

单词 产物

产物 noun, plural ()

squires pl

产物 ()

result (of)



fission products

废物产生 n

waste generation n


end product

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 说只有一个种族,但种族歧视是一种社会建 产物 , 由 于社会已经设定了该术语 的意思,其影响和后果是真实存在的。
Even though biologically there was only [...]
one race and racial discrimination was a social construct, its impact and consequences
were real because society had given the term meaning.
这一概念兼顾了文化作为社会的创造 产物 的 个 性和他性。
This concept takes account of the individuality and otherness of culture as
[...] the creation and product of society.
这种合法性和广泛支持本身是外交 产物, 必须始终是我们的目标,即使在短期内这可能使国家 [...]
Such legitimacy and wide support,
[...] themselves the product of diplomacy, [...]
must always be our goal, even when in the short term
this can make it harder for nations to act.
一些会员国还强调需要更明确地了 解遗产保护的不同内容之间的相互依存关系,即重大计划 V 内保护“物质遗产“、“物 质遗产”以 及“世界记忆旗舰项目”之间的相互依存关系。
Several Member States also emphasized the need of reaching a clearer understanding of the interdependence between different components of heritage protection, namely protection of “intangible heritage”, “tangible heritage” and the “Memory of the World Flagship project” under Major Programme V.
在该联合计划范围内,教科文组织中的任务和活动主要侧重于相关利益攸关方在识 别、保护和管理所有形式的文化产 ( 物 质 遗 产 和 非 物 质 遗 产 ) 这 一目标领域的能力。
UNESCO’s tasks and activities within the joint programme are mainly focused on enhancing the capacities of
relevant stakeholders
[...] in the target area with regard to the identification, preservation and management of cultural heritage, in all its diverse forms of expression (both tangible and intangible).
因此,每个国家的决策风格是 其独特的政治传统产物。
The decision-making style of each nation is therefore a function of its
[...] unique political heritage.
非消耗性财产包括以下财产和设备:(a) 购置时单位价值为 1 500 美元或以 上、使用寿命至少五年的财产或设备;(b) 被视为具有吸引力且因其大小易从房 舍中拆除、购置时单位价值为 500 美元或以上、使用寿命三年或更长的特殊产 物品;(c) 家具和组合工作站等应盘点的团体用物品,不管其价值为何,但使用 寿命为五年或更长。
Non-expendable property consists of property and equipment, as follows: (a) property or equipment valued at $1,500 or more per unit at the time of purchase and having a service life of at least five years; (b) special items, which are property items considered to be of an attractive nature and easily removable from the premises because of their size, costing $500 or more per unit at the time of purchase and with a serviceable life of three years or more; and (c) group inventory items (for example, furniture and modular workstations) with a serviceable life of five years or more, irrespective of value.
代表团注意到,没有登记执法人员取走被剥夺 自由者个人产物品的一般做法。
The delegation noted that there was no
general practice of recording items of personal property taken from persons deprived of
[...] liberty by law enforcement agents.
此外,对平民适用军事刑事司法时,就是根据为各种侵 权行为所损害的诉讼请求进行定罪,其结果,不仅辩护的权利成为一种幻想,所 获证据大多也都是刑讯逼供产物。
Moreover, when the military criminal justice system is applied to civilians, the outcome is convictions obtained on the basis of proceedings vitiated by abuses of all kinds in which not only does the right to a defence become a chimera, but much of the evidence is obtained by means of torture or cruel and inhuman treatment.
根据这 一观点,《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》被说成是各个主权国家交涉 产物 , 是 更广泛的 所有各方都应该受益的折衷方案的一部分。
On this view, TRIPS was produced as a result of bargaining between sovereign states as part of a larger package of trade-offs in which there were supposed to be gains for all.
被敌对势力视为指责朝鲜民主主义人民共和国发射卫星之“依据”的安全理 事会第 1718(2006)号和第 1874(2009)号决议,是它们敌视和压制朝鲜民主主义 人民共和国的高压政策产物,毫 无半点合法性可言;它们置举世公认的国际法 于不顾,纯属一派胡言。
