

单词 人民英雄纪念碑

See also:

纪念碑 n

landmark n

External sources (not reviewed)

看到一个自称秉 持欧洲和普遍价值观的国家把国际恐怖组织的成员 尊英雄,甚至为其树纪念碑,这 令 人 发 指
It is appalling to see a country that claims to share European and
universal values venerating operatives of international
[...] terrorist organizations as heroes, and even erecting monuments to them.
我們期待着六 四平反的日子,可以在天安門廣場 英雄 紀 念碑 , 為 民 主 烈士獻花和悼念。
We look forward to the day when the 4 June incident is vindicated, when it will
be possible to lay
[...] flower wreaths and commemorate the martyrs of democracy at the Monument to the People's Heroes in Tiananmen Square.
该国当局使用中世纪的方法策划了对亚美尼亚人的屠杀和种族清洗;将杀害 睡梦中的人们的残暴刽子手吹捧民 族 英雄 ; 像 人 所 共 知的恐怖组织那样将俘虏 在镜头前进行羞辱并随后杀死;像臭名昭著的恐怖分子那样将数 纪 之 久 的文化碑野蛮摧毁。
It is a peculiar expression of cynicism when vain accusations are voiced against Armenia by the leader of a country, the authorities of which masterminded massacres, ethnic cleansing against the Armenians by medieval methods; a
country where cruel
[...] butchers of sleeping people are glorified as national heroes; a country where a captive is humiliated in front of cameras and then killed, as it is done by well-known terrorist organizations; a country where centuries-old cultural [...]
monuments are barbarously
destroyed, as is done by infamous terrorists.
[...] 在这里您可以看到当地引以为敖的西班牙文化,比如色彩斑斓的壁画 纪念碑 , 拉丁 裔 英雄 等 等, 老 人 们 在 工作的时候喜欢玩多米诺骨牌和cigar rollers,周围萦绕着古巴咖啡的香味。
Little Havana boasts a vibrant Hispanic
culture that can be seen
[...] in colorful murals, monuments to Latino heroes, elderly men playing dominoes, [...]
and cigar rollers
deeply at work amidst the neighborhood’s ever-present aroma of Cuban coffee.
大会第六十四届会议请新闻部与有关国家和联合国系统有关组织及机构合 作,继续采取适当措施,提高世民 众 对 纪念 活 动 和永 纪念碑 倡 议 的认识,并 继续推动开展努力,在现有资源范围内在联合国总部竖立永久纪念碑;还请秘书 长向大会第六十五届会议报告为执行宣传教育方案而持续采取的行动,包括会员 国采取的行动,以及为提高世民众 对 纪念 活 动 和永 纪念碑 倡 议 的认识而采取 的步骤(第 64/15 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly requested the Department of Public Information, in cooperation with the countries concerned and with relevant organizations and bodies of the United Nations system, to continue to take appropriate steps to
enhance world public
[...] awareness of the commemorative activities and the permanent memorial initiative, and to continue to facilitate efforts to erect the permanent memorial at United Nations Headquarters, within existing resources; and also requested the Secretary-General to report to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session on continued action to implement the programme of educational outreach, including action by Member States, as well as steps to enhance world public awareness of the commemorative activities and the permanent memorial initiative (resolution 64/15).
鉴于上述情况,为支持何塞·马蒂国际团结互助项目开展多方面广泛工作,以及为了继 续扩大和发展有关马蒂思想以及拉美所 民 族 英雄 思 想 的传播和研究工作,提倡并建立各种 论坛保证世界各地善意人们能 够对各种思想进行尽可能多元的讨论,同时继续推动在公众 中倡导伦理、公正和团结念,教 科文组织大会第三十五届会议应决定在 2010--2011 双年度 重大计划 III“社会科学及人文科学”项下通过本项草案,并象上个双年度一样为其拨款, 以支持下列工作重点
In view of the foregoing, endorsing the extensive multifaceted work carried out by the José Martí Project for International Solidarity and in order to continue expanding and developing the dissemination and study of Martí’s thought
and that of all Latin
[...] American national heroes; promoting and systematizing fora to secure the most pluralistic debate possible of ideas among persons of good will worldwide, while continuing to contribute to the assertion of ethics, justice and solidarity in the conscience of public opinion, the General Conference of UNESCO at [...]
its 35th session decides
to adopt this draft under Major Programme III, Social and human sciences, for the 2010-2011 biennium and to allocate to it a financial contribution, as in previous biennia, in support of the following lines of action
