

单词 亲缘关系

See also:


family relationship

关系 n

relations n
connection n
link n
tie n
bond n


have to do with

External sources (not reviewed)

审查《家庭法》和《国籍法》,尤其应确保在离婚和通 亲缘关系 获得 国籍方面的两性平等
To review the Family Code and the law on nationality,
in particular to ensure gender equality in the area of divorce and the
[...] acquisition of nationality by affiliation (France)
一项研究发现,古代DNA揭示出了生活在大约4万年前中国北京附近地区的人类很可能与许多今天的亚洲人和美洲原住民 亲缘关系。
Ancient DNA has revealed that humans living some
40,000 years ago in the area near Beijing,
[...] China were likely related to many present-day [...]
Asians and Native Americans, according to a study.
1998 年:突尼斯妇女有权亲缘关系不明 的孩子随自己的姓氏。
1998: Promulgation of the
[...] right to choose the system of joint property [...]
between spouses
(ii) 当因发生战争、国内冲突或因其它安全原因,工作人员不能前往与其正式认定的
[...] 原籍所在国时,他可获准前往一个与该国有着社会和文 亲缘关系 的 邻 国,或前 往其有被证实的密切亲属关系的另一国家
(ii) where, because of war, civil strife or for other security reasons, a staff member is unable to travel to the country of home leave, he/she may be authorized to
travel to a neighbouring country with
[...] social and cultural affinities to the home country, [...]
or to another country where he/she
has demonstrated close family ties
进一步的分析表明:白鹭在系统演化中要早于大白鹭和中白鹭分支出来,大白鹭和中白鹭与苍鹭、草鹭和牛背鹭间 亲缘关系 较 近,而与白鹭较远,支持Sibley(1990)将大白鹭和中白鹭作为独立的大白鹭属(Casmerodius)和中白鹭属(Mesophoyx)的建议:黑NFEE2、栗苇NFEE2与黄苇NFEE2在系统发生中构成一单系群,提示将黑NFEE2置于苇NFEE2属(Ixobrychus)是合适的[动物学报 [...] [...]
The results support Siblys (1990) classification of the large egret and intermeidate egret in separate genera Casmerodius and Mesophoyx respectively.
春秋季形成的新配对,通常包括一直在研究地游荡的 亲缘关系 的 个 体。
When new pairs formed during summer-autumn they typically
[...] consisted of unrelated individuals that had [...]
been wandering throughout the study site.
让我们明白细胞和亚细胞过程和机制、认识疾病的原因并开发出更具体有效的治疗方法、确定谁与我们在生物上 亲缘关系 的 技 术是生物学、计算机科学、信息技术和材料科学知识的结合。
The technology that allows us to unravel cellular and subcellular processes and mechanisms, identify the causes of diseases and develop more specific and
effective treatments, and determine who
[...] is biologically related to us and to what [...]
degree combines knowledge from biology,
computer sciences, information technology, and material sciences.
结果表明: (1) 3种鲂在形态可数性状上差异不显著,而可量性状与框架分析揭示团头鲂与三角 亲缘关系 较 近,它们同广东鲂差异较大;(2) 团头鲂和三角鲂均具有MDH同工酶的s-Mdh-D位点,而广东鲂未见,引物S11 扩增的结果在3种鲂间均显示种的特异性,这些同工酶谱带和DNA扩增带可作为3种鲂的种间分子标记;(3) 3种鲂种亲缘关系在三个研究层面上相互吻合:即广东鲂与团头鲂、三角鲂差异较大 亲缘关系 较 远,而三角鲂和团头鲂之间差异小 亲缘关系 较 近 ;(4) 同工酶和RAPD分析揭示,三角鲂种内遗传多样性显著地高于广东鲂和团头鲂。
The RAPD primer S11 could amplify species specific bands in each of three species. These enzyme band and PCR amplified bands all could be used as interspecific molecular markers;(3) the same conclusion could be made on interspecific relationships of the three species by morphologic discrimination analysis, enzyme analysis and RAPD analysis, namely, M.hoffmanni had significant differences with M.amblycephala and M.terminalis, and there were small differences between M.amblycephala and M.terminalis ;(4) allozyme and RAPD analysis revealed that the genetic diversity within species of M.terminalis was significantly higher than that of M.amblycephala and M.hoffmanni.
( 包括那里的动物和植物) ――这些赋予国家以特点和生物多样性;无形的文化 产品,如,语言、风俗、传统、信仰、知识和历史,以及价值观――这些构成了 特性并促成了个人和社群的文化多样性。在所有的文化产品中,具有特殊价值的 一种是,产生于不同的群体、少数群体和社区可自由共享的同一领土的生产性文 化亲缘关系
Of all the cultural goods, one of special value is the productive intercultural kinship that arises where diverse groups, minorities and communities can freely share the same territory
