单词 | 亮起 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 亮起 verb —light up villuminate vExamples:(太阳或月亮)升起—come up See also:亮 adj—bright adj • clear adj 亮 v—show v • reveal v 亮—shine • resonant • resounding
如果过滤器 堵塞或气流过低,该指示灯就会亮起。 graco.com | The indicator light illuminates if the filter is clogged or has low airflow. graco.com |
透過檢查磁碟機的 LED 指示燈以確保磁碟機沒有在活動中 (指示燈 未亮起)。 seagate.com | Ensure that there is no activity on the drive by checking its LED—it should not be illuminated. seagate.com |
电池电量指示灯将持续亮起 4 秒钟,表示耳机已打开。 jabra.cn | Battery indicator will light up for 4 seconds showing [...] that the headset is on. jabra.com |
等待一两秒,然后按接听/结束按钮直到黄色指示 灯 亮起。 jabra.cn | Wait a couple of seconds, then press the answer/end button until the yellow light comes on. jabra.com |
如果电源 LED 仍未亮起,则电缆或板 无效。 graco.com | If the power LED still does not light, the cable or board is bad. graco.com |
通过此设置可以规定,在信号(逻辑 1)活动时,发送-LED 是否亮起。 highvolt.de | This setting determines whether or not the transmit LED lights up when the signal (logic 1) is active. highvolt.de |
该终端采用小型内置PIR传感器,具 备移动检测功能,并且会在有人靠近时自 动 亮起。 cemsys.com | With a built-in mini PIR sensor, the terminal features motion detection and automatically lights up upon detecting an approaching person. cemsys.com |
他們認為,建議 中把 有關罪行的被扣違例駕駛分數增至 5 分,以及所建議的600元定額罰款,只應適用於明顯地在紅 燈 亮起 時 不 停 車並繼續向前駛的情況;至於其他 沒有遵從交通燈指示的情況, 現行的罰則水平應維持不變 。 legco.gov.hk | They considered that the proposed penalty of 5 driving-offence points and the proposed fixed penalty of $600 should only apply to cases where it was clear that the vehicle did not stop and went ahead when the red light was on, and for other cases of failure to comply with traffic signals, the existing level of penalty should be maintained. legco.gov.hk |
一开始添加补液,处理 装置就会亮起绿灯(就绪)。 glunz-jensen.com | The finishing unit lights green (ready) as soon as water replenish is added. glunz-jensen.com |
即使 實施所有交通管理措施,假如不興建 P2 道路網,中區 填海第一期地段內的交通將會在 2011 年全面癱瘓,原 因是干諾道中沿途會出現連綿不絕的車龍(在沒有中環 灣仔繞道的情況下),即使綠色交通燈 亮起 , 康 樂廣場 的車輛仍然無法駛入干諾道中。 devb.gov.hk | Even with all the traffic management measures, traffic in CRI will be paralyzed by 2011 if Road P2 network is not built, because continuous traffic queues will be found along CRC (without CWB), and vehicles from Connaught Place will not be able to exit onto CRC even when the traffic lights are in their favour. devb.gov.hk |
她的声音将回荡在每次宣读的誓言中,她的火焰将在每次点燃火炬 时 亮起 , 她 的伟大遗产将通过世界上每天举办的每次竞赛和每位运动员而继续存在并发扬光大。 specialolympics.org | Her voice will echo each time the oath is recited, her fire will burn each time the flame is lit and her legacy will live and grow through every athlete in every competition, daily, around the world. specialolympics.org |
按住重設按鈕,直至伺服器前面的磁碟機 LED 指示燈亮起後變成琥珀色 (黃色)燈號。 seagate.com | Hold the reset button until the disk drive LEDs on the front of the server light up, then turn amber (yellow). seagate.com |
如果传感器是安全的,绿色的 PASS(合格)指示灯就会亮起。 zh.flukebiomedical.com | If a transducer is electrically safe for patient use, the green PASS lamp lights. flukebiomedical.com |
当绿 色 LED 指示灯亮起时, 表明蓄电池已经充满了电。 sipos.de | The green lighted LED indicates that the battery is fully charged. sipos.de |
当外出延迟结束后,报警系统将进入布防 / 设置状态,键盘上的指示信息如下:Ready ( ) [...] 指示 灯关闭, Armed( ) 指示灯保持亮起,键盘停止发出哔声。 scottsecurity.ca | When the exit delay is completed, the alarm system is armed/set and this is indicated on the keypad as [...] follows: the Ready ( ) indicator will turn off, the Armed ( ) indicator [...] will remain on and the keypad will stop [...]sounding. scottsecurity.ca |
如果状态 LED 熄灭并且不再亮起,则 表明 x4 应用程序中配置的设置不再适合输入,这通常是输 入发生变化的结果。 datapath.co.uk | If the Status LED goes off and remains off this indicates that the settings configured in the x4 application no longer match the input, this is normally the result of a change of input. datapath.co.uk |
为了指示至少有一个输出不再准 确地反映已编程的区域设置,前面板状态指示灯将不 会 亮起。 datapath.co.uk | In order to indicate that at least one output is no longer exactly honouring the programmed region setting, the front panel status light will not be illuminated. datapath.co.uk |