Security Council resolutions 1718 (2006) and 1874 (2009) which the hostile forces regard as the “ground” for taking issue with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s satellite launch are a product of their high-handed policy for antagonizing and oppressing the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the height of illegality; they are faked up at random, disregarding even universally accepted international law.
结果表明:(1)减数分裂Ⅰ终变期染色体标本是进行染色体显微操作的理想材料;(2)DOP-PCR扩 产物 片 段 在200~1 000 bp之间,平均600 [...]
The hybridization results show that: (1) Chromosome
specimen of meiosis Ⅰ diakinesis is the ideal material for single chromosome microisolation; (2) The
[...] sizes of DOP PCR products range from 200 bp [...]
to 1 000 bp, averagely
600 bp;(3) The single chromosome obtained in the study is rice field eel chromosome 3;(4) Compared with micro manipulator and micro laser beam, the methods developed in the study can be more widely used in ordinary laboratory for requiring no expensive instrument.
比如说,我们建议法律应当重点(至少应在附带的注释中)强 调其它诸如农民的权利,专物产物 的 权 利以及其它专利权的例外情况(如用于教育)的不同地 位。
We would suggest, for example, that the law should highlight, at least in the accompanying commentary, the different positions taken also on other issues such as farmer’s rights, rights in respect of the progeny of patented material and other exceptions to patent rights such as for educational uses.
其中,由于其凝固点较高而且在商业 C8 芳产物中浓度较高,PX 几乎总是从这类混合物中结晶分离出来的第一个组分。
Due to its higher freezing point and relatively high
concentration in commercial
[...] C8 aromatic product streams, the first component to crystallize from such mixtures is almost [...]
always PX.
[...] R/3在总部和下属的“七厂一院”实现了全面预算管理和成本核算的精细化管理,并建立了有效的销售、 产 、 物 流 与财务一体化的供应链管理体系。
Since the end of 2005, Aluminum Corporation of China Limited planed to establish SAP system using SAP R / 3 in the "seven plants and one institute" to realize the comprehensive budget management and cost accounting
management and establish an integrated supply chain management system of effective
[...] sales, production, logistics and finance.
Jdon框架是快速性和灵活性相结合 产物 , 体现了软件开发既快又好的特点,对于小项目,使用Jdon框架可以开发出高质量可扩展的好的系统;对于大项目,使用Jdon框架可以更快地开发出系统。
Jdon boxFrame is a combination of speed and
[...] flexibility of the product , reflects the [...]
characteristics of software development fast
and good for small projects, using Jdon framework can develop high-quality scalable good system; For large projects , using the framework Jdon faster development of the system .
我认为,像商社这类的组织如果能够积极行动起来 ,推 进适地产物品的妥善运输,那么这一事业整体上会顺 利进行的。
Overall, I think that it will go better if organizations like trading companies promote the appropriate transportation of goods that are produced in the appropriate places.
PAH 研究还可用于帮助确定水污 染的可能源头,因为此分析能够对油类的火成(燃 产物 ) 、造岩(来自原油)和生物(来自生 物过程)来源进行区分。
The study of PAH can also be used to help determine the possible sources of water contamination because the analysis is able to
distinguish between
[...] pyrogenic (combustion products), petrogenic (originating from crude oil) and biogenic (originating from biological processes) [...]
sources of oil.
在这种情况下,免除守密或扣押存放于 银行或其他金融机构的物品或文件方面,法院作出命令时须具充分的理由相信扣
[...] 查的物品或文件,构成犯罪活动 产物 或 利 润又或用于继续此类犯罪活动(如第 [...]
6/97/M 号法律第31条)。
In such cases, exemption from the duty of confidentiality or the seizure of objects or documents in banks or other financial institutions must be authorized by a court order based on
substantial grounds for believing that the
[...] seizure may yield objects or documents [...]
resulting from criminal activities, such as
gains or profits, or which are used for the continuous commitment of such activities (e.g. art. 31 of Law 6/97/M).
一般而 言,这种针对少数群体同时也是针对宗教皈依者和 进行传教活动的人的仇视现象,是恐惧和蔑视矛盾 结合产物。
Such manifestations of hatred against minority groups, but also against religious converts and persons conducting missionary activities, was generally the result of a paradoxical combination of fear and contempt.
