单词 | 人声 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 人声 —vocalExamples:声请人 pl—claimants pl 声请人 n—claimant n 先声夺人—gain the upper hand by a show of strength 人声鼎沸—hubbub • lit. a boiling cauldron of voices [idiom.] • brouhaha See also:声 n—sound n • voice n • tone n
提供文档、信息或样本的人声明或 暗示与我们分享该信息将违反其雇主自身 的政策或保密协议。 lubrizol.com | the person offering the document, information or sample states or implies that sharing the information will be a breach of his employer’s own policies or a secrecy agreement. lubrizol.com |
债权 人声称因 为加拿大的行政费用较高,债权人收到的资金将少于主要程序在美国 进行时收到的资金。 daccess-ods.un.org | The creditors argued that because the administrative costs were higher in Canada, fewer funds would be received by creditors than if the main proceeding was conducted in the United States. daccess-ods.un.org |
提交人声称, 事 实上,如其来文和其他不成功的申请者的证据所示,登记制度过于广泛地授予登 记官员酌处权实际上等于给予了他们不受约束的酌处权,他们会毫不迟疑地利用 该权力根据其意愿随时拒绝登记申请。 daccess-ods.un.org | The author claims that, in effect, as his communication and testimonies of the other unsuccessful applicants show, the overbroad grant of discretion to registration officials by the registration regime amounts in practice to a grant to them of unfettered discretion, which they employ without hesitation, to reject registration applications as and when they like. daccess-ods.un.org |
移民 法院还注意到,申诉人声称直 接促使她逃离布隆迪的事件发生在近三年以前,这 被认为是相当长的一段时间。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Migration Court further noted that the event which the complainant claimed was the direct cause for her to flee Burundi occurred nearly three years ago, a period that was considered to be relatively long. daccess-ods.un.org |
采矿主席通常是营地历史上最早开设特许经营区的采掘者,大多 数 人声 称持 有 C 类许可证。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mining chairmen are usually diggers who opened concessions early on in the history of the camp and most claim to be Class C licence holders. daccess-ods.un.org |
3.1 提交人声称, 部长驳回 Gonzalez 先生登记成为圭亚那公民的请求而且未遵 [...] 守法院关于在一个月期限内复审此案的命令,致使他作为圭亚那公民的配偶所享 有的宪法权利受到侵犯,并构成了“司法不公”。 daccess-ods.un.org | 3.1 The author claims that the [...] Minister’s refusal to register Mr. Gonzalez as a citizen of Guyana, as well as the failure [...]to comply with the Court order to review his case within the one month deadline, violates his constitutional rights as the spouse of a Guyanese citizen and amounts to “miscarriage of justice”. daccess-ods.un.org |
这与提交给委员会的申诉中所载的内容反差强烈,申诉中 二 人声 称 阿富汗警察见 到第一申诉人携带的瑞典大使馆的文件时,表现非常残暴,使他差点丧了命。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is in sharp contrast to what is contained in the complaint submitted to the Committee, where the complainants state that the Afghan police had reacted so brutally when they saw documents from the Swedish embassy, which the first complainant brought with him, that he almost lost his life. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然许多人声称发 展 中国家没有受到金融危机严重影响,但许多发展中国家即将面临或实际上正在经 [...] 历严重的债务困境。 daccess-ods.un.org | While many claim that developing [...] countries were not so strongly impacted by the financial crisis, many developing countries [...]are at risk of – or actually now experiencing – increased debt distress. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如,特别报告员在对白俄罗斯进行的国家访 问中发现,俄罗斯联邦境内特别为从事强迫劳动而遭贩运的男性受害者在得到救 助回国时,拒绝或非常不愿意接受为受害者复原和重返社会提供的心理社会支 助,因为社区普遍认为被贩运的人声 名 狼 藉。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, the Special Rapporteur discovered during her country visit to Belarus that male victims trafficked especially for forced labour in the Russian Federation refused or were very reluctant on their rescue and return to take advantage of psychosocial support designed for the recovery and reintegration of victims owing to the prevailing severe stigmatization in the community of persons who have been trafficked. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然青年党 发言人 Ali Mohamud Raghe [...] 公开否认对爆炸事件负责,但监察组听了在线论坛, 青年党领导人声称这 一自杀攻击是一个胜利,并告知参加论坛者,炸弹手的妻子 [...] 也接受了自杀行动训练,只是在最后一刻因怀孕被叫停,但会接受未来的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although the spokesman for Al-Shabaab, Ali Mohamud Raghe, publicly denied responsibility for the blast, the Monitoring Group has [...] listened to online forums at which Shabaab [...] leaders have claimed the suicide attack [...]as a victory, and informed participants [...]that the bomber’s wife, who is also trained for suicide operations, was held back at the last moment due to pregnancy, but for a future opportunity. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 即使没有人声称存在此种威胁,但由于特殊情况而需要采取紧急行动 的案件。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) In cases in which, even when no such threat is alleged to exist, there are particular circumstances that warrant an urgent action. daccess-ods.un.org |
同样,对于惩罚的必要性原则,有 人声 称 在 这种情况下仅仅是为 了驱逐目的而实行剥夺国籍的处罚比正常设想的对于此类犯罪的惩罚措施的处 罚更为适当,这是没有道理的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Similarly, with respect to the principle of the necessity of punishment, there is no justification for the claim that the penalty of deprivation of nationality, imposed in this case for the sole purpose of expulsion, is more appropriate than the penalties normally envisaged as punishment for such offences. daccess-ods.un.org |
国家统 计局 2007 年统计数字表明,大约有 356 600 人声称要出国找工作,占全国非从 事经济活动人口总数的 20.7%,占从事经济人口总数的 25.5%。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics in 2007 around 356,600 people were declared to have left the country in search for a job, which is 20.7% of the economically inactive population and 25.5% of the economically active population. daccess-ods.un.org |
如要登记参加活动,请发电子邮件到 contact@worldhepatitisalliance.org。提供完整的指南、建议 和见证人声明模板供您使用。 worldhepatitisalliance.org | To register for the record email contact@worldhepatitisalliance.org. Full guidelines, advice and template witness statements are available for you to use. worldhepatitisalliance.org |
该专利权人声称,“Da Vine”是 B. caapi 的一个新 的、独特的品种,主要是因为它的花的颜色有特色。 iprcommission.org | The patentee claimed that Da Vine represented a new and distinct variety of B. caapi, primarily because of the flower colour. iprcommission.org |
那一天,即 2001 年 9月11日, [...] 提醒我们世界仍然是一个真正的战场,这 不 是 许多人 声称的宗教之间的战场,不是国家之间的战场,而是 [...] 每一个宗教、每一个国家和每一种文化内部的战场; 是建设者和毁灭者之间的战场;是那些选择自由的人 和那些发誓要消灭自由的人之间的战场;是虚无主义 [...]和文明观念之间的战场。 daccess-ods.un.org | That day, 11 September 2001, reminded us that the world remained a true [...] battlefield — a battlefield not among [...] religions, as many people claim, or of nations, [...]but a battlefield within every religion, [...]every nation and every culture; a battlefield between those who try to build and those who seek to destroy, between those who choose freedom and those who pledge to eradicate it; a battlefield between nihilism and the very idea of civilization. daccess-ods.un.org |
申诉人声称, 该指令违反了《特殊教育法》 中规定的残疾儿童获得免费教育的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | The petitioners claimed that the directive violates the right of a child with disability to free education as anchored in the Special Education Law. daccess-ods.un.org |
(ii) 可靠性:对有关的负责人(声誉、 专业经历、证明信和推荐书、有法律和资 [...] 金方面的保证)和活动(政治、法律、资金和技术方面的可行性)应确有保 证。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (ii) Reliability: full assurance must be provided [...] concerning those in charge (professional [...] experience and reputation, references and [...]recommendations, legal and financial guarantees) [...]and the activities concerned (political, legal, financial and technical feasibility). unesdoc.unesco.org |
