

单词 亲事



propose marriage


attend to everything personally

See also:


relative n
parent n
marriage n

External sources (not reviewed)

委员会还感到关切的 是,全国儿童和亲理事会可 能缺乏必要的资源,使其不能有效地促进对《任择 议定书》的认识并传播有关信息。
It is further concerned
[...] that the National Council on Childhood and Motherhood may [...]
lack the necessary resources to effectively
disseminate and promote awareness of the Optional Protocol.
他还声称,他孩子们的心理状况在听说 亲 死 亡 一 事 后 已 经恶化。
He also claimed that his children’s psychological state had
[...] deteriorated since they had learned of their mother’s death.
在民事 方面,缔约国重申其观点:死者的 亲 曾 提 提起事 诉讼,并且因其儿子在一起交通事故中死亡而得到了 [...]
On the civil front, the State party reiterated its view
[...] that the deceased’s father pursued a civil action [...]
and received compensation for the
death of his son following a traffic accident.
如果您决定委托留学中介进行留学准备,请确保您已充分了解该中介可提供的服务内容,以及需要由 亲 自 完成 的 事 项。
If you decide to work through an education
agent, ensure that you understand what services the agent will provide and anything
[...] that you are expected to do yourself.
鉴于最新事态发展和你作为大会主席的身份,我请 亲 自 同 安全 事 会 成 员 并与有关各方领导人交涉,要求立即停止暴力并努力在加沙重新建立稳定。
In view of the latest developments, and in your capacity as President of the General Assembly, I would like to seek
your personal intervention with
[...] members of the Security Council and with the leaders [...]
of the concerned parties to demand
an immediate cessation of violence and that they work to re-establish stability in Gaza.
家人与朋友 如果您的配偶、亲属、前任或现任 事 或 亲 密 的 私人朋友(统称“您的家人或 朋友”)在路博润当前或潜在供应商、客户或竞争对手中拥有个人权益,则可 能引起利益冲突。
A conflict of interest could arise if your spouse, a relative, a former or current co-worker or a close personal friend (collectively, “your family or friends”) has a personal stake in a current or potential supplier, customer or competitor of Lubrizol.
(c) 一些儿童受到心理或间接影响,包括失去单亲或双亲的儿童、在暴力 中受伤的儿童亲眼目击事件或 通过媒体等方式获知事件的儿童,以及其生活受 到有关事件影响的儿童和家人。
(c) A number of children are affected psychologically or indirectly, including children who have lost one or both of their parents; children
injured by the
[...] violence; children who witnessed the incidents first hand or have been informed of the incidents by, [...]
among others, the
media, and children and families whose lives have been affected by the incidents.
承认在执行《联合国反腐败公约》方面取得一些进展,但也认识到各国在追 回非法转移资金方面仍然面临挑战,这,除其他外,特别是因为:各国法律制度 的差异、多重管辖的调查和诉讼、不了解其他国家的相互法律援助程序、难以确 定非法转移资金的流向;注意到在涉及被或曾被委以重要公职的人员及其家庭成 员亲密同事的情 况下所面临的特殊挑战,还认识到法律困难往往因为事实和体 制障碍而变得更严重
Acknowledging the progress made towards the implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, butrecognizing that States continue to face challenges in recovering funds of illicit origin owing to, inter alia, differences in legal systems, the complexity of multijurisdictional investigations and prosecutions, lack of familiarity with the mutual legal assistance procedures of other States and difficulties in identifying the flow of funds of illicit origin, and noting the particular challenges in recovering them in cases involving individuals who are or have been entrusted with prominent public functions and their family members and close associates, and recognizing also that legal difficulties are often exacerbated by factual and institutional obstacles
(f) 每项关于候补董事的委任及撤销委任,应以书面文件由 事亲 自 作 出,而 该文件只应在送达本公司的注册办事处或秘书后才生效。
(f) Every appointment and revocation of appointment of an alternate Director shall be made by
instrument in writing under the
[...] hand of the Director making or revoking such appointment and [...]
such instrument shall only take
effect on the service thereof at the registered office of the Company or upon the Secretary.
应当作出努力,组织和促进开展研究,审查由于 亲 对 抗 刑 事 司 法 系统,尤 其是亲被监 禁而受到影响的儿童人数,以及这种状况对儿童的影响,从而有助 于政策制定和方案开发,其中应考虑到儿童的最佳利益。
Efforts shall be made to organize and promote research on the
number of children
