

单词 亲睦邻邦

See also:


keep up harmonious relations (with sb)


neighborly relations

邻邦 n

neighbourBE n

External sources (not reviewed)

白俄罗斯、俄罗斯邦和乌 克兰在《欧睦邻和伙 伴关系文书》下获得了支助,克罗地亚则从《加入前援助文书》中获得 支助。
[...] the Russian Federation and Ukraine benefit from support under the European Neighbourhood and Partnership [...]
Instrument, while
Croatia receives support from the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance.
中阿是友邻邦,中 方一贯致力于发展中 睦邻 友好 ,重视并积极参与阿富汗重建进程。
China attaches importance to and actively participates in the Afghan reconstruction process.
[...] 到,制做和签发国家护照的合同被私下授予过渡 邦 政 府 的 亲 信 , 造成自 2007 年以来广泛的腐败和欺诈。
The Monitoring Group has learned that production and issuance of
national passports has been quietly
[...] awarded to Transitional Federal Government cronies, [...]
resulting in extensive corruption and fraud since 2007.
我谨向你保证,马其顿共和国将继续全力维护《联合国宪章》的原则和价值, 而推进合作睦邻关系 仍将是我们的外交政策议程中最优先考虑的问题。
I would like to assure you that the Republic of Macedonia will continue to fully uphold the principles and values enshrined in the Charter of the United
Nations and that advancement of
[...] cooperation and good-neighbourliness will remain among [...]
the top priority issues on our foreign policy agenda.
在拜州和巴科尔州亲过 渡联邦政府 民兵间的内部纠纷阻碍了军事进展。
In the Bay and Bakool region, military progress was hampered by internal
[...] disputes among pro-Transitional Federal Government militias.
所有作品都在南非设计、用邦漆亲 手 绘 制后安装在地铁站。
All murals were designed in South Africa and then hand painted using actual Nippon paints and installed in the subway stations.
在我们重申致力于可持续发展之时, 我们不要忽视一个事实,即我们应该被后人记得,我们这一代人在联合国可持续 发展大会上达成了一项共识,恢复了文明的根基,与文明的源头——地球 亲建 立睦关系
As we renew our commitment to sustainable development, let us not lose sight of the fact that we should be remembered as the generation that created a consensus at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, which restored civilization to its roots, in harmony with its source: Mother Earth.
我们看到,地震和海啸给世界上我们 亲 密 的 友 邦 和 盟 国之一造成了难以想象的生命和财产损失。
We’ve seen an earthquake and tsunami
render unimaginable -- an unimaginable toll of death and destruction on one of
[...] our closest friends and allies in the world.
宪章》第五十五和五十六条要求本组织及全体成员 国,以创建实现各国之间和平睦邻 友 好 关系所必需的稳定和福祉为着眼点,促 进普遍尊重和恪守所有人的人权和基本自由。
Articles 55 and 56 of the Charter require the Organization and all its Member States with a view to
the creation of
[...] stability and well-being, which are necessary for peaceful and friendly relations among nations, to promote [...]
universal respect for,
and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all.
尽管有上述问题,希腊仍然致力于实现迅速以相互商定的办法解决名称问题 的目标,以有利于发展安全理事会第
[...] 817(1993)号决议和第 845(1993)号决议规 定的和平睦邻友好关系,同时恪守《临时协议》。
Notwithstanding the above, Greece remains committed to the objective of reaching speedily a mutually agreed solution
to the name issue in the interests of
[...] peaceful and good-neighbourly relations in [...]
accordance with Security Council resolutions
817 (1993) and 845 (1993), while scrupulously abiding by the Interim Accord.
在这方面,阿拉伯叙利亚共和国回顾 2009 年 7 月
11 日至 16 日在沙姆沙伊 赫举行的不结盟国家国家元首和政府首脑会议的公报,首脑们在公报中呼吁美国
[...] 终止对古巴的封锁,指出这种封锁不仅是单方面的,违反了《联合国宪章》、国 际法睦邻原则 ,而且正在给古巴人民造成巨大的物质损失和经济损害。
In this regard, the Syrian Arab Republic recalls the communiqué of the Heads of State or Government of Non-Aligned Countries at their Conference, held in Sharm el Sheikh from 11 to 16 July 2009, in which they called upon the United States to put an end to the embargo against Cuba, which, in addition to being unilateral and contrary to the Charter of the
United Nations, international law and
[...] the principle of neighbourliness, is causing huge [...]
material losses and economic damage to the people of Cuba.
上合组织成员国恪守《上海合作组织宪章》和《上海合作组织成员国长睦 邻友好 合作条约》的原则和规定,在共同维护和平、安全和稳定,以及在上合组 [...]
织区域内开展政治、经济、人文和其他领域多边合作方面为本组织有效运作奠定 了坚实的基础。
The States members of the Organization, complying strictly with the principles and
provisions of the SCO Charter and the Treaty for
[...] Long-term Good-Neighbourly Relations, Friendship [...]
and Cooperation of the States members
