

单词 亲家

家亲 ()

one's deceased close relatives
older generation in one's household (often referring one's



single parent family


family-like close relationship [idiom.]

See also:


parent n
marriage n
relative n

in person
in favor of
one's own (flesh and blood)
parents-in-law of one's offspring

External sources (not reviewed)

这一承认表明将保护智利现有 的各种形式的家庭,不管是亲家庭 、 大家庭、重组家庭和还是核心家庭。
This recognition implied the protection of all types of families existing in Chile, whether single parental, expanded, recomposed or nuclear.
根据 2000 年 2 月 18 日关于共和国和地方人口社会支助基金的第 827-XIV 号法律以及 2000 年 10 月 26 日第 1083
[...] 地方人口社会支助基金法的条例,每年向拥有子女的家庭、拥有 16 岁以下残疾 儿童家庭、单亲家庭、 需要监护非社会福利机构孤儿的家庭、由于需要照顾 [...]
3 岁以下子女而没有参加就业的人员以及其他低收入家庭提供援助,以及向孤儿、
In accordance with the Law on the republican fund and local funds of social support of population No. 827-XIV from 18 February 2000 and the Regulations adopted by Government Decision No. 1083 from 26 October 2000 on implementation of the Law on the republican fund and the local funds of social support of population, aid is offered annually to families with children, to families with
children with disabilities of an age of up
[...] to 16 years, single parent families, families [...]
with tutorship on non-institutionalised
orphan children, persons not involved in employment due to the need to take care of children until the age of 3 years and other families with low incomes, as well as to orphan children and left without parental care and who are under care of the social assistance and family protection Sections/Directorates.
2007 年期间,所有向有子女家庭提供的财政援助分配给了下列各类人员:
有 4 个以上子女的家庭收到了 20 499
[...] 个单位的援助,总额为 497 万列伊;有残 疾儿童的家庭收到了 15 182 个统单位的援助,总额为 435 万列伊;亲家庭获 提供 17 138 个单位的援助,总额为 439 万列伊;监护非社会福利机构孤儿的家 庭获提供 4 906 个单位的援助,总额为 [...]
149 万列伊;低收入的有子女家庭获提供
19 656 个单位的援助,总额为 740 万列伊。
During 2007 total monetary aid offered to children with families was distributed to the following categories of persons: families with 4 or more children, have received 20,499 units of aid, the total amount of which was 4.97 million lei; families with children with disabilities have received 15,182 units of aid, in total
amount of 4.35 million
[...] lei; single parent families 17,138 units of aid have been offered with a total value of 4.39 million lei; families with tutorship [...]
over non-institutionalised
orphan children 4,906 units of aid have been offered, with a total value of 1.49 million lei; for families with children with low income 19,656 units of aid have been offered, with a total value of 7.4 million lei.
在各个年龄段,亲家庭的女性 户主占到四分之三以上,其中 50 岁以上年龄段为 74.8%,25 [...]
至 34 岁年龄段高达 79.8%。
Women form three quarters or more within each [...]
age group, which is between 74.8 per cent in the age group of 50 years old
and older and up to 79.8 per cent in the age group of 25-34 years old.
澳门特区政府自行或与私人团体合作筹办家庭支援中心( 如家庭服务中心、 日间护理中心等 ) ,旨在协助面临特殊情况的家庭,并为此设立了有效的机制应 对危急情况,尤其是婚姻或家庭破裂、 亲家 庭 、 低收入家庭和尤其是涉及儿童 的家庭暴力等问题。
The MSAR Government, either by itself or in collaboration with private associations, has created family support centres aimed at helping families in special situations (such as family service centres and day care centres) and has developed efficient mechanisms to deal with crisis situations, in particular those arising from marital or family break-ups, single-parent families, low income families and domestic violence, especially when children are involved.
收养事务法定机构收养事务管理局以及卫生服务执行局向被收养 者、将子女送人收养的父母、收养子女的父母以及将儿童送人收养人的 亲家庭 的成员提供协助。
The Adoption Authority – the statutory authority for adoptions – and the Health Service Executive assist adopted people,
parents who have placed children for adoption,
[...] adoptive parents, and natural family members of [...]
people placed for adoption.
苏 黎世的一项研究(Müller 和
Kucera-Bauer,2001 年)发现,在可以获得负担得
