单词 | 亮白 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 亮白 adjective —brightening adjSee also:亮 adj—bright adj • clear adj 亮 v—show v • reveal v 亮—shine • resonant • resounding
臨床測試證明,有九成女士認為用後肌膚光澤有即時提升的效果,而持續使用四星期,即可見色斑明顯減淡及肌膚 更 亮白。 aster.com.hk | While the continued use of four weeks, significantly reduce the appearance of spots and [...] you can see more white skin. aster.com.hk |
质地细腻易吸收的清透亮白乳液 ,蕴含独有的海百合萃取物,能通过减淡雀斑、熟龄斑点及瑕疵而有效的提亮和均匀肤色。 clarinsusa.com | Lightweight brightening lotion — with exclusive [...] Sea Lily extract — overcomes dullness by helping correct dark spots, freckles and an uneven skin tone. clarinsusa.com |
TOPSTAR 金属效果油墨,基于特殊的 METALURE® 铝颜料制成,代表了新一代光洁、 亮白 , 并且具有出色光亮度和金属光泽的金属效果油墨。 eckart.com.cn | TOPSTAR metallic inks, based on the special METALURE® [...] aluminium pigments, represent a new generation [...] of clean, bright metallic inks with outstanding gloss and metallic brilliance. eckart.net |
采用先进的质量控制测定系统,跨骏已经按既定计划,激动人心地实现了半导体行业指定的 明 亮白。 quadrantplastics.com | Using advanced quality control measuring [...] systems, Quadrant has systematically and [...] dramatically achieved the bright white specified by the [...]semiconductor industry. quadrantplastics.com |
受惠於七色 LED 發光體將 x7 Color System™ [...] 系統的能力提升至極限,Lustr+ 能夠將幾乎無限多種色相混合,包括 亮白 、 粉 色和鮮艷醒目的色彩。 layersoflight.com | With seven colored LED emitters maximizing the power of the x7 Color System™, [...] Lustr+ is capable of mixing a nearly limitless range [...] of hues – brilliant whites, soft pastels, and [...]vibrant, bold colors. layersoflight.com |
这无疑是一款创新的“条纹面料”,拥有水彩画般的渐变效果,并且和搭配的棱纹花缎FLORIAN一样使用 了 亮白 色。 rubelli.com | A decidedly innovative stripe with watercolour shades [...] and the use of luminous white, like in the FLORIAN [...]liseré with which it is coordinated. rubelli.com |
共有二種顏色可供選擇 - 鑽石黑或閃亮白。 geniusnetusa.com | Two popular colors available- [...] Diamond Black or Shiny White. geniusnetusa.com |
LunAqua 太阳能灯 [...] 直流电源 LED 射灯,利用 15 个亮白色 LED 灯确保照明效果迷人。 oase-livingwater.com | LunAqua solar DC-powered LED spotlight, ensures impressive illumination [...] effects with 15 bright white LEDs. oase-livingwater.com |
通亮白玻璃 ,透明含大小氣泡鮮綠套料;平唇,凸斂底,突出圈足,圈足底全面接觸地面;各正面雕單色套料一盤據玉璧圖,螭身上部扮蝠狀,璧刻雲紋,側面套刻獸首啣環耳 e-yaji.com | Transparent [...] emerald-green, and translucent white glass, the former with [...]scattered air bubbles of various sizes; with a flat [...]lip and recessed convex foot surrounded by a protruding flat footrim; carved as a single overlay with an identical design on each main side of a chi dragon crawling through a bi disc and positioned so that its upper body resembles a bat in flight, the disc engraved with formalized ‘C’-scrolls, the narrow sides with mask-and-ring handles e-yaji.com |
具有去除血液中的毒素,令皮膚更加 亮白 有 光 澤的功效。 greencouncil.org | by removing toxins from the blood, the complexion will be brighter, clearer and smoother. greencouncil.org |
