

单词 人体器官

See also:

人体 pl

ergonomics pl
humans pl


organ (part of body tissue)

器人 n

robot n

External sources (not reviewed)

Bedouin 族一些走私分子告诉被扣押者, 如果付款没来,他们人体器官会被 摘除和出售。
Some Bedouin smugglers have told their captives that they will remove and sell their vital organs if payment is not forthcoming.
第2/96/M 号法律旨在保护个人的尊严、完整性和个人身份,是为管人 体器官和组 织的捐赠、摘取和移植而立法。
Aiming at the protection of the dignity, integrity and identity of the person, Law 2/96/M was enacted to regulate the Donation, Removal and Transplant of Human Organs and Tissues.
他被控 在邻国阿尔巴尼亚众所周知的“黄屋”犯下了摘取塞 族平人体器官的罪行。
He was charged with
[...] crimes related to organ harvesting committed [...]
on ethnic Serb civilians in the well-known “yellow house” in neighbouring Albania.
2010 年 12 月,欧洲理事会特别报告员、参议员迪克·马蒂的报告“调查科 索沃非法贩人体器官和不 人道待遇的指控”公布之后,欧盟驻科法治团负责该 案,通过部分设在布鲁塞尔的特别工作组,继续推进初步调查。
Since the report of the Council of Europe Special Rapporteur, Senator Dick Marty, on the investigation of allegations of inhuman treatment of people and illicit trafficking in human organs in Kosovo was made public in December 2010, EULEX has assumed responsibility for the case and continues to move forward with the preliminary investigation, through a special task force, partially based in Brussels.
e) 各国应当在国家和国际层面采取必要的措施与生物恐怖主义、非法贩 人体器 官、组 织和标本、遗传资源和基因相关材料的现象作斗争。
(e) States should take appropriate measures, both at the national and the international level, to combat bioterrorism, illicit traffic in organs, tissues and samples, genetic resources and genetic-related materials.
在这方面,请允许我谈谈欧洲委员会议会通过的 第
[...] 1782(2011)号决议,该决议呼吁调查科索沃境内存 在对人的不人道待遇和非法贩 人体器官 活 动的指 控,这项决议是根据议会报告员迪克·马蒂提出的一 [...]
In this regard, allow me now to turn to the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly resolution 1782 (2011), calling for an investigation of allegations of inhuman treatment
of people and illicit trafficking
[...] in human organs in Kosovo, which was based on a report [...]
by the Parliamentary Assembly’s Rapporteur, Dick Marty.
相比之下,在塞尔维亚,人们欢迎该报 告,认为这是独立的来源证明了塞尔维亚自身关于非法贩 人体器官 的 说法,以 及塞尔维亚战争罪起诉人正在进行的一项调查。
In Serbia, by contrast, the report was welcomed as a vindication, from an independent source, of Serbia’s own claims relating to illegal trafficking of human organs and of an ongoing investigation by the Serbian War Crime Prosecutor.
本 主席与联合国一样,对有关 1990 年代科索沃发人 体器官贩卖活动的报导感到关切,并支持关于就事实 [...]
The chairmanship shares United Nations concerns about
[...] reports of human organ trafficking in Kosovo [...]
during the 1990s, and supports the
call for an independent investigation and clarification of the facts.
(d) 债役、农奴制、强迫劳动、童工和奴役、贩卖人口 人体器官 、性 奴役、征募儿童兵、买卖儿童、强迫婚姻、买卖妻子和卖淫剥削侵犯了我们 [...]
(d) Debt bondage, serfdom, forced labour, child
labour and servitude, trafficking in
[...] persons and in human organs, sexual slavery, [...]
the use of child soldiers, the sale of
children, forced marriage and the sale of wives, and the exploitation of prostitution violate the most fundamental human rights, rights that we all possess, irrespective of sex, nationality, social status, occupation or other difference.
在中亚,独联体成员国于 2005 年通过了《独联体成员国合作打击贩卖人 口人体器官和组 织的协定》,随后又于 2006 年通过了《关于 2007-2010 年独 联体成员国合作打击人口贩运方案的决定》。
In Central Asia, in 2005, CIS member States adopted the Agreement on the Cooperation of the CIS member States in Combating Trafficking in Persons, Human Organs and Tissues, followed by the adoption in 2006 of the Decision on the Programme of Cooperation of the CIS member States in Combating Trafficking in Persons for 2007–2010.
塞尔维亚共和国考虑到上述一切,希望再次谈及 1999 年科索沃冲突之后的贩人体器官和 失 踪人员 等严重问题。
Taking all of this into consideration, the Republic
of Serbia wishes to address once again
[...] the grave issues of organ trafficking and persons [...]
unaccounted for after the Kosovo conflict in 1999.
332 例如,国家可将促进 卖淫或任何其他形式性剥削从中得利333 或从事贩运人口334 的外国人驱逐。
国家也可进行驱逐如果当事人⑴ 从事或倾向卖淫;335 ⑵ 以某种其他方式卷
[...] 入禁止的性行为336 或违反常规的性行为;337 ⑶ 参与贩人体器官;33 8⑷ 通过以下方式从毒品——麻醉品和其他精神调理物质得利:339 [...]
走私、340 贩运、 生产、342拥有343 或以任何方式参与344
这些非法活动;⑸ 拐走未成年 人或使之参与非法活动;345 ⑹ 犯家庭暴力行为;346 ⑺ 赌徒或其主要收入 来自赌博。
