

单词 人径

人径 noun ()

footpath n


行人径 n

footpath n



See also:


diameter n
track n


External sources (not reviewed)

印度 尼西亚对该决议草案及拟议修正案投了赞成票,相
[...] 信拓宽人权所有权准则、标准和机制的对话、共识 和国际支持是促进和保人权的最佳 径。
Indonesia had voted in favour of the draft resolution and the proposed amendments thereto, believing that dialogue, consensus and universal support, which served to broaden
ownership of human rights norms, standards and mechanisms, were the best means of
[...] promoting and protecting human rights.
这类 宣 传 材 料 包 括“要 求 兑 现 千 年发展目标 :人权的径” ,人权高 专办/联合国千年活动联合宣传手册 和世界卫生组 织 联合出版 的题为“健康、人权 和 减 贫 战略” ,在健康与国家减 贫 战略范 畴 里融入国际 和国家行动者 实现人权的 义务。
Such materials included "Claiming the MDGs: a human rights approach", a joint OHCHR/United Nations Millennium Campaign brochure, and a joint publication with the World Health Organization entitled "Health, human rights and poverty reduction strategies", embracing obligations of international and national actors to realize human rights in the context of health and national poverty reduction strategies.
他因此再次呼吁第五委员会 批准在即将来临的基本建设总计划重要时刻提供足
[...] 够的信息和通信技术科长期任用的专业工 人 员 ,途 径包括在 2010-2011 年预算中列入 1 个 [...]
P-4 和 2 个 P-2 员额的经费。
He therefore renewed his appeal to the Fifth Committee to approve adequate permanent Professional staff for the Information and Communication Technology Service in
the upcoming critical period of the
[...] capital master plan, by means including provision [...]
in the 2010-2011 budget for one P-4 and two P-2 posts.
大会在题为“1949 年 8 月 12 日《关于战时保护平民的日内瓦公约》适用于 包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占领巴勒斯坦领土和其他被占领的阿拉伯领土”、“以色
[...] 点”、“以色列在包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占领巴勒斯坦领土侵害巴勒斯 人 民人 权的行径”和 “被占领的叙利亚戈兰”的四项决议中,要求秘书长就决议的执行 [...]
情况向大会第六十六届会议提出报告(第 65/103 号至 65/106 号决议)。
In its resolutions entitled “Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories”; “Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the
occupied Syrian Golan”; “Israeli
[...] practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian [...]
people in the Occupied Palestinian
Territory, including East Jerusalem”; and “The occupied Syrian Golan”, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to report to it at its sixty-sixth session on the implementation of the resolutions (resolutions 65/103-65/106).
总长215千米,凯里路目前是爱尔兰距离最长的带路标的远 径 , 路 途景色 人 , 因 此也 人 气 最 旺的远 径。
At 215km, the Kerry Way is currently Ireland's longest signposted walking trail and also one of the most popular due to its outstanding natural beauty.
此外,委员 会认识到,P-2/1 员额是通过青年专业人员方案征聘工 人 员 的 主要 径 , 也 使 通过从其他职类转为专业职类的竞争性征聘考试的一般事务人员得以晋升。
In addition, the Committee is aware that P-2/1 posts are the primary avenue for the recruitment of staff through the young professionals programme and also allow for the advancement of General Service staff who are successful in the competitive examination for recruitment to the Professional category of staff members from other categories.
都伯林景色醉人,海岸线更是人赞 叹 不已,浩斯 径 ( Ho wth Head)对所人来说,都是一个不容错过的远足路径。
With stunning views over Dublin City and its mesmerising coastline, Howth Head is a must-do walk for all abilities.
我国政府无法对这片领土 行使有效的管辖权,因此不会对在那里发生的法律违规行为和严重侵 人 权 行径 承担任何责任。
Our Government does not exercise effective jurisdiction over that territory and therefore does not assume any responsibility whatsoever for the legal irregularities and serious human rights violations that have taken place there.
由于这一进程是公司履行尊人权责 任的 径 , 因 此, 必须从单纯地确定和管理重大风险延及到公司本身,以涵盖公司活动和相关关系 [...]