[...] 起的幼儿保育的情况下,母亲的工作时间几乎翻了一番,特别是对于拥有一名 或多名子女的亲家庭而 言,而且由公共资助的幼儿保育可以为个人在年富力 [...]
赖(引自经合组织,2006 年)。
The Zurich study (Müller and Kucera-Bauer, 2001) found that, when affordable childcare was
available, the rate of hours worked by mothers almost doubled, especially
[...] for single-headed households with one or more [...]
children, and that
publicly funded childcare resulted in higher productivity and earnings and less dependence on social assistance during the productive and retirement ages (cited in OECD, 2006).
家庭新建 住房的所有权应该是夫妻共有,除非这个家庭是 亲家 庭。
Title to new housing for families should be joint, except where the household is headed by a single parent.
这些流离失所的家庭中很多都是 亲家 庭 , 极为 脆弱。
Many of these
[...] displaced families are single-headed households, [...]
which are extremely vulnerable.
然而,2003 年后,由于实施了旨在支助有子女家庭的新方案(例如:新生儿 补贴,育儿补偿,为产假期间返回工作岗位的母亲/父亲发放奖金,新生儿用 品,家庭额外补助,亲家庭支 助补贴),这对女性雇员产生了积极影响,尤其 是在城市地区,子女数量明显增长。
However, after 2003, because of the new programs aimed at supporting families with children (for example: the new-born allowance, the child raising indemnity and the bonus for the mother/father who returns to the labour field although being in child raising leave, the new-born trousseau, the additional family allowance and the support allowance for the single parent family), positive effects among the women employees and an increase of number of children can be noticed, mainly in the urban area.
这里所 说的德国家庭并不全是传统意义上的家庭,也可能是单身独 居者或者是亲家庭。
This can be either a family in the classical sense, or an individual person or a single parent.
[...] 一种侵权情况都导致农业的女性人数日增或丧失生产,造成更多女性为户主的家 庭或亲家庭。
Both variations have a major impact on the people, their economies and their cultural identity and heritage; either variation leads to
a further feminization of agriculture or a loss of production and to more households headed by
[...] females or by one parent.
必须加大努力扶持亲家庭抚养子女,因为他们往往最 易陷入贫困和遭受社会排斥。
More efforts are needed in
[...] support of single-parent families raising children, [...]
who are often the most vulnerable to poverty and exclusion.
委员会虽 注意到发放了儿童津贴并为有子女家庭发放了其它福利金,然而,对三、四名子 女的家庭或亲家庭仍 陷于颇为严重的贫困窘境感到关切。
While noting the provision of child allowances and other benefits to families with children, the Committee is concerned about the situation of families with three or more children and single-parent households, who continue to be disproportionately affected by poverty.
委员会建议缔约国采取针对性预防措施,来保护诸如孤儿和 亲家 庭 子 女 等易受害儿童的权利,并且保卫他们不成为《任择议定书》所列罪行的受害人。
(23) The Committee recommends that the State party adopt targeted preventive measures to protect the rights of
vulnerable children, such as orphans and
[...] children from single parent families, and safeguard [...]
them from becoming victims of all the
offences under the Optional Protocol.
亲家庭陷 入极度经济困境时,堂区团体(如圣云先会)可帮助他们解决燃眉之急,或协助他们申请综援,或作其他安排。
When these families fall into dire poverty, [...]
parish communities (e.g. Society of St. Vincent de Paul) can help them to meet
their urgent material needs, or to apply for public assistance or have recourse to other arrangements.
孟加拉国还特别发现, 童工和母亲的教育程度相关。来自文盲 亲家 庭 的 童工人数,比母亲受过初等教 育的家庭多 6%,与母亲受过中等教育的家庭相比,这一比例更高。
In particular, Bangladesh has found a correlation between child labour and the educational attainment of mothers, with 6 per cent higher incidence of child labour in households with mothers with no education compared to those with mothers with primary education, and even higher in comparison those with mothers with secondary education.
研究人员从饱受骚扰的居民家里——包括其中一位研究人员的 亲家 — —收集了大量野生花斑瓢虫,并给其中一些注射了细菌和酵母菌。
Scientists collected wild harlequin ladybirds from infested homes—including the home of the mother of one of the authors—and injected some with bacteria or yeast.
出生于亲家庭的 他把妈妈留在中国,独自一个人来纽西兰闯。
He was born
[...] in a single parent family, and lived [...]
