单词 | 人之常情 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 人之常情—only naturalless common: such is human nature [idiom.] See also:人情n—reasonn friendshipn favorAEn debtn 人情—social relationship a good turn human interaction human emotions 常情—sense 常情n—reasonn
希望给予帮助是人之常情,但是请花些时间,确保该消息是从其声称所代表的慈善机构发出。 moneybookers.com | It is natural to want to help, but please take time to make sure the message is from the charity it claims to represent. moneybookers.com |
承认人生经验带来权威、 智慧、尊严和克制,敬老乃人之常情,自古而然。 monitoringris.org | Recognition of the authority, wisdom, dignity and [...] restraint that comes with a lifetime of [...] experiencehas been a normal feature of the respect [...]accorded to the old throughout history. monitoringris.org |
相反,不存在持续的公然侵犯人权之惯 常情况,并不表明某人 在某一特定情况下一定不会遭受酷刑。 daccess-ods.un.org | Conversely, the absence of a consistent pattern of flagrant violations of human rights does notmean [...] that a person might not [...]be subjected to torture in his or her specific circumstances. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,通常情况下,担保债权人之间的 任何竞 争都应根据单一法律解决。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, any competition between thesecured creditors would always be resolved by one single law. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如,同仁会注意到,面对各个部门的负责人,人力资源管理局局长总是没 有足够的权威来引导他们矫正那些可能发生的不正 常情况。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It was also because it had noted that when [...] dealing with [...] sectoral directors, DIR/HRM did not always have sufficient authority to oblige them to rectify irregularities that they might have committed. unesdoc.unesco.org |
最可能造成上诉判决预测完成日期拖延的五个因素 与以下方面有关的或是由此造成的拖延:(a) 多个上诉人案件的性质;(b) 非常 多的上诉前请求;(c) 将判决书翻译成波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,并将提 交的书面文件翻译成分庭的一种工作语文和波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,特 别是如果上诉人作自 我辩护,所需的时间非 常之长;(d) 对上诉理由的修订,特 别是在判决书翻译之后(主要是有律师的上诉人);(e) 工作人员人手不够和/或 缺乏上诉支助方面的经验。 daccess-ods.un.org | The five factors with the most potential to cause slippage in projected estimates for completion of judgements on appeal are the delays associated with or caused by: (a) the nature of multi-appellant cases; (b) the inordinate amount of pre-appeal motions; (c) the inordinate length of time for translation of trial judgements into Bosnian/Croatian/ Serbian, as well as for translation of written submissions into one of the Tribunal’s workinglanguages and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, especially in cases of selfrepresented appellants; (d) amendments to grounds of appeal, especially following translation of the trial judgement (mainly for represented appellants); and (e) understaffing and/or lack of experience in appeals support. daccess-ods.un.org |
股东如神志不清或已由任何具司法管辖权之法院裁定精神失 常之股东,於投票表 决(不论於举手表决或按股数表决)时,可由其委员会、财产接管人、监护人或由 法院委派属委员会、财产接管人或监护人性质 之人士表决,任何有关委员会、财产 接管人、监护人或其他人士可委派代表於以按股数投票方式表决时表决,,惟董事 可能要求拟表决人士提供之授权书须於大会或其任何续会或表决(视情况而定)举 行前四十八小时送交本公司之办事处以兹证明。 equitynet.com.hk | A member of unsound mind, or inrespect ofwhom anorder has been made by any court having jurisdiction in cases of mental disorders, may vote, whether on a show of hands or on a poll, by his committee, receiver, curator bonis, or other person in the nature of a committee, receiver or curator bonis appointed by that court, and any such committee, receiver, curator bonis or other person may, on a poll, vote by proxy, provided that such evidence as the Directors may require [...] of the authority of the person claiming [...]to vote shall have been deposited at the office of the Company not less than forty-eight hours before the time for holding the meeting, or adjourned meeting or poll, as the case may be. equitynet.com.hk |
