

单词 人知



known everyone


one may know a person for a long time without understanding his true nature


understood by everyone (idiom); well known
a household name

External sources (not reviewed)

衡量和比较质量与成果能够促进社会服务取得更佳成绩,而开放 式的比较还可以使良好及不良成绩更加广 人知。
Measuring and comparing quality and results stimulates better performance of the social services, while open comparisons allow for broader dissemination of both good and bad performance.
While less well known than marine protected [...]
areas, FPAs are subject to the same issues relating to diversity of terminology and meaning.
高级别互动专题辩论的目的是召集国家元首和政府首脑、主要部长和高级官 员、联合国机构和布雷顿森林机构负 人 、 知 名 发展人士、私营部门和民间社会 伞式组织的首席执行官和负责人,针对对形成最不发达国家下一个十年发展战略 至关重要的上述专题,开展多方利益攸关方讨论。
The aim of the high-level interactive thematic debates was to bring together Heads of States and Governments, key ministers and senior officials, heads of United Nations agencies and the Bretton Woods institutions, eminent development personalities, chief executive officers and heads of private sector and civil society umbrella organizations in a multi-stakeholder discussion on the above-mentioned themes, which are crucial in shaping the least developed countries’ development strategy in the next decade.
如果您外出旅行,建议您同其他人一起旅行,确保你们中始终 人知 晓 你 们的方位,而且不要离开公路或步行路径,轻易涉险。
If you are going on a trip, travel with other people,
[...] make sure someone knows where you are [...]
at all times and stay on a road or a walking track.
大会还在第六十四届会议上表示赞赏贸易法委员会完成并通过了其《跨国界 破产合作实践指南》;请秘书长发表《实践指南》的文本,包括以电子形式予以
[...] 发表,并将其分送各国政府,请各国政府向相关机构提供《实践指南》文本,使 之广人知并可供查阅(第 64/112 号决议)。
Also at its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly expressed its appreciation to UNCITRAL for the completion and adoption of its Practice Guide on Cross-Border Insolvency Cooperation; and requested the Secretary-General to publish, including electronically, the text of the Practice Guide and transmit it to Governments with the request that
the text be made available to relevant authorities so that it would
[...] become widely known and available [...]
(resolution 64/112).
在 2010-2011 双年度的第一年,重大计划 II 最重要的特点是加强了国际伙伴关系,特 别强调非洲和性别平等这两个总体优先事项,并开展了备受瞩目、广 人知 的 活 动。
In the first year of the 2010-2011 biennium, the most significant feature of MP II was the strengthening of international partnerships, with special emphasis on the two global priorities: Africa and gender equality organization, and with high-profile, high-visibility activities.
据16岁的瓦妮莎(Vanessa)说,“儿童 ——
[...] 他们有无限的潜能,他们的内心无比强大,我认为他们需要被倾听,让 人知 道 ,他们能够做到。
According to Vanessa, 16, “Children – they have limitless potential,
and whatever they set their hearts to, I think that they need to be heard to be
[...] able to let them know that they can do it.
(B) (如有關業務並非由被控犯罪的人經營)在有 關個案的情況下,該人已採取所有合理步 驟,讓能夠採取步驟以阻止該項再次傳送人,知悉有 關資料是如上述般虛假或具誤導 性的(即使事實上仍作出了該項再次傳送)。
(B) where the business was not carried on by the person charged with the offence, in the circumstances of the case that person has taken all reasonable steps to bring the fact that the information was so false or misleading to the attention of a person in a position to take steps to cause the retransmission to be prevented (even if the retransmission in fact took place).
实际解决气候变 化问题需要有评估工具,可以用来充分评估以下情况,如扩大的且鲜 人知 的 跨时空成因 链;相矛盾的责任依据;与知识有关、需要采取有效政策来处理的主要不确定情况;以及在 全球范围内对共同面临的风险实行负责管理所遇到的挑战。
Action to address climate change needs assessment tools that can take adequate account of extended and poorly understood causal chains across time and space, conflicting bases of responsibility, fundamental uncertainties relating to the knowledge required for effective policies, and the challenge of responsible management of collective risk at the global scale.
