

单词 人尖儿

See also:




sharp adj
pointed adj

point (of needle)


son n

External sources (not reviewed)

例如,在 2 011年,天猫上一家尖儿童服 装品牌决定建立自己的B2C网站,该店的年销售 额超过 2亿人民币
For instance, one of the top online children’s clothing brands on Tmall, with more than RMB 200 million in annual sales, [...]
decided to build its own B2C website in 2011.
(a) 加強教學及研究-招聘和挽留尖教 學 人 員 ,以配合教學及 研究計劃的整體及長遠發展;以及採用和應用嶄新科技及方 法,改善教與學的環境。
(a) Teaching and research enhancement – to recruit and retain top-notch academic staff for general and long term development of teaching and research programmes; and to adopt and apply new technologies and methodologies to improve the teaching and learning environment.
五. 为妇女、残人、儿童(尤 其是那些与武装部队和武装集团相关的儿童) 及其他有特殊需求的人员提供特殊保护。
v. Provide special protection for women, disabled persons, children including those associated with the armed forces and armed groups, and other persons with special needs.
如果教科文组织既要切实有效地开展实现全民教育目 标的工作,同时又要满足各国日益增长的需求,向诸如高等教育这样的领域提供援助,或开尖端科学研究,那么就必须在正常计划内长期提供更多的资金,加强该计划和工 人 员的 预算。
If UNESCO is to work more efficiently to achieve EFA, while responding to the increasing demand of countries to also provide assistance in areas such as
higher education or be
[...] at the cutting edge of research, significant further resources must also be provided on a permanent basis within the regular programme to reinforce both the programme and staff budgets.
在一名美国军官 在场的情况下,他被戴上手铐,套上头罩,带到一家警察局,不久后 被送到拉合尔郊外的一个古堡,在那里与来自巴勒斯坦、突尼斯、阿
[...] 拉伯叙利比亚民众国和埃及的其他人员关押在一起,遭到拳打脚踢, 电击声人们的尖叫声不绝于耳。
In the presence of an American officer, he was then taken, handcuffed and hooded, to a police station and, shortly afterwards, to an old fortress outside Lahore, where he was held with other men from
Palestine, Tunisia, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and Egypt, and beaten and kicked, and
[...] heard electroshocks and people screaming.
[...] 看来,这种运动不是解决该国大多数 人儿 童 的 方案,而是仅仅有助于极少数 人。
An observer from a non-governmental organization (NGO) drew the attention of the Working Group to the charter school movement in the United States
which, in his view, was not a solution for the
[...] majority of black children in the country, [...]
but helped only a small minority.
据称,驳回申请的遣返前风险评估官员和法官在 法律上犯了错误,认定提交人必须证明她和 儿人 身 受到威胁,不考虑她们因属 于社会特殊群体,即女性而面临风险,有充分理由感到恐惧。
It is alleged that both the PRRA officer and the IRB member who denied the refugee status application erred at law when they concluded that the author needed to prove that she and her daughter were personally targeted, disregarding the well-founded nature of their fear in view of the risks faced by members of a particular social group, i.e. women.
后来一名士兵从 囚室中把我带出来,给我的双手带上手铐,反铐在背后并绑在一面墙的窗口上, 他拉紧我的双手,一直拉到窗沿上,我被挂在 儿 , 脚 尖 碰 到 我的鞋子。
He then tied them to a window on the wall and raised my hands until they were tight against the end of the window.
西九計劃的願景和目標是建立一個擁有世界 級文化藝術設施、尖人才、地標式建築及高水平節目的綜合文化區, 並對本地居民及遊客均具有必須到此一遊的吸引力。
The vision and objectives of the WKCD project are to develop an integrated arts and cultural district with world-class arts and cultural facilities, distinguished talents, iconic architectures, and quality programmes with a must-visit appeal to the local people and tourists.
We continue to add more top talent to our leadership team, to prepare for increased customer collaboration, R&D, and expansion of our global footprint.