这款拥有闪亮白色Bi anco Opalis喷漆的车型装备着来自Gallardo Superleggera车型上的大型碳纤维尾翼和透明的引擎盖,融独特的意大利设计与兰博基尼追求极致的品牌精髓于一身。 lamborghini.com | It is painted in [...] Bianco Opalis, a shimmering white, and boasts exclusive [...]features like the carbon-fiber rear wing from the [...]Gallardo Superleggera and the transparent engine cover. lamborghini.com |
如果正在使用的文档背景不是亮白色 , 那么结果 会有所不同。 graphics.kodak.com | If the background of the document you [...] are using is not bright white, the results may [...]vary. iThresholding is recommended. graphics.kodak.com |
透過獨家Core Duo BIO雙效生物技術,同時達到多重抗老化因子 - 肌膚修復緊實抗皺及亮白保濕 ,一次完成。 glamabox.com | Brightening Liquid with Mandelic Acid 21% uses exclusive Core Duo Bio technology, containing 21% high concentrated mandelic acid,penetrating deep into our skin to improve dullness. glamabox.com |
Jabra Clear 有亮黑和亮白两种 颜色,您可以根据自己的风格选择颜色。 jabra.cn | You’ll never miss a beat with Jabra CLEAR. jabra.com |
面对强烈的阳光照射,想要获得更充分完美持久的防晒保护,您可先使用活氧精萃防晒隔离霜SPF 50 PA+++,再使用亮白防晒蜜粉SPF 50 PA+++。 eexcelasia.com | For greater and more lasting sun protection under [...] intense sun exposure, you can apply Oxyginberry Sunscreen SPF 50 PA+++ [...] before using Blanc Light Loose Powder SPF [...]50 PA+++. eexcelasia.com |
亮白珍珠 、蓝色蓝宝石、白金以及美钻等高贵材质为腕表披上一袭华服,而灵感正是汲取自汝拉山谷严峻但静谧的寒冬。 audemarspiguet.com | Pearl white, blue sapphires, white gold, and diamonds [...] blanket the piece, drawing inspiration from the harsh yet quiet winters of the Vallée de Joux. audemarspiguet.com |
Aquariva by [...] Gucci外壳以纤维玻璃制造,细致地漆成Gucci专有 的 亮白 色 ; 而驾驶舱、甲板及顶篷的舱口采用的桃木材料,经过总共20次工序——涂漆和喷漆各十 [...]次,成为Riva经典的亮丽色泽。 gucci.com | Defining the Aquariva by Gucci is a [...] fiberglass hull and detailing painted in Gucci’s [...] own hue of glossy white, while Riva’s signature [...]use of mahogany with classic varnish [...]finish – twenty coats in all, ten by brushing, ten by spraying – is also the signature material for the cockpit and walking decks and awning cover hatch. gucci.com |
最新科技美白淡斑精華液,含有兩種強效成份:視黃醇 (Retinol 15D) 及 十八碳烯二酸 (ODA White),能有效阻絕黑色素生成,阻斷黑色素繼續在肌膚內沉積,能恢復肌膚 明 亮白 皙 ,對於黑斑、曬斑、及肌膚表面不均勻色塊均有改善作用,對長期累積肌膚內的黑色素細胞,可藉由此強力成份漸漸代謝,長期使用能增加肌膚對抗光害的能力,添加羊胎盤素,在代謝黑色素同時補充肌膚所需養分及維生素。 healthkool.com | This lightweight silky serum contains gentle Retinol 15D (Natural Vitamin A) and ODA white which help to gently exfoliate, renew and brighten the skin. It also helps to reduce melanin synthesis (skin's pigment) thus minimizing discoloration, pigmentation, age spots, evens-out imperfections and tones the skin. healthkool.com |
桑白皮根精华:保持亮白肌肤 ,抑制因紫外线而活化的黑色素,预防黑斑雀斑。 cosme-de.com | Mulberry Bark Root: lightens age spots and uneven skin tone. cosme-de.com |
这款不致粉刺的配方含有肌肤亮白活 性 成分,施用后可减轻和消除痘斑,不会造成毛孔堵塞。 cn.lubrizol.com | Apply this noncomedogenic [...] formula with skin brightening actives to acne [...]to help lighten and erase blemishes without clogging pores. lubrizol.com |