[...] affected by their mothers’ confrontation with the criminal justice system, and [...]
imprisonment in particular,
and the impact of this on the children, in order to contribute to policy formulation and programme development, taking into account the best interests of the children.
还建议进一步采取 3 个步骤:使工具箱具有 更大的互动性,好像维基百科那样;把它改造成一个准网络,每个实例至少提供 一亲身参与其事的人 ,以便人们可以直接就其经验进行通信;和对走过这些过 程的人进行在线调查,了解他们的主要相关问题。
Three additional steps were recommended: make the toolkit more interactive, such as a Wikipedia; convert it into a quasi-network by identifying at least one person personally involved in each case study with whom people can communicate directly about the experience; and do an online survey with those who have gone through these processes for their key pertinent questions.
另 一个例子是全国亲与儿童理事会 ,该 理 事 会 的 许多 全国行动计划促进教育平等和改善对女孩的卫生服 务,特别是防止暴力和有害做法,例如女性生殖器切 割。
Another example was the National Council for Motherhood and Childhood, [...]
whose numerous national action plans promoted equality
in education and the improvement of health services for girls, especially to prevent violence and harmful practices such as female genital mutilation.
首先,总事亲自采 取行动,利用一切会议和出差的 机会,说服潜在的自愿捐助者,这样的行动被证明非常有效。
First, the personal
[...] action of the Director-General, all [...]
of whose public addresses and official visits provide opportunities
to convince potential voluntary donors, is obviously useful and undoubtedly efficient.
主席先生,你今亲自在安全事会 这里主持这 次讨论会,使它成为各方关注的焦点。我希望这次会 议不仅仅只是一次普普通通的会议,希望我们将会采 取后续行动,尽一切力量使联合国的最重要使命之一 ——建立和平、维持和平和建设和平——能够更有效 地开展下去。
So, Mr. President, I hope the discussion that you have brought to the forefront by chairing this summit here in the Security Council is not just another meeting, but that we will follow through and do everything we can to make one of the most important missions of the United Nations — peacemaking, peacekeeping and peacebuilding — more effective.
鉴于安理会关于立即实行持久、受到全面尊重的停火以促成以色列从加沙全 面撤军的呼吁被置若罔闻,总理请 亲 自 同 安全 事 会 成员并与有关各方领导人 交涉,要求立即停止暴力并重新召开大会紧急特别会议,以按照大会题为“联合 一致共策和平”的 1950 年 11 月 3 日第 377(V)号决议的精神处理加沙局势。
The Prime Minister requests your personal intervention with members of the Security Council and with the leaders of the concerned parties to demand an immediate cessation of violence as well as the reconvening of the emergency special session of the General Assembly to address the situation in Gaza in the spirit of General Assembly resolution 377 (V), of 3 November 1950, entitled “Uniting for peace”.
最 后,关于没有钱离开 土耳其或者没有离
开 土耳其的必要证明 文件的外籍人 士 ,政府报告说,他们被安 排 在特殊 的 招 待 所,一直 可 以
[...] 住 到 回 国 前 , 如果他们本人及亲 属 或有关事 馆 和大使馆支付 不起他的旅 行费用,土耳 [...]
Finally, concerning foreigners who do not have the financial means or necessary documents in order to leave the country, the Government reported that they are accommodated in
special guest houses until their return
[...] and that the Government of Turkey will bear the travel [...]
costs if they cannot be afforded
by the foreigner, his relatives or the relevant consulate or embassy.
从公司IPO的角度来看,任命这样一位高管无疑会激发投资者的兴趣,而且还将缓解投资者对马云 事亲 力 亲 为 的 忧虑。
The presence of such an executive will add more clarity to the company by identifying a clear potential successor for Ma.
在细则其他规定的规限下,在一般情况或任何特定情况下,凡加盖印章 的文书须经一位董事及秘书或两位董事或董事会委任的其他一位或以上人士(包括事)亲笔签 署,惟就本公司股份或债权证或其他证券的任何证书而言,董事会可 藉决议案决定该等签署或其中之一获免除或以某些机械签署方法或系统加上。
Subject as otherwise provided in these Articles, any instrument to which a Seal is affixed shall be signed autographically by one Director and the Secretary or by two Directors or by such other person (including a Director) or persons as the Board may appoint, either generally or in any particular case, save that as regards any certificates for shares or debentures or other securities of the Company the Board may by resolution determine that such signatures or either of them shall be dispensed with or affixed by some method or system of mechanical signature.
