ garment as he passed by the villages and towns.
很少数至罕见的男人会对 一天一颗这个剂量影响,如果一颗也对你情绪造成很大的影响,那么我们建议你在服用Soul [...]
Mate For Him的时候配合多谢消耗体能的活动(可以趁机会锻炼肌肉和体型)。
Very small percentage of men will
[...] affected by as little as one pill per day, if [...]
you are feeling these reaction with one
pill, we suggest you to take Soul Mate For Him with intense physical activity (you can take this chance to work out and build muscle for better shape).
Obscura》2011冬季號現已出版,延續《Obscura》的創刊目的,推祟我們感興趣和認為有價值的事物,今回封面故事以「Travel With Time」為主題,找來多輛生產年份至 上 世紀二十年代的汽車以及背後有著 人 故 事 的 罕 見 手 錶製作成特集,以歷史價值及美學角度作審視,展現它們超越時空的美態,希望能帶領讀者從另一個角度欣賞舊有事物的獨有內在美。
With ‘Travel With Time’ as the main theme, the cover story introducing different
antique machineries
[...] including cars that from the 20th century and rare watches with special stories behind, we hope to [...]
bring out its historical
stories and its manifest beauty in shape, let our readers feel them in a different way, together will find inspiration in our presentation.
然而,人担忧的迹象也 依然存在,即伊朗伊 斯兰共和国和朝鲜民主主义人民共和国所引起的核 [...]
扩散问题,在多边裁军机构如裁军谈判会议持续存 在的僵局,以及国际社会未能使《全面禁核试条约》 生效。
There were, however, worrying
[...] signs, namely, the proliferation concerns raised [...]
by the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Democratic
People’s Republic of Korea, the continuing impasse in multilateral disarmament bodies such as the Conference on Disarmament and the inability of the international community to bring the Comprehensive Nuclear-TestBan Treaty into force.
[...] 规章应该是动态的,以适应技术变革,而相关的政策奖励及技术法规绿化对在气 候变化的背景下促进更加环保的可持续发展 迹至 关 重 要。
Experts shared the view that policies, legislation and regulation should be dynamic, in order to accommodate technological changes, and that the related greening of relevant policy incentives and technical regulations
was essential to promote more environmentally
[...] sustainable development trajectories against the backdrop [...]
of climate change.
外部基础设施条件方面出现人鼓舞 的 迹 象 , 其中包括 一些有现有C-波段卫星能力的运营者有兴趣与太平洋小岛屿发展中国家合作,以 远低于目前的费率向这些国家出租能力。
Encouraging signs in terms of external infrastructure conditions include the fact that some operators with existing C-band satellite capacity are interested in working with Pacific small island developing States, leasing capacity to them at rates much lower than the ones currently in effect
我们也欢迎独立选举委员会最近完成的建设性 磋商过程,以及决定开始选民登记工作,这两个都 是人鼓舞的迹象, 是一个良好健全即包容各方的 选举进程必要的组成部分。
We also welcome the constructive consultation process on the electoral law, which the Independent Election Commission recently completed, as well as the decision to begin work on the voter registry, both of which are encouraging signs of an essential ingredient for a sound process — that is to say, inclusiveness.
这方面的一些经验教 训是:司法和包容各方的初迹象至 为 重 要,这些迹 象显示已同过去分道扬镳,但对变革时机的期望能够 [...]
进行管理;保持对于基本功能的重视;将安全同司法 改革联系起来;推行社区办法,例如联合国开发计划 署、政治事务部和世界银行支持的办法;制定能够让
边缘化青年受到尊重和提升他们地位的回归基本点 的创造就业方案;以及让妇女参与经济权能以及安全 和司法改革的困难领域。
Some lessons here are the importance of early signals on justice and inclusion
that signal a break with the past but
[...] manage expectations of the timing of change; [...]
maintaining a focus on basic functions;
making the connections between security and justice reform; pursuing community-based approaches, such as those supported by the United Nations Development Programme, the Department of Political Affairs and the World Bank; establishing back-to-basics job-creation programmes that give marginalized youth respect and status; and involving women in both economic empowerment and the hard areas of security and justice reform.




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