1962年,总商会负起社会义务,设立募捐委员会,将新加坡各处陆续发现遭日军屠杀的人民遗骸合葬在美芝路日本占领时期死 人民纪念碑 下。
In 1962, the SCCCI spearheaded a
community effort to erect the War Memorial at
[...] Beach Road in remembrance of victims who [...]
sacrificed their lives in the cause of peace.
如果通过胁 迫、虐待、危及安全、嘲民族、 种族或宗教象征符号、损坏 人 财 产 、亵纪 念碑、纪念馆或坟墓,犯下此条第 1 段规定的罪行,可依法判处罪犯 1 至 8 年监 禁。
If the offence specified in paragraph 1 of this article is committed by coercion, maltreatment, compromising safety, exposure to derision of national, ethnic or religious symbols, damage to goods, desecration of monuments, memorials or graves, the offender shall be sentenced to prison from 1 to 8 years.
印度t2假期,是印度专业旅游及商务接待社、t2假期将带领你初探印度的神秘之处,让你领略难以猜透的印 人民 生 活 的足迹,窥视隐藏在其古 纪念碑 之 后 的印度。
Indian t2 vacation, will be Indian traveling and commercial reception society, t2 vacation leads you initially to search India mystically place, trail which lets which you
understand fully correct in assumptions
[...] with difficulty Indian people live, will peep at hides after its ancient monument India.
正是这种双重标准特别 助长扩张主义和占领政策,让以色列继续完全不受惩 罚地侵英雄的巴勒斯人民和阿 拉伯民族。
It is precisely this double standard that fuels, inter alia, the expansionist and occupation
policies that allow Israel to continue to act with full
[...] impunity against the heroic Palestinian people and the Arab nation.
尼加拉瓜政府重申其对国际法原则和准则的坚定承诺,再次呼吁美利坚合众 国政府遵守大会通过的表达了国际社会绝大多数人民意见的 18 项决议,这些决议 要求美国停止对兄弟的古巴共和 英雄 的 人民 和 政府实施经济、商业和金融禁运。
The Government of Nicaragua reiterates its firm commitment to and full respect for the principles and norms of international law, and once again calls on the Government of the United States of America to comply with the 18 resolutions adopted by the General Assembly that express the views of the immense majority of the international community, which demands it end
the economic, commercial and financial
[...] embargo against the heroic people and Government of the fraternal Republic of Cuba.
哈萨克斯坦占 被命名为苏英雄的公民人数的 五分之一,110 名哈 萨克人被授予三等荣誉勋章。
Kazakhstan is fifth
[...] in the number of citizens named Hero of the Soviet [...]
Union, and 110 Kazakhs were awarded third-class Orders of Glory.
今天,我们通纪念我们的英雄、抵 抗者和幸 存者,庆祝这人类解 放的伟大事业,成为奴隶制 历史中这一崇高努力的一部分。
Many of them lost their lives due to the appalling inhuman conditions in which they were kept and treated during their journey, while those who survived were forced to work as slaves and were deprived of any dignity or rights.
联大“鼓励教科文组织为永纪念碑 举 办 一次由信托基金提供经费的 国际设计比赛,因为该组织在‘贩奴之路’项目和国际比赛方面拥有大量经验, 而且其外地办事处和国家教育委员会网络让其存在遍及世界”;并邀请教科文组 织“协助委员会制定评选准则,并协助从其国际专家库中确定担任国际评委的符 合资格的候人人选”
The Assembly “encourages UNESCO to launch an
international design competition for the permanent memorial which is to be funded from the Trust Fund, in view of the considerable experience of that Organization with the Slave Route Project, international competitions and its worldwide presence through its network of field offices and National Commissions; and invites UNESCO to assist the committee in defining guidelines for the selection process and in identifying qualified candidates from its pool of international specialists to serve on the international jury.
The plagues
[...] ravage Egypt, its monuments, and people.
伦敦外交和联邦事务部外边矗立着一纪 念碑,纪念巴厘爆炸事件 202 名受害者,其中包括在 那天丧生的 28 名英国人;我每天触景生情,将此铭 记在心。
I am reminded of this each day; outside the Foreign and
[...] Commonwealth Office in London stands a memorial to the 202 victims of the Bali bombings, including 28 British people who died that day.
在 这方面还应考虑的领域有:艾滋病毒/艾滋病预防教育,青年、文化旅游和对发展 民 族群 网的支持;信息传播技术与文化;促进少数族裔的文化权利;促进伦理 人 权 ; 和平文化与 反对歧视;支纪念贩卖 奴隶与奴隶制的旗舰项目“奴隶之路”。