最小跨度网络图(Minimum spanning network,
[...] [...] MSN)和基于最大似然法和邻接法的系统发生分析均把单元型聚类为对应于中国大陆、日本南部和日本北部的三个单系,其中中国大陆和日本南部梅花鹿有相对较近 亲缘关系 , 支 持日本梅花鹿的祖先通过至少两个大陆桥从亚洲迁移到日本的观点[动物学报 [...]
This indirectly supports the hypothesis that the [...]
ancestral sika deer migrated to the islands of Japan across at least two land bridges.
此外,基于线粒体细胞色素b 基因全序列,构建31 个兔类个体的系统发育关系,结果显示,草兔与雪兔(L. timidus),云南兔(L. comus) 与高原兔(L.oiostolus),东北兔(L. mandschuricus)与塔里木兔(L. yarkandensis) 有较近亲缘关系,而在 草兔内部,中国的草兔与南非草 亲缘关系 较 远,采自江苏盐城的草兔与来自山东、陕西、四川的草兔聚为一支,具有明显较近 亲缘关系。
The results strongly supported the monophyly of Lagomorpha,and cape hare and brown hare (L. europaeus)were indicated as sister taxa,having a sister relationship with rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Further phylogenetic analyses of 31 hare
samples,based on complete Cyt b sequences,resolved the close phylogenetic relationships between cape hare and mountain hare (L. timidus),Yunnan hare (L. comus)and woolly hare (L. oiostolus),Manchurian hare (L. mandschuricus)and Yarkand hare (L. yarkandensis),respectively.
他根据生物各个物种 的外部形态特征异同,亲缘关系的 远 近, 按界、门、纲、目、科、属、种对其所处 的位置进行分类;并提出沿用至今的生物 物种的学名是由属名和种加词两部分组成 的“双名法”。
This process of adaptation is a dynamic one in the course of which the organism actively engages with its environment.
结果显示:岩羊和矮岩羊互为单系群,有着较山羊、北山羊、绵羊和盘羊间更近 亲缘关系 , 它 们之间的序列差异(Cyt b=3.2%)低于牛科不同种间的序列差异水平(8.3%~12.1%),明显高于种内个体的序列差异,而处于牛科亚种的序列差异范围内。
By comparing the Cyt b sequences of four other species Capra hircus, Capra ibex, Ovis ammon, Ovis aries in the family Bovidae, the divergences and base substitutions among these sequences were analyzed with the MEGA software.
本研究通过LA-PCR 技术对草兔线粒体基因组全序列进行PCR 扩增、序列测定和分析,并基于线粒体基因组12 个蛋白质编码基因10 776 bp的核苷酸序列,采用贝叶斯法(BI)和最大似然法(ML)构建哺乳纲(Mammalia) 灵长总目(Euarchontoglires)5 个目12 种动物的系统发育关系,结果支持兔形目(Lagomorpha)的单系起源,其中草兔与欧洲野兔(L. europaeus)亲缘关系最近 ,两者互为姐妹群,进而与家兔(Oryctolagus cuniculus)构成姐妹群关系。
Moreover,its subspecies taxonomic status has been under debate for years. In present study,we reporte the complete mitochondrial genomic sequence of the cape hare from Yancheng City,Jiangsu Province,China,and that the gene composition / order of which were identical to that observed in most other mammals.
采用形态判别、同工酶分析和RAPD分析相结合的方法,从3个层次研究分析了鲂属团头鲂、三角鲂和广东鲂的种 亲缘关系 和 种 内遗传差异。
We studied interspecific phylogenetic relationships and intraspecific genetic variations of three species in genus Megalobrama,M.amblycephala, M.terminalis and M.hoffmanni by morphologic discrimination analysis, enzyme analysis and RAPD analysis.
相反,第66条描述了一个纯 粹的法律定义,没有规定基于“缘 ” 的 血 亲关系。
On the contrary, Article 66 depicts a purely legal definition and does
[...] not provide for a kinship based on “blood”.
由于缘关系,相比于离岸地区,大多数近岸地区与它们的主市场之间都存在着文 亲 缘。
Because of proximity, most nearshore locations have closer cultural affinity to their primary markets than offshore locations.
在他在刚果民主共和国因与其亲的 关系 所 经历的事件后,他 认为最好的安全办法是不提及这些关系。
After what he experienced in the Democratic Republic of the Congo because of his links to his father, he thought [...]
that not mentioning
these ties would be the best way to ensure his safety.
儿童权利委员会欢迎新加坡于2004年4 月修订《宪法》,允许儿童通过与亲的血缘关系获得 公民身份,但仍关切地指出,经修订的法律仅适用于 [...]
2004 年之后出生的儿童。
While welcoming the April 2004 amendment to the Constitution which allows children to
acquire citizenship by descent
[...] from their mothers, CRC noted with concern that the amended [...]
law was applied only to children born after 2004.
在此方面,如果有迹象显示, 有关该区域缘政治紧张关系加剧 的风险已经减弱,那对于世界经济来说是好消 息。
In this regard, signs that the
