

单词 亲和

亲和 noun, plural ()

affinities pl


亲和性 n

affinity n


affinity (biology)

皮肤亲和性 adj

skin friendliness adj

See also:

in person
in favor of
parents-in-law of one's offspring
one's own (flesh and blood)


parent n
relative n
marriage n

External sources (not reviewed)

为此原因,申诉人的亲和其四名兄弟姐妹也移居到 伊斯坦布尔。
For this reason, the complainant’s mother and his four brothers and sisters also moved to Istanbul.
出逃后,她找到沃若尔县负责人并报告了自己情况,随后该负责人联系了联合国儿童基金会和联合国南苏丹特派团(UNMISS),推动 亲和 重 回 家园的进程。
She fled and reported herself to the County Commissioner of Wuror, who then
contacted UNICEF and the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) to facilitate the
[...] process of family tracing and reunion.
房之后向他开枪,然后对家庭其他成员躲藏的房 间开火,打伤亲和三位 兄弟,打死第四个兄 弟。
out of his house and then opened fire
into the room where the rest of the family was sheltering,
[...] wounding the mother and three brothers [...]
and killing a fourth.
产后的探访发现,亲和婴儿 拉玛健康状况良好。
During the postnatal visit, both mother and baby Rama were found to be in good health.
出土的 汉朝(公元前206年–公元225年)古代中国陶器上可见到稻 田养鱼的设计,十三世纪泰国国王的题字,以及例如越南 的“稻和鱼就象亲和孩子”的传统歌曲,这些均实际证明 稻鱼组合在传统上被认为是财富和稳定的指标。
Designs of rice fields with fish on ancient Chinese pottery from tombs of the Han Dynasty (206 BC–225 AD), inscriptions from a thirteenth century king of Thailand, and traditional sayings, such as one from Viet Nam – “rice and fish are like mother and children”, are all testament that the combination of rice and fish has traditionally been regarded as an indicator of wealth and stability.
就本案而言,受到指控的缔约国从 来没有质疑提交人关于将其亲和叔 父 作为受害人的权利。在这种情况下,委员 [...]
会能够做的就是核实他们是否确实具有受害人的地位;换句话说就是:在这个案 件中《公约》所规定的权利是否受到了侵犯。
In the Benaziza case, the respondent State
has never questioned the author’s right
[...] to present her father and uncles as [...]
victims, and, under those circumstances, all
that remains for the Committee to do is to verify whether they do indeed have the status of victims, in other words, whether in their case one or more of the rights contained in the Covenant has been violated.
每到一地他都发现,这些官员认识到打破现状的 必要性、愿意与他和双方努力推动更实质性的接触及进行更灵活的讨论,并赞同 必须在建立信任措施方面加强工作,包括恢复空路探亲、早日启动陆路 亲和尽 早 考虑 2004 年联合国难民事务高级专员办事处(难民署)行动计划列举的其他建 立信任措施。
Everywhere, he found recognition of the need to move beyond the status quo, a readiness to work with him and the parties to promote more substantive engagement and more flexible discussions, and agreement on the need to intensify work on confidence-building measures, including the resumption of family visits by air, the early inauguration of family visits by road and early consideration of other confidence-building measures contained in the 2004 plan of action of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
[...] 应该推广这种声援与合作的精神,从而使人类能够 在实现与地球亲和谐共 处的和平和安宁的未来方 面迈出巨大的一步。
That spirit of solidarity and cooperation should prevail at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable
Development so that mankind could take a giant step into a future of peace and
[...] well-being in harmony with Mother Nature.
改善母亲健康的活动主要集中于在一线卫生设施(综合卫生中心)和医院提 供综合产前护理;为亲和 0-15 岁儿童免费治疗疟疾;向感染艾滋病毒/艾滋病 [...]
的患者提供免费医疗;向母亲发放经杀虫剂处理过的蚊帐;为综合保健中心和转 诊医院配置设备和必要的和急用的产科和新生儿护理药物;对产科人员和保健中
心进行必要的产科及新生儿保健和基本急救方面的现场全面培训/进修;对孕妇 和儿童正常进行免疫接种;母亲正常补铁,儿童和产后期的母亲补维生素 A。
Activities to improve maternal health include integrating prenatal follow-up care within all front-line health facilities (Integrated Health
Centres) and hospitals; making malaria
[...] treatment free to mothers and children [...]
up to 15 years of age; provision of free medical
care to people living with HIV/AIDS; distributing insecticide-treated mosquito nets to mothers; provision of equipment and medication for basic and emergency obstetric and neonatal care to Integrated Health Centres and national referral hospitals; on-site training in/review of basic and emergency obstetric and neonatal care and comprehensive first-aid care for maternal health-care workers and at Integrated Health Centres; systematic vaccination of pregnant women and children; systematic administration of iron to mothers and vitamin A to children and to mothers post-partum.
