单词 | 亨利 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 亨利—Henry (name)less common: henry (unit of inductance) Examples:亨利五世—Henry V (1387-1422), English warrior king, victor of Agincourt 亨利・哈德逊—Henry Hudson (?-1611?), English explorer and navigator See also:亨—prosperous henry (unit of inductance)
在第 212 [...] 次会议上,委员会还决定设立一个由亨利-保罗·诺曼丁(加拿大) 主持的全体工作组,负责审议大会赋予委员会的任务的实质性内容。 daccess-ods.un.org | Also at its 212th meeting, the Committee decided to [...] establish a working group of the whole, to [...] be chaired byHenri-Paul Normandin [...](Canada), to consider the substance of the [...]mandate entrusted to the Committee by the General Assembly. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据该决议,我已任命以下五位知名人士:前常务副秘书长和加拿大政府前 国防部副部长路易斯·弗雷谢特(主席)、约旦常驻联合国代表扎伊德·拉阿德·扎 [...] 伊德·侯赛因、秘书长驻利比里亚特别代表埃伦·洛伊(丹麦)、前驻达尔富尔副 [...] 联合特别代表和前联合国卢旺达援助团部队副指挥官亨利·阿尼多霍(加纳)、前 联合国驻海地稳定特派团部队指挥官和现任巴西陆军地面作战副司令卡洛斯·艾 [...]伯特·多斯桑托斯·克鲁斯(巴西)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Pursuant to the resolution, I have appointed the following five eminent persons: Louise Fréchette, former Deputy Secretary-General and former Deputy Minister of National Defence for Canada (Chair); Zeid Ra’ad Zeid Al-Hussein, Permanent Representative of Jordan; Ellen Løj (Denmark), Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Liberia; Henry Anyidoho (Ghana), former Deputy Joint Special [...] Representative in Darfur and former Deputy [...] Force Commanderof the United Nations [...]Assistance Mission for Rwanda; and Carlos [...]Alberto dos Santos Cruz (Brazil), former Force Commander of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti and currently Deputy Commander of Ground Operations for the Brazilian Army. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这里,你可以找到Fontevraud [...] L'修道院(13世纪),其中包括回廊,厨房,雕绘的墓碑英格兰的亨利二世,他的王后,埃莉诺的阿基坦大区和狮心王理查德,他们的儿子。 leapfrog-properties.com | Here you can find [...] the Fontevraud l’Abbaye(13thcentury) which [...]includes a cloister, kitchen, and the carved and painted [...]gravestones of Henry II of England, his queen, Eleanor of Aquitaine, and Richard the Lionheart, their son. leapfrog-properties.com |
亨利·大卫·梭罗说过,“在所有努 力中都需要有能力走完最后一英里路、制定最后的计 划,忍受最后几小时的劳累”,他还说,如果我们要 作为完成旅程的人面对未来,这就是我们必须具备的 一个美德。 daccess-ods.un.org | All endeavour calls for the ability to tramp the last mile, shape the last plan, endure the last hours’ toil”, Henry David Thoreau said, adding that this is the virtue we must possess if we are to face the future as finishers. daccess-ods.un.org |
