

单词 人口数

See also:

人数 n

quorum n

人数 pl

numbers pl


number of people

External sources (not reviewed)

但是, 随着这些地人口数量的 飞快增长,洪水与干旱的威胁 也在增加,盐碱地也会在更广泛的地区发生。
However, with rapid population growth in such regions, [...]
the risks of floods and droughts are increasing, and salt water intrusion
is expected to occur more widely.
此外,人们支持难民署努 力改进无国人口数据的 准确性,一些发言的成员国鼓励其他政府保持透明度, 提供有关无国籍人士准确基准数据。
In addition, UNHCR’s efforts to improve
[...] the accuracy of data on stateless populations received support, [...]
and member States who took
the floor encouraged other Governments to be transparent and provide accurate baseline data on stateless persons.
委员会还关切土著人民和少数群体普遍贫困,而且缔约国没有 山地部落人口数据。
The Committee is further concerned about widespread
poverty among indigenous peoples and minorities
[...] and lack of demographic data on the hill-tribe population in the country.
(c) 支持最不发达国家开发其系统搜集、分 人口数 据 的能力,除其他外, 用来制定适当的国家政策。
(c) Support least developed countries to develop
their capacity to systematically
[...] collect and analyse demographic data to be used, inter [...]
alia, for designing appropriate national policies.
他强调指出,目前高粮价及长期 饥饿人口数量居 高不下的现实主要是过去三十年里对农业重视不足造成的,因此必 须提高官方发展援助量及各国对农业的预算投入。
He emphasized that the present situation of high food prices and continuing high number of chronic hungry was largely a result of the low priority given to agriculture in the last three decades, and therefore stressed the importance of increasing official development assistance and the proportions of national budgets allocated to agriculture.
此外,由于全人口数量呈 下降趋势、经济下滑、就业活动率大幅下降, 农村地区人口在总人口中所占的比重有所上升,农业产值在国内生产总值中所占 [...]
Part of the global picture
[...] of decrease of the population, the economic decline [...]
and decrease of occupational and activity
rate, the share of the population in the rural area from the total population has increased, the share of the agricultural production in the GDP has also grown, the share of the population involved in agriculture has also risen.
人口基金主要在以下领域为各国提供援助:1)拟订减 贫和支持可持续发展的政策和战略;2)收集和分析有助于了解人口发展趋势 人口数 据, 并将其用于制订减贫及确保每个孕妇都有人关爱,每个青年都不会感染艾滋病毒/艾滋病, [...]
每个女孩都有尊严、得到尊重的政策和计划;3)保证将发展与生殖健康和性别平等密切挂 钩。
The main areas in which UNFPA assists countries include: (1) formulation of policies and strategies to reduce poverty and support sustainable
development; (2) collection
[...] and analysis of population data that can help them understand population trends and its [...]
use for policies and
programmes to reduce poverty and to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every young person is free of HIV and AIDS, and every girl and woman is treated with dignity and respect; and (3) ensuring the close links between development and reproductive health and gender equality.
该方案尤其对弱势群体带来了不利影响,大大增加了生活在不稳定状况下人口数量, 同时,农村地区和城市地区之间、首都和其他城市之间出现了严重的 [...]
The effects of the structural adjustment programme were particularly disastrous for vulnerable groups and significantly increased the number of people living in
hardship; huge inequalities appeared between the
[...] rural and urban populations, and between [...]
the capital and the other towns.
由于 目前和未来的监狱服人口数量都 将增加,所以这种方法切合实际且成本效益 高。
This approach is practical and cost-effective in the light of the current and
[...] projected increase in the prison population.
在审前案件中,由于技术问题或缺乏法律代表,囚犯被关押。 研究所的任务是向监狱当局进行宣传,使其适用《囚犯待遇最低限度标准规
则》、《关于非洲刑事司法制度中提供法律援助的利隆圭宣言》和《联合国非 拘禁措施最低限度标准规则》(《东京规则》)等国际公约以加快审理过程,
[...] 通过管教政策改革,允许采用非监禁刑罚并强调非监禁和恢复性判决,侧重于 囚犯成功重返社会来减少和控制监 人口数 量。
In pretrial cases in which prisoners are being held because of technicalities or lack of legal representation, the Institute is mandated to sensitize prison authorities to apply international conventions such as the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, the Lilongwe Declaration on Accessing Legal Aid in the Criminal Justice System in Africa and the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Non-Custodial Measures (Tokyo Rules) to hasten the process of hearings with and to reduce and control the size of the prison population through reforms in correctional