Additional areas to be considered in this context are HIV/AIDS preventive education, youth, cultural
tourism and support for the
[...] development of diaspora networks; ICTs and culture; promotion of cultural rights of minorities; promotion of ethics and human rights; culture of peace and fight against discrimination; support to the flagship [...]
project “The Slave Route”
in memory of the slave trade and slavery.
它感谢所有在设联合国念碑纪念奴 役 制受人 项目 中支持它的人,对相关国家委员会的成立感到 高兴。
The Caribbean Community wished to thank all those who had
supported it in the initiative
[...] to erect a memorial at the United Nations in honour of the victims of slavery, [...]
and it welcomed the creation
of a committee of interested States.
确认我们各人民的英雄主义 成为推动欧洲抵抗运动、开辟第二战场、 协力打败法西斯主义和日本军国主义的重要动力,赞赏反希特勒联盟各国为胜利 [...]
Reaffirm that the heroism of our peoples was decisive [...]
in giving impetus to the resistance movement in the countries of Europe,
opening a second front, and gathering strength to overcome fascism and Japanese militarism, and recognize the contribution to the victory made by the States of the anti-Hitler coalition
奇帕泽瓦先生(津巴布韦)(以英语发言): 在这个以纪念英雄、抵 抗者和幸存者”为主题的 奴隶制和跨大西洋贩卖奴隶行为受害者国际纪念日 [...]
Mr. Chipaziwa (Zimbabwe): I have the honour to speak on
behalf of the African Group on this solemn
[...] occasion of the commemoration of the International [...]
Day of Remembrance of the Victims
of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade with the theme “Honouring the heroes, resisters and survivors”.
以最新調查計,梁英首次成為香港 巿 民 最 熟 悉的政 人 物 ,梁 國 雄 及 黃 毓 民 就 排名第二及第三。
According to our latest
[...] survey, Leung Chun-ying has become the most visible political figure in Hong Kong, while Leung Kwok-hung and Wong Yuk-man rank 2nd [...]
and 3rd.
认识到何塞马蒂国际团结互助项目在数个双年度期间的工作和成就,希望与其它机构 合作,在何塞马蒂诞辰 160 周年之际,推进对马蒂思想和所有拉丁美洲和加勒 民 族 英雄思 想 的研究;推动在国际层面开展思想辩论的各种论坛和空间,并使之制度化,促进公正和团 结的价值观,教科文组织大会第三十六届会议作出决议,支持将该项目列入 2012--2013 双年 度重大计划 III,社会科学人文科 学,并像前数个年度一样,为其提供资金支持,推动展 开以下活动
Recognizing the work and results of the
José Martí Project
[...] for International Solidarity over a number of biennia and wishing to further the study of Martí’s thought and that of all Latin American and Caribbean national heroes, together with other institutions, in celebration of the 160th anniversary of the birth of José Martí; promoting and systematizing fora and spaces that foster [...]
conceptual debate at
the international level in order to promote the ethical values of justice and solidarity, the General Conference of UNESCO at its 36th session decides to endorse this project under Major Programme III, Social and human sciences, for the 2012-2013 biennium and to allocate to it a financial contribution, as in previous biennia, in support of the following activities
結果發現,最多被訪者提及的首三位政 人 物 依 次為梁 英 、 梁 國 雄 及 黃 毓 民 , 提 名比率分別為66%、37%及36%。
The corresponding percentages of respondents who could name these figures were 66%, 37% and 36%.
议程项目119(续) 纪念废除跨大西洋贩卖奴隶二百周年的后续活动 值奴隶制和跨大西洋贩卖奴隶行为受害者国际 纪念日之际举行的纪念会 主席(英语发 言):成员们记得,大会在 2011年12月12日的第83次会议上就议程项目119举行 了辩论,并且通过了题为“奴隶制和跨大西洋贩卖 奴隶行为受害者永纪念碑和对 受害者的纪念”的 第66/114号决议。
The President: Members will recall that the General Assembly held the debate on agenda item 119 at its 83rd plenary meeting, on 12 December 2011, and adopted resolution 66/114, entitled “Permanent memorial to and remembrance of the victims of slavery and the transatlantic slave trade”.
纪念我心中的英雄而祈 祷,我有一 个简单的心愿——我祈祷他的智慧能指引我继续履 行他为之献身的联合国的使命。
I offered a simple
[...] prayer in memory of my hero — that I might be [...]
guided by his wisdom as I carry on the mission of the United
Nations for which he gave his life.
