

单词 人世


(common) people



Universal Declaration of Human Rights


the secular world



External sources (not reviewed)

了解价值观是了 解一个人的自身世界观及人世 的一个重要方面。
Understanding values is an essential part of understanding an individual’s own worldview and that of other peoples.
十二月初,台风“宝霞”袭击菲律宾南部时,玛丽*的叔叔 —— 她的监护人离开人世
Mary* lost her uncle - her caregiver - when Typhoon Bopha hit the southern Philippines in early December.
外游公干,同时想独立享有工作与 人世
Two SIM cards can be stand-by at the same time and switch with only one button easily with Samsung Champ Duos.
[...] 代表作出的评论和提出的问题,随后主生组织健康的社会决定因 素委员会主席 [...]
Michael Marmot 作了总结发言。
The Minister responded to comments made and questions raised by the representatives of Brazil, Canada, Namibia, Barbados and New Zealand, after which the moderator, Michael
Marmot, Chairman of the Commission on Social
[...] Determinantsof Health, World Health Organization, [...]
made concluding remarks.
梅塞雷特的妈妈在生下她时便离开 人世后梅塞雷特被孤儿院收养,14个月后,她终于与家人团聚。
Meseret has been reunified with her family 14 months after she was given up for adoption following the death of her mother during childbirth.
本学院与美国哥伦比亚商学院及英国伦敦商学院合作,提供以亚洲及中国课题为核心的全日制工商管理学硕士课程;项目於2010年及2011年经济 人世 MBA排名榜中名列亚洲第一。
Its MBA full time programme, offered in partnerships with CBS and LBS has a
strong Asia and China focus and was ranked
[...] Asia's no.1in the WorldMBA Rankings released [...]
by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) in 2010 and 2011.
重要程度方面,被访巿民对「香港人」、「中华民族一份子」及「中国人」的重要度分别为7.62、7.12及7.01分,而市民对「亚 民」及「中华人民共和国国民」的重要度则分别为6.67、6.47及6.07分。
As for the importance ratings, "Hong Kong citizens", "members of the Chinese race" and "Chinese citizens" scored 7.62, 7.12 and 7.01 marks respectively, while those for "Asians", "global citizens" and "citizens of PRC" were 6.67, 6.47 and 6.07 marks respectively.
在这方面,秘书处介绍了现 正在开展的“青人世产教育项目”,它有力地增进了青 产公约》重要 意义的认识,并向青年人提供了知识、技能及承诺参与保护世界遗产的工作。
In this respect, the Secretariat presented the
[...] existing “YoungPeople’s WorldHeritage Education Project”, which heightens awareness of the importance of the World Heritage Convention [...]
among young people
and aims to provide them with knowledge, skills and commitment to become involved in World Heritage conservation.
2011 年的《宣言》强调了《联 合国土着人民权利宣言》并申明:“伙伴关系必须包括当地受影响最直接的社区 切实和积极参与因纽人世资源开发的内容”,并指出,在因纽 人世非再生资源开发方面不存在自成一体或不受限制的所谓“权利”。
The 2011 Declaration also underscores the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and affirms that: “Partnerships must include the meaningful engagement and active participation of Inuit in local communities who are most directly affected by resource development in Inuit Nunaat”, noting that there is no free-standing or unqualified “right” to proceed with non-renewable resource development in Inuit Nunaat.
云彩行动愿以真诚的爱与行动,帮助及祝福世上最无 依无靠的孩子及贫穷人;以生命改变生命,不但赋予 教育及基本生活的需要,更重要是让每个受助人的生 命得着改变 - 喜乐与盼望;藉着人与人彼此的关爱和帮 助,发人世真善美。
Silver Lining Foundation is dedicated to support the helpless impoverished children and families with love and action; changing lives with our life, not only by supporting their needs in school and their basic daily needs, but also changing the lives of our beneficiaries by bringing joy and hope into their lives, andencouraging them to help one another.
Using these identity indices, the rank order of Hong Kong people's six identities were "Hong Kong citizens", "members of the Chinese race", "Chinese citizens", "Asians", "global citizens" and "citizens of PRC".