西班牙人建立了城市据点,传播了基督教以及西班牙文化;此外,还建立了 一些鲜人知的代 议制政府形式,如市政会或市政府,这对殖民地的政治社会生 [...]
The Spanish founded cities, built forts and spread Christianity and Spanish culture; they also
established certain forms of limited
[...] “representative” government, known as “cabildos” [...]
or municipal governments, which were of great
importance in the colony’s political and social life.
就此而言,該董事須確 保信人知悉其 擔任董事的上市發行人。
For this purpose, he must ensure that the trustees are aware of the listed issuers of which he is a director.
根據第 20(1)(b) 及(2)條,資料使用者只是有責任把曾評論受評者的審核人員或其他人士
[...] 的姓名、職銜等資料刪去,儘管查閱者可能得知他們的身分,例如查閱 者從評核報告的內容得知或他人知 道。
According to section 20(1)(b) and (2), the data user is only obliged to edit out the names, job titles, etc. of the appraising officer or other persons having given comments about the appraisee although the requestor may
somehow be able to know their identities, e.g. from the contents of the appraisal or the
[...] requestor’s personal knowledge.
[...] 高商业事务秩序的确定性,因为与公司发生交易 人知 道 可以信赖公司的法人 资格及其附带的权利、义务和责任。
The corporate form can thus be seen as promoting certainty in the ordering
of business affairs, as those dealing with
[...] a corporation know that they can [...]
rely upon its legal personality and the rights,
duties and obligations that attach to it.
这是有积极作用的,因为以 下几个原因:第一,沟通的规模和速度在某种
[...] 程度上创造了责任——现在实施暴行,很难做 到不人知地逃 脱责任了;第二,我们不用旅 [...]
行即可进行沟通,减少了对环境的影响;第 三,它可能会驱散我们对其他文化的无知和误 解——这对于我们生存来说很重要。
This is positive for a number of reasons: firstly the scale and speed of communication, to a degree, creates accountability – it is harder
now to get away with atrocities unnoticed;
[...] secondly, it enables us to communicate [...]
without having to travel, reducing our
impact on the environment; thirdly, it has the potential to dispel the ignorance and misunderstanding that we might have about other cultures – this is key to our survival’.
車的配合是為什麼我們如何才能表達自己的同時推動我們的車,感覺舒適,以及最後但並非最不重要,讓其 人知 道 我 們是誰。
Car Mates are the why how we can express ourselves
while driving our car, to feel comfortable with it, and, last but not least, to make
[...] the other people to know who we are.
調查結果顯示,三成九 (38.8%) 的被訪者表示有信心學生驗毒的結果,不 會被其他不應該知道驗毒結果人知 道 , 三成五 (34.6%) 表示沒有信心, 一成六 (16.4%) 表示「一半一半」。
Survey results show that 38.8% of the respondents were confident that students’ drug test results would not be made known to those who were not supposed to know the results, and 34.6% were not. 16.4% of the respondents answered “fifty-fifty”.
虽说 10 年前海盗行为在几内亚湾还是一种几乎 不人知的现象,但是,现在袭击的次数及其造成的 破坏已达到令人担忧的程度。
While piracy was a largely unknown phenomenon in the [...]
Gulf of Guinea 10 years ago, the number of attacks and the damage they
cause has reached worrisome proportions.
虽然这一非法现象的实际规模和范围仍不 人知 , 20 10 年,国家监察和 报告任务组收到的信息表明,在哥伦比亚 [...]
32 个省份中,19 个省存在招募儿童 现象。
Although the actual scale and scope of this
[...] violation remains unknown, in 2010, the country [...]
task force on monitoring and reporting
received information on child recruitment from 19 of the 32 departments in Colombia.
尽管如此,委员会仍然遗憾的是,《公约》在缔约 国领土范围内还未达到广人知的程 度。
Nevertheless, the Committee regrets that the Convention is
[...] still not widely known in the State [...]
party’s territory.
阿塞拜疆总统不是重申其国家对和平解决纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫问题的承诺, 而是滥用联合国安全理事会具有权威性的论坛来重复阿塞拜疆过度使用的反亚 美尼亚宣传的论点,却不记得提到阿塞拜疆领导人广 人知 的 种 族主义论点,即 阿塞拜疆的“主要敌人是全世界的亚美尼亚人”。
Instead of reaffirming his country’s commitment to the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, the President of Azerbaijan is abusing the authoritative tribune of the United Nations Security Council in order to repeat the overused theses of anti-Armenian propaganda of Azerbaijan, forgetting to recall the Azerbaijani leadership’s famous racist thesis that Azerbaijan’s “main enemies are Armenians of the world”.