以下与会者作了发言:大韩民国教育、科学和技术部第一副部长薛东健 (Dong-Kun Sul) 先生,喀麦隆科学研究和创新部部长玛德兰·春特女士阁下,埃 及科学研究和技术部部长阿姆尔·伊扎特·萨拉姆先生阁下,马耳他科学和技术 理事会总裁尼古拉斯·萨马特先生,黑山科学部部长萨尼娅·维亚霍维奇女士阁 下,巴基斯坦联邦科学和技术部部长厄尔凡·南迪穆·赛义德先生,菲律宾科学 技术部副部长福图纳托·德拉佩尼亚先生,津巴布韦科学和技术发展部部长亨 利·季诺提维伊先生阁下,加纳环境、科学和技术部部长谢丽·阿伊泰女士。 daccess-ods.un.org | Presentations were made by the following participants: Mr. Dong-Kun Sul, First Vice-Minister of Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Korea; H.E. Ms. Madeleine Tchuinte, Minister of Scientific Research and Innovation of Cameroon; H.E. Mr. Amr Ezzat Salama, Minister of Scientific Research and Technology of Egypt; Mr. Nicholas Sammut, CEO, Council for Science and Technology of Malta; H.E. Ms. Sanja Viahović, Minister of Science of Montenegro; Mr. Irfan Nadeem Sayeed, Federal Secretary, Ministry of Science and Technology of Pakistan; Mr. Fortunato T. De la Peña, Undersecretary, Department of Science and Technology of the Philippines; H.E. Mr. Henry Dzinotyiweyi, Minister of Science and Technology Development of Zimbabwe; and Ms. Shery Ayittey, Minister of Environment, Science and Technology of Ghana. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了正式推出这个基金,与克林顿国务卿一起的有:中国驻美国大使张业遂,负责东亚和太平洋事务的助理国务卿库尔特M.坎贝尔,C-100联合创始人亨利·唐;美国大学国际服务学院院长吉姆·古德基尔以及其他政要。 embassyusa.cn | To formally launch the foundation, Secretary Clinton was joined by Chinese Ambassador to the United States Zhang Yesui; Assistant Secretary of State for East [...] Asian and Pacific Affairs Kurt M. Campbell; [...] C-100 co-founder HenryTang; Jim Goldgeier, [...]dean of the School of International [...]Service at American University; and other dignitaries. eng.embassyusa.cn |
亨利·爱德华·帕特里奇在他1873年的日记中写道:"我们在57或58年埋葬了我们忠实的老‘Mauma’Mollie [...] — 她几乎照料过家里的所有儿童;是我母亲的朋友和忠实仆人;在她的小屋里,我们经常吃炒腊肉及灰烤饼等家常饭,我们在这里始终都能得到欢迎和同情,我们就像对第二母亲一样爱她。 wdl.org | HenryEdward Partridgerecorded in his [...] diary in 1873: “We buried either in 57 or 58 our faithful old ‘Mauma’ Mollie – her [...]who had nursed nearly all of the children of the family; been a friend as well as faithful servant to my Mother; in whose cabin we had often eaten the homely meal of fried bacon & ash cake and where we always had welcome and sympathy and whom we loved as a second mother. wdl.org |
这所学校曾在第一,但几个特点,它遵循Augustinism(柏拉图),而当时统治神学,并获得通过(不只是世俗的神职人员在巴黎教授威廉属于奥弗涅,根特的亨利等),但还等突出的教师,多米尼加基尔沃比令(罗兰的克雷莫纳,罗伯特Fitzacker,罗伯特)。 mb-soft.com | This school had at first but few peculiarities; it followed Augustinism (Platonism), which then ruled theology, and which was adopted not only by the Parisian professors belonging to the secular clergy (William of Auvergne, Henry ofGhent,etc.), but also by prominent teachers of the Dominican Order (Roland of Cremona, Robert Fitzacker, Robert of Kilwardby, etc.). mb-soft.com |
位于智利的人权高专办区域办事处发起并参与两项有关经济、社会和文化 权利教学的文凭课程,该课程由亨利杜南研究所为在圣地亚哥的来自拉美地区的 非政府组织、政府官员和其他利益攸关方所组织。 daccess-ods.un.org | OHCHR Regional Office in Chile sponsored and participated in the teaching of two diploma courses on economic, social and cultural rights organized by the Henry DunantInstitute for NGOs, public officials and other stakeholders from the Latin American Region in Santiago. daccess-ods.un.org |
上述文字引自国王亨利七世授予 John Cabot 和他的儿子的特许证,这些文 [...] 字可直接追溯到上文提到的梵蒂冈教皇诏书的悠久传统。 daccess-ods.un.org | The above quoted [...] language from King HenryVII’s charter [...]to John Cabot and his sons traces directly back to the long tradition [...]of the Vatican papal bulls mentioned above. daccess-ods.un.org |
