单词 | 人机 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 人机 noun —human-computer nless common: human-machine n Examples:无人机—unmanned aerial vehicle 机器人 pl—robotics pl 人机界面—user interface
其宗旨是促进社会发展和减贫,使国家和地区一级各公共和 私 人机 构 得 以交流所取得 的经验和开展的工作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The aim is to encourage social development and poverty reduction by [...] enabling an exchange of experiences and efforts undertaken by various public and [...] private, national and regional institutions. unesdoc.unesco.org |
传统上“基础”科学被视作主要是公共机构或大学的研究领域,而“应用”科学则是 私人 机构的研究领域。 iprcommission.org | Traditionally, “basic” science [...] was viewed as the main activity of the public/university sector and “applied” science [...] the activity of the private sector. iprcommission.org |
已经与几家有希望出资的私人机构建 立了联系,最终可以大大增加计划项 目资金来源,也使全民教育计划的合作伙伴机制得到进一步扩大和加强。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Several promising contacts [...] within the private sector have been established [...]that could considerably boost the financial resources [...]available under the programme, as well as broadening and strengthening partnership mechanisms in support of EFA. unesdoc.unesco.org |
咨询委员会注意到,依照安理 会第 1904(2009)号决议第 21 段,在任命监察员后,第 1730(2006)号决 议所设协调人机制(P-4)应不再接受个人和实体提出的从综合名单除名的 请求,而应继续接受个人和实体提出的从其他制裁名单除名的请求。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee notes that, in accordance with paragraph 21 of Council resolution 1904 (2009), after the appointment of the Ombudsman, the focal point mechanism (P-4) established in resolution 1730 (2006) shall no longer receive requests from individuals or entities seeking to be removed from the Consolidated List, but shall continue to receive requests from individuals and entities seeking to be removed from other sanctions lists. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这 两种体系之间有一种微妙平衡的共生关系42 [...] 。大专院校不仅提供了推动科学进步的学问, 而且还为私人机构提 供了它们所需要的技术人才。 iprcommission.org | There was a symbiotic and finely balanced relationship between these two systems.42 The university sector provided [...] not only the scholarship to advance the progress of science but also the skilled [...] people required by the private sector. iprcommission.org |
产品长度、系统参数、运行状态都可以通 过 人机 界 面 BTV04输入或监控 , 人机 界 面 (BTV04)具有9个固定功能键和7个用户可编程按钮,用户可自由编写界面程序或引用标准界面程序,通过S485直接与伺服通讯进行操作;DKC21.3智能伺服驱动器可自动获取伺服电机参数进行最优化配置,每个驱动器标配一个外部测量轮接口和一个伺服电机编码器接口,同时还具有两路高速中断输入口,16个输入点和12个输出点以及强大的数控指令和高速处理能力。 rollforming-cn.com | The length of products, system parameters, running through the man-machine interface can be BTV04 input or monitoring, human-computer interface (BTV04) with nine fixed-function keys and seven user-programmable Button, the user interface procedures are free to prepare or use interface standard procedures, S485 through direct communication with the servo operation; DKC21.3 intelligent servo drives can automatically obtain servo The electrical parameters of the most optimal allocation of each drive an external standard interface and a measuring wheel servo motor encoder interface, and also offers two-way high-speed interrupt input, 16 Enter points and 12 points output and a strong command of the NC and high-speed processing capability. rollforming-cn.com |
听取了世界各地人民的心声,认识到他们企盼正义 、 人人机 会 均 等、享有包 括发展权在内的人权、在和平与自由中生活以及不受歧视地平等参与经济、社会、 文化、公民和政治生活 daccess-ods.un.org | Having listened to the peoples of the world, and recognizing their aspirations to justice, to equality of opportunity for all, to the enjoyment of their human rights, including the right to development, to live in peace and freedom and to equal participation without discrimination in economic, social, cultural, civil and political life daccess-ods.un.org |