是項收購與友邦保險的策略優勢及其首要策略非常配合,並將 會令友邦保險在馬來西亞這增長迅速並極具盈利能力的保險市場成為 尖 的 人 壽 保 險公司 (詳 情請見另一新聞稿)。
This acquisition represents an excellent fit with AIA’s strategic strengths and priorities and will establish AIA as the Number One life insurance company in the fast growing and highly profitable Malaysian insurance market (see our separate press release for details).
[...] 个人或小组,负责听取多领域咨询意见,与不同的有关行 人(儿 童 、 家 人 、替 代性照料者)协商,对儿童的境况进行评估,从而确定:有无可能让儿童与家人 [...]
团聚,这样做是否符合儿童的最大利益,应采取哪些措施,以及应由谁来监督这 些措施。
In order to prepare and support the child and the family for his/her possible return to the family, his/her situation should be assessed by a duly designated individual or team with access to multidisciplinary advice, in
consultation with the different actors
[...] involved (the child, the family, the alternative [...]
caregiver), so as to decide whether the
reintegration of the child in the family is possible and in the best interests of the child, which steps this would involve and under whose supervision.
(c) 执行2008
[...] 年教育法,加强特别措施,其目的除其他外特别是要降低非 洲裔和土人儿童的 辍学率,向其父母宣传上学的好处。
(c) Implement the 2008 law on education and strengthen special measures
aimed at, inter alia, reducing the school
[...] dropout rates of children of African descent [...]
and indigenous origin, and sensitizing
their parents to the benefits of education.
委员会鼓励缔约国加强努力并为所有贫困和遭排斥群体的儿童,特别是罗 人儿 童和残疾儿童提供特殊综合教育。
The Committee encourages the State party to strengthen its efforts and privilege integrated schooling for all disadvantaged and marginalized groups in particular Roma and children with disabilities.
(a) 对《儿童福利法》( 包括关于未成人儿童照 管中心的第5A章) 的修订 案
(a) Amendments to the Child Welfare Act, including Chapter 5A on child care centres for minors.
地区医疗中心被送回拘留地点。鉴于提 人 的 儿 子 最 后死在同一医 疗中心,委员会期望缔约国进行调查或至少解释为什么不断把他送回拘留所,为 什么没有在提人儿子死 前及时向其通报其儿子严重的病况。
Given that the author’s son ultimately died in the same Medical Centre, the Committee would have expected an investigation or at the very least an explanation from the State party of the reasons why he was continually released back into detention and why the author was not notified about his son’s grave medical condition in time before his death.
除与能帮助我们识别和招募尖人才 的 合伙人建立友好关系之外,例如INROADS(未成年大学生实习计划)和全美黑人工商管理硕士协会,我们还参加由代表各类人群的协会赞助的讨论会和招聘会。
In addition to building relationships with partners who can help us identify and recruit top talent, such as INROADS (minority undergraduate internship program) and the National Black MBA Association (NBMBAA), we attend conferences and recruiting events sponsored by associations that represent diverse populations.
致力于解决包括教育、文化和技术权在内的公民基本权利的问题,以及贫困或边 缘化群体(如人、儿童、 移民和难民)的各项权利问题。
Working to address fundamental rights of citizens, including right to education,
culture, technology, and rights of disadvantaged or marginalized groups (for
[...] example, poor, children, migrants/refugees).
第二届会议于 2011 年 7 月 12 日至 14 日在雅库茨克举行,各大洲 33 个 国家的杰出专家以及教科文组织和国际电信联盟 尖人 物 参 加了会议,会议强调在网络空间 保存多语言性及促进语言和文化多样性的重要意义,特别是考虑到教科文组织 2003 年通过 的《普及网络空间及促进并使用多语言的建议书》。
The second edition of this conference was held in Yakutsk from 12 to14 July 2011 with prominent experts from 33 countries of all continents and top-ranking UNESCO and ITU officials, highlighting the importance of preserving multilingualism and of promoting linguistic and cultural diversity in cyberspace, especially in view of the Recommendation concerning the Promotion and Use of Multilingualism and Universal Access to Cyberspace, adopted by UNESCO in 2003.