通常情况下,你会发现一个测试的名称之间会有所不同的各种 空中接口的测试规范,但可以考虑以下物理层测量有代表性的样品。 litepoint.com | Often you will find the names of a test will vary betweenthe test specs [...] of the various air interfaces but the following [...]can be considered a representative sample of physical layer measurements. litepoint.com |
关于获得有效的补救措施、丝毫不受歧视地对 驱逐的决定提出质疑的权利,有人指出,在这种情况下,不歧视必须被解释为在 外国人之间不受歧视,而不是意味着任何国民待遇原则。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regarding the right of access to effective remedies to challenge the expulsion decision without discrimination, it was pointed out that, in that context, nondiscrimination must be construed as being among aliens, and not as implying any principle of national treatment. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 加紧努力使非正规经济部门的工人情况正常化,以便他们能够受益于 一整套基本社会保护,其中可能包括老年养恤金、产妇福利和保健服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Intensify its efforts [...] to regularize thesituation of workers in the [...]informal economy to enable them to benefit from [...]a basic social protection package that may include an old-age pension, a maternity benefit and access to health care. daccess-ods.un.org |
就本段而言,将不计算董事或其联系人士作为 受托人或受托管人所持有而该董事或其任何联系人士并 无实益之任何股份、在若干其他人士有权取得上述收入之情况下董事或其联系人士须归还或剩余权益之信托所涉 及之任何股份、董事或其联系人士仅以独立持有人身份拥有权益之法定单位信托计划 所涉及之任何股份、以及在股东大会上并无投票权及所获取相当有限之股息及退回之 [...] 股本权利之任何股份。 asiasat.com | For the purpose of this paragraph there shall be disregarded any shares held by a Director or his [...] [...] associates as bare or custodian trustee andin which he or any ofthemhas no beneficial interest, any shares comprised in a trust in which the interest [...]of the Director or his associate(s) [...]is/are in reversion or remainder if and so long as some other person is entitled to receive the income thereof, and any shares comprised in an authorised unit trust scheme in which the Director or his associate(s) is/are interested only as a unit holder and any shares which carry no voting right at general meetings and very restrictive dividend and return of capital right. asiasat.com |
(c) 在不影响第24及25项条文之情况下,当「「生」、「会员」任何一方取消或终止「专用卡」,或「赛马团体」或「合股人」经已 解散、或「赛马团体户口」及「合股人户口」经已终止,「会员」、「团体经理」或「主管合股人」有责任要求一份最新之「户口 结单」或不时向「「生」查询当时「专用卡户口」、「赛马团体户口」及「合股人户口」之尚余结欠,以便支付欠款,而利息及财 务费用(如适用)会一直积累至欠款完全清付为止。 bank.hangseng.com | (c) Without prejudice to the provisions of Clauses 24 and 25, when a Card has been cancelled or terminated by theCardmember orHang Seng or when a Syndicate or a Partnership has been dissolved or when a Syndicate Account or a Partnership Account has been terminated, it is the duty of the Cardmember, the Syndicate Treasurer or the Managing Partner to request for updated Account Statement or to inquire with Hang Seng from time to time on the outstanding balance of the Card Account, the Syndicate Account or the Partnership Account for repayment purpose and interest and finance charge (where applicable) shall continue to accrue thereon until full repayment. bank.hangseng.com |
