

单词 人心不足蛇吞象

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信奉这种哲学的㆟,彷 佛㆒条长满毒牙的外的㆒切,最後咬 自己的尾巴,连自己也吃掉。
People believing in such kind of philosophy
[...] are just like long snakes withpoisonousteeth. Not only do theyswallow everythingaround [...]
them, they will eventually
bite their own tails and even eat themselves up.
Luck: The journalist may just be in a
[...] goodmood,have an interest in your kind of organisation for personal reasons, or they may not be as busy as usual.
我的问题是,局长是否知道这做法,反而会使亚有负面感 觉,认为当局心不足方面的推广亦不足,因而要借此造势,利 用这些造气氛呢?
My question is, does the Secretary know that this kind of action will, on the contrary, give people negative feelings about the bid,
because they might
[...] think that the Government, lacking in confidence andhavinginadequate promotion, would resort to using these false images to build upan atmosphere of public support?
总括来说,我认为今天这项议案所提出的建议未能 加强对置保障,反而大大减低了自由市场的灵活性,甚至对楼市造 成负面影响。
In a nutshell, I think the
[...] proposals raised in today's motion are not only superfluous, but also fail to enhance [...]
the protection
for property buyers. On the contrary, the proposals will greatly undermine the flexibility of a free market, and even affect the property market adversely.
鉴于暴力往往仍被视为一种必要的纪律形式以及法律、政策及学校机构对这 一不足别报告员特别强调要通过立法坚决禁止校园内的所有暴力行 为;为专订提高认识和建设能力的举措;提倡通过非暴力手段调解和解 决冲突;促进包括儿童本身在内的所有利益相关者的参与进程。
Recalling the still frequent perception
[...] of violence as a needed form of disciplineand theinsufficient attention given to this phenomenonbylaws, policies and school institutions, she placed [...]
a special emphasis
on the adoption of legislation to firmly ban all violence in schools; the development of awareness-raising and capacity-building initiatives for professionals; the promotion of mediation and conflict resolution through non-violent means; as well as the promotion of participatory processes with the involvement of all stakeholders, including children themselves.
以色列违反国际法、人权法和国际人道主义法的 行为一直在增多,其很多做法就证明了这一点,例如 在没有任何合法理由的情况下将 10 000 名巴勒斯坦 人拘押在以色列监狱和拘留所中;无视国际法院的咨 询意见,持续修建种族主义隔离墙;违反安全理事会 第 1860(2009)号决议和大会第 ES-10/18 号决议,对 加沙地带实行严密封锁;在西岸设置障碍和检查站; 以色列内阁规定犹太人作出效忠宣誓,以孤立以色列 境内的以色列籍阿拉以色列议会最近的立法 对撤出已被以色阿拉伯被占领土规定了新 的苛刻条件,但通过全民投票或经议会三分之二多数 通过则除外;以及由于时间关系,我一列举 的其他许多违法行为。
Israel’s violations of international law, human rights law and international humanitarian law have been increasing, as manifested by many practices, such as the detention of 10,000 Palestinians in Israeli jails and detention facilities without any legal grounds; the continued construction of the racist separation wall, in defiance of the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice; the tight siege of the Gaza Strip, contrary to Security Council resolution 1860 (2009) and General Assembly resolution ES-10/18; the barriers and checkpoints in the West Bank; the
Jewish loyalty oath
[...] institutedby the Israeli Cabinet to isolate the Arab-Israel population in Israel; the recent Knesset legislation setting stringent new conditions on any withdrawal from the occupied Arab territories annexed to Israel except through a referendum or the approval of a two-third majority of the Knesset; and many other violations that timewill notpermit us to list.
亚美尼亚领导层对其境内以及被占阿塞拜疆领土的所有非亚美尼了全面的种族清洗,从而在这些地区成功地创造了独有的单一民族文化,他们很 早以前就公布图,其史妄想和种族仇恨。
Having implemented the total ethnic cleansing of both the territory of Armenia and the occupied territories of Azerbaijan of all
non-Armenians and thus succeeded in creating
[...] the uniquely mono-ethnic culture in these areas, the leadership of Armenia long ago unveiledits annexationist intentions, at the core of whichare historical delusions and racial animosity.
这种 医生与 病 人的“ 风 声 鹤唳” 、 “ 杯的 关 系加 重 医 疗 成 本 , 导 致资源浪费, 更 会 无 故 增 添 医生与力, 最 终 对 谁 也 没有益 处。
This kind of tense and hyper-sensitive relationship
[...] between doctors and patients willnot onlyincrease health care costs and waste resources, but also unnecessarily add to thepsychological pressureof both doctors and patients.