[...] risk of escalation of geopolitical tensions in the region [...]
has subsided are good news for the world economy.
它们的作 用对于下述领域尤其关键:基础研究(更好地认识人类基因组演变过程及其与环境之间的互
动关系);应用生物医学研究(例如基因药物研究);流行病学研究;了解一个人或一个家 庭面对的健康风险(包括对某些病理现象致病机率或基因预定的预测性测试);法医学和法
[...] 律(尤其是在民事诉讼法方面的应用,例如 缘亲 子 关系 测 定 ,或者是在刑事诉讼法方面的 应用,例如识别认定罪犯)。
In particular, it is essential for basic research (improved knowledge of the evolution of the human genome and its interaction with the environment); applied biomedical research (for example in pharmacogenetics; epidemiological research; knowledge of the health risks run by a person or family (including tests to determine susceptibility or genetic predisposition
to certain diseases); forensic
[...] science and the judicial system (particularly in civil [...]
court proceedings, for example to
identify a parent, and criminal proceedings, for example to identify a criminal).
[...] 作)、改善教育人员生活条件(与国际劳工局合作)、完善教育人员相关政策(与儿童基金 会合作)关于教育体系中的边缘群 体 (与国际劳工局、儿童基金会、开发计划署和粮食计 划署合作)。
The following entry points for future cooperation and possible joint programmes with other United Nations agencies are planned: literacy and non-formal education (with UNDP and UNICEF); improvement of teachers’ standards of living (with ILO); development of teacher
policies (with UNICEF) and the
[...] inclusion of marginalized groups in the education system (with the ILO, [...]
教育领域的活动主要集中在以下领域:a) 作为对《暴力侵害儿童问题世界报告》 (2006 年)所载的建议的后续行动的暴力侵害儿童的行为,新增重点包括此种暴力行为的
[...] [...] 性别因素、宗教和文化在防止此类暴力方面的作用以及对非暴力、参与性的做法和支助服务 的推广;b) 全纳教育,旨在促进建立一个满足多样化学生群体需求的、对遭到排挤和被缘 化的群体给予特关注的教育系;c) 治理和不平等,研究教育领域的善治如何在减少基于 财富、地点、种族、性别及其他原因的不平等方面发挥作用;d) 对教材进行修订以推广以和 [...]
In the context of education, activities focus on the following areas: (a) violence against children as a follow-up to the recommendations contained in the World Report on the Violence against Children (2006), with an added emphasis on gender dimensions of such violence, the role of religion and culture in its prevention, and the promotion of non-violent, participatory practices and support services; (b) inclusive education,
with the aim of promoting
[...] an educational system that answers the needs of a diverse group of pupils, paying particular attention to the excluded and marginalized; [...]
(c) governance and
inequality, looking at how good governance in education can reduce disparities based on wealth, location, ethnicity, gender and other grounds; (d) textbook revision to promote peace-oriented approaches taking into account new education challenges related to quality.
下列人员可在迁出后得到其他居住空间的情况下迁居:(一) 无正当理由自 行与企业、事业单位、国民经济最重要的行业组织(原单位给他们提供有住所)终 止雇关系,或因违反工作记录或因犯罪而被上述雇用单位开除的工人和公务人 员(以及与他们同居的家属);(二) 在集体农场有住房但自己主动从集体农场退出 的公民;(三) 剥夺父母亲权但仍与其被剥夺的父 亲 权 相 关的子女住在一起的 公民;(四) 被剥夺子女教育权的父母-养父母;(五) 其他情况的人员。
May be evacuated with a subsequent offer of another living space: (i) workers and servants (along with the persons that live with them) that have discontinued their employment relations with the enterprises, institutions,
organisations of the most
[...] important branches of the national economy, which offered them the living space, as a result of own initiative discontinuation of the employment relations without justified reasons, or which have been dismissed for breaching the employment discipline or as a result of an offence; (ii) citizens that [...]
have received living