[...] [...] 事有权在与作出委任的董事相同的范围内代替该董事接收董事会会议或董事委员会 会议的通知,并有权在作为董事的范围内出席作出委任的 事 未 有 亲 自 出 席的任何 上述会议及在会议上表决,以及一般地在上述会议上行使及履行其委任人作为董事 [...]
An alternate Director shall, if his appointor so requests, be entitled to receive notices of meetings of the Board or of committees of the Board to the same extent as, but in lieu of, the Director appointing him and shall be entitled to such
extent to attend and vote as
[...] a Director at any such meeting at which the Director appointing [...]
him is not personally present
and generally at such meeting to exercise and discharge all the functions, powers and duties of his appointor as a Director and for the purposes of the proceedings at such meeting the provisions of these Articles shall apply as if he were a Director save that as an alternate for more than one Director his voting rights shall be cumulative.
(c) 候补董事应有权收取所有董事会会议的通知,并且作为董事出席委任人事没有亲身出 席的任何会议,及以董事的身份而非管理人或营运董事的身 份,履行该委任人董事的所有职能、权利、权力和职责。
(c) An alternate Director shall be entitled to receive notices of all meetings of the Board and to attend and vote as a Director at any such meeting at which the Director appointing him is not personally present, and generally to perform all the functions, rights, powers and duties of the Director by whom he was appointed in his capacity as a Director but not in his capacity as a manager or working Director.
在这方面,秘书长强调指 出亲身进 行干预有各种好处,而且有必要通过增强人力资源和财务管理方面 的协调和监测来协助区域事处, 并确保全组织采取统一的做法和统一贯彻政 策。
In this regard, the Secretary-General highlighted the
[...] advantages of in-person intervention, as well as the need to assist the regional offices through improved coordination and monitoring in the area of human resources and [...]
financial management
and to ensure consistent practices and application of policies across the Organization.
[...] 程碑视作另一种形式的赔偿,因为受害者在法庭上讲述自己的 事 , 亲 眼 目 睹伸 张正义的过程也有助于其愈合过程。
I also invite you to think of the milestone of victims’ participation in
the Court’s proceedings as another form of
[...] reparation, as telling their stories [...]
in the courtroom and seeing justice being done
also contributes to their healing process.
一位前厄立特里亚事教官曾亲自参 与训练该团体所属人员, 他向监察组表示,提格雷人民民主运动的主要根据地是Harena,但也从Een等一 [...]
A former Eritrean military instructor who personally [...]
trained members of the group told the Monitoring Group that Demhit
was mainly based out of Harena, but also operated from a number of smaller camps, including Een, as well as temporary positions along the Ethiopian border.
在联合国大会为庆祝《联合国文化遗产年》结束而专门举行的会议上,57 届联大通过 了 57/158
[...] 号决议,重申教科文组织在这一领域中牵头机构的作用,并邀请总 事亲 自 向第 58 届联大作关于《联合国文化遗产年》活动的总结报告。
At a meeting marking the end of the United Nations Year for Cultural Heritage, the fiftyseventh United Nations General Assembly reaffirmed in resolution 57/158
UNESCO’s role as lead agency in this field and
[...] invited the Director-General to submit [...]
the report on the Year in person at its fifty-eighth session.
事方可亲自向 上诉法庭陈述案情,也可指定来自工作人员法律协助办公室 的法律顾问,或指定获准在某个国家管辖范围担任执业律师的法律顾问。
A party may present his or her case before the Appeals Tribunal in person or may designate counsel from the Office of Staff Legal Assistance or counsel authorized to practice law in a national jurisdiction.
在以下具体预防犯罪领域进行了研究或传播了研究结果:规划国家技术援 助方案;闭路电视的最有效利用;评估法院分流方案;预防网络犯罪和身份犯 罪;犯罪置换的风险和预防犯罪举措促成犯罪的影响;预防金融犯罪;欺诈和 洗钱;预防恐怖主义活动和资助恐怖主义行为;禁毒执法对策;减少与酗酒有 关的暴力亲密伴 侣实施的暴力或凶杀;人口贩运;以及关于重罪和有组织犯 罪以及预防山林纵火的会议。
Specific areas of research and dissemination of findings related to crime prevention include: planning for a national programme of technical assistance; the most effective use of closed-circuit television; evaluations of court diversion programmes; the prevention of cybercrime and identity crime; the risks of crime displacement and criminogenic effects of crime prevention initiatives; the prevention of financial crime; fraud and money-laundering; the prevention of terrorist activities and the financing of terrorism; law enforcement responses to drugs; the reduction of alcohol-related violence; intimate partner violence and homicide; human trafficking; and conferences on serious and organized crime and on bushfire arson prevention.