这不是基督应该由该monophysites否认天主教神学家谁最好攻击的理论,对已行使人类活动,将人类行为,人类的认知行为,显然是错误的确认为男子倒卧在没有区分人类或混合(theandric的)活动基督,而纯粹是神圣的活动,将知识,而儿子已在共同与 亲和 圣 灵,并其实神性。
It was not supposed by the best Catholic theologians who attacked the doctrine that the Monophysites denied Christ to have exercised human activities, human acts of the will, human acts of cognition; the error was clearly recognized as lying in the failure to distinguish between the human or the mixed (theandric) activity of Christ as Man, and the purely Divine
activity, will, knowledge, which the Son has in
[...] common with the Father and the Holy [...]
Spirit, and which are in fact the Divine Nature.
缔约国还具体指出,不会将与申诉人 亲和 姐 姐有关的诉求和 申诉人的诉求区分开来,因为它们涉及的是同一个问题。
The State party specifies as well that the claims related to the author‟s mother and sister will not be distinguished from that of the author as they relate to the same issue.
此外,由于根据预防战略发展了初级卫生保 健,亲和儿童 有了更多获得卫生保健的途径。
Furthermore, as a result of the development
of primary health care based on preventive strategies, access to
[...] health care for mothers and children had [...]
been improved.
为了加强家庭教育和社区动员(世界卫生组织预计,通过家庭教育和社会动 员可确保并发症发病率、产妇死亡率和新生儿死亡率下降 30%),2006 年在“为 了一个健康活泼的孩子”的主题下,开展了对未来 亲和 子 女的“全国宣传活 动”。
In order to strengthen the education of the family and mobilisation of the community, which according to the WHO estimates may reduce the ratio of complications and maternal and neonatal deaths with 30%, in 2006 the National
Communication Campaign was launched on
[...] the future mothers and children under the title of “for a Handsome and Healthy Child”.
先生Maellard(持久性有机污染物的 亲和 在 公 园的所有者)希望他的儿子给了重要讲话,但是,流行音乐患有怯场。
Mr. Maellard (Pops’ father and the owner of [...]
the park) expects his son to give an important speech; however, Pops suffers from stage fright.
在区域层面,南亚区域合作联盟(南盟)领导人在 2008 年承认同地球亲和谐相 处的价值,强调必需借 鉴南亚关于环境责任与可持续性的古老的文化价值 和传统,恢复同自然的和谐。
At the regional level, the leaders of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) in 2008, by acknowledging the value of living in harmony with Mother Earth, emphasized the need for restoring harmony with nature, drawing on ancient South Asian cultural values and traditions of environmental responsibility and sustainability.
应当指出,这是从来没有想过在这种情况下要跟踪一个学说回到最早的时候;圣文森特要求教会的信仰产生怀疑的证据之前, - 这是他的antiquitas概念,以及在符合有鉴于此,由议会和教皇引用的 亲和 父 亲 的 大 部分是最近(Petavius​​,德Incarn。
It should be noted that it was never in such cases thought necessary to trace a doctrine back to the earliest times; St. Vincent demanded the proof of the Church's belief before a doubt arose -- this is his notion of antiquitas; and in conformity with this view, the Fathers quoted by councils and popes and Fathers are for the most part recent (Petavius, De Incarn., XIV, 15, 2-5).
在学习 和 研究领 域 ,依照先 后于 1990 年和 2002 年 召
开的两次世界儿童问 题首脑会议所确立的世界目标评估,阿尔及利亚定 期对所取得的进展 进 行
[...] 评 估 , 特别侧 重 于亲 和 婴 儿健康(1995 年的中期调 [...]
查 和 2000 年的终期调查)和家庭健康(2002 年的 EASF 调查)。
In the area of study and research, following the evaluation of world objectives established successively in 1990 and then in 2002 by the two World Summits for Children, Algeria has regularly carried out evaluations of the
progress achieved, focusing in particular on
[...] the health of mothers and children [...]
(in the MDG 1995 and EDG 2000 surveys) and
on the health of the family (EASF 2002).
这是一部很短的默片,两名专业演员分别饰演了 亲和 女 儿 ,把她们之间非常紧张的关系用一种非常纯粹的身体交流表现出来。
This short, silent video featureing a scene performed by two
professional actors demonstrates the intense relationship
[...] between a mother and daughter as purely [...]
physical communication.
o 使教科文组织少一点官僚主义,更 亲和 力 ,这一点对非政府组织尤为重要。
making UNESCO more accessible and less bureaucratic, [...]
especially important for NGOs”.
其宗旨是通过在营养、卫生保健、教育和身份认证方面提供相应 服务而促进行使各项基本权利;包括向积极参与该方案所涉活动的 亲和 教辅 人员发放货币津贴(35 美元)。