Expulsion on grounds of morality is contemplated in the national laws of several States.332 Thus, a State may expel an alien who has furthered, promoted or profited from prostitution or other sexual exploitation333 or from human trafficking.334 A State may do likewise if the alien (1) has engaged in or is prone to prostitution;335 (2) is otherwise involved in forbidden sexual behaviour336
or sexual crimes;337 (3) has
[...] trafficked in human organs;338 (4) has profited from,339 smuggled,340 [...]
traded or trafficked in,341
produced,342 possessed343 or otherwise been involved with344 drugs such as narcotics or other psychotropic or psychogenic substances; (5) has abducted minors or otherwise involved them in illicit activities;345 (6) has committed crimes of domestic violence;346 or (7) has been a gambler or derived significant income from gambling.347 161.
We support the impartial investigation into alleged inhuman treatment of people and illicit trafficking in human organs.
在本报告所述期间还公布了欧洲委员会议会特 别报告员迪克·马蒂的报告,内容涉及有关科索沃解 放军成员 1999 年在阿尔巴尼亚北部进行的有组织犯 罪活动,包括贩人体器官活动 的指控。
This period also saw the publication of a report by the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly Special Rapporteur, Dick Marty, concerning allegations of organized criminal activities, including trafficking in human organs, by members of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in northern Albania in 1999.
不过,该法案还建议修订人体器官 和 组 织的医学用途法》,以 便允许在大规模自然灾害等情况下为确认身份的目的使用收集的样本。
However, the bill also proposes amendments to the Act on the Medical Use of Human Organs and Tissues to allow for the use of collected samples for identification purposes in situations of, for example, major natural disasters.
上述文件中指控的非法逮捕、酷刑和非人道待遇,俘虏“失踪”、摘取俘虏 器官后残暴杀害、与有组织犯罪集团勾结贩 人体器官 等 罪行十分严重,必须立 即进行独立的国际刑事调查,并将责任人绳之以法。
The gravity of the allegations of crimes contained in the above-mentioned documents, such as unlawful arrests, torture and inhuman treatment, “disappearance” of captives,
atrocious murders
[...] after the taking of captives’ organs, trafficking in human organs through links with organized crime rings, etc., necessitates [...]
an immediate and
independent international criminal investigation and bringing those held accountable to justice.
[...] 做法花样之多令人震惊,其中包括债役、农奴制、强迫劳动、童工和奴役、 贩卖人口人体器官、性 奴役、征募儿童兵、买卖儿童、强迫婚姻、买卖妻 [...]
The list of abhorrent practices, new and old, is now shockingly long, and includes debt bondage, serfdom, forced labour,
child labour and servitude, trafficking of
[...] persons and human organs, sexual slavery, [...]
the use of child soldiers, the sale of
children, forced marriage and the sale of wives, and the exploitation of prostitution’.
[...] 但仍然感到关切的是,缔约国法律没有明确禁止贩运人口问题,缔约国的报告没 有提供关于国内买卖、贩运人口,包括买卖、贩 人体器官 和 劫持儿童的资料。
While noting with appreciation that the State party recently adhered to several international instruments on the matter, the Committee remains concerned that its law does not specifically prohibit human trafficking and that the report of the State
party lacks information about the sale,
[...] trafficking, including in body organs, and abduction [...]
of children in the country.
贩运人口、非法贩运武器、贩毒、非法贩运矿产、 贩人体器官和洗 钱都有三个共同点:与有组织跨国 犯罪有关系、利用当地犯罪团伙以及对国家构成潜在 [...]
Human trafficking,
[...] illicit trafficking of weapons, drug trafficking, [...]
illegal trafficking of minerals, trafficking of organs and money-laundering all have
three common denominators: their relationship with organized transnational crime, the use of local criminal groups and their potential destabilizing effect for States.
3月5日是中国每年一度的“学习雷锋纪念日”,在今年的这一天,特奥运动员赖静作出了她生命中最为重要的决定:签署 人体器官 捐 献 自愿书》。
This year, Special Olympics Athlete Lai
Jing made her most important decision in her life on this significant date:
[...] to sign off human organ donation agreement.
In addition to
[...] damaging other organs in the body, this chronic [...]
bombardment of the liver from high levels of insulin causes
liver damage, ultimately resulting in NAFLD.
他还指出,除了媒体经常突出报道 人体器官贩 运 指控,调查小组还正在调查所涉期间可能发生的绑架、拘留、虐待和杀害事件 以及与欧洲委员会特别报告员迪克·马蒂的报告中所列指控有关的任何其他犯罪 活动。
Williamson also noted that, in addition to the allegations of organ trafficking often highlighted by the media, the Task Force [...]
