

单词 亲自挂帅

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必须采取就挂帅的经 济增长的跨部门宏观经济政策来增加就业机会。
Employment must be targeted through cross-sectoral macroeconomic policies that generate employment-led economic growth.
但是像小林 这样的女孩子甚至在没找到未婚夫之 前就早早地将亲做的嫁衣挂入衣柜。
But like Xiao Lin, they all have their wedding dress, usually made
[...] by their mothers, hanging in the wardrobe long [...]
before they even have a husband-to-be.
希特勒——不自来,他统帅的德 国部队也是只为一个目的而来 :坦克、飞机和运兵舰需 要用油。
Again, his German armies had only one thing on their mind – oil for their tanks, planes and troop carriers.
上诉法庭法官的薪酬水平与劳工组织行政法庭的薪酬水 自 动 挂 钩 ,除 非大会另有决定(第 34 段(b))。
The rates paid to the Appeals
[...] Tribunal judges be automatically pegged to those of [...]
the International Labour Organization
Administrative Tribunal judges, unless the General Assembly decides otherwise (para. 34 (b)).
有些国家还要求驾驶人亲自到设 在 各大城市的使领馆申请签证,而且要等一周甚至更长时间才能获签或得知申 请被拒。
In some countries, drivers are required to apply for visas in person at embassies or consulates in major cities and wait a week or more to either obtain a visa or to learn that their application has been rejected.
发送给当事方的任何及所有服务通知、申请和信函都将采用书面形式,并 亲自送 达或通挂号快件投寄,一旦满足以下条件即视为收到:(i) 亲自送达后;(ii) 确认接收后 (如果通过航空快件、传真或电子邮件投递);或者投寄后五 (5) 天。
Any and all Services notices, requests and communications to the parties shall be in writing and will be delivered in person or by certified or registered express mail, and shall be deemed given (i) upon personal delivery; (ii) if delivered by air courier, fax or email, upon confirmation of receipt; or five (5) days after deposit in the mail.
自参众两院的议员共 同组成国民大会,国民大会由瑟姆 帅 主 持, 在以下三种情形召集:通过新宪法,接受新选 举总统就职宣誓,或出现共和国总统被起诉到 国家裁判所的情形。
When sitting in a joint session, members
[...] of the Sejm and the Senate form the National Assembly, presided by the Marshal of the Sejm. The [...]
National Assembly
is formed in case of three different situations: to adopt a new Constitution, to receive the oath from a newly elected President, or when an indictment against the President of the Republic is brought to the State Tribunal.
因此,我谨促请亲自采取 必要的谨慎行动,以使业已采取的行动不会引发 不必要的冲突。
I, therefore, urge you to personally take the necessary prudent action so that the measure that has been taken will not trigger unnecessary conflict.
今天在展开的政治斗争显然表明,正如菲德 尔·卡斯特罗·鲁斯帅昨天 在有关北约的灭绝种族 作用的文章中写的那样,“不仅必需结束封锁,而且 还必需结束我们星球上制造不公正、破 自 然 资 源和 危害人类生存的制度。
The political battle being waged today clearly shows, as
[...] Fidel Castro Ruz wrote yesterday in an article on the genocidal role of NATO, “the need to put an end not just to the blockade but also to the system that engenders injustice on our planet, degrades its natural resources and [...]
jeopardizes human survival.
此外,《公民和政治权利国际盟约》第 14 条第 3(d)款称,每个人除其他权 利外都应当有权“出席受审亲自替 自 己 辩 护或经由他自己所选择的法律援助 进行辩护;如果他没有法律援助,要通知他享有这种权利;在司法利益有此需 要的案件中,为他指定法律援助,而在他没有足够能力偿付法律援助的案件 中,不要他自己收费”。
Furthermore, article 14, paragraph 3(d) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states that everyone should be entitled, among other rights, “to be tried in his presence, and to defend himself in person or through legal assistance of his own choosing; to be informed, if he does not have legal assistance, of this right; and to have legal assistance assigned to him in any case where the interests of justice so require, and without payment by him in any such case if he does not have sufficient means to pay for it”.
y 是土库曼斯坦武装力量最高帅,做 出总动员或局部动员指示,动 用武装力量并使其进入战斗状态,任命土库曼斯坦武装力量的最高 指挥官
Serves as Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan; issues orders for general or partial mobilization, use and deployment of the Armed Forces; appoints the Armed Forces High Command.