Because the process is a means for companies to address their
[...] responsibility to respect human rights, it must go beyond [...]
identifying and managing material risks to the company itself to include the risks a company’s activities and associated relationships may pose to the rights of affected individuals and communities.
大 部分服务中心设有升降机、伤残人士洗手间、失 人 士 引 导 径 、 弱 听 人 士 感 应环 回系统及降低高度的登记柜台,为有残障的学生减低障碍。
Lifts, toilets for persons with disabilities, tactiles for the blind, induction loop system for persons with hearing impairment and registration desks with lowered level are provided in most service centres to minimise access barriers to students with disabilities.
实现提高教育质量战略目标的另一重要 径 是 把关 于 人 权 、 和平和民主教育纳入教育 体系的主流。
Another key vehicle for achieving the strategic objective of quality improvement is the mainstreaming of education for human rights, peace and democracy within education systems.
自从兄弟的叙利亚人民 2011 年 3 月的和平起义 爆发以来,卡塔尔国对这个亲爱的阿拉伯兄弟国家境
[...] 内发生的事件深感关切,并要求制止叙利亚人民中间 的流血事件,停止侵犯基本自由人 权 的 行 径。
Since the outbreak of the peaceful uprising of the brotherly Syrian people, in March 2011, the State of Qatar has expressed its deep concern about what is happening in a dear brotherly Arab
country, and demanded that the bloodshed among the Syrian people and violations of fundamental
[...] freedoms and human rights stop.
本书第二版纳入了更多国家, 内容更详细,对国际标准进行了更新,希望能成为有用的资源,以帮助那些努力推广信息权 最佳实施径的人们。
It is hoped that this second edition, by covering more countries, in more detail, and by updating the international standards, will prove
to be a useful resource to those struggling to promote best practice
[...] approaches to implementing the right to information.
我们毫不怀疑的是,这些国家提出这些指控只不 过是企图转移对其本国违反核裁军义务的 人 听闻 行径的注意力,这些行径包括共享核武器,在其领土 上部署核武器,以及帮助中东唯一的《不扩散条约》 非缔约方以色列政权从事其核武器计划。
We have no doubt that raising such allegations is nothing but an attempt to divert attention from the horrendous record of non-compliance by those countries with their nuclear disarmament obligations, including through nuclear weapon-sharing, hosting nuclear weapons in their territories and assisting the only non-party to the NPT in the Middle East, the Israeli regime, with its nuclear weapons programme.
今天,越来越多的人更加熟悉数字媒体,如果有人认为大众媒体播出的“灾区”情况和他在现场的亲身经历有出入(这种差别当然有… …)人们就有途径和手 段在第一时间发声。
Today, where more and more people are ever more familiar with digital media, if one felt a gap between the reality of “the disaster area” broadcasted on mass-media and the one being felt and experienced by themselves on site (of course there was…), he/she has the means and tools to address it firsthand.
从雨林径到令人着迷 的博物馆,从活力四射的多文化城市到对运动的热爱,澳大利亚独一无二。
From rainforest trails to fascinating museums, vibrant multicultural cities to a love of sport, Australia is unique.
社区民众不 愿意将伊斯兰教与暴力挂钩,也不喜欢自我封闭、拒 绝传统的人,他们不希望被击毙的恐怖分子在当地的 墓地入葬,他们也不赞同煽动极端 径 的 人 在 当 地的 清真寺传讲圣战思想。
They do not like Islam associated with violence, they do not like people who keep to themselves and reject traditional practices, they do not want dead terrorists buried in local cemeteries, and they do not approve of firebrands preaching jihad in their local mosques.
圣Aygulf的小口,可以轻松访问径, 人 们 可 以发现野生的进气口和沙滩的这家宜人的小村庄的海滩。
The little port of St. Aygulf gives easy access to the beach paths where one can discover the wild inlets and the sand beaches of this pleasant hamlet.
人民权利监察员办公室的主要工作目标是,扭转那些侵权行为受害者的失 望和不满情绪,依据《宪法》和其他法律规定,力所能及地通过多方 径 满 足人 们对司法的需求。
