

单词 人称代词

See also:


alternative name

代人 n

generation n


person of literary talent

External sources (not reviewed)

人称代词的使 用极可能帮助机构与个人建立起更加私人化的联系,强调友好的服务。
Using these personal pronouns may help the organization [...]
connect with individuals on a more personal level and highlight
its emphasis on friendly service.
本组织在哲学方面的工作受到普遍欢迎称 道,但很代表也对教科文组人权 方面工作重要性的下降表示遗憾。
While the work of the Organization on philosophy was generally
welcomed and commended, a
[...] significant number of delegates regretted the decreased importance on UNESCO’s work on human rights.
审判分庭尚未表明两名人需出庭作证 还是可以其书面词代替庭证。
The Trial Chamber has not yet indicated whether the two witnesses will be required to testify in court, or
[...] whether their written evidence will be accepted in lieu of their appearance.
欧洲联盟呼吁针对贫困和艾滋病毒/艾滋病进 行更坚决的斗争,它们是剥夺权利 代 名 词 , 呼 吁 以通过必要的规范性文书的方式更坚决地促进经 济、社会和文化权利,呼吁坚决谴责酷刑或其他残 忍、人道或有辱人格的 待遇,呼吁更积极地支持 所有人权维护者,欧洲联盟对他们不顾巨大的危险 完成的工作表示敬意。
The European
[...] Union believed that a more determined effort must be made to fight poverty and HIV/AIDS, which were synonymous with denial of rights; the economic, social and cultural rights must be more vigorously promoted [...]
through legislation; torture
and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment had to be firmly condemned; and all human rights defenders, whom it hailed for working in the face of considerable risk, should be strongly supported.
该判称,申诉人的辩 护律师以正常方式行使了向证人提问的权利, 并确认了巴斯克自治区警署编写的报告的有效性,该报告显示申 人 的 供 词 得到 了间接证据的支持。
According to the decision, the complainant’s defence counsel exercised the right to question witnesses in a normal fashion and recognized the validity of the report prepared by the Basque autonomous police, [...]
which showed that
the complainant’s statement was supported by circumstantial evidence.
法院使用了代理人”一词,并 没有认定该人有或没有官方 身份的事实。
The Court used the term “agent” and did not consider [...]
relevant the fact that the person in question had or did not have an official status.
(h) 若设保人是前述规则未予涉及的其他实体的参与方,则根据第 19 条, 设人的身份识别特征即为创设文件中所载实体的 称 和 代 表 与 登记有关的交 易中实体的每个自人的姓名。
(h) If the grantor is a participant in an entity other than one already referred to in the preceding rules, the grantor identifier is the
name of
[...] the entity as stated in the document creating it, the names of each natural person representing the entity in the transaction to which the registration relates [...]
in accordance with article 19.
绿色和平组织在一份报告中援引了以下消息来 源:意大利一个议会委员会的词; 宣 称 一份 1996 年的文件据称授权建立一个 废物处理设施;一名意大利检察官发现证据,包括被指控罪犯的谈话窃听录音; 秘书长索马里问题特代表在 2008 年对索马里可能发生非法捕捞和非法倾倒的 警告。
In its report, Greenpeace cited the following sources: testimony from an Italian parliamentary
commission; documentation from 1996 purportedly
[...] authorizing a waste treatment facility; evidence uncovered by an Italian prosecutor, including wiretapped conversations with alleged offenders; and warnings by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia in 2008 of possible [...]
illegal fishing and illegal dumping in Somalia.
据受访称,酷 刑或虐待的目的是为了获取 词 、 供 出其 人 或 提 供所谓 赃物的下落。
According to the people interviewed,
[...] the purpose of the torture or ill-treatment was to obtain confessions, inform against other people or provide [...]
information on the
whereabouts of supposedly stolen goods.
消息来源重申,最高法院最后判决以后仍然存在的对于公正审判的基本关 切是:定罪似乎仍然是部分依据当时还是孩子的三 人 的 供 词 作 出 的,而他们称这些供词是刑讯逼供或虐待的结果。
The source reiterates that the primary fair trial concern that remains after the final Supreme Court judgement is that the convictions still appear to be based in part on confessions made by the three
individuals, who were at the
[...] time children, which they have alleged to have been extracted as a result [...]
of torture or other ill-treatment.
[...] 当这些罪行是政府官员所为的时候;各自国家内没有或仅有很少数量有关种族歧 视行为的申诉、起诉和定罪;关于执法官员对非洲裔人的行为的信息缺失或不 足,以及没有或仅有很少数量对执法官员的申诉;认为该群体犯罪率更高;更严 厉或不称的判 决;关进监狱或预防性拘留的非洲裔人的数量和比例;以及执法 官员中非洲人代表不足。