乘坐直升机参观人迹罕至的白天堂海滩(Whitehaven Beach),将脚趾伸进世界上最纯净的 闪 亮白 色 硅 沙中。 australia.com | Take a helicopter tour to deserted Whitehaven Beach and stretch your [...] toes in the brilliant white silica sand that [...]is among the purest in the world. australia.com |
我酷爱夏天和古铜色皮肤,但要防止皮肤过早老化、出现皱纹、色彩不均和皮肤癌,每个人都应该使用防晒产品,让您能够享受阳光之余,能够拥有古铜肤色或保持肌 肤 亮白。 cosme-de.com | I love summer and I love getting tanned, but in order to prevent premature aging, wrinkles, skin discoloration, and skin cancer, one must use sun protection lotion to protect yourself, so that you can get a healthy nice tan. cosme-de.com |
爱莲娜美白面膜」高亮白效果 、高浓度左旋维生素C诱导体+天然植物萃取精华液,可渗透到角质层的呈面, 高 亮白 效 果 可以抑制黑色素的生成,防止黑斑、雀斑,水嫩有弹性,高保湿的浸透皮肤而使皮肤亮丽而有透明 感 , 亮白 净 化 充分保湿,改善因阳光所形成的老化问题。 1healthfood.com | Elena clean whitening mask," highlighted the effect of white, high concentrations of vitamin C L +-induced natural plant extracts Essence, the permeable cuticle was the face, white highlighted the effect of inhibiting melanin production, and to prevent Spots, freckles, MOISTURE flexible, high-moisture of the skin by soaking beautiful skin and a sense of transparency, clean white full moisture to improve [...] as a result of the [...]formation of the sun's aging problem. 1healthfood.com |
透亮白地套 透明鮮綠料;平唇,凸斂底,突出圈足,圈足底為一圓棱;;一正面刻一匹馬,上題“潛道人作”,後鈐一印,或為“丁”字;反正書米芾《天馬賦》,引首為“一笑”印,文題下寫“時在光緒戉戍季春月”,賦文後寫“劍秋四兄大人清玩,鴈賓弟周鴻來刻”,以黑文“周”篆印結尾,側面刻獸首啣環耳 e-yaji.com | Transparent [...] emerald-green glass and translucent white glass; with a flat lip [...]and recessed convex foot surrounded by a protruding [...]rounded footrim; engraved on one main side with a horse, inscribed in draft script, ‘Executed by Qiandaoren’ (The man who submerges himself in the Way), with one seal of the artist, possibly Ding, the other main side with Mi Fu’s Rhapsody on a Heavenly Horse, also in draft script, preceded by the seal, possibly of the artist, yixiao (‘a laugh’), the title of the rhapsody, and the date ‘late-spring month of the wuxu year of the Guangxu reign’, and followed by, ‘For the pure enjoyment of Jianqiu, the honourable elder brother, engraved by Yanbin, [alias] his humble younger brother, Zhou Honglai’, with one seal of the artist in positive seal script, Zhou e-yaji.com |
有五种基本类型的荧光染料:小分子染料(如荧光异硫氰酸酯/ FITC和Alexa染料),蛋白染料(藻红蛋 白 、 别 藻蓝 蛋 白 、 绿 色荧光 蛋 白 ) ,串联染料,其中 蛋 白 染 料 收集荧光,将它传输至小分子染料,然后串联染料发出同小分子染料(如APC-Cy7)量子点和多聚染 料( 亮紫)相同波长的光波。 labome.cn | There are five basic types of fluorochromes: small dyes (e.g. [...] Fluoroscein isothiocyanate /FITC and [...] Alexa dyes) protein dyes (PhycoerythrinAllophycocyaninGFP) Tandem dyes, where a protein dye collects laser light, transfers it to a small dye, and the tandem emits at the wavelength of the smaller dye (e.g. APC-Cy7) quantum dots, and polymer dyes ( Brilliant Violet). labome.com |