i. 新 儒 学 与 日 本 传 统 之 间 的 拉 力 : 於 江 户 时
[...] 代 , 武 士 阶 级 以人 世出 身 背 景 与 儒 [...]
家 学 说 中 以 文 官 组 成 的 理 想 政 治 体 制 存 在 着 根 本 的 冲 突 。
Effects i. Tension between the Neo-Confucianism and Japanese tradition: To
the Edo period, there was a basic clash
[...] between military hereditaryorigins of the [...]
samurai class and the civil bureaucratic
ideal of government embedded in Confucianism.
这堵墙是柏林形象的重要元素,而且对曾走过东西分离的柏林民众而言,伤痕依然鲜明,虽然人们当时痛恨这道围墙,今日却不断提 世人 历史,以及世界上尚有许多人受到迫害。
Although the wall was hated at the time, today many view it as a
critical reminder both of the city’s own history and of the many
[...] people around the world who continue to [...]
live under oppression.
世人笑越来越激烈,因为那些“基督再临论者” 一次又一次地预言失事事件和世界的毁灭, [...]
但是他们的预言一次又一次地落空了——直 到现在,特别提及的日期预言一般都遭受到 怀疑的微笑和公开的轻蔑,一些熟知预言和 年表是上帝启示重要组成部分的基督徒甚至 也这样对待。
Thescorn of theworld grew more andmore [...]
intense, as time after time they foretold a wreck of matter and a crush of worlds,
and time after time their predictions failed—until now the very mention of prophetic time is received very generally with an incredulous smile, or with open contempt, even by Christians who well know that prophecy and chronology constitute a large proportion of God’s revelation.
人权教育和培训包括一切旨在促进所有人权和基本自由得到普遍尊重和遵 守的教育、培训、信息、宣传和学习活动,因而这些活动主要通过为人们提供知 识和技能,帮助他们了解和形成正确的态度和行为,有助于防止侵犯和践踏人权 的行为,使他们能够为营造和促进 世人化作出贡献。
Human rights education and training comprises all educational, training, information, awareness-raising and learning activities aimed at promoting universal respect for and observance of all human rights and fundamental freedoms and thus contributing, inter alia, to the prevention of human rights violations and abuses by providing persons with knowledge, skills and understanding and developing their attitudes and behaviours, to empower them to contribute to the building and promotion of a universal culture ofhuman rights.
几十亿 人观看了先前举办的北京奥运会,而对于伦敦奥运会,至关重要的是聚 世人光,展示奥运赛事力主推动的更广泛经济、社会和文化议程。
Billions had watched the previous Beijing Games and it would be important for the London Games to harness this attention to demonstrate the wider economic, social and cultural agenda that the Games stand for.
奥运将考验两者能否结合,也能预测城市发展前途,未来几个月内,伦敦究竟会 世人何种风貌,访客又是否会相信,这座城市正力图创造永续、包容的社区,准备好面对未来数十载的挑战,继续在日益全球化的世界里,保有真正的王冠,这些都仍有待观察。
Thus, it still remains to be seen which face London will
[...] decideto show the worldinthe coming months [...]
and whether it can convince visitors
that it is working towards creating sustainable and inclusive communities, prepared to face the challenges of the coming decades, and thus retaining its title as a true Queen City in an increasingly globalised world.
主耶稣是在吃祂在世上最後的一个逾越节晚餐时,设 立了圣餐的。其实,这逾越节的筵席也应 世人的一 次,因为祂就是逾越节的羔羊,除 世人薛,带领了 我们走出为罪奴的埃及。
Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper at the last Passover that He ate on earth which should also be the last Passover that anyone ever needed to eat, because He is the Passover Lamb who has come to lead all mankind out of their “exodus” from sin.
当时,了解无极灯的人并不多,为了推广无极灯,为了让更多 世人和认识无极灯这一高新技术产品,公司几乎参加了包括德国、美国、日本、阿联酋、澳大利亚以及国内北京、上海、广州所有有影响力的照明展览会,可以很自豪的说,宏源LVD无极灯所参加的展会,都成了展会上的主角和亮点,展台几乎被包围得水泄不通,从中我们可以看到:宏源 LVD无极灯的研发成功,引起全球关注并获高度认可,小小光源以国际领先的技术第一次在强手如林的高科技领域异军突起,引起很大轰动。