He pointed out that a number of indicators might be helpful for the detection of structural discrimination, inter alia: the number and percentage of people of African descent who are victims of aggression or other offences, especially when they are committed by State officials; the absence or small number of complaints, prosecution and convictions relating to acts of racial discrimination in the respective country; lack or insufficient information on the behaviour of law enforcement officials vis-à-vis people of African descent and lack or small number of complaints against law enforcement officers; higher crime rates attributed to that group; harsher or disproportionate sentences; the number and
percentage of people of
[...] African descent held in prison or preventive detention; and insufficient representation of people of African descent among law enforcement officials.
正如在其他情况下,同 一代名词用于指称的不是保留者的意图,而是保留的效果(参看准则 1.1.1),而且为了避免来 [...]
自 1969 年和 1986 年《维也纳公约》英文本中“保留”定义的任何模糊之处,委员会选择了 驱除任何疑问的措辞; 第一句指保留的效果,而第二句则载述保留者的义务和权利。
As in other
[...] contexts, the same pronoun is used to refer not to [...]
the author’s intent but to the effects of the reservation
(see guideline 1.1.1) and in order to avoid any ambivalence resulting from the definition of “reservation” in the English text of the 1969 and 1986 Vienna Conventions, the Commission had chosen wording that dispels any doubts; the first clause refers to the effects of reservations, while the second covers the rights and obligations of the author of the reservation.
常设论坛建议知识产权组织争取那些具体涉及土著人民的国际人权法专家 的参与,以便他们为实质性协商进程提供投入,特别是条文草案中称土 人 民为 “受益方”的词和其他将土人民 称 为 “ 社群”的 词 , 以 及政府间委员会条 文草案与国际人权规范和原则的总体一致性。
The Permanent Forum recommends that WIPO seek the participation of experts on international human rights law specifically concerning indigenous peoples so that they provide input into the substantive consultation process, in particular with reference to the language in the draft text where indigenous peoples are “beneficiaries” and other language that refers to indigenous peoples as “communities”, as well as the general alignment of the draft text of the Intergovernmental Committee with international human rights norms and principles.
他希望对文本作两处订正:在接近第 2 段结尾 的地方,“或与纳粹运动合作人” 几 个 词 应 当 由“和 与纳粹运动合作人”所替代;以及在第 12 段,“在 现有资源范围内”应当插在“编写”一词的后面。
He wished to make two revisions to the
text: near
[...] the end of paragraph 2, the words “or collaborated” should be replaced with “and collaborated”; and [...]
in paragraph 12, the words “within existing resources” should
be inserted following the word “prepare”.
我也要感谢秘书长提交他的报告 (S/2009/ 684),感谢秘书长特代表艾 哈迈杜·乌 尔德-阿卜杜拉先生作了十分清楚和有益的介绍,并 要感谢他人称道地 坚定履行他的使命。
I would also like to thank the Secretary-General for his report
(S/2009/684), as well
[...] as his Special Representative, Mr. Ahmadou Ould Abdallah, for his extremely clear and useful introductory comments and for his praiseworthy perseverance in [...]
carrying out his mission.
申诉中还 有一份手写的文件,称是与申诉人 相 识的刚果民主共和国公民所作的 词 ;他称,自当局开始搜寻他以后并不了解他的情况。
The complaint is also accompanied by a handwritten document purporting to be a deposition by someone in the Democratic Republic of the Congo who knows the complainant; this person claims not to know what has happened to him since the authorities began looking for him.
随着联合进程继续,现在称代表达尔 富人的四 个主要运动是:正义运动、苏丹解放军/瓦希德派、苏丹解放军/团结 派和解放运动。
After the unification process, the four major movements claiming to represent Darfurians are now JEM, SLA/AW, SLA/Unity and LJM.
美国的《1984 年药品价格竞争和专利条款修补法案》通过引用 人称 为 《Bolar 例外》 (或《早期工作例外》)的条款和其它条款推翻了一项划 代 的 法 庭判决(Roche 对 Bolar),从而使非专利品制造商在专利到期之前进口、制造和试验某种受专利保护的产品 合法化,非专利品制造商因此也能够达到其所在国家在营销有关非专利品方面的法律要求。
In the US, the Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act of 1984 overturned a landmark court decision (Roche versus Bolar, 1984) by introducing, inter alia, what is now known as the “Bolar Exception” (or “early working exception”).
尽管第 92 条之三是节约时间的措施, 可在人站在证人席上作证前用书面 词代 替 口头证词,但分庭必须阅读有时长 达数百页的书面证词。
testimony before the witness takes the stand, the Chamber must read the written evidence, which in some cases is hundreds of pages.
( 如他的汽车保险杠上的污迹及其来源等) ,称没有证人证 词确认 事故的事实;并指出了该官员的说法与后者向法院提出的医疗证明之间的 矛盾之处。
He attempts at length to rebut