大会第六十五届会议欣见会员国倡议在联合国总部竖立一座永 纪念碑, 以 承认悲剧的发生和念及奴隶制和跨大西洋贩卖奴隶行为遗留下来的影响;回 顾设立了一个永纪念碑信托 基金,由联合国伙伴关系办公室管理;请秘书长 向大会第六十六届会议报告为执行宣传教育方案而持续采取的行动,包括会员 国采取的行动;并请联合国伙伴关系办公室就信托基金的状况,特别是有关收 到的捐款及其使用的情况,通过秘书长向大会第六十六届会议提交一份综合报 告(第 65/239 号决议)。
At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly welcomed the initiative
of Member States to
[...] erect a permanent memorial at United Nations Headquarters in acknowledgement of the tragedy and in consideration of the legacy of slavery and the transatlantic slave trade; recalled the establishment of a trust fund for the permanent memorial, administered by [...]
the United Nations Office
for Partnerships; requested the Secretary-General to report to the Assembly at its sixty-sixth session on continued action to implement the programme of educational outreach, including action by Member States; and requested the United Nations Office for Partnerships, through the Secretary-General, to submit a comprehensive report to the Assembly at its sixty-sixth session on the status of the Trust Fund and, in particular, on contributions received and their utilization (resolution 65/239).
[...] 各种社会、文化和体育活动,例如文化演出、音乐会、戏剧、电影、在马德普拉 塔安放失人员纪念石碑、十 公里长跑、自行车比赛和摄影展览。
These included a wide range of social, cultural and sporting events, such as cultural acts, music,
theatre, cinema, the installation in
[...] Mar del Plata of a commemorative stone in memory [...]
of disappeared persons, a 10-kilometre
run, a bicycle ride, and photography exhibitions.
早上9:00在到皇岗口岸3楼出境大厅集合,抵港后前往香港会展中心、金紫荆广场(约30分钟),这里为香港回归祖国的见证,团友可于“永远盛开的紫荆花”及回归 纪念碑 旁 拍 照留念,午餐后前往参观香港的风水宝地——浅水湾(约30分钟),浅水湾风光秀丽,是香港众多优美海滩之一,而后游览闻名世界的海洋公园(包含门票RMB26 0元 / 人 , 约3个小时多),这里有世界最大的水族馆、鲨鱼馆及海洋剧场,有海豚、海狮、杀人鲸等精彩特技表演;还有各式各样惊险刺激的机动游乐设施,如过山车、摩天轮、海盗船等。
At 9:00 in the morning to the Huanggang port 3 building exit hall collection, after arrival to the Hongkong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Golden Bauhinia Square ( about 30 minutes ), here for the return of Hongkong to the motherland testimony, you can in "forever
blooming Bauhinia "
[...] and the return of memorial photo-taking, lunch to visit the Hongkong Feng Shui -- Repulse Bay ( about 30 minutes ), Repulse Bay scenery, Hongkong is one of the many beautiful beaches, then visit the world-famous Ocean Park (including tickets to RMB260 yuan / person, about [...]
3 hours ), here are
the world's largest aquarium, aquarium and marine theater, dolphins, sea lions, the killer whale and other amazing stunts; and every kind of thrilling mobile amusement facility, such as a roller coaster, the pirate ship and so on, the Ferris wheel.
本法令的任何规定都不得解释为可妨碍适当安排、维护和保养为参与第二次 世界大战并阵亡人士建造的军人公墓,但用于纪念阵 人 士 的 墓 碑 、 纪念碑 、纪 念柱 、方尖碑和其他纪念性结构和设施不得含有复活纳粹主义和美化纳粹罪犯及 其帮凶的属性。
Nothing in the present Act shall be construed as an impediment to the proper arrangement, maintenance and upkeep of military cemeteries for those who took part in and perished in the Second World War, provided that the headstones, monuments, columns, obelisks and other memorial structures and facilities commemorating the fallen do not contain attributes of the rehabilitation of Nazism and the glorification of Nazi criminals and their accomplices.
我们各人民以英雄主义 和无私奉献赢得的 1941-1945 年伟大的卫国战争胜 利 65 周年即将到来,再次使我们缅怀那些在艰苦卓绝的反法西斯斗争中,以生 [...]
The forthcoming sixty-fifth anniversary of the victory in the
[...] Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, won through the heroism and self-sacrifice [...]
of the peoples of
our countries, reminds us once more of the massive loss of human life and the achievement of those who, at the cost of their lives, deprivation and suffering, brought liberation and peace to the world in the struggle against fascism.




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