The Office’s principle aim is to alleviate the desperation and discontent of those whose rights have been violated and to seek, by all the means available to it, to comply with what is provided under the Constitution and by law with regard to demands for justice.
不同银行在研究其他可行方案时亦有咨询视障人士的 意见,其中包括设立“快捷键”以提供另一 径 让 视 障 人 士 透过数字键盘来操作 轻触式屏幕自动柜员机。
Different banks have been consulting the visually impaired community in studying other potential solutions including the provision of “short-cut keys” to offer an alternative for visually impaired customers to operate touch-screen ATMs using keypad input.
执行这项原则的一种径,是将人均 排放限度作为起点。
A way of implementing this principle was to use per capita emission limits as a starting point.
南 部和东部的开发开辟了另一条生活 径 , 人 们 不 再遭受暴力和毁灭的痛苦。
Development of the North and the East offers an alternative pathway to lives which are otherwise marred by violence and destruction.
交战方犯下这些径,包 括袭人道主 义和媒体工作人员却完全不受惩罚,并 把它们用作施加最大政治压力的工具,以便达到他们 [...]
These acts, which include attacks on humanitarian [...]
and media personnel with complete impunity, are committed and used by
warring parties as a tool for exerting maximum political pressure to achieve their goals in areas of conflict at the expense of the security and safety of innocent civilians.
在这一背景下,区域金融机构可发挥关键作用, 即,拓宽贸易融资业务的创新径, 并 促进与 人 银 行 和出口信贷机构等其他关 键行为方的资源整合和协调。
In this context, regional financial institutions can play a crucial role by expanding innovative ways of financing trade operations and favouring resource pooling and coordination with other key actors, such as private banks and export credit agencies.
本区域许多发展中国家日益认识到,对水、森林、 土地以及相关的生态系统等自然资源(即所谓的自然资本)的可持续管理 加大投资是创造就业的一个机遇,也是确保生态系统服务源源不断的一个径,从而满人们、 尤其是最弱势群体对粮食生产、水和能源以及提高 抗击环境变化的社会经济能力的需求。
Greater investment in the sustainable management of natural resources, such as water, forests, land and the associated ecosystems, also known as natural capital, is increasingly recognized in many developing countries in the region as an opportunity for new job creation, as well as a way to secure the flow of ecosystem services required to meet the demands for food production, water and energy and greater socio-economic resilience to environmental change, in particular for the most vulnerable groups.
以色列这 种侵略径已令人遗憾地造成了 1 名法国国民受伤,她在 Nabi Saleh 村的示威中被毒气榴弹击中,另外还有 12 人受伤,他们当时抗议以色 列继续没收该村的土地。
Such Israeli aggression regrettably resulted in the wounding of a French national, who was hit by a gas grenade while she was in a demonstration in the village of Nabi Saleh, where 12 other people were also injured as they protested against Israel’s continuing land confiscation in the village.
新加坡防癌协会(SCS)成立于1964年,是一所自筹资金志愿性健康组织,致力于通过公众教育、病情检查、门诊服务、财政援助、调查和宣传等 径 , 将 癌症 人 体 健 康的影响降至最低。
Established in 1964, the Singapore Cancer Society is a self-funding voluntary health organisation dedicated to minimising the impact of cancer through public education, screening, patient services, financial assistance, research and advocacy.
[...] 联合国机构,紧急采取行动,迫使占领国以色列停止其行政拘留的非法 径 ,停 止侵人权和 侮辱关押在监狱和拘留中心的巴勒斯坦人的尊严,并立即采取行 [...]
At this critical juncture, we reiterate our call on the international community, including the Security Council, the General Assembly and other relevant United Nations bodies, to act urgently to compel Israel, the occupying Power, to cease its
illegal practice of administrative
[...] detention, to cease its human rights violations and [...]
affronts to the human dignity of the
Palestinians held in its prisons and detention centres, and to act forthwith to release all Palestinians it is unlawfully incarcerating.




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