各代表团在帮助使用信息处理工具 和资源的人知识管 理倡议范围内,利用了个性化的辅导培训和经过定制的团体 [...]
Delegations have taken advantage of personalized coaching sessions and
customized group programmes within the scope of
[...] the personal knowledge management initiative, [...]
which provides assistance regarding
the use of information-handling tools and resources.
在受访的被拘留者中,许多人报告说,他们的 人知 道 他们身在何 处,因为他们被带走时或者在家里或者有朋友或熟人在场,这些朋友或熟人已经 [...]
Among detainees interviewed, many reported
[...] that their family knew where they were, [...]
because they had been picked up either at
home or in the presence of a friend or acquaintance, who had contacted their family.
在地道里工作的儿童并不少见,但 人知 道 有 多少儿童。
Children working in tunnels are a not a rare
[...] sight, but no one knows how many there are.
本报告所述期间,特派团工作人员或财产没有受到直接威胁,但是,7 月 19 日,一 个鲜人知的团 体在中央区 Birgunj 焚烧了我派驻尼泊尔的代表的模拟像,据报道 是对泄露的关于毛派军队人员整编和转业培训的“非正式文件”的反应。
There were no direct threats made against Mission staff or property during the reporting period but an effigy of my Representative in Nepal was burnt in Birgunj in the Central region on 19 July by a little-known group, reportedly in reaction to the leaked “non-paper” on the integration and rehabilitation of Maoist army personnel.
2.8 你對學生驗毒的結果,不會被其他不應該知道驗毒結果 人知 道 , 有沒有 信心?
2.8 Are you confident that students’ drug test results will not be made known to those who are not supposed to know the results?
泗水作为通往婆罗摩火山(Mount Bromo)的交通要道而广人知,其实它还是一个繁荣的城市,拥有300多万人口,提供了各种各样的景点供您赏玩。
While Surabaya may be best known as a gateway city [...]
for Mount Bromo, it is still a thriving city of over 3 million people
that offers plenty to do and see.
你可以说“没人知道确 切的数字,但 一旦我们发现被抛弃的猫出现在我们的TNR群落时,我们将尽快将它们带回来完成绝育并寻 [...]
You can say, "No one knows the exact number, [...]
but once we have found abandoned cats in our TNR community, we will take them
as soon as possible to complete sterilisation and find new adopters ", in this way you avoid answering difficult questions directly and convert to the benefits of TNR.
然而,這座大宅存在一個不人知的 荒 誕秘密:這裡其實是個淫慾樂園;真達拉的父親每天在家中與不同的女人嚐盡各種體位,追求極限快感。
The master of the house, Jans father, is a man obsessed with carnal pleasure, he would perform sexual acts of different variety with any female in the house any time he wants.
構成了 Section 1542 of the California Civil Code and Section 20-7-11 of the South Dakota
Codified Laws(加州民法第 1542
[...] 條以及南達科他州法典第 20-7-11 條)規定 的棄權聲明,這兩個條款均規定「普通豁免不包括在執行豁免時債 人 不 知 情 或 懷疑其存在 的索賠,如果當時該債人知情的 話,必然嚴重影響其與債務人的和解」;並構成了任何其 他州或適用管轄地的任何類似規定、成文法、規章、規則、法律原則或平衡法所規定的棄權 [...]
This release … constitutes a waiver of Section 1542 of the California Civil Code and Section 20-7-11 of the South Dakota Codified Laws, each of which provides that “[a] general release does not extend to
claims which the
[...] creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him must [...]
have materially affected
his settlement with the debtor,” and a waiver of any similar provision, statute, regulation, rule, or principle of law or equity of any other state or applicable jurisdiction.
好萊塢的男星班艾佛列克,曾在2002年送給女星珍妮佛羅培茲一只6克拉的訂婚戒指;此一訂婚消息的引人注意之處不只是兩人的明星身分,還有鑽戒上的粉紅鑽,因為這種鑽石過去鮮 人知 , 而 且尺寸相當可觀(粉紅鑽的尺寸通常不大)。
In 2002, when Hollywood actor Ben Affleck gave Jennifer Lopez a 6-carat engagement ring, the engagement was noteworthy not only because of the couple’s celebrity status, but also because it was a pink diamond, which not only was rarely heard of until then, but also a big one considering pink diamonds are normally small in size.




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