with his mum.
(E/C.12/2001/10)中提 出的建议,确保将经济、社会和文化权利充分纳入扶贫战略。委员会请缔约国在 下一次定期报告中详细介绍战略措施取得的成果,其中包括关于贫困人口比例的
[...] 最新年度统计数据,按性别、年龄、家庭子女人数、 亲家 庭 数量、城乡居民以 及民族分列。
The Committee requests the State party to include in its next periodic report detailed information on the results of the measures taken under the strategy, including updated statistical data, on an annual basis, on the percentage of the population living in poverty, disaggregated by
gender, age, number of children per household,
[...] number of single parent households, rural/urban [...]
population and ethnic group.
(y) 制定或增强旨在援助处境特别困难家庭的幼儿方案,包括旨在援助亲 家庭或 以儿童为户主的家庭、处境最脆弱和最不利的家庭、赤贫家庭和照顾残疾 儿童家庭的幼儿方案
(y) To develop or enhance early childhood programmes targeted at assisting families facing especially difficult circumstances, including those headed by single parents or children, those living in the most vulnerable and disadvantaged situations and those living in extreme poverty or caring for children with disabilities
Single Parent: A child who is cared for by one parent without the physical assistance of the other parent.
三分之一的人口仍然生活在 贫困线以下,许多亲家庭和 移民家庭受到贫困的 威胁。
One third of the population still lived below the poverty line and many single-parent and migrant households were at risk.
Assistance to large families and single-parent families is an effective [...]
strategy to combat overall poverty.
家庭,姻亲家庭或与相关责任 人有专业关系、工作关系或业务合 作关系的第三方,或者为合作伙伴 为 了 保 持 历 来 卓 越 的 业 务 成 绩 , TECNO LITE公司需要以尊重他人 [...]
为基础,为其伟大的公司团队创造 一个和谐的工作环境。
Relatives of TECNO LITE employees any form of care, handling or resolution of matters in [...]
which they have a personal, family
or business interest, including those that can result in benefit for themselves, their spouse or blood relatives up to the fourth degree, adoptive family or family by marriage, or third parties with which they have professional, work, or business relationships, or for partnerships or corporations of which the said persons form or have formed a part.
天幕国际传媒最近还在中国市场上发行了《魔鬼女大兵》、《特 亲家 》 、 《幸运数字斯莱文》、《沉静的美国人》等知名电影。
NCMI has also recently distributed well known movies such as G.I. Jane, The In Laws, Lucky Number Slevin, The Quiet American and others into the China market.
缔约国还指出,提交人可以在 第一安全的国家提出难民申请,不用在美国第一提交人的 亲家 逗 留三个月后再 前往加拿大提出难民申请,这是合乎情理的。
It further noted that it was reasonable to expect from the authors that they would make
a refugee claim in the
[...] first safe country and not stay in the United States visiting the first author’s mother for three [...]
months before travelling
to Canada to make their refugee claim.
这个政府保险计划为其成员提供退休金(例如养老、抚养配偶、身体残疾)以及与工伤事故、普通事故、疾病、怀孕、生育、 亲家 庭 和 丧葬有关的福利费用。
All Norwegian citizens and individuals working in Norway are automatically qualified for membership of the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme, a government insurance scheme entitling members to pensions (e.g. old age, survivors, disability) as well as
benefits in connection with industrial accidents, accidents and illness, pregnancy,
[...] birth, single parent families and funerals.
相对于亲家庭而言,家庭教会(全家为教友)负有特别使命。后者应开放自己的家门,欢迎相熟的 亲家 庭 子 女到访,让他们分享家庭生活,体会家庭不同成员的角色模型和行为榜样。
Domestic churches (i.e. families whose members are all Catholics) have a special mission towards the single-parent families: they should open their doors to welcome the visits of the children of single-parent families whom they know, allowing these children to share their own family life and to have some experience of the roles and behaviour models of different family members.
这 毋庸置疑的提升了波兰的国际形象,因为家亲眼见 证我们成为了经济迅速发展并有着 稳定法律基础的国家。
This undoubtedly improves the global image of Poland, because we are now seen as partners with a strongly growing economy and stable legal rules.




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