感應式街道照明名符其實,毋需多做解釋,在西班牙巴塞隆納這條街上已經成真,若人員與移動物體接近,燈火就 會 亮起 , 事 前點亮前方區域,因而減少街上浪費的照明量,若可推行至全市,成果肯定會十分豐碩。 thisbigcity.net | Lights come on as people and moving objects approach, illuminating an area in advance, therefore reducing the amount of wasted light emitted from the street. thisbigcity.net |
當出風溫度進入範圍內溫度允許誤差(由功能代碼 Cd30選定)時,範圍內指示燈將亮起。 container.carrier.com | When the supply air temperature enters the in-range temperature tolerance (Cd30), the green IN-RANGE light will energize. container.carrier.com |
該公司表示,航機於B機場起飛時常會有風向風速不 穩定之情況發生,當時可能因為「請繫安全帶指示 燈」仍亮起,故駕駛員未通知客艙。 tacare.org.tw | Airline A further explained that the aircraft had continuously experienced varying wind directions and wind speeds during takeoff from Airport B. It was possible that [...] the cockpit crew did not find it [...] necessary to explain the takeoff conditions to the [...]passengers since the fasten seatbelt light [...]of the reported flight had already been illuminated. tacare.org.tw |
用 者 自 付 ” 是 近 年 引 進 的 經 濟概念 , 原 則 上 我 是支持的, 但是, 從 香港今天社 會 穩 定的角 度來說 ,在失 業 率 仍 然 偏 高 , 整 體社會 信 心 仍 然 有 待 加強的 情況 下 , 香港政 府這大財 團 一 旦 帶 動 加風,不論所增 加 的是民生 或 非民生 的 收 費 也 好 , 絕 對 會 帶 動 其他公 用 事業機 構 要 求 加 價 的 意 欲 , 為 加 價 亮 起 綠 燈 。 legco.gov.hk | However, from the perspective of social stability, I would say that at a time when the unemployment rate is still high, and when the confidence of the community as a whole has yet to be enhanced, any attempt by the very wealthy Hong Kong Government to trigger a surge of fees and charges will certainly turn on the "green light" to fee increases and induce public utility companies to follow suit, regardless of whether or not the government fees and charges involved are related to the livelihood of the people. legco.gov.hk |
如果㆒顆IC在比對動 作的最後㆒瞬間才亮起紅燈 ,幾乎可以確定它只有在區塊的保護 設定㆖是不㆒樣的。 caprilion.com.tw | If the error LED lights at the last moment during verify, it mostly can say that the protection status is only the difference. caprilion.com.tw |
打印机初始化后,操作面板上的橙色电源指示灯和绿色 就绪指示灯将亮起,并 且就绪信息显示。 resources.kodak.com | On the operator panel, the orange Power light and the green [...] Ready light illuminate, and the Ready [...]message appears when the printer is initialized. resources.kodak.com |
当扫描站准备就绪时,绿色的指示灯将会固 定 亮起。 graphics.kodak.com | When the Scan Station is ready, the green LED will be steady. graphics.kodak.com |
其他電子器材如音訊CD、DVD、VCD、LD、電腦光碟機、迷你雷射唱碟機、攝錄機、雷射唱碟機、設有「飛行模式」 的流動電話或個人電子手帳 [...] (PDA) 及手提電腦,則可於航機起飛後15分鐘至降落時,安全帶燈 號 亮起 前 使 用。 dragonair.com | Other forms of electronic devices such as players for audio CDs, DVDs, VCDs, LDs, computer CD-ROMS, mini discs, camcorders, combined cell phones/ PDAs with a “flight mode” setting which allows the phone to be switched off, and [...] Laptop computers, may be used on board from [...] 15 minutes after takeoff until the seat [...]belt sign is switched on in preparation for landing. dragonair.com |
電源開啟裝置且建立連結時,兩個指示燈將 會 亮起 : 連 接的乙太網路埠右下 角旁的綠色 LED,以及前置面板上的連結指示燈。 support2.imation.com | When the device is powered on and a link is established, two indicators will glow: a green LED next to the lower right corner of the connected Ethernet port, and the link indicator on the front panel. support2.imation.com |
閃爍 - 亮起 打開前門,然後打開後門。 cryptoman.com | Open the front door, and then open the rear door. cryptoman.com |
但是当问到他们和基督教青年会去海边玩的事情时,他们的眼睛 都 亮起 来 了。 unicef.org | But their eyes light up when they are asked about a trip they took to the beach with the YMCA. unicef.org |
如果功能指示器 (红色 LED)在没有对象的情况下 没有亮起,继 续顺时针旋转微调器,直到 其 亮起。 wolke.com | If the function indicator (red [...] LED) does not glows without an object, continue turning the trimmer in clockwise direction until it glows. wolke.com |
當處於保鮮方式時,控制器將出風溫度維持在設定 點,顯示組件上的出風指示燈亮起, 而在顯示器上 的系統預設讀數將是出風溫度傳感器的讀數。 container.carrier.com | In Perishable Mode, the controller maintains the supply air temperature at set point, the SUPPLY indicator light is illuminated and the default reading on the display window is the supply temperature sensor reading. container.carrier.com |