威坦哲法庭是根据1975 年《威坦哲条约法》建立的一个常设调查委员会 调查毛利人声称王 室侵犯《威坦哲条约》的指控。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Waitangi Tribunal is a permanent commission of inquiry established under the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975 to investigate Māori claims that the Crown has breached the Treaty of Waitangi. daccess-ods.un.org |
在毒 品和犯罪问题办公室非洲受害情况调查表应答人当中,约有 66%的人声称, 他 们相信警察在控制本地犯罪方面所做工作表现良好或表现出色,而 30 个发达国 家持这种看法的人为 70%。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some 66 per cent of respondents in the UNODC Africa surveys stated that they believed the police were doing a good or very good job of controlling crime in their local area, compared with 70 per cent in the 30 developed countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
德勤中国税务主管合伙人–声誉及 业务拓展罗盛慕娴表示:「我们欢迎政府计划将香港清晰地定位为区内物流枢纽及资产管理中心之一。 deloitte.com | We should give the [...] government a warm applause for positioning [...]Hong Kong as one of the pivotal logistics and asset management centres in the region. deloitte.com |
白天时开着电视机或收音机(不要太大声),以便幼猫熟 悉 人声。 animalsasia.org | Turn on the TV or the radio in daytime (not too loud), so as to make it [...] familiar with human voices. animalsasia.org |
但是,一些人声称有 权知道属于他们的所有信息,包括关于这些疾病的哪怕一丁点风险上升。 project-syndicate.org | Some people, however, claim the right [...] to know all information pertaining to them, including even the slightest elevated risk for these diseases. project-syndicate.org |
在探索宝藏星球的森林,逃犯满足BEN(马丁·肖特),一个被遗弃的,异想天开的机 器 人声 称 已经失去了大部分记忆,并邀请他们到他家里照顾受伤的阿梅利亚。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | While exploring Treasure Planet’s forests, the fugitives meet B.E.N. (Martin Short), an abandoned, whimsical robot who claims to have lost most of his memory and invites them to his house to care for the wounded Amelia. seekcartoon.com |
我们遭到集体指控,然后遭到集体轰炸,因为当 时有人声称我们把 80 万阿族人赶出科索沃和梅托希 亚。 daccess-ods.un.org | We were collectively accused, and then collectively bombed for, as it was then claimed, the expulsion of 800,000 ethnic Albanians from Kosovo and Metohija. daccess-ods.un.org |
越南胡志明市平盛郡,2012年4月11日——早上7点,平盛郡社区医疗中 心 人声 鼎 沸。 unicef.org | BINH THANH TRUNG, Viet Nam, 11 April 2012 – It is 7 a.m. and Binh Thanh Trung [...] commune’s health centre is buzzing. unicef.org |
延续了Brüel & Kjær话筒的传奇,DPA以捕捉自然、开阔的声音而赢得广泛声誉——尤其是录 制 人声 及 传统 声学乐器时——这使得DPA的品牌在过去20年里取得了空前的发展。 dpamicrophones.com | Building upon the respected legacy of Brüel & Kjær, DPA’s reputation for capturing an extremely natural and open sound – especially noticeable when recording vocals and traditional acoustic instruments – has provided the brand with unprecedented growth over the past two decades. dpamicrophones.dk |
DK-2000专业数字卡拉OK处理器是采用全数字YAMAHA [...] DSP算法及系统调试,是优美的声音效果和简单直观的调试方式的人性化结合,DK-2000数字处理器还可以针对不同的需求,对音乐或 是 人声 上 某个特定的频点进行修饰,在任何情况下都可以达到理想的效果。 dmxaudio.cn | The DK-2000 professional digital karaoke processor adopts all digital YAMAHA DSP algorithm and [...] system debugging, which is the humanization [...] combination of wonderful sound effect and simple, [...]intuitive debugging mode. dmxaudio.cn |
在询问为何其未报告该事件的原因时,60%多的应 答 人声 称 ,他们从付 款或礼品中获得了好处,并且付款或赠送礼品是常见的做法,或付款或赠送礼 品是表示感激的一种方式。 daccess-ods.un.org | When asked why they had not reported the event, over 60 per cent of respondents stated that they had received a benefit from the payment or gift, that the payment or gift was common practice or that the payment or gift was a sign of gratitude. daccess-ods.un.org |