policy that allow alternatives to
[...] imprisonment and emphasize non-custodial and rehabilitative [...]
sentences, with a focus on successful social reintegration.
因而少数群体人口数量上的不利地位也可能 造成其缺乏政治权利,不能有效参与政府的管理,因而无法保护他们的权利或在 [...]
The numerical disadvantage of minority status [...]
can also translate into lack of political power and exclusion from effective
participation in governance to protect rights or in access to mechanisms of justice when rights are violated.
虽然委员会欢迎在许多领域,包括贫穷、教育和卫生等领域中开展的调 查,但仍然指出这些调查还存在差距,缺乏集中管理和分 人口数 据 的 能力。
(20) While the Committee welcomes the surveys that have been carried out in a number of areas, including poverty, education, and health, it notes
that gaps exist in these surveys and that there is a lack of capacity to
[...] centralize and analyze data on the population.
17.47 最后,本次级方案的工作和成绩,将通过更新和改进拉丁美洲和加勒比 人口中心网址和数据库以提供最为区域公益物的社 人口数 据 、 在国际活动和区 域内外相关决策者、学者和其他利益相关方参与的重要论坛广泛传播其主要出版 物和调研结果,向本次级方案的受益者广泛宣传。
17.47 Finally, the subprogramme’s work and achievements will be broadly shared with its beneficiaries through
the continuous provision
[...] of socio-demographic data as a regional public good by means of updating and development of the CELADE website and databases, wide dissemination [...]
of its main
publications and findings in international events and key forums involving relevant policymakers, academia and other stakeholders both within and outside the region.
意识到必须继续有效执行《宣言》,考虑联合国制定的在 2010 年之前铲除殖 民主义的目标和《第二个铲除殖民主义国际十年行动计划》,3
[...] 认识到这些领土的具体特点和人民的愿望要求对自决的备选方案采取灵活、 切实和创新的做法,而不论领土面积、地理位置 人口数 目 或 自然资源如何
Conscious of the importance of continuing effective implementation of the Declaration, taking into account the target set by the United Nations to eradicate colonialism by 2010 and the plan of action for the Second International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism,3 Recognizing that the specific characteristics and the aspirations of the peoples of the Territories require flexible, practical and innovative approaches to the options for
self-determination, without any prejudice to territorial size, geographical
[...] location, size of population or natural resources
各国在国家大小、发展水平人口数 量 和 人 口 构 成方面都有差 异。
Countries varied in size, development levels, population and demographics.
人口基金还支持收集、传播和分析可靠和及时的保健 人口数 据 ,这对提供 用于政策制定,方案规划和筹措资金的证据基础是十分重要的,特别是因为当前 出现全球金融和经济危机。
UNFPA also supports the collection, dissemination and analysis of reliable and timely health and population data that are essential [...]
to provide the evidence
base for policy formulation, programme planning, and financing, especially given the current global financial and economic crisis.
这里的工作年龄人口在其人口数中 占 较大比重,而且这一 趋势将持续下去,确保了投资者可获得大量的劳动力。
The city also has a large
[...] working-age population as a proportion of its overall population and this trend [...]
is set to continue,
guaranteeing investors a large pool of labor.
特别值得一提的是,近年来,由 于经济危机导致就业机会和收入的减少,许多内陆发展中国家的极端贫 人口数 有所 增加,可能影响千年发展目标的实现。
Most notably, in recent years, especially due to the economic crisis, the number of people in extreme poverty increased in many LLDCs since it led to job and income losses, placing at risk the achievement of the MDGs.
即使在 2020
[...] 年,空间仍然巨大,因为除了新兴经济体大得多 人口数 量 , 我们预计汽车 拥有率约为每 1,000 人 [...]
100-150 辆,而发达国家为 500 辆。
Even in 2020 the room will still be large, as, in addition
[...] to a much larger population in emerging economies, [...]
we expect the car ownership ratio
to be around 100-150 units per 1,000 people compared to 500 units in developed countries.
2008 年,1 名医务卫生专业人员所服务人口数 如 下:每名医师可服务 428 人;每名牙医可服务 [...]
1,807 人;每名药剂师可服务 1,837 人;每名辅助医务专业 人员可服务 162 人。
In 2008, the population that was served [...]
by one medical-sanitary professional was: 428 people per physician; 1,807 people
per dentist; 1,837 people per pharmaceutical chemist; 162 people per ancillary medical professional.
中国目前的数据收集系统涵盖捕捞(按各品种、渔区 和渔具分类)、渔船、水产养殖生产(按各品种、养殖制
[...] 度和渔具分类)、水产养殖区、水产养殖育种、水产品加 工、捕捞及养殖中的损耗、就业及以渔业为生 人口数、 渔民的家庭经济指标等。