在法国的知名学者可能会提到布德(Budæus),他的年龄首次Hellenist(1467至1540年),在完成打印机罗伯特(1503年至1559年)和亨利(1528年至1598年)埃蒂安纳(Stephanus),我们向他是负债的“舌Latinæ词库”和“词库舌Græcæ”;约瑟夫贾斯特斯Scaliger(1540-1609),他的知识金石,钱币学,尤其是着名的年表;的语言学家艾萨克Casaubon(1559年至1614年),众所周知,他出色的版的经典,佩特鲁斯拉莫斯(1515年至1572年),是希腊和中世纪哲学深刻的学生。 mb-soft.com | Among the leading scholars in France [...] may be mentioned Budé(Budæus), the first Hellenist of his age (1467-1540), the accomplished printers Robert (1503-59)and Henri(1528-98) Estienne [...](Stephanus), to [...]whom we are indebted for the "Thesaurus linguæ Latinæ" and the "Thesaurus linguæ Græcæ"; Joseph Justus Scaliger (1540-1609), famed for his knowledge of epigraphy, numismatics, and especially of chronology; the philologist Isaac Casaubon (1559-1614), well known for his excellent edition of the classics, and Petrus Ramus (1515-72), a profound student of Greek and medieval philosophy. mb-soft.com |
加拿大目前正在与位于哥伦比亚特区华盛顿的一个智囊团亨利·史汀生中心 以及美洲国家组织合作,于 2008 年初在多米尼加共和国组织一个有关在加勒比 执行决议的研讨会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Canada is currently working with the Henry L. Stimson Centre, a Washington, D. C.-based think tank, and the Organization of American States (OAS), to organize a workshop which will be held in the Dominican Republic in early 2008 on implementation of the resolution in the Caribbean. daccess-ods.un.org |
Mistral后来演变成了Ghibli,这股汽车新潮流的强大魅力甚至感染了亨利•福特二世,他曾驾驶一辆玛莎拉蒂敞篷车出现在底特律。 maserati.com.cn | The Mistral morphed into the Ghibli and the strength of the new motoring currents affected even Henry Ford II who took to driving around Detroit in a Maserati Spyder. maserati.com.au |
该奖由享有盛名的评审委员会领导,该委员会由诺贝尔和平奖得主亨利·基辛格先生担任主席,其成员还包括一些杰出人士,如 Mário SOARES 先生和佩雷斯·埃斯基维尔(诺贝尔和平奖得主)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It is awarded by a prestigious jury chaired by Mr Henry Kissinger, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, and comprising eminent figures such as Mr Mário Soares and Mr Pérez Esquivel (Nobel Peace Prize Laureate). unesdoc.unesco.org |
赵无极一生中最重要的知音也是一位诗人,他是推崇中国文化的亨利·米修(Henri Michaux, 1899-1984)。 ravenelart.com | Among the friends who appreciate [...] him, the most important one in his life [...] was alsoapoet, Henri Michaux (1899-1984), [...]who held the highest esteem for Chinese culture. ravenelart.com |
2009 年 12 月 3 日,由科特迪瓦主要政治领袖(洛朗·巴博总统、纪尧姆·索罗总理、科特迪瓦 民主党(科民主党)领袖前总统亨利·科南·贝迪埃以及共和人士联盟领袖前总理 阿拉萨内·瓦塔拉)组成的常设协商机构注意到进行身份查验和选民登记的工作 方式可信,并对暂定选民名单表示欢迎。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 3 December 2009, the Cadre permanent de concertation, composed of the main Ivorian political leaders — the President, Laurent Gbagbo; the Prime Minister, Guillaume Soro; the former President, Henry Konan Bedié, leader of the Parti démocratique deCôte d’Ivoire; and the former Prime Minister, Alassane Ouattara, leader of the Rassemblement des républicains — took note of the credible manner in which the identification and voter registration operations had been conducted, and welcomed the provisional voters list. daccess-ods.un.org |
