单词 | 亮彩 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 亮彩—shineless common: glitter sparkle a bright color Examples:(色彩)明亮的adj—vibrantadj See also:亮adj—brightadj clearadj 亮—shine resonant resounding 亮v—showv revealv 彩—applause (bright) color applaud lottery prize
二者兼具!这款娇韵诗绚丽亮彩抗衰老唇膏富含青春滋润复合成分,为您留下丰盈娇嫩双唇。 clarinsusa.com | It’s a little bit of both! Clarins’luminous, age-defying lipstick—created with Nutri-Youth Complex—creates fuller, younger-looking lips. clarinsusa.com |
Traveling Disk U267以恋恋时尚的白色为基调,流线弧形的线条,平滑圆弧的导角,再以晶透 亮彩的蓝 、黄、绿或紫色点缀,彷佛精灵般的造型轻盈耀眼,可恣意站立左右摇摆,更显童趣。 us.pqigroup.com | With a stylish white foundation, the Traveling Disk U267 features curved lines and a smooth arched top paired, giving it a dazzling and gracefully smart appearance. pqigroup.com |
本届展会共展出面积2万多平方米,吸引了国内外280多家LED生产企业参展,其中比较有代表性的参展知名企业有亿光集团、德士达、利亚德、钧多立集团、申安集团、中科晶电、朗波尔、金沙江(太时芯光)、清华同方、毅丰照明、山木显示、祥云光电、翠涛自动化、大族光电、 亮彩科技 、吉华光电、瑞谷科技、联诚发科技、茂硕电源、大盛半导体、海威半导体、科磊得数码光电、丽清集团、金积嘉光电、博上光电等(篇幅有限,不能详尽列举),集中向世人展示了现阶段LED产业各个领域内最先进的产品与技术。 ciled.cn | The exhibition area of about 20,000 square metres, with a total number of more than 280 domestic and abroad well-known LED manufacture enterprises participated the exhibition, among which the representive well-known enterprises such as Ever Light, DSD, Leyard, JDL Group, Shenan Group, China Crystal, Lampearl, GSR ( Times LED), Tsinghua Tongfang, Yifeng Lighting, Sky Max, Xiangyun Optoelectronics, June’s Automation, Han’s Photoelectric, LC Technology, GLD,Lucky Valley, LCF, MOSO Power, Sage Seniconductor, Haiwei Semiconductor, CLED Optioelectronic,Liqing Group, Jeja Optoelectronics, Bopin LED etc (limited space, not an exhaustive list ), focused on showing the most advanced products and technologies in all areas of LED industry in recent stage. ciled.cn |
在这座维多利亚时期哥特式建筑的大理石厅内,抬起头,您将看到上面绘满“在各自轨道上的星辰”,还有绘有昨夜图的漂 亮彩色玻 璃窗。 visitbritain.com | In the Marble Hall of this Victorian Gothic mansion, look up and you will see 'the stars in their courses' mapped above you, as well as remarkable stained glass windows depicting the signs of the zodiac. visitbritain.com |
用于采集主要为 黑色文本和具有小型标志的文档,或包含小量加亮文本 和小型彩色照片的文档。 graphics.kodak.com | Used for capturing documents that are primarily black text with small logos, or contain small [...] amounts ofhighlighted text or small colorful photos. graphics.kodak.com |
图象处理类功能包括支持旋转、缩放比例、反锯齿、锐化、色彩/亮度 /Gamma校正、裁剪、合并图层等等。 evget.com | Image processing classes include support for Rotation, Scaling, Antialiasing, [...] Sharpening, Adjusting Color/Brightness/Gamma, cropping, [...]merging and more. evget.com |
适量的喷粉可防止背面反印,但不可过量否则会影响印刷後色 彩亮丽度。 npc.com.tw | But the powder shall not be sprayed too much; [...] otherwise, thecolor brillianceofthe presswork [...]may be affected. npc.com.tw |
使用可降解OPP材料包装,产品套印精确色 彩亮丽逼 真,适用于家居、餐厅、会客、产品远销欧美等发达国家,深受用户喜爱. ksoon.com.cn | The use of biodegradable OPP packaging materials, product [...] overprinter accurate color fidelity, suitable [...]for home furnishing, dining room, parlor, [...]the products are exported to Europe and the United States and other countries, users love it very much ksoon.com |
较高的值会提高色彩亮度。 graphics.kodak.com | A higher value [...] increases the color brightness. graphics.kodak.com |
保护套采用特殊的珍珠色涂层表面处理,质感非凡、色 彩亮丽时尚。 tunewear.com | The case [...] has a beautiful shinypearlfinish. tunewear.com |
ACXA56-51 封装比原来的 0.56 英寸 SMD 显示器薄 30%,突破了物理尺寸的束缚,不仅灵活而且性能优异、色 彩亮丽,正是众多设计人员梦寐以求的一套完整解决方案。 digikey.cn | The ACXA56-51 package is 30% thinner than original 0.56 inch SMD display, overcomes physical dimension constraints, and offers a complete solution to designers seeking exceptional and vibrant features with flexibility. digikey.be |
黑色陶瓷表壳为这款全黑色时尚手表增添了纹理质感,为佩戴者带来一抹色 彩亮点。 hk.ashford.com | The ceramic black case adds texture to this sleek all black watch that offers [...] just a dash ofcolor that winks at you. ashford.com |
Wacker-Belsil®二甲基硅氧烷和氨基硅油乳液提升了护发素的性能,令头发在洗后光 彩亮泽、柔顺水润。 wacker.com | Wacker-Belsil®dimethicone and amino silicone fluid emulsions transform conditioners so that they skillfully ensure optimum shine and suppleness after shampooing. wacker.com |