The current data collection system in China covers capture production (by species, fishing area and fishing gear), fishing vessels, aquaculture production (by species, farming system and method), aquaculture areas, aquaculture seed production, fishery products processing, damage and losses in
capture and aquaculture, employment and the
[...] fishery-dependent population, and fishery household-level [...]
economic indicators.
[...] 号一般性建议(1973年) 和修订的报告指南 (CERD/C/ 2007/1),第10和第12 段,委员会建议缔约国在下次定期报告中列入关于人口 的族裔构成的分人口数据。
In the light of its general recommendation No. 4 (1973) on the demographic composition of the population and paragraphs 10 and 12 of its revised reporting guidelines (CERD/C/2007/1), the Committee recommends that the
State party include
[...] disaggregated demographic data on the ethnic composition of the population in its next periodic report.
考虑到保持医疗保健服务基础设施连续性的迫切需要,同时考虑到新的国 际现实和标准,卫生部将继续加大初级医疗保健救助系统(家庭医生服务中心、
[...] 医疗保健中心、家庭医生工作室)的结构调整力度,按照最新的医疗服务标准、 服人口数以及 医务人员的技能标准,规范农村初级医疗保健机构的技术方案。
Taking into account the necessity to keep continuity in the infrastructure of healthcare services delivery, but also taking into account the new international realities and standards, the Ministry of Health promotes the necessity to adjust the primary healthcare assistance structure (Centres of Family Doctors, Healthcare Centres, Offices of the Family Doctors, Healthcare Offices) to standard technological schemes for the rural primary healthcare institutions’ premises, in
accordance with the level of services delivery, the
[...] number of served population and the competence [...]
of the medical personnel.
索马里呼吁范围和资金规模从 2008 年的 6.62 亿美元增加到 2009 年的 9.18 亿美 元,不仅反映了有需求人口数量急 剧增加,而且也反映了索马里商品和运输费 用剧增。
The increase in the scope and funding size of the Somalia appeal from $662 million in 2008 to $918 million in 2009 reflects not only the drastic increase in the number of people in need, but also the sharp rise in commodity and delivery costs for Somalia.
[...] Uribe博士表示:“ESCAPE-ICD登记的目的是评估拉丁美洲地区面临心脏性猝死风险 人口数 量 , 并收集临床证据,以便我们能够向医师提供一级预防的信息。
The aim of the ESCAPE-ICD registry is to evaluate the size of the
[...] Latin American population at risk of sudden [...]
cardiac death and to collect clinical
evidence so that we can provide primary prevention information to physicians," said Dr. William Uribe, Principal Investigator of the Study.
除 非世界上大数人口能够 获得全球化带来的裨益(目 前只有少数特权阶层从中受益),过上有尊严的生活 仍将只是一个梦想。
Unless the majority of the world’s population was able to reap the [...]
benefits of globalization — as only a privileged few
were currently doing — the freedom to live in dignity would remain a dream.
委员会建议缔约国采取评估措施,对减贫和社会融合战略的影响进行评 估,并查明其薄弱环节,并请缔约国在下次定期报告中纳入按照性别、年龄、农 村和城人口分类的比数据,并说明用哪些指标衡量极度贫困的 数 以 及 消除 贫困的努力取得的进展。
The Committee recommends that the State party adopt evaluation measures to assess the impact of its poverty and social reduction strategies and identify its weaknesses, and requests that the State party
include, in its next report,
[...] comparative data disaggregated by gender, age, rural and urban populations, as well as indicators on the number of persons living in [...]
extreme poverty, and on
the progress made in its efforts to combat poverty.
挂图中数据包括农村地区的农 人口 规 模和增长速度、农 人口 规 模 、 农业区和农田、森林面积、灌溉面积、获得改善供水和卫生的情况、农业中经济 活跃人口和化肥的使用;以及城市地区的城市人口规模和增长率、人类住区占据 的土地面积、生活在贫民窟中的城市人口、获得改善供水和卫生的情况、二氧化 [...]
碳的排放量、空气中颗粒物的密度、产业和服务业中的就业、国内生产总值、使 用中的机动车辆和能源消耗。
The data contained in the wallcharts include, for the rural areas, size and rate of growth of the rural population, size of the agricultural [...]
population, agricultural area and cropland,
forest area, irrigated areas, access to improved water and sanitation, economically active population in agriculture and fertilizer use; and for the urban areas, size and rate of growth of the urban population, land area occupied by human settlements, urban population living in slums, access to improved water and sanitation, carbon dioxide emissions, concentrations of particulate matter in the air, employment in industry and services, gross domestic product, motor vehicles in use and consumption of energy.




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