该地图包括很多自然和地理的细节,这些细节源自 Mollien 的远航以及蒙哥·帕克、亨利·萨尔、约翰·刘易斯·伯克哈特以及乔治·弗朗西斯·里昂等前辈和同时代人士的探险。 wdl.org | It includes physical and geographical details that were learned from Mollien’s travels as well as those of predecessors and contemporaries such as Mungo Park, Henry Salt, John Lewis Burckhardt, and George Francis Lyon. wdl.org |
同时,还会见了 各政党代表,主要有前总统亨利·科南·贝迪耶,科特迪瓦民主党主席,科特迪 [...] 瓦人民阵线负责人及共和国的自由与民主的负责人,特别是其主席库里巴利。 daccess-ods.un.org | The independent expert also met with [...] representatives of political parties, including the [...] former president, HenriKonan Bedié; [...]the president of the Parti Démocratique de [...]Côte d’Ivoire; and leaders of the Front Populaire Ivoirien and Liberté et Démocratie pour la République, including the latter’s president, Mamadou Koulibaly. daccess-ods.un.org |
McMahon 和惠特拉姆可能都不知道,就在惠特拉姆与中国领导人会晤的当日,美国国务卿亨利•基辛格正在北京秘密筹备尼克松总统对毛时代中国的历史性访问。 australiachina.com.au | What McMahon and indeed Whitlam could not know was that on the same day as Whitlam’s meetings with the Chinese leadership, US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was secretly in Beijing preparing for President Nixon’s historic visit to Maoist China. australiachina.com.au |
最后,我要感谢联合王国非洲 事务大臣亨利·贝林厄姆先生今天上午介绍他对索马 里问题的见解和看法。 daccess-ods.un.org | Lastly, I wish to thank Mr. Henry Bellingham, Minister for Africa of the United Kingdom, for sharing his insights and perspective on Somalia this morning. daccess-ods.un.org |
马来西亚科学院院士(2010 年、2006 年);Jantung Negara 研究所客座顾问 医师(2000-2002 年);马来亚大学医学院医学系:副教授(1999-2001 年)、讲师 (1996-1999 年);澳大利亚墨尔本费尔菲尔德传染病医院:临床研究员(1995-1996 年)、传染病高级住院医师(1992-1994 年);澳大利亚墨尔本奥斯汀医院传染病住 院医师(1994-1995 年);澳大利亚墨尔本 Monash 医学中心住院医师(1990-1992 年);澳大利亚墨尔本亨利王子医院 Monash 医学中心驻院医务干事(1988-1990 年)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Fellow, Academy of Science Malaysia (2010, 2006); Visiting Consultant Physician, Institut Jantung Negara (2000-2002); University Malaya, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medicine: Associate Professor (1999-2001), Lecturer (1996-1999); Fairfield Infectious Diseases Hospital, Melbourne, Australia: Clinical Research Fellow (1995-1996), Senior Infectious Diseases Registrar (1992-1994); Infectious Diseases Registrar, Austin Hospital, Melbourne, Australia (1994-1995); Medical Registrar, Monash Medical Centre, Melbourne, Australia (1990-1992); Resident Medical Officer, Prince Henry’s Hospital, Monash Medical Centre, Melbourne, Australia (1988-1990). daccess-ods.un.org |
1975 年美国国务卿亨利·基辛格在一份外交电文中提及北方界限的非法性, 指出,北方界限是单方面确定的,朝鲜并未接受。 daccess-ods.un.org | Henry Kissinger, United States Secretary of State in 1975, referring in a diplomatic message to the illegality of the northern limit line, said that it was unilaterally set and was not accepted by north Korea. daccess-ods.un.org |