蕴含丰富Céramidone(多种植物精华及维他命E,能有效补充足够滋养给肌肤,同时附有UVA/UVB过滤网,能有效阻隔有害光线对肌肤的伤害,瞬间减淡皱纹,即时呈现光 彩亮泽, 让肌肤柔软舒适。 cn.eternal.hk | Enriched Céramidone (variety of plant extracts and vitamin E, can get enough nourishment to the skin, accompanied by UVA / UVB filter, can effectively block harmful light damage to the skin, wrinkles fade instant, real-time rendering glory shine, skin soft and comfortable. cn.eternal.hk |
如果过滤器 堵塞或气流过低,该指示灯就会亮起。 graco.com | The indicator light illuminatesif the filter is clogged or has low airflow. graco.com |
深圳市泰路科技有限公司在本次展会中精 彩亮相,其核心产品,Tektino品牌RCC-8A全自动冷媒回收加注机,获得了海内外经销商和业内朋友的广泛关注,并且大家就冷媒设备未来的发展趋势进行了交流探讨。 tektino.com | Dealers and friends from all over the world exchanged ideas on the focus product -- Tektino RCC-8A Full Automatic AC Recovery Machine and the future development trend of air-con technology. tektino.com |
打造浙江省权威缝制、绣花、刺绣、绗缝、缝后、整熨行业盛会 [...] 「2012中国(义乌)国际缝纫机械及配件展览会」简称「YIWU S&G [...] 2012」将于2012年11月27至30日在浙江义乌国际博览中心精 彩亮相,联袂同期举办的「第十三届中国(义乌)国际袜子、针织及染整机械展览会」简称「YIWU [...] H&G 2012」,将产生巨大的行业协同效应,以多个主题专区为买家塑造一个贯穿针织及制衣产业的一站式采购平台,让买家企业开阔视野、转变观念、了解市场、寻找新商机,也为参展企业于这义乌展打造高效务实的贸易平台及合作机会,也是缝制、绣花、刺绣、绗缝、缝后、整熨等业内人士不能错过的展会。 yiwusewing.com | Shaping theMost Authoritative Event [...] of the Sewing Industry in Zhejiang Province in Sewing Machinery Exhibition (YIWU S&G [...]2012) China (Yiwu) International Exhibition on Sewing Machinery & Equipment ("YIWU S&G 2012") and The 13th China Yiwu International Exhibition on Hosiery, Knitting, Dyeing & Finishing Machinery ("YIWU H&G 2012") will be staged at Yiwu International Expo Centre on 27-30 November 2012. yiwusewing.com |
扬昇照明於2004年成立,为中强光电集团旗下100%持股子公司,致力於将RGB & White [...] LED背光模组应用在各种尺寸的电视、监视器、平板电脑及手机萤幕上,并将LED背光技术应用於一般环境照明用途之上,注重色 彩亮度均 匀,及外观超薄之照明应用。 coretronic.com | The Company is dedicated to the application of RGB and white LED backlight modules for all sizes of TVs, monitors, tablet PCs and mobile phone screens. In addition, YOUNG Lighting also [...] applies LED backlight technology, because [...] of itsuniform color and luminance, [...]to general lighting applications and ultra-thin lighting. coretronic.com |
摆脱了民族主义色彩的世界人类遗产概念将在冲突后的管理方面 发挥特定作用,西巴尔干的经验就表明了这一点。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The concept of the universal heritage of humanity, which was free of nationalist aspects, played a specific role in post-conflict management, as demonstrated by the experience of the western Balkans. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此外,通过PiVot系统沉积的IGZO薄膜还具有突出的薄膜晶体管稳定性,有望为OLED提供金属氧化物背板,从而大幅降低成本,为制造出色 彩亮丽、经济实惠的大尺寸OLED电视创造条件。 jxlcd.com | In addition, through the PiVot of the sedimentary system IGZO film also has outstanding thin film transistor stability, is expected to provide for OLED metal [...] oxide lagging, thus greatly reduced [...] cost, forcreate color brightbeautiful,economical [...]and practical large size of OLED TV to create conditions. jxlcd.com |
主办方励展博览集团就即将于2011年4月6日-9日在上海新国际博览中心举办的中国国际瓦楞展和2011年7月6日-8日在北京•中国国际展览中心举办的2011中国国际彩盒展在现场做了精 彩亮相和展示,并现场发布展会最新亮点,与在场与会的印度纸箱企业人士做了密切互动交流,引发火爆人气。 sino-corrugated.com | During these talks, the Reed Exhibitions representatives revealed the expected highlights of the exhibitions and engaged with corrugated carton manufacturers from across India, to widespread acclaim. sino-corrugated.com |
缔约国还 指出,这份逮捕令是彩色的,而这不是例行作法,缔约国还强调,在该国购买伪 造文件相当容易。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party also pointed out that the arrest warrant has been produced incolour, which is not a regular practice, and stressed that the procurement of false documents is fairly easy in the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
有五种基本类型的荧光染料:小分子染料(如荧光异硫氰酸酯/ [...] FITC和Alexa染料),蛋白染料(藻红蛋白、别藻蓝蛋白、绿色荧光蛋白),串联染料,其中蛋白染料收集荧光,将它传输至小分子染料,然后串联染料发出同小分子染料(如APC-Cy7)量子点和多聚染料(亮紫)相同波长的光波。 labome.cn | There are five basic types of fluorochromes: small dyes (e.g. Fluoroscein isothiocyanate /FITC and Alexa dyes) protein dyes (PhycoerythrinAllophycocyaninGFP) Tandem dyes, where a protein dye collects laser light, transfers it to a small dye, and [...] the tandem emits at the wavelength of the smaller dye (e.g. APC-Cy7) quantum dots, and [...] polymerdyes (Brilliant Violet). labome.com |