适用这一方法的金融机构是银行和非银行机构,后者包括保险公司、信用社、 大楼协会、合作社、金融中间人、邮政员、房地产中 间 人 、 机 动 车 车行中间人和 快件服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | The financial institutions to which the methodology applies are banks and non banking institutions including: insurance companies, credit unions, building societies, cooperatives, money dealers, postal agencies, real estate dealers, motor vehicle dealers, and courier services. daccess-ods.un.org |
国际移徙主要是国际体系当中的不对称现象所导致,只要不 更公平地分配个人机会和 发展机会,加以纠正,国际移徙就将继续存在。 daccess-ods.un.org | International migration is largely a consequence of the asymmetries in the international system and will persist as long as they are not corrected through a fairer distribution of individual and development opportunities. daccess-ods.un.org |
该调解人不应为成员,也不应与 有关个人、机构或 问题存在任何当前联系。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | The mediator should not be a member and should not otherwise have any current affiliation with [...] the relevant individuals, bodies or issues. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
考虑到《家庭法》提倡严格禁止在吉布提收养儿童,委员会关切的是,国 家间收养对儿童,特别是非吉布提籍儿童的实际影响,这些儿童由 私 人机 构照 料,后者又将他们送到国外收养,并未确保国家间收养程序得到尊重。 daccess-ods.un.org | (43) The Committee, while taking into account that the Family Code advocates the strict prohibition of adoption in Djibouti, is concerned that in practice inter-country adoptions impact children, especially non-Djiboutian children, who are given over to the care of private institutions that send them out of the country to be adopted without ensuring that intercountry adoptions procedures are respected. daccess-ods.un.org |
自动,人机工学设计 操作舒适,连接和断开简便,我们的RCS接头为操作者 提供操作的舒适性和快速性。 staubli.com | Pleasant to handle, easy to connect and disconnect, our RCS couplings ensure the operator’s comfort and contribute to his effectiveness. staubli.com |
波利萨里奥阵线对摩洛哥皇家陆军提出指控涉及在缓冲区修建铁丝网围栏、在限 制区建造一座飞机场和一个仓库、增加护堤高度、挖掘新的反坦克壕沟、坦克调 动和爆炸声、无人驾驶飞行器(无人机 ) 进 行 侦查飞行以及以机械方式改善和加固 护堤。 daccess-ods.un.org | Frente Polisario allegations against the Royal Moroccan Army related to the construction of a barbed-wire fence in the buffer strip, the construction of an airfield and a warehouse in the restricted area, the raising of the height of the berm, the digging of new anti-tank trenches, sounds of tank movements and explosions, reconnaissance overflights by unmanned aerial vehicles and the improving and reinforcing of the berm by mechanical means. daccess-ods.un.org |
这方 面的工作应力求支持建立一种所有个 人 、 机 构 和实体 均对符合国际法、包括人权规范和标准及国际人道主 义法的法律担负责任的环境。 daccess-ods.un.org | Activities in this regard should seek to support the establishment of an environment in which all persons, institutions and entities are accountable to laws that are consistent with international law, including human rights norms and standards, and international humanitarian law. daccess-ods.un.org |
2010 年5 月对宪法的新的修订包括对儿童、老年人、残疾人和烈士亲属的 [...] 特殊待遇;个人数据的保护;采取一切措施防止侵害儿童的义务;建立调 解 人机 构; 准许个人向《宪法》法院提出申诉的权利;承认公务员和国家雇员集体谈判 [...] 的权利;接受对最高军事理事会和最高法官及检察官理事会裁决进行的司法审 查。 daccess-ods.un.org | New constitutional amendments in May 2010 included positive discrimination for children, the elderly, persons with disabilities and relatives of martyrs; personal data protection; the obligation to take all [...] measures to prevent child abuse; the [...] establishment of an ombudsman institution; [...]the granting of the right to individual application [...]to the Constitutional Court; the introduction of collective bargaining rights for civil servants and public employees; and the introduction of judicial scrutiny of decisions of the Supreme Military Council and the Supreme Council of Judges and Prosecutors. daccess-ods.un.org |