In addition, financial incentives (US$ 35) are offered to mothers or guardians on the condition that they participate actively in the programme.
在目前审查千年发展目标(千年目标)的背景下, 该国政府努力向亲和五岁 以下儿童提供免费医疗、 其成功的防治艾滋病毒/艾滋病和疟疾方案、其针对 [...]
小农户而且常常是赤贫农户开展商业化方案,以及修 建道路支线将封闭的村庄与全国公路网相联,这些工 作具有特别重要的意义。
Against the background of the ongoing review of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs),
the Government’s efforts to provide free
[...] medical care to mothers and children under [...]
five, its successful programmes to fight
HIV/AIDS and malaria, its commercialization programme for small and often desperately poor farmers, and the construction of feeder roads connecting isolated villages to the national road grid are of particular importance.
这一团体强调减缓灾害,并重点关注 亲和 教 师 ,同时在儿童中培养地震防 护技能。
This group emphasizes disaster
[...] mitigation and focuses on mothers and teachers, [...]
fostering seismic protection skills among children.
我们和家族村的人和我的亲和母亲 、 我 的兄弟姐妹和他们的配偶照了一张大照片,我们都在。
We had a big picture taken with the family village
[...] and my mother and father, my brothers and [...]
sisters and their spouses, and we were all there.
丹尼斯-安特维博士说,从长远来看, 她希望:每一个亲和孩子 都能有保健计划,希望一个充满活力的社会能够让那 些掌握权力的人真正负起责任;改善女童的教育;有规范的合格助产士队伍,并 且有计划确保其有效部署、重新分配和留用。
In the long run, Dr. Dennis-Antwi said that she would like to see insurance schemes for every mother and child; a vibrant community that holds those responsible accountable; improved education of the girl child; and the emergence of a standardized competent cadre of midwives and schemes to ensure their effective deployment, redistribution and retention.
委员会深为关切《儿童保护法》没有规定适当机制,从而为单亲母亲保障适 当的家庭和父母支持,以及从亲和 其 他 对儿童有经济责任者处获得赡养补偿。
The Committee is deeply concerned that the Child Protection Code fails to provide appropriate mechanisms to secure adequate family and parental support to single mothers and maintenance recovery from fathers or other persons having financial responsibility for the child.
BMForum 同时拥有的多项插件可以保证您论坛的活跃性,如宠物插件、虚拟形象 Flash
[...] 秀、点歌台、社区银行、社区赌场、论坛日历、彩票发行、伴侣速配、广告宣传、节日礼物放送等一些非常实用和吸引用户的娱乐插件、功能性插件,增强了论坛 亲和 力。
BMForum also has a number of plug-ins can guarantee that your forum activity , such as pet plug-in, virtual image of the Flash show , song units , community banks, community casino , Calendar , lottery , partner match , advertising , holiday gift delivery and some
very useful plug-ins and entertainment to attract users , functionality
[...] plug-ins to enhance the affinity of the Forum .
(d) 确保各国按劳工组织各项公约中的承诺制定旨在为所有人创造充分、生
[...] 产性就业机会和体面工作的政策措施,使妇女受益,包括促进妇女和女孩(包括亲和孕妇 )获得正式和非正式教育、平等的技能发展和就业机会,缩小妇女与男 [...]
(d) Ensuring that women benefit from policy measures to generate full and productive employment and decent work for all, in accordance with commitments by States to International Labour Organization conventions, including policy measures to
promote, inter alia, access of women and
[...] girls, including mothers and pregnant women, [...]
to formal and non-formal education, equal
skills development and employment opportunities, and closing wage gaps between women and men, recognizing women’s unpaid work, including care work
[...] 疗,而这种情况可能对新近被确定为艾滋病毒抗体阳性的 亲和 儿 童 产生负面影 响。
The economic slowdown, however, is affecting whether or not newly diagnosed individuals are started or maintained on antiretroviral
treatment (ART); this is likely to have a
[...] negative impact on mothers and children who [...]
are newly identified as HIV-positive.
从而它们显示出反应性能发生改变, 有了众多的反应可能性,和亲电性也和亲核性试剂反应。
As a result, they show a changed reaction behavior and permit a wide range of reactions with both electrophilic and nucleophilic reagents.
除惨痛的死 亡现象外,灾害对该领域的影响包括生计资产损失,例如船、网具、网箱、养殖 池和亲鱼、 捕捞后处理和加工设施以及上岸点。
In addition to the tragic loss of life, the effects of disasters on the sector can include the loss of livelihood assets such as boats, gear, cages, aquaculture ponds and broodstock, postharvest and processing facilities, and landing sites.




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