中国副总理李克强和美国前国务卿亨利•基辛格利用2011年6月的最后一个周末在北京就全球经济挑战问题进行了探讨。 norway.org.cn | China’s deputy Prime Minister Li Keqiang and US former state secretary, Henry Kissinger spent the last June weekend of 2011 in Beijing discussing global economic challenges. norway.cn |
其最有名的人物是艺术家亨利·德·图卢兹 - 劳特累克,花费了他短暂的一生中所创造的浪漫巴黎在19世纪的捷克人骑波。 leapfrog-properties.com | Its most famous son [...] is theartist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec [...]who spent much of his short life riding the wave created by [...]the Romantic Bohemians in Paris in the 19th century. leapfrog-properties.com |
根据那个时代欧洲的思想,地球上其他地区的异教徒之邦是他们 这些文明征服者的合法掠夺物和猎物,而在基督教国家之间,教皇陛下是彼 此冲突的领土宣示的最高仲裁者……因此,教皇亚历山大六世的诏书在恩准 西班牙获得土地时,将任何其他基督教[着重部分系原文标明 ]国家先前占据 的所有土地排除在外;而英国的亨利七世授予John Cabot和他的儿子们的专 利权,授权他们“寻求和发现可能属于异教徒和无宗教信仰者的所有岛屿、 地区和省';并“作为他的臣属和副手征服、占领和拥有这些领土。 daccess-ods.un.org | original emphasis] nation; and the patent granted by Henry VII of England to John Cabot and his sons, authorized them “to seek out and discover all islands, regions, and provinces whatsoever, that may belong to heathens and infidels’’; and “to subdue, occupy, and possess these territories, as his vassals and lieutenants”. daccess-ods.un.org |
35幅画作覆盖了整个墙面,其中有欧仁•德拉克洛瓦(Eugène [...] Delacroix)的《圣路易在塔耶堡战役》、弗朗索瓦•热拉尔(François Gérard)的《亨利四世进入巴黎》、霍勒斯•弗纳特(Horace [...]Vernet)的《冯特诺伊战役》,回顾了从496年托尔比亚克战役到1809年瓦格拉姆战役一千多年间法国历史上的重大战役。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | The 35 paintings on its walls, including [...] St. Louis at the Battle of Taillebourg by [...] Eugène Delacroix,Henri IV entering Paris [...]by François Gérard and The Battle of Fontenoy [...]by Horace Vernet, illustrate the most important events in the military history of France, from the Battle of Tolbiac (496) to Wagram (1809). en.chateauversailles.fr |
从经典作品看起吧 - [...] 您绝不要错过欣赏这些名作的机会:National Gallery的梵高的《向日葵》、National Portrait Gallery的气势宏大的亨利八世肖像、Tate Liverpool毕加索的《哭泣的女人》、位于Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery的世界最大规模的拉斐尔前派艺术品收藏以及Tate [...][...]Britain沃特豪斯的《夏洛特夫人》。 visitbritain.com | Start with the classics - you can’t pass up a chance to see Van Gogh’s Sunflowers at the National Gallery in [...] London; the imposing [...] portraits of King Henry VIIIat London's National Portrait Gallery; Picasso’s Weeping Woman at the TateLiverpool;thelargest collection [...]of Pre-Raphaelites [...]in the world at the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery or Waterhouse’s The Lady of Shalott at the Tate Britain in London. visitbritain.com |
前美国国务卿亨利-基辛格领导的费利克斯·乌夫埃-布瓦尼争取和平奖,是本组织帮 助加强各种文化和文明间对话的一个重要手段。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize, presided over by former United States Secretary of State, Henry A. Kissinger, is an important instrument of the Organization to help strengthen the dialogue among cultures and civilizations. unesdoc.unesco.org |