他们自己水景园的实现是您客户的一片天堂,因为您的日常业务是很多花园 人儿 时 的 梦想。
The realisation of their own water garden is a
piece of paradise for your customers because the everyday business
[...] for you is the childhood dream of many [...]
garden owners.
我們必須 將定位跳出香港,在香港以外的範圍劃更大的圈子,才可讓香港的教育 產業成功作為一項產業,而且還可吸引世界各地的 尖人 才 來 香港就讀。
Therefore, we must position beyond Hong Kong, so that our education industry can successfully become an important industry, and can attract top talents from all over the world to pursue their studies in Hong Kong.
其成员包括7500多为人力资源管理人员,其中包括最大的50位人力资源买家、最大的30个人力资源提供商、 尖人 力 资 源采购顾问和代理人和人力资源流转方面的顶尖领导者。
Its membership encompasses over 7,500 HR executives, including the largest 50 buyers, the top 30 providers, the leading sourcing advisors and attorneys, and the best thought leaders in HR Transformation.
随着各公司继续招募高素质的求职者,吸引和挽留现有 尖人 才 将 成为一项重要挑战。
With organisations continuing to seek high-calibre candidates, attracting and retaining the best talent will be a key challenge
麻州一直供给金融行业的尖人才, 并且由于麻州 是居民受教育程度最高的州之一,这一点成为“生 态系统”的重要方面。
Massachusetts has been able to supply top talent to the Finance sector and is a critical piece of the “ecosystem”, as the state’s residents are among the most educated in the country.
此外,在“儿童代人:儿童的 声音”试点项目基础上,《家 庭法》草案规定儿童有权拥有代言人,其基本目的是在父母利益与儿童利益相反 和儿童权利得不到适当保护时,保护儿童的权利。
Furthermore, on the basis of a pilot project entitled “Child advocate: voice of the child”, the draft Family Code defined a child’s right to an advocate, whose basic purpose was to protect a child’s rights when the interests of the parents were contrary to those of the child and when a child’s rights could not be adequately protected.
然而,委 员会关切尚缺乏若干《公约》所涉具体方面,诸如属于少数人群体的儿童,特别 是罗人儿童, 无国籍儿童和侵害儿童暴力问题的资料。
The Committee is, however, concerned at the lack of information on a number of specific areas covered under the Convention, such as the situation of children belonging to minority groups, in particular Roma children, and stateless children and violence against children.
a) 金鐘道政府合署43樓食物安全中心總部; b)
[...] 西營盤醫院道4號食物標籤辦事處;以及 c) 尖沙咀 中間道停車場大廈閣樓小量豁免辦事處(二零零九年九月一日起投入 [...]
a) CFS Headquarter at 43/F, Queensway Government offices; b) Food Labelling Office at 4 Hospital Road, Sai Ying
Pun; and c) SVE Office at M/F, Middle Road
[...] Carpark Building, Tsim Sha Tsui (operation [...]
would start on 1 September 2009).
以下 因素合在一起,对用作恐怖武器的便携式防空系统的威胁更具体地作了量化:必要 物资的供应情况;需求(恐怖分子寻求武器),以及潜在买家的经济手段;武器的能 力和射程(便携式防空系统的设尖端 程 度);武器各部件的运作状态(电池、自动 导引器和发射器的运作情况);正确操作武器的能力;以及接触到潜在目标的能力。
A combination of the following factors quantifies more specifically the threat of man-portable air defence systems used as a terrorist weapon: the availability of the necessary materiel; the demand (terrorists seeking weapons) and the economic means of potential buyers; the capacity and the range of the weapon (sophistication of design of the man-portable air defence systems); the operational status of the weapon’s various components (functionality of the batteries, seekers and launchers); the ability to operate the weapon properly; and the ability to access potential targets.




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