[...] the evidence of the Traffic Safety Inspectorate (such as smears on his vehicle’s bumper and their origin, etc.), claims that there were no witness statements confirming [...]
the fact of the accident;
and points out alleged discrepancies between the officer’s statement and the medical certificate that the latter presented to the court.
团)则须盖上公司印章或由高级人员、授权人或其他有权签署人士签署。由其高 人员 声称代表法团签署的代表委任文件视为(除非出现相反的情况)该高级人员已获正式授 [...]
In the case of an
[...] instrument of proxy purporting to be signed on behalf of a corporation [...]
by an officer thereof it shall
be assumed, unless the contrary appears, that such officer was duly authorised to sign such instrument of proxy on behalf of the corporation without further evidence of the facts.
48 因此,各国应允许通过程序措施, 人 贩 子 不出席的情况下获取儿童的 证词,例如允许证词录像、通过视频会议进行庭审、或以书面 词代 替 上 庭作 证。
In particular, the Legislative Guide to the Palermo Protocol unequivocally stresses the importance of avoiding direct contact between the child victim and the suspected offender, and according child witnesses special protection measures to ensure their safety.48 Thus, States should, for instance, allow procedural measures to obtain the
child’s testimony without
[...] the presence of the trafficker, such as allowing video-recording of testimony, examination via videoconference, or written statements in lieu of in-court testimony.
Jürgen Hass
[...] 先生发了一份通知,要求为一些未经证实的费用支付一笔显然是夸大了的款 项,他称代表提交人行事 ,但是没有出示任何委托书,他在德国有多项犯罪 记录,目前居住在巴拉圭。
There had been a note requesting the payment of a clearly exaggerated sum for
unsubstantiated costs from a Mr.
[...] Jürgen Hass who claimed to have been acting on the author’s behalf, but had not produced [...]
any power of attorney,
has an extensive criminal record in Germany and is currently residing in Paraguay.
该协定的目的是在该地区开采天然气和石油, 它是在塞浦路斯问题未得到解决的情况下订立的,是 称代 表 塞浦路斯行事的希 族人行政 当局签署的单方面协定,在法律上和政治上是无效的,因为它只保护 [...]
The agreement, aimed at exploiting natural gas and oil in the area, concluded in the absence of a settlement in Cyprus, is a unilateral agreement signed
by the Greek Cypriot
[...] administration purporting to act on behalf of Cyprus and is legally and politically [...]
null and void as
it only protects the rights of the Greek Cypriot people and ignores the fundamental rights and interests of the Turkish Cypriot people.
小组在邦加监狱所获得的人证词称 , Hy pollite 在 2012 年 3 月从 Wainsue 关押营地获释后,与大多数被关押者一起,被转到大吉德州 Zwedru 附近 Prime Timber Production 难民营。
Witness statements obtained by the Panel at Gbarnga Prison noted that Hypollite was transferred along with the majority of internees to Prime Timber Production refugee camp near Zwedru, Grand Gedeh County, following his release from the Wainsue internment camp in March 2012.
陶睿斯代表品牌的词中称道:日内瓦高级钟表大赏评审团决定把男士腕表的首奖给予江诗丹顿的Quai de l’Ile腕表,以奖励和尊崇品牌的创新和领先的精神,一种经过250年累积的工艺至今仍然完整无缺的精神。
In his reception speech on behalf of the brand, Juan-Carlos Torres [...]
said: “By its decision to give first prize for the Men’s
Watch to Vacheron Constantin for its Quai de l’Ile, the jury of the Grand Prix d’Horlogerie of Geneva has rewarded and honoured the brand’s innovative and pioneering spirit, a spirit that is still intact after 250 years of accumulated savoir-faire.
关于申人的可 信度,缔约国辨称,他在移民和难民局的 词 中 称 在 共和 国卫队的八年内从未向人开火、杀 人 、 处 理战俘或伊朗公民,考虑到他声称在 此期间曾晋升三次,这份证词不合情理。
5.2 With regard to the complainant’s
[...] credibility, the State party argues that his testimony before the Immigration and Refugee Board that he never fired on the enemy, killed anyone or dealt with prisoners [...]
of war or
Iranian citizens during his eight years with the Republican Guards is implausible, given that he claims to have been promoted three times during that time.
在许多情况下,国家越来越成为掠夺自然资源和破坏环境的商 业企业代名词,结 果公司和国家对当地社区积累了大量的社会和生态债务,特 别是在南方的生态系统中。
In many cases, the State is increasingly identified with the business of looting natural resources and with environmental destruction; as a result, companies and countries have accumulated a social and ecological debt to local communities, especially in the ecosystems of the South.




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