就不能被遣返阿富汗他们提出了与原 先截然不同的新根据:第一,他们曾在瑞典寻求庇护,这在阿富汗被视为严重罪
[...] 行;第二,第一申诉人曾为在瑞典的寻求庇护者担任过口译员因而被阿富汗秘密 警察记录在案;第三,他们亲的一 些宿敌是现政府官员,他们会因暴露姓名而 [...]
They invoke entirely new grounds against their expulsion to Afghanistan: first, that they sought asylum in Sweden, which is considered to be a serious crime in Afghanistan; second, that the first complainant is registered with the Afghan secret police because of having worked as an
interpreter for asylum-seekers in Sweden; third, that
[...] some of their father’s old enemies [...]
are officials in the present Government and
they will be killed because their name is known.
本公司亦將於股東週年大會上按股東週年大會通告載列的條款,就授予 事 發 行 授權 提呈普通決議案,以配發、發行及處理不超過本公司於有關決議案通過當日之已發行股本 面值總額20%之股份,以及於截至下列時間(以最早者為準)止期間內任何時間,將相當於 本公司於授出購回授權後購回之股份面值總額之任何股份,加入將授予 事 之 發 行授權 內:(a)本公司下屆股東週年大會結束時;(b)細則或任何適用法例規定本公司須舉行下屆股 東週年大會之期限屆滿時;及(c)該授權於股東大會上以普通決議案撤銷或修訂當日。
Ordinary resolutions will also be proposed at the Annual General Meeting in respect of the
granting of the Issue Mandate
[...] to the Directors, in the terms set out in the notice of the Annual General Meeting, to allot, issue and deal with Shares not exceeding 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company in issue as at the date of passing the relevant resolution, and adding to the Issue Mandate so granted to the Directors any Shares representing the aggregate nominal amount of the Shares repurchased by the Company after the granting of the Repurchase Mandate, at any time during the period ended on the earliest of (a) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the [...]
Company; (b) the expiration
of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the Articles or any applicable laws to be held; and (c) the date upon which such authority is revoked or varied by an ordinary resolution at a general meeting of Shareholders.
除上文披露者外,於最後可行日期, 事 並 不知悉任何其他人士於本公司的股份或 相關股份中擁有權益或淡倉,而該等權益或淡倉根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第2及第 3分部的條文須向本公司作出披露,或直接或間接擁有面值10%或以上任何類別股本 權益(或與該等股本有關的購股權),而該等股本附有權利可於任何情況下在本集團 任何其他成員公司的股東大會上投票。
Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practical Date, the Directors are not aware of any other person who had an interest or short position in the Shares or underlying Shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, directly or indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital, or options in respect of such capital, carrying rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of any other member of the Group.
(i) 本公司可按事會認 為合適之有關條款向本公司、其 任何附屬公司、本公司任何控股公司或任何有關控股 公 司 之 任 何 附 屬 公 司 之事 及 真誠 僱 員 提 供 財 務 援 助,以令彼等可買入或認購或以其他方式收購本公司 或本公司任何控股公司股份(全部或部份繳足),而 有關條款可包括一項提述,倘事不 再 擔任 事 ,或僱員不再受僱於本公司或有關其他公司,則以有關財 務援助買入或認購或以其他方式收購之股份須或可按事會認為合適之有關條款售予本公司或有關其他公 司。
(i) The Company may give financial assistance on such terms as the
Board thinks fit to directors and bona fide employees of the Company, any of
[...] its subsidiaries, any holding company of the Company or any subsidiary of any such holding company in order that they may purchase or subscribe or otherwise acquire shares (fully or partly paid) in the Company or any holding company of the Company and such terms may include a reference that, when a director ceases to be a director of, or an employee ceases to be employed by, the Company or such other company, shares purchased or subscribed or otherwise acquired with such financial assistance shall or may be sold to the Company or such other company on such terms as the Board thinks fit.




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