of SCO, have laid a solid foundation for the effective functioning of SCO in order to collectively ensure peace, security and stability, as well as the development of multilateral cooperation across the SCO region in political, economic, humanitarian and other spheres.
该方案的第三根支柱寻求确保跨界安全和打击贩运 小武器和轻武器,这些武器是破 睦邻 关 系 和经济发 展的因素。
The third pillar of this programme seeks to ensure cross-border security and the fight against the trafficking
of small arms and light weapons, which are a
[...] factor undermining neighbourly relations destabilizing [...]
economic development.
土库曼斯坦总统遵照早先作出的向阿富汗提供人道主义援助的决定,决定向 这邻邦提供 1 000 吨面粉的人道主义援助。
The President of Turkmenistan decided to send humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan, in the amount of 1,000 tons
of flour, in accordance with the decision taken earlier to provide humanitarian
[...] assistance to this neighbouring country.
会友们不断挑战和被装备,在各种各样的事工中服事,通过外展计划得着他们的朋友 亲 戚 、 同事 邻 居。
Members are continually challenged and equipped to serve in the
various ministries and to reach out to
[...] their friends, relatives, associates and neighbours through its outreach [...]
[...] 关管制以及内务部门代表组成的一个部门间联合工作组,目的是查明并阻止国际 恐怖组织和极端组织及跨界犯罪团体的活动;转移外国雇佣军、走私武器、爆炸 物及麻醉品的渠道;来自俄罗斯 邦邻 国 的非法移民活动。
In order to increase the effectiveness of combating criminal and terrorist activity in border districts, joint interdepartmental operational groups have been established consisting of representatives of the Federal Security Service, customs control and internal affairs bodies, with a view to identifying and halting the activity of international terrorist and extremist organizations, transborder criminal groups, and channels for transfer of foreign mercenaries, smuggling of weapons,
explosives and narcotics, and illegal
[...] migration from contiguous States adjacent to the State border of the Russian Federation.
根据临时协议第 7 条第 3 款,本睦邻精神 ,我部欣然告知希腊共和 国联络处,经过进一步对所提问题的调查,已经采取行动,确保马其顿共和 [...]
国国旗以前有的这个标志图案不出现在 Goce Delcev 公路桥完工的狮子雕像 上。
In accordance with article 7, paragraph 3, of the Interim Accord and in
[...] the spirit of good-neighbourly relations, the [...]
Ministry is pleased to inform the Liaison
Office of the Hellenic Republic that, subsequent to further investigations into the matters raised, it has taken action to ensure that the symbol formerly displayed on the national flag of the Republic of Macedonia will not appear on the completed lion statues at the Goce Delcev road bridge.
塞拉利昂支持这一决议,深信解除歧视性贸易做法和国内法在域外的适用不 仅会帮助改善古巴人民的经济社会状况,而且会促进各国间的对话 睦邻 关 系和 合作。
Sierra Leone supported the resolution and is convinced that the lifting of discriminatory trade practices and extraterritorial application of domestic laws would not only help to alleviate the
socio-economic conditions of the Cuban people, but also
[...] promote dialogue, good neighbourliness and cooperation [...]
among States.
又铭记诺鲁孜节,作为文化遗产和悠久传统和睦的象征,对加强各国人民建 立在相互尊重、和平睦邻友好 理想基础上的关系发挥着重要作用
Mindful also that Nowruz, as the embodiment of the unity of cultural heritage and centuries-long traditions, plays a
significant role in strengthening the ties among peoples based on mutual respect and the ideals
[...] of peace and good-neighbourliness
最后,从政治和外交角度,葡萄牙可以利用与该区域葡萄牙语国家的优先联 系以及与西非经共体的关系,提高 睦邻 关 系 重要性的认识,倡导加强政治经济 联系,以及必须携手努力打击对和平与稳定的共同挑战。
Lastly, from a political and diplomatic perspective, Portugal can use its privileged contacts with lusophone countries in the region and its relations with
ECOWAS to raise awareness regarding the
[...] importance of good-neighbourly relations, the [...]
fostering of political and economic ties
and the need for joint efforts to combat common threats to peace and stability.
年1月至4 月在索马里摩加迪沙同包括军火交易商、非索特派团官员和过渡 邦政 府及亲过渡联邦政府 民兵的官员的约谈。
Interviews with multiple sources, including arms dealers, AMISOM officials
and officials within the
[...] Transitional Federal Government and pro-Transitional Federal Government [...]
militia in Mogadishu, January-April 2011.
因此,我请安理会成员鼓励苏丹和乍得继续 改善睦邻友好 和互信关系,以加强它们与达尔富尔 共同边界上的安全,要求苏丹政府与“正义与平等运 [...]
动”立即停止敌对行动并有效执行 2010 年 2 月 23 日 框架协议第一条的规定,以及鼓励达尔富尔所有武装
运动和苏丹政府把对话作为解决危机的唯一办法,并 坚定致力于目前正在多哈进行的谈判进程。
I therefore request Council members to encourage the Sudan
and Chad to continue improving their
[...] relations of goodneighbourliness and trust in [...]