(e) 倘考虑委任两名或以上董事出任本公司或本公司拥有权益之任何其他公司 [...] 之有酬劳职务之安排(包括安排或修订条款或终止委任),可就各董事提呈个别决议 案,而於该情况下,各相关董事将有权就各项决议案表决,并计入法定人数,惟涉 [...] 及其本身委任(或其安排或修订条款或终止委任)及(就上述任何该等其他公司之 有酬劳职位或职务而言)倘董事及其联系人合共拥有该其他公司 5%或以上权益之情况除外。 equitynet.com.hk | (e) Where arrangements are under consideration concerning the appointment (including the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) of two or more Directors to offices or places of profit with the Company or any other company in which the Company is interested, a separate resolution may be put in relation to each Director and in such case each of the Directors concerned shall be entitled to vote (and be counted in the quorum) in respect of each resolution except that concerning his own appointment (or the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) and except (in the case of an office or place of profit with any such other company as aforesaid) [...] where the other company is a company [...] in which the Director together with any of hisassociates own 5 per cent. or more. equitynet.com.hk |
大赦国际欢迎挪威支持尊重难 [...] 民权利及保证按照案件具体情况,对每项请愿进行适当分析的建议,但注意到, 对可能面临驱逐的非正常情况人员给 予灵活性的建议,挪威仅表示部分支持。 daccess-ods.un.org | Amnesty International welcomed Norway’s support for recommendations to respect the rights of refugees and to guarantee a proper analysis of each petition on a case-by-case base, [...] while noting the partial support to show flexibility [...] towards the irregular situations ofpersons who [...]might face expulsion. daccess-ods.un.org |
(C) 於所有适用法律、规则及规例之管制及准许之范围内及按以下规定取得 所有必需之同意(如有)之情况下,倘向任何人士以条例并无禁止之方式寄送源自本公司 有关财务文件及属於适用法律、规则及规例所规定格式并载有当中所规定资料之财务报告 概要而非有关财务文件,即就该人士而言将被视为已符合本细则第(B)段之规定,惟倘 有权获取本公司有关财务文件之任何人士按照条例及所有其他适用法律、规则及规例 向本公司发出书面通知提出要求,则该人士除财务报告概要之外并可要求获寄送本公 司有关财务文件之完整印刷本。 hongkongfoodinvestment.com.hk | (C) To the extent permitted by and subject to due compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations and to obtaining all necessary consents, if any, required thereunder, the requirements in paragraph (B) of this Article shall be deemed satisfied in relation to any person bysending to the person in any manner not prohibited by the Ordinance and instead of a copy of the Relevant Financial Documents, a summary financial report derived from the Relevant Financial Documents which shall be in the form and containing the information required by applicable laws, rules and regulations, provided that any person who is otherwise entitled to the Relevant Financial Documents may, if he so requires and in accordance with the Ordinance and all other applicable laws, rules and regulations, by notice in writing served on the Company, demand that the Company sends to him, in addition to a summary financial report, a complete printed copy of the Relevant Financial Documents. hongkongfoodinvestment.com.hk |
这些条款规定,“在解释条约时,条约的背景”应当理解为包含 [...] “与条约有关并为缔约所定的任何协定或文书”(第 69 条第 2 款);而“当 事方所订关于条约之解释之任何协定”以及“嗣后在条约适用方面确定各当 事方对条约解释之协定之任何惯例”,应在解释条约时与其“上下文一并考 虑(第 69 条第 3 款);可在“条约之准备工作及缔约之情况下”,除其他外 使用“解释之补充资料”(第 70 条);如果断定缔约方有意使某一措辞具有 特殊含义,则可赋予这一措辞非同寻常的含义。 daccess-ods.un.org | These articles provide that the “context of the treaty, for the purposes of its interpretation”, is to be understood as comprising “any agreement or instrument related to the treaty and reached or drawn up in connection with its conclusion” (art. 69, para. 2); that “any agreement between the parties regarding the interpretation of the treaty” and “any subsequent practice in the application of the treaty which clearly establishes the understanding of all the parties regarding its interpretation” are to be taken into account “together with the context” of the treaty for the purposes of its interpretation (art. 69, para. 3); that as “further means of interpretation” recourse may be had, inter alia, to the [...] “preparatory work of the treaty and the circumstancesofits conclusion” (art. 70); and that a meaning other than its ordinary meaning may be given to a term if it is established conclusively that the parties intendedthe term to have that special meaning. [...] daccess-ods.un.org |