In order to promote it and to let more people get to know such new technical products, the Company took part in almost all the lighting fairs including Germany, US, Japan, UAE, Australia as well as domestic Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.
例如,美国将继续提倡对世人 尊重,这是美国经验的一个基本扩展,也是我们世界观的基石,这应该并不令人惊奇。
It should come as no surprise, for example, that the United States will continue to champion respect for universalhuman rights, which is a fundamental extension of the American experience and a bedrock of our world view.
咨询委员会回顾,秘书长在 A/64/6(Sect.34)号文件中提出了暂用的 拟议方案预算第 34 款经常预算和共同出资活动的毛额预算的初步提案, 以地联合房舍安全保障问题独立审查小组(独立审查小 组)2008 年 6 月建议对安全和安保部组织进行的全面管理审查完成以及联 合国系统行政首长协调理事会对独立审查小组的建议作出反应。
The Advisory Committee recalls that in document A/64/6 (Sect. 34), the Secretary-General submitted a preliminary proposed programme budget for section 34 of the regular budget and the gross budget for jointly financed activities, pending the completion of the comprehensive management review of the organization of the Department of Safety and Security that was recommended in June 2008 by the Independent Panel on Safety and Security of United Nations Personnel and Premises Worldwide and the submission of the response of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination to the recommendations of the Independent Panel.
[...] 将制订行动计划,有效落实普遍定期审议的建议,并随时准备与所有国家和国际 组织讨论和分享经验,以在越南围更好地确
For its part, Viet Nam would develop a plan of action to implement effectively the universal periodic review recommendations and would stand ready to discuss and
share experience with all countries and international organizations to
[...] betterensurehuman rights in Viet Nam andthe world.
会议提出了许多其它建议,诸如确保数字遗产得到保护,包括把档案和图书馆作为忆计划”的组成部分;制订儿童和教育计划;根据信息社脑会议 的精神,特别在知识社会和知识经济的背景下,推广普及使用信息传播技术。
A range of other suggestions was put forward, such as: to ensure the preservation of digital
heritage, including
[...] archives and libraries as a component of the “Memory oftheWorld Programme”; to develop media education programmes for children and [...]
adults; and to increase
familiarity with the use of ICTs, especially within the framework of the knowledge society and knowledge economy, in light of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society.
在为世人值观奋斗的同时,乍得呼吁和平,因为在战争状态中,无 [...]
In its fight
[...] for universal human rights values, [...]
Chad called for peace, because human rights could not fully be ensured and
protected in a context of war, and it appealed to the international community to support its efforts for peace, human rights and democracy.
日本已开始任命原子弹爆炸幸存者担任“建立无核武器世界特别宣传员”, 请他们把遭受核武器的使用所造成的悲惨后果的亲身经历告 世人孙后代。
Japan has started to appoint Hibakusha, atomic bombs survivors, as “Special Communicators for a World without Nuclear Weapons” to ask them to pass on
their first-hand experience of the tragic consequences of the use of
[...] nuclear weapons to the worldand to future generations.
今天,在各大陆特别是非洲大陆上的事态发展使 无管制边界及随之产生的非法活动的挑战这一无处 不在的危险成世人 的焦点,这些非法活动包 括:小武器和轻武器的非法贩运、恐怖网络、人口和 毒品贩运以及海盗活动,特别是索马里沿海和几内亚 湾的海盗活动。
The developments taking place on various continents today, particularly on the African continent, bring into focus the ever-presentdanger of uncontrolled borders and the attendant challenges of illicit activities that include the illicit traffic in small arms and light weapons, terrorist networks and human and drug trafficking, as well as piracy, especially off the coast of Somalia and the Gulf of Guinea.




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