order to strengthen security on their
joint border with Darfur; to demand that the Government and the JEM immediately cease hostilities and effectively implement article 1 of the Framework Agreement of 23 February 2010; and to encourage all the armed movements of Darfur and the Government to make dialogue the only way to resolve the crisis and to commit firmly to the negotiations process which is under way in Doha.
在理事会以及北南对话支助委员会的大力领导下,该协会和其他非政 府组织共同参加了维护全球、尤其是欧洲吉普赛人们权利的活动, 从而创造与 非欧洲地中海国家之间互相尊重,互相帮助的关系,尤其是马格里布与近东国家 之间的关系,包括建立与北非国 亲睦 项 目
Alongside other NGOs, it has participated in a campaign to protect the rights of the Roma population throughout the world, and particularly in Europe, under the patronage of the Council. The Association has also participated in the Support Committee to the North-South Dialogue with a view to building bonds of trust and mutual assistance with non-European Mediterranean countries, particularly in the Maghreb and the Middle East, including projects to establish closer ties with North African countries.
我们的目标是让我们南邻邦的青 年男女们感受 到,他们能够在自己的国家建设未来;这是一种对更 美好生活寄予的希望。
Our aim is for the young men and women in our southern neighbourhood to feel that they can build a future in their own countries; it is a hope for a better life.
六十多年来,大屠杀、房屋拆毁、粮食和药物禁 运、绑架和监禁;以各种方式威胁 邻邦 , 包 括使用 核武器;对巴勒斯坦和黎巴嫩发动无数次战争;暗杀 [...]
政治和宗教人士和精英;公开或隐蔽地干涉他国的政 治、经济和文化事务;违反国际法和国际人道主义法 以及肆意侵犯人权,包括杀害儿童和妇女——所有这
一切已构成充足的理由,要求国际社会采取果断措施 来制止这些暴行,并给予巴勒斯坦人民几十年来一直 被剥夺的合法权利。
More than six decades of massacre, home demolitions, food and medicine
embargos, abduction and imprisonment; the
[...] threatening of its neighbours in various ways, including [...]
with nuclear weapons; the waging
of numerous wars against Palestine and Lebanon; the assassination of people, political and religious figures and elites; overt and covert interference in the political, economic and cultural affairs of other States; violations of international law and international humanitarian law and all-out violations of human rights, including the killing of children and women — all of this should be reason enough for the international community to take decisive measures to stop these brutalities and grant the people of Palestine the legitimate rights of which they have been deprived for decades.
我们再次通过这一渠道,呼吁美国政府本 睦邻 精 神,终止对古巴的经济、 商业和金融封锁。这种封锁造成无以名状的痛苦,威胁到古巴人民的全面进步和 [...]
Once again, through this medium, we call upon the
Government of the United States, in
[...] the name of good neighbourliness to put an end to [...]
the economic, commercial and financial
embargo against Cuba, which have brought untold suffering, threatens the general progress and wellbeing of its people and hampers our shared regional advancement.
[...] 申其在日内瓦讨论中阐明的立场,即致力于根据普遍接受的国际讨论规则,达成不 使用武力的协定,并开启在阿布哈兹与格鲁吉亚之间发展平等 睦邻 关 系 的进程。
In this context, Abkhazia once again reiterates its commitment to the preservation of peace and stability in the region and reaffirms its position, enunciated in the Geneva discussions, that it aims to reach agreements not to use
force and to launch a process of developing
[...] equal and good-neighbourly relations between [...]
Abkhazia and Georgia, based on the
universally accepted rules of international discourse.
发言人强调序言部分第九段的重要性,指出只 有在自己的领土上巴勒斯坦人民才能建立一个独 立、主权和能存活的国家,作为以色列 邻邦 在和 平和安全中生活。
The ninth preambular paragraph was particularly important: it was only in their own territory that the Palestinian people would be able to establish an independent, sovereign and viable State and live in peace and security alongside the State of Israel.
我们仍然致力于实 现这一目标,美利坚合众国将继续专注于实现这一目 标,因为我们知道,巴勒斯坦人理应能够在自己的国
[...] 家中生活,他们早就应该拥有自己的国家,而以色列 人如果有一个和平邻邦,便 能够生活在和平与安全 之中,他们也早就应该享有这种和平与安全。
We remain dedicated to that goal, and the United States of America will remain dedicated to that goal, because we know that the time has long since come when Palestinians, who deserve to live in their own State, should get that State, and when
Israelis, who will live in peace and security when they
[...] have a peaceful neighbour, should have that [...]
peace and security.




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