汤家骅议员质疑第307(Z)(2)条是否""为若些情况下负 有法律责任、公正和合理,该 人便无须负该法律责任。
Mr Ronny TONG doubted whether 307(Z)(2) was superfluous as a person wouldnot beheld liable if the circumstances were unfair, unjust and unreasonable to hold the person liable.
近年来,农业“绿色革命”生产率的提高已开 始呈现虎肥料等生产资料价格、水供应以及争夺土地关切,凡此种种均给供应前景投下阴影——而根据预计,到 2050 年,粮食需 求将上升 70%。
Recent years have also seen the productivity increases of the agricultural “Green Revolution” start to run out of steam, with concerns over prices of inputs such as fertilizers, water availability and competition for land also casting a shadow over the supply outlook — even as demand for food is projected to rise by 70 per cent by 2050.
虽然报告提出大部分民意支 持 2012 年普选行政长官,但却上一句“2017 年先行 落实普选行政长官,将有较大机会在香港社会获得大多”。
Although the report claims that the majority of public opinion is in favour of electing the Chief Executive
by universal suffrage
[...] in 2012, it adds a redundant remark that "implementing universal suffrage for the CE first by no later than 2017 will stand a better chanceof being accepted [...]
by the majority in our community.
Although the CICIG is not specifically directed towards journalists, it
[...] draws attention to issues atthe heart of the problem of impunity.
民 建 联认为 , 香港经 济 下 调 , 只 是一种 短 暂 的经 济 回 复 正 轨 的 时 候 ,财政收入自然会 有改善, 因此, 现 时对税制 作重大 改 革 ,会政 府对经 济 发 展心 不足政政策 方 寸 大 乱 。
Introducing a significant revamp to the taxation system at this moment will only give people an impression thatthe Government lacks full confidence inour economic development and that its fiscal policies are in confusion.
一位与会者重申了在“社会科学学”部分所表示过的对快速拟定准则性文件 这种
One participant restated the concern already expressed in the section on Social and Human Sciences with regard to the process and pace of standard-setting instruments.
她提到,该国政府由于与民间社会的对话脱轨,在制定国家人权行动计划方 面遇到困难;该国最高当局最近发表了承认维护者在该国合法工作的的 声明;该国政府为维护者采取的不完善的措施;早期预警系统的不足之处;应对 当前有罪不罚不足;以及为打击非法情报活动所采取的初步行动。
She presents: the difficulties faced by the Government in adopting a national human rights action plan owing to a derailed dialogue with civil society; recent encouraging statements by the highest authorities in the country in recognizing the legitimate work of
defenders; the imperfect
[...] protective measures taken by the Government for defenders; the deficiencies in the early warning system; the insufficient response to the prevailing impunity; and the preliminary action [...]
taken against the
illegal intelligence activities.
[...] 行界赔偿雷曼,往往只闻楼梯响,不见钱下来,直至立法会要用特权调 查,才开始,吞吞不足50公开赔偿,以为立法会执行《权 力及特权条例》降温,为反对立法会调查制造一些似是而非的理由。
It was not until the Legislative
Council started talking about
[...] invoking the Ordinance that banks started, very slowly, to paycompensation [...]
in no more than 50 cases,
in the hope of cooling down sentiments in the Legislative Council and creating specious reasons for opposing an investigation by the Legislative Council.
给防 止酷刑小组委员会留下了技业化培不足
The SPT was left with the impression that specialised training for technical staff was lacking.
年为体培养目标是:a) 促进艺术教育、提高创新能力,族、文化、风俗 习惯和传统的青会和睦相处,学会宽容和理解,增进相互了解,从而推动优质全民 教育重要目标的实现,b) 促进文化多样性和艺术发展,c) 采取具体的实际行动,为不同文 明、文化和民族间的对话做出贡献,以及 d) 促进和平,倡导通过和平的方式解决共同的问 题,在不同国家、分地区和地区的青年人当中培养一种和平文化。
Aimed at young people, the overall objectives are: (a) to further the objectives of artistic education and creativity, to learn to live together and to promote tolerance and understanding among as well as knowledge about different peoples, cultures, customs and traditions, thus pursuing important dimensions of quality Education for All; (b) to promote cultural diversity and artistic development; (c) to undertake concrete and practical action contributing to the dialogue among civilizations, cultures and peoples; and (d) to promote peace and peaceful solutions to common problems, thus fostering the emergence of a culture of peace among young people from different countries, subregions and regions.
It was a sequined dress embroidered with gold in the oriental manner that
was to end up, years later, with
[...] the imageof an eagle devouringa snakeahybridthat remains [...]
as a veiled Chinese presence,
as an eastern ghost that still lives among us.