来自 第 Va
[...] 地区组的副主席强调,有必要将非洲地区的国际水文计划全国委员会适 挂靠 在各自国家的相关政府部门或大学,以增加通过本国机构经常预算项目获得财政支持 [...]
The Vice-Chair from region Va emphasized the need to appropriately anchor IHP National Committees in Africa, either to the
relevant ministries or
[...] universities in their respective countries, to improve the opportunity [...]
of obtaining financial support
through regular budgetary lines of their host institution as well as institutional support leading to improving the effectiveness of these committees.
然 而,处理银行之函件或文件之检查,须由法 亲自 进 行 ;如有需要,得由具资格 之技术人员及刑事员警机关协助进行。
However, the examination of the seized bank correspondence or documents must be performed personally by the judge, who may be assisted, when necessary, by qualified persons or by the criminal police authorities.
谢尔盖耶夫先生(乌克兰)(以英语发言):今天, 我们挂和思念失亲属和 住所的智利朋友。
(Ukraine): Today, our hearts and thoughts are with
[...] our Chilean friends who lost relatives and shelter.
1.94 联合国监察员和调解事务办公室 2012-2013 两年期的各项目标考虑到:(a) 包括调解领域在内 工作量的增长,以及为有效和迅速解决问题 亲自 进 行干预的必要性;(b) 注重于非正式解决 方式和必须培养通过合作协助本组织更有效和高效地完成其使命的氛围;(c) 办公室的任务是 提出系统性问题并成为改革的推动者;(d) 审计委员会就办公室内部治理提出的各项建议。
1.94 The objectives of the Office of the Ombudsman and Mediation Services for the biennium 20122013 take into consideration: (a) a high increase in workload, including in the area of mediation, and the need for in-person intervention for effective and speedy resolution; (b) the emphasis on informal resolution and the need for a culture of collaboration to help the Organization achieve its mission more effectively and efficiently; (c) the Office’s mandate to identify systemic issues and act as an agent of change; and (d) the recommendations made by the Board of Auditors in relation to the internal governance of the Office.
可以把生产能力、就业和贸易方面的有力和大量援助与贸自 由化承诺挂钩, 以帮助发展中国家执行国内辅助措施,包括进行劳动力市场调 整。
Strong and expanded aid for productive
capacity, employment and trade could be
[...] linked to trade liberalization commitments to help [...]
developing countries implement accompanying
domestic measures, including labour market adjustment.
如其委任人要求,替任董 事有权在与作出委任的董事相同的范围内代替该董事接收董事会会议或董事委员会 会议的通知,并有权在作为董事的范围内出席作出委任的董事未 亲自 出 席 的任何 上述会议及在会议上表决,以及一般地在上述会议上行使及履行其委任人作为董事 的所有职能、权力及职责,而就上述会议的议事程序而言,该等细则将犹如其为董 事般适用,惟在其替任一位以上董事的情况下其表决权可累积除外。
An alternate Director shall, if his appointor so requests, be entitled to receive notices of meetings of the Board or of committees of the Board to the same extent as, but in lieu of, the Director appointing him and shall be entitled to such extent to attend and vote as a Director at any such meeting at which the Director appointing him is not personally present and generally at such meeting to exercise and discharge all the functions, powers and duties of his appointor as a Director and for the purposes of the proceedings at such meeting the provisions of these Articles shall apply as if he were a Director save that as an alternate for more than one Director his voting rights shall be cumulative.
报告中载有十二项建议,其中三项是对大会的,四项是对秘书长的,五项是 对联合国系统各组织行政首长的;这些建议的落实将有助于联合国系统在其内部 环境管理方面更好地发挥帅作用
The report contains twelve recommendations, three addressed to the General Assembly, four to the Secretary-General, and five to executive heads of United Nations system organizations, the implementation of which should contribute to an enhanced role for the United Nations system to lead by example in improving its internal in-house environmental management.
印度洋金枪鱼委报告说自 2007 年以来,挂其成员国国旗的总长超过 15 米的船只必须装有渔船监测系统。
IOTC reported that, since 2007, vessel monitoring systems had been mandatory for vessels over 15 metres in length overall flying the [...]
flags of its members.
此外,Spyder Cambiocorsa还可选配Skyhook 减震挂自动控 制系统,其反应速度迅捷无比,同时代的此类系统无出其右。
The Spyder Cambiocorsa also featured the optional Skyhook automatic damping suspension control system, with quicker reactions than any similar system existing at the time.