spaces in the houses of collective farms, if they have been excluded from the collective farm as a result of their own initiative; (iii) citizens that have been deprived of their parental rights, if they live together with their children in relation to whom they were deprived of their parental rights; (iv) parents-adopters, if they have been deprived of the education of the children; (v) other cases.
根据第 1483(2003) 号决议第 23 段,冻结和转入适用于与伊拉克前政权 关 联 的 个人和实体的资金 或其他金融资产或经济资源,即萨达姆·侯赛因或伊拉克前政权其他高级官员及 其系亲属, 包括由他们本人或代表他们或按他们指示行事的人直接间接拥有或 控制的实体,转移出伊拉克或获取的资金或其他金融资产或经济资源;以及伊拉 克前政府或其国家机关、公司或代理人在伊拉克境外的资金或其他金融资产或经 [...]
According to paragraph 23 of resolution 1483 (2003), the
freeze and transfer apply
[...] to funds, other financial assets and economic resources of individuals and entities associated with the former Iraqi regime, i.e. funds, other financial assets and economic resources [...]
removed from Iraq
or acquired by Saddam Hussein or other senior officials of the former Iraqi regime and their immediate family members, including entities owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by them or by persons acting on their behalf or at their direction; as well as to funds, other financial assets and economic resources of the previous Government of Iraq or its State bodies, corporations, or agencies, located outside Iraq.
人一生中的各种仪式(出生、成长、结婚、离婚和殯葬等仪式),游戏和体 育活动亲族关系与亲族关系的仪 式,定居模式,烹调技术,确定身份和长 幼尊卑的仪式,有关四季的仪式,不同性别的社会习俗,打猎、捕鱼和收获 习俗,源于地名的姓名和源于父名的姓名,丝绸文化和工艺(生产 [纺织 ]、 缝纫、染色、图案设计),木雕,纺织品,人体艺术(纹身、穿孔、人体绘 画)。
Life-cycle rituals – birth; rites of passage; wedding, divorce and funerary rituals; games and sports; kinship and ritual kinship ceremonies; settlement patterns; culinary arts; designation of status and prestige ceremonies; seasonal ceremonies; gender-specific social practices; practices relating to hunting, fishing and gathering; geonymic and patronymic nomenclature; silk culture and crafts (production [fabrication], sewing, dyeing, cloth designs); wood carving; textiles; body-art (tattooing, piercing, painting).
该战略的目的是为儿童在有缘关系的家庭中成长创造条件,并向得不到父母照料的儿童提供适当的监护 / 照料或领养机会。这些做法必须符合儿童的最大利益,符合他们在家庭环境或类 [...]
The aim of the
[...] strategy is to provide conditions for the child to grow in the biological family [...]
and to offer a child deprived
of parental care proper guardianship / care or adoption opportunities in line with the best interests of the child and with their need to grow in a family or family-like environment and to duly prepare for independent life in a family and in the society.
卡拉季奇案中披露了大量材料,造成这种情况的有几个原因,包括:检查官 办公室的证据收集量大,大约有 9 000 000 页;卡拉季奇在四年冲突期间权高位 重,造成大量文件都可能都与其行为举动相关;由于第 66 和 68 条规则要求披露 关于缘问题 和不存在争议问题的材料,检方的披露义务非常广泛;卡拉季奇依 照第 66(B)条要求提供涉及 170 多个专题的资料;卡拉季奇提出的许多可能为其 开脱罪责的主张均与本案主要问题无重 关系 , 但 仍需要检查官办公室披露研究 审查内容。
case reflects a number of factors including: the size of the Office of the Prosecutor’s evidence collection, which comprises some 9,000,000 pages; Karadžić’s high profile and senior position during the four-year conflict, resulting in enormous quantities of documents that are potentially relevant to his acts and conduct; the breadth of the Prosecution’s disclosure obligations under Rules 66 and
68 requiring disclosure of
[...] materials on peripheral issues and issues about which there is no dispute; the fact that Karadžić has requested, pursuant to Rule 66 (B), material falling under more than 170 different topics; and Karadžić’s many potential exculpatory claims that are peripheral to the main issues of the case, but nevertheless require disclosure searches and reviews by the Office of the Prosecutor.




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