牠的其他头衔有 “杀人的”和“说谎的”(约 8:44),“遍地游行,寻找叫的狮子”(彼前 5:8;提后 4:17),“迷惑列国的”(启 12:9;20:3,10),“控告弟兄的”(亚 3:1;启 12:10),光明的天使(林后 11:14),鬼、龙(启 12:7,9;20:2),鬼王、别西卜 (太 12:24;路 11:15)。
Other titles given to him are murderer and liar
(Jn 8:44); a
[...] roaring lion who goes about trying to devour people(1Pe 5:8; 2Ti 4:17); deceiver of nations (Rev 12:9; 20:3,10); accuser of the brethren (Zec 3:1; Rev 12:10); angel of light (2Co 11:14); ancient serpent, devil,dragon (Rev 12:7,9; 20:2); prince [...]
of demons, Beelzebub (Mt 12:24; Lk 11:15).
所以,可见当局给予我们的要麽“阔佬懒 理 ”,要麽便像接载在泰国的般“吞吞
Therefore, this shows that the
authorities have
[...] given us the impression that they either "could not care less" or "acted sluggishly", as in the case of bringing Hong Kong people back from Thailand.
原本在张文光议员发言後,我由於张表示大惑不解,不明白为何民主派人士要这 样做 ⎯⎯ 当然,我并非妄想要与民主党相提并论 [...]
⎯⎯ 一时希望法例 尽快执行,一时又希望最好不要执行,所以我认为有必要清楚解释个中 原因,这是非常合乎逻辑的。
Originally, I didnot intend to add superfluous comments after Mr CHEUNG Man-kwong [...]
has made his remarks. However, as Mr Tommy CHEUNG is extremely puzzled and he does not understand why
the democrats have to do so ― certainly, I am not harbouring any vain hope that I would be placed on a par with the Democrats ― they sometimes want the expeditious implementation of the Ordinance and they want non-implementation some other times.
而政府为何㆒定要在油尖、旺居民反对声音之㆘合并, 我相信大家亦明,毋需我在此
As to why the Government insists on merging the two districts despite the
opposition of the Yau Tsim and Mong Kok residents, I belive all
[...] of us know the reason well andI need not spell it out here.
此外,虽然中央政府明确支持香港维持国际航运位,以及积极 发展物流,但现实是珠三角内港口及机场林立,并且各
Moreover, although the Central Government has explicitly supported Hong Kong to maintain
its status as an internationalshipping centre and to actively develop its logistics business, the fact remains that a multitude of ports and airports are thriving in the PRD Region, and all of them are exerting their bestto expand their throughput.
联科行动将继续着重恢复公众信心和改善科特迪瓦警察在公法是定期与地方警察一起巡逻,随时监测地方警察的活动,并提供关 于尊咨询服务。
The Operation will continue to focus on
[...] restoring public confidence andimproving the public image ofthe Ivorian police by regularly patrolling alongside the local police, constantly monitoring the activities of the local police and providing advisory services on the respect for human rights.
阿根廷在国内为打击有军事独裁统治期间严重侵为的受害者了解真相、伸张正义和获得赔偿的要求所提出的对策,是阿根 廷政府综合人权政策的重要支柱。
The responses offered by Argentina at the domestic level in combating impunity and the demands for truth, justice and reparation for the victims of grave violations of human rights during the last military dictatorship represent fundamental pillars of the integral human rights policy of the Argentine Government.
这种情况似乎也不能归咎于出水有关的灾害问题心不足同基础科 学和工程科学处51 以及总部外办事处在战略、任务和结果评估信息系统中登记的项目清单中 [...]
This situation does notseem to stem from alack of donor interest in water-related [...]
disasters, as it is included on the
list of projects of the Division of Basic and Engineering Sciences51 and field offices registered in SISTER.
主席,我相信,在今天的议会内,有为这项议案是无必 要的,因为他们认为香港的法治基础一直良好次讨论。
President, I believe in this Council today, some peoplemay consider this motion unnecessary, for they think that the rule of law always has a good foundation in Hong Kong and do notsee the need to carry coals to Newcastle and raise this issue for further discussion.
如果真的是有欠清楚,并希望获得保证的话,那麽大可像我稍後提出的 修正案般,在条文中上一句说明,如果律政司司长基於立法会 的弹劾程序的要求而提交资料,便法。
If there is genuine ambiguity and safeguard is necessary, we can simply add something to the provision, just like the amendments that I am going to propose, stating that it is not unlawful for the Secretary of Justice to provide information to the Legislative Council in connection with the impeachment proceedings.
事实上,我看到过往数年很多投诉均指执法不力,警方却指不足成功等的问题,这正正说明如果现役公共小巴 也安装记录仪,这其实对经营者、驾驶者、乘客和政府的执法部门均 是百利而无一害,而付出的只是很小的数目。
As a matter of fact, I have seen many complaints about ineffective enforcement over the past few years, while the police have pointed out the problems of manpower shortage and unsuccessful covert operations.




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