他进一步强调,下一个 C/5 号文件将是本组织目前《中期战略》下的最后一个《计划与 预算》,其起草适逢新任总干事接管教科文组 帅 印 之 际。
He further stressed that the next C/5 document would be the last Programme and Budget under the Organization’s current Medium-Term Strategy, and was being drawn up at a time when the new Director-General had taken over the reins of UNESCO.
旅舍位于中心的新城区,香格里拉 帅 , 近 的一切,如很好的餐馆,博物馆,酒吧和机场,但旅馆位于安静的区域,使客人留在我们的旅馆冷静,安全。
The hostel is conveniently located in the center of the
[...] new town, La Mariscal, near to everything [...]
such as very good restaurants, museums,
bars, and airport, but the hostel is located at quiet area so that the guests stay at our hostel calmly and safely.
[...] 某个特定时候为儿童注射疫苗并在大树下为 亲挂 一顶蚊帐,但妇女需要每天 24 小时的门诊服务,以 [...]
While we can vaccinate
[...] children and give mothers a bed net under [...]
a tree at a particular time, what women need are round-the-clock
services in clinics to ensure safe deliveries, as well as preparedness for transfer to a hospital in the event of complications.
我们有一个大型厨房,翻修一新的卫浴设施,免费提供床单浴巾等用品,免费无线互联网接入,7天24小时服务台,私人储物柜 自 备 挂 锁 ) ,洗衣设备和免费桌球游戏。
We have a large kitchen, renovated bathrooms and showers, free linens and
towels, free Wi-Fi, 24/7 reception, private
[...] lockers (bring your own lock), on-site laundry [...]
and free billiards/pool table.
因此,材料均挂号密封标明亲启密 函”送达执行局主席,地址如下:联合国教科文组织,丰特努瓦广 场 7 号,75352 巴黎 07-SP(UNESCO, 7, place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP,France)。
For this reason, they should be sent, under registered cover marked “Personal and confidential”, to the Chair of the Executive Board, at the following address: UNESCO, 7 place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP.
其中部分原因是:其他联合国机构对复杂的教科文组织概念 缺乏理解(如,文化促进发展);从政府这方面来说,典型的教科文组织伙伴部委对
[...] 该进程的参与相对薄弱;教科文组织圣荷西办事处不 亲自 参 加 非常任国的讨论(缺 乏资金和时间),以及联合国伙伴机构的自身利益等。
Some of the reasons for this is a lack of understanding of the sophisticated UNESCO-concepts (e.g. culture for development) among the other United Nations agencies, the relatively weak involvement of typical UNESCO partner ministries in the process from the
governments’ side, the inability for UNESCO SJO to
[...] take physically part in discussions [...]
in non-resident countries (lack of funds and
time) and self-interest of partner United Nations agencies.
在这方面,我国代表团赞扬南非倡议在 1 月 12 日举行祖马总亲自主持 的安全理事会高级别辩论 [...]
会(见 S/PV.6702),会议主题是联合国与区域和次区 域组织,特别是非洲联盟和西非国家经济共同体,根 据《宪章》第八章,在预防、管理和解决区域危机方 面的重要合作。
In this regard, my delegation commends South Africa’s initiative to convene on 12 January a
highlevel debate of the Security Council (see
[...] S/PV.6702), personally presided by [...]
President Zuma, on the critical cooperation,
under Chapter VIII of the Charter, between the United Nations and regional and subregional organizations, in particular the African Union and the Economic Community of West African States, in the prevention, management and resolution of regional crises.
他的原则决定在于跟我们协会的代表制订 今后每月工作会议日程表,亲自参 加 这些会议,该原则决定证明,他重视这一处于行政最 [...]
His policy decision to establish, henceforth on a monthly basis, a schedule of
working meetings with the representatives of our
[...] Association and to participate personally [...]
in those meetings confirms the importance
that he ascribes to consultation, which is thus placed at the highest level of the administrative hierarchy.
良 心与 和 平 税 国际组织指 出,虽 然 不 带 武 器 的 兵役符 合 那些仅仅拒亲 自 携 带 武 器 者的 需 求 , 但还有 许 多 人的良 心不允许他 们 采取支持携 带 武 器 者的行为 。
CPTI indicated that while unarmed military service meets the needs of those whose only objection is to personally bear arms, there are many whose conscience would not permit them to act in support of those who do.




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