作为联合国全球契约组织、Gesi(全球电子可持续发展推进协会)和GreenTouch (绿色沟通联盟)的成 员,我们坚持在全球范围内贯彻可持续发展理念,将“创新、融合、绿色”理念贯穿到整个产品生命周期及研 发、产、物流、 客户服务等全流程,为实现全球碳排放量的减少不懈努力。
As a member of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) and GreenTouch, we insist on the concept of sustainable development worldwide, and carry out the concept of “Innovative, Integrated, and Green”
throughout the life
[...] cycle of our products and throughout the processes of research and development, production, logistics and customer [...]
service in order to
reduce our global carbon emissions.
此项工程是由共和国国会提议开展的,被归入属于武装部队和国民警察队伍的 残疾队员复员国家计划中,这是抗击毒品犯罪斗争 产物。
This congressional initiative is part of the national plan to rehabilitate members of the armed forces and national police force whose participation in the fight against narcoterrorist criminals has left them with disabilities.
由于专门机构与研究中心为了对常见概念和教学方法确定定义而开展合作 和网络沟通,所以,人权教育与培训领域的进展是各级教育机构对教师的初始和在 职培训以及教育和教学法领域的理论和实践研究以及国际人权法造就 产物。
Progress in human rights education and training is nurtured by the initial and inservice training of teachers at all educational levels and by theoretical and practical research in the fields of education and teaching methods, as well as international human rights law, thanks to cooperation and networking among specialized institutes and research centres, with a view to producing a definition of common concepts and teaching methods.
此外,一些国家提到,可通过其他 活动对一般公众进行宣传,例如给产品贴上特殊标签,保证商品不是剥削儿童产物,或 者公布来自有理由相信使用童工的国家的商品清单。
In addition, some States mentioned that the sensitization of the general public could be achieved through other
activities, such as the
[...] specific labelling of products to ensure that the goods had been produced without exploiting children or the publication of [...]
a list of goods from countries
where there were reasons to believe that child labour had been used.
二手消费物品的进口以及不合标准产品的生产和(或)进口,都促成 物产生 及其复杂性迅速增加。
The importation of second-hand consumer goods and
production and/or importation of
[...] substandard products contribute to rapid increase in waste generation and [...]
its complexity.
与此同时,这些材料 的生产、使用和物产生环 境和健康问题,而且它们目前采用的方式在消耗自然 资源基础,是难以持久的。
At the same time, the
[...] production, use and waste of these materials generate environmental and human health problems and their present working [...]
practices make unsustainable
demands on the natural resource base.
如果产品用于食品或饲料,应计划实施适 当的检测方法或测试以确认物产品 的 完整性。
If the product is intended for food or feed use, plan to make an appropriate detection method or test available
[...] to confirm plant product integrity.
家畜饲养研 究的结果和动物饲料中的残留量也可成为估计 物产 品 中 最大残留量的主要信息来源。
The results of farm animal feeding studies and residues in animal feed serve also as a primary source of information for estimating maximum residue levels in animal products.
[...] 物卫生组织的合作对确保在食物链收获前环节采用以风险为基础的方法十分重要,尤其 是在应对法典食品卫生委员会目前正在开展的 物产 品 微生物防治方面。
In replying to the statement of the Observer from the OIE, delegations pointed out that strengthened collaboration with OIE was important to ensure that the risk-based approach be applied in the pre-harvest sector of the food chain,
especially in addressing the control of
[...] microorganisms in animal products, currently [...]
undertaken by the Committee on Food Hygiene.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食产的恐 怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动物健康 问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) [...]
设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情
况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in
relation to terrorism
[...] targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, [...]
including promotion
of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.




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