没有人会否认仇视伊斯兰教在整 [...] 个西方世界有所增加,从而违反穆斯林人的基本权 利,而美国无人机定期 杀害无辜的阿富汗妇女和儿 童。 daccess-ods.un.org | No one could deny the increase in Islamophobia across the Western world, which had [...] resulted in the violation of the basic rights of [...] Muslims, while United States drones [...]regularly killed innocent Afghan women and children. daccess-ods.un.org |
与此相对应,在 2007 年 10 月 29 日颁布的第 1393/2007 号皇家法令中规定为官 方高校教育所制定的学习计划中应考虑,任何一项职业活动都应符合“尊重及促 进人权且所有设计应遵照普遍无障碍性原则,该宗旨是基于 2003 年 12 月 2 日的 第 51/2003 号法律第十条――最终规定:应在教育计划中包含与残 疾 人机 会均 等、无歧视及普遍无障碍设置权利及原则相关的教学”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Royal Decree No. 1393/2007 of 29 October 2007 establishing the progression of official university syllabi, stipulates that study programmes should take into account the fact that all occupational activities must be conducted "on a basis of respect for and fostering of human rights and the principles of universal accessibility and design for all in accordance with the tenth final provision of Act No. 51/2003 of 2 December 2003 on equality of opportunities, non-discrimination and universal access for persons with disabilities; these study programmes must where appropriate include teaching relating to those rights and principles. daccess-ods.un.org |
这类活动包括(a)阿拉伯妇女科技网络,2005 年 2 月,阿拉伯海湾大学,巴林; (b)妇女的权利和地位:现实还是乌托邦,2005 年 11 月;(c)地中海和黑海第 三届妇女创造者节,2006 年 8 月和 9 月,希腊塞萨洛尼基;(d)意大利和欧洲地 中海地区人人机会均等,2007 年 6 月,意大利都灵;(e)妇女领导可持续发展问 题国际会议,2007 年 11 月,以色列耶路撒冷和海法;(f)跨文化对话是缔造和 平的工具:巴勒斯坦、以色列和意大利妇女的观点,2008 年 12 月,意大利都灵。 daccess-ods.un.org | These included (a) Arab network for women in science and technology, February 2005, Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain; (b) The rights and positions of women: reality or utopia, November 2005; (c) Third festival of women creators of the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea”, August and September 2006, Thessaloniki, Greece; (d) Equal opportunities for all in Italy and the Euro-Mediterranean area, June 2007, Turin, Italy; (e) International conference on women’s leadership for sustainable development, November 2007, Jerusalem and Haifa, Israel; (f) Intercultural dialogue as a peacemaking tool: the viewpoint of the women of Palestine, Israel and Italy, December 2008, Turin, Italy. daccess-ods.un.org |
在《公约》框架内,通过第 007-2008-MIMDES 号最高敕令,成立了专司负 责对《2009-2018 年残疾人机会平 等计划》的执行进行后续跟踪和监测的多部门 常务委员会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Within the framework of the Convention, Supreme Decree No. 007-2008-MIMDES established a second multisectoral commission to monitor and follow up on the 2009–2018 Equal Opportunities Plan for Persons with Disabilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
当您为项目添加设备时,面板和 AOI 集会自动创建标签 来提供控制器的代码和人机界面 的图形。 cn.rockwellautomation.com | Faceplates and AOI sets automatically create tags to provide code for your controller and graphics for your HMI when you add a device into a project. literature.rock...lautomation.com |
此外,由于维持和平行动部不是一个 法 人机 构 , 并且没有向它提出这方面的 要求,苏丹政府认为副秘书长的信函是一个极端明显的不请自来的裁决事例,从 而使人们质疑联合国所有机关都必须严格恪守的中立原则。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, since the Department of Peacekeeping Operations is not a legal body and no request was made to it in this regard, the Government of the Sudan considers the letter of the Under-Secretary-General a flagrant instance of an uncalled-for judgment and an impeachment of neutrality that all United Nations organs have to strictly and scrupulously observe. daccess-ods.un.org |
几位代表概要介绍了本 国政府为加强对私人航空飞行的管制而采取的步骤,办法有:加强雷达监视以 及对私人飞机登记、飞机维修中心和 私 人机 场 登 记进行有系统的审查。 daccess-ods.un.org | Several representatives outlined steps taken by their Governments to tighten controls over private aviation through increased radar surveillance and the systematic [...] review of private aircraft registrations, [...] aircraft servicing and repair centres and the registration of private airstrips. daccess-ods.un.org |