is examining possible
abductions, detentions, mistreatment and killings during the period in question, as well as any other crimes related to the allegations in the report of the Special Rapporteur of the Council of Europe, Dick Marty.
盗活动产生的现金流动(1);偷运移民问题记者手册/资料袋(1);关于《联合国打击跨 国有组织犯罪公约》的示范条款(1);关于偷运移民问题刑事司法应对措施的需求评估 指南(1);软件综合调查(1);执行者实用指南,以便促进国际和区域合作,在打击跨国
[...] 有组织犯罪过程中进行没收(1);防止和发现贩运枪支活动培训手册(1);有关当局与民 间组织合作打击偷运移民的报告(1);贩 人体器官 问 题 区域间调查的报告(1)
(ii) Non-recurrent publications: advanced manual on container control (1); computer-based training module on cash couriers (1); financial flows from maritime piracy (1); journalist’s manual on smuggling of migrants (1); model provisions relating to United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (1); needs assessment guide on the criminal justice response to migrant smuggling (1); omnibus software survey (1); practical guide for practitioners to facilitate international and interregional cooperation for the purposes of confiscation in the context of fight against transnational organized crime (1); training manual on preventing and detecting firearms trafficking (1); report on
cooperation between competent authorities and civil society organizations working to combat smuggling of migrants (1); report on
[...] interregional study on trafficking in human organs (1)
我们注意到,欧洲联盟驻科索沃法治特派团特别 调查工作队继续努力处理关于对人的不人道待遇和 非法贩人体器官的报告。
We take note of the information that the Special Investigative Task Force of the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo continued working to address reports related to inhuman treatment of people and illicit trafficking in human organs.
我要强调指出特派团雄心勃勃 的活动范围:确保追究战争罪的责任、根除腐败、打 击有组织犯罪和走人体器官行为 ,并且调查迪 克·马蒂报告中作出的指控。
I wish to underline the ambitious scope of the Mission’s activities, which include ensuring accountability for war crimes, rooting out corruption, fighting organized crime and trafficking in human organs, and investigating the allegations made in the Dick Marty report.
[...] 指控,该报告题为“调查关于科索沃境内对人的不人道待遇和不法贩 人体器官 的指控”。
The Special Investigative Task Force has continued working to address the allegations contained in the report of the Council of Europe Special Rapporteur, Senator Dick Marty,
entitled “Investigation of allegations of inhuman treatment of people and illicit
[...] trafficking in human organs in Kosovo”.
人体器官或组 织用于移植的,处以 15 至 20 年监禁,并被剥 夺 2 至 5 年担任某种职务或从事某种活动的权利;法人实体犯罪的,处以 [...]
5 000 至 7 000 个常规单位的罚金,并剥夺从事某种活动的权利或对企业进 行清算。
(f) Extraction of human organs or tissues for transplant is subject [...]
to imprisonment from 15 to 20 years, with the privation
of the right to hold certain functions or to exercise certain activity for a period between 2 to 5 years, whilst the legal entity is subject to a fine from 5000 to 7000 conventional units, with the privation of the right to exercise a certain activity or with the liquidation of the enterprise.
[...] 事实上它含有7,5%的自由氨基酸(这一含量确切无疑的大于其它种类奶酪)可以 人体器官 容 纳和吸收而不需要任何消化过程。
Digestibility: Parmigiano Reggiano is a "simplified digestion" food; it contains in fact 7,5% of free amino acids (a quantity that is decidedly
larger than any other kind of cheese) that can be assimilated and
[...] absorbed by the organism without any digestion [...]
我们满意地注意到,调查走 人体器官 指 控 的欧 洲联盟驻科索沃法治特派团(欧盟驻科法治团)特别 调查工作队首席检察官已经就任并郑重地开始了工 作。
We have taken note with
[...] satisfaction that the Lead Prosecutor of the Special Investigative [...]
Task Force of the European Union
Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) to investigate allegations of organ trafficking has assumed office and has started his work in earnest.
塞尔维亚政府主要关注的是特别报告员迪克·马 蒂先生提交的题为“科索沃境内对人的不人道待遇和 不法贩人体器官”的欧洲委员会报告,其中严厉控 诉了 1999 年冲突期间和之后发生的前所未有的犯罪 [...]
Of major concern to his Government was the Council of Europe report entitled “Inhuman treatment of people
and illicit trafficking in
[...] human organs in Kosovo”, submitted by the Rapporteur Mr. Dick Marty, which [...]
contained serious allegations
of unprecedented crimes occurring during and after the conflict in 1999.




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