政府计划为残疾人开展各种活动,尤其 是 10 月份举行的儿童残奥会,以及 2009 年所有人 机会平等年之际将要发起的一项运动。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government had organized several events for the benefit of the disabled, in particular the Paralympic Games for children which had taken place in October, and a campaign that would be launched in 2009 pursuant to the Year of Equal Opportunities for All. daccess-ods.un.org |
从人人机会平 等角度出发,同时考虑到残疾人的一些特殊需求,比利时特 别注意了以下事项:建筑环境、交通工具、信息和通讯科技的无障碍性(强制规 范);残疾人就业(打击就业陷阱、制定就业扶持措施);帮助行动不便的大学生 (不仅是在特殊教育领域,最近在普通教育领域也开始此类行动,包括高等教 育)。 daccess-ods.un.org | From the viewpoint of equal opportunities for all, and given the specific needs of persons with disabilities, special attention has been paid to the accessibility of the built-up environment, transport and information and communication technology (development of mandatory standards), as well as to employment for persons with disabilities (action to forestall unemployment traps; measures to promote employment) and support for students with functional limitations (not only in special education but also, more recently, in general education, including higher education). daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会建议,缔约国应就被拘留者权利向警官提供强制性培训,确保法庭释 放保释嫌疑人的命令得到严格执行,并加强公共辩 护 人机 构 提 供法律援助服 务的能力,提高此类服务的质量。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee recommends that the State party provide mandatory training to police officers on the rights of detainees, ensure that court orders to release suspects on bail are strictly enforced, and strengthen the capacity of the Public Defenders Office to provide legal aid services, as well as the quality of such services. daccess-ods.un.org |
2009年底,公司新推出了两项车载影音导航平台技术:一是为长安汽车开发的三屏独立操作系统,该系统是一款多功能影音导航平台,系统采用兼容屏机一体化、屏机分离的结构设计,真正做到前后座三屏独立控制,同时实现触摸屏、中央控制器与 主 机 的 人机 交 互 控制;二是发布领先与行业的E-CAR车载智能信息系统, E-CAR平台的开发理念,是创造车载电子信息化时代,创造汽车消费的新价值——赋予汽车沟通能力。 jxcoagent.com | By the end of 2009, the company rolled out two new car audio navigation platform technology: one is for changan automobile development of three screen independent operating system, this system is a multi-function video navigation platform, system USES compatible screen machine integration, screen separation, the structure design of the machine is really a before and after three independent control and achieve screen touch screen, the central controller and the host of the man-machine interactive control; 2 it is released and industry E-leading CAR the intelligent information system, E-CAR platform development ideas, and is to create vehicle electronic information times, create new value of automobile consumption —— Give car communication ability. jxcoagent.com |
委员会注意到,缔约国尚未批准《劳工组织关于移民就业的第97 号公约》 (1949 年修订本) 或《劳工组织关于非法条件下的移民和促进移徙 工 人机 会 及 待遇 平等的第143 号公约》。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee notes that the State party has still not ratified the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention concerning Migration for Employment (Revised 1949) (No. 97) or the ILO Convention concerning Migrations in Abusive Conditions and the Promotion of Equality of Opportunity and Treatment of Migrant Workers (No. 143). daccess-ods.un.org |
在艺术创作中,“沉浸”特指来自建立 于 人机 交 互 和虚拟现实等科技之上,在三维环境中创作的虚拟艺术,引导观看者深度进入并体验以美学-科技为逻辑与表达,并在计算机科学环境中创作的艺术作品。 shanghaibiennale.org | In the artistic field, IMMERSION specifically refers to Virtual Art, very often in a three dimensional environment, using interactivity and Virtual Reality (VR) to immerse the viewer into a computer art world based on aesthetic-technological logic and expression. shanghaibiennale.org |