

单词 产地证

See also:


place of origin
the source (of a product)
manufacturing location

地产 n

estate n
real estate n
property n

External sources (not reviewed)

举例来说,关于接受由不同实体提供的 产地证 书 或 化验室检验报告,要说 明不同的区域协定有什么不同的要求。
By way of example, it was explained how different regional agreements included different requirements regarding the acceptance of certificates of origin [...]
or the reports of laboratory
tests issued by different entities.
在 uTradeHub 上交换的电子单证包括信证、原 产地证 书 、 进出口 结关手续和进出口申报手续。
Electronic documents exchanged on uTradeHub included letters of credit, certificates of origin, import and export clearances and import and export declarations.
复杂的统计模型允许分析:产地证 明 、 品种纯度、水果成分、虚假标签、生产流程控制和样品相似性
Complex statistical models allow the analysis of: origin authenticity, species purity, fruit content, false labeling, production process control and sample similarity
贸发会议继续在发展中国家宣传如何通过专门网站定期提供信息、 产地 证书行政支助、收集数据资料、出版关于各种普惠制方案的手册和新闻稿,通过 技术合作和能力建设的服务,更好地利用普惠制的各种优惠及其他优惠计划。
UNCTAD continued to enhance awareness among developing countries on ways to better utilize the GSP preferences and other preferential schemes through regular provision of information on a dedicated website, administrative support on certificate of origin, collection of data, publication of handbooks on the GSP schemes and newsletters, and technical cooperation and capacity building services.
检验检疫机构于该协定实施之日起对协定项下我出口智利产品签发中国——智利自由贸易区 产地证 明 书 (FORM F)。
From the effective date of FTA, the inspection and quarantine institutions are
responsible to sign and issue
[...] China-Chile FTA Certificate of Origin (FORM F) for products exported to [...]
Chile form China under FTA.
[...] 我们对秘书长报告(S/2009/149)中指出的少数族裔 回返人数下降的情况感到关切,也对塞尔维亚拒绝允 许带有科索沃“产地证书”印章的产品进入或过境 塞尔维亚感到关切。
In that connection, we are concerned about the decrease, as noted in the Secretary-General’s report (S/2009/149), in voluntary returns of
minorities and about Serbia’s
[...] refusal to allow products carrying a Kosovo “certificate of origin” stamp [...]
to enter or transit through Serbia.
为 确保质量,要求承包商在向混合行动运送食品前, 送交产地证书, 特别是肉类、鱼和乳制品的产地证书。
To ensure quality, the contractor is requested
[...] to forward certificates of origin, especially for meat, fish and dairy products, before shipping them to the Operation.
2003 年 6 月 5 日,安全理事会主席向新闻界宣读一项声明,其中指出:鉴于 塞拉利昂政府更加努力地对钻石工业进行控制和管理,确保对钻石开采地区进行
[...] 适当控制,而且政府充分参与了金伯利进程,安全理事会成员同意不再延长禁止 从塞拉利昂进口不受产地证书制 度管制的毛胚钻石的禁令。
On 5 June 2003, the President of the Security Council read out a statement to the press in which he noted, inter alia, that in the light of the increased efforts of the Government of Sierra Leone to control and manage its diamond industry and ensure proper control over diamond-mining areas, as well as the Government’s full participation in the Kimberley Process, the members of the Council had agreed not to renew
the prohibition against the import of rough diamonds from Sierra Leone not
[...] controlled by the certificate of origin regime.
拥有欧盟31个成员国或者EFTA(瑞士是后者的成员 国)成员国颁发的产地证明的 货物可以自由流通,没有配额限 制,也没有关税壁垒。
Goods with a certificate of origin from one of the 31 member states of the EU and EFTA (Switzerland belongs to the latter, along with Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) can circulate freely without quotas and customs barriers.
它负责提供 各种规定和简化程序信息,并就实际问题提供咨询和建议,例如产地证明、进行加工贸易以及进口时缴纳增值税。
It provides information for customers on simplified procedures and rules and advises on practical issues such as proof of origin, processing arrangements and VAT at the time of importation.
[...] 题国际会议系统,那么国家出口许可证或 产地证 书 将被大湖区问题国际会议区 域许可证替代,区域许可证将作为全区域范围的担保,保证矿物是在可接受的条 [...]
Once the system is in place, a national
[...] export permit or certificate of origin can [...]
be replaced with an International Conference
of the Great Lakes Region regional certificate which will serve as a region-wide guarantee that minerals were mined under acceptable conditions.
2001 年 12 月 19 日第 1385(2001)号决议和 2002 年 12 月 4 日
[...] 第 1446(2002)号决议将针对不受产地证书 制度管制的钻石的禁令分别再延长 [...]
11 个月和 6 个月。
The prohibitions on diamonds not
[...] controlled by the certificate of origin regime [...]
were extended for additional periods of
11 months and 6 months, respectively, by resolutions 1385 (2001) of 19 December 2001 and 1446 (2002) of 4 December 2002.
已尝试通过要求提供产地证明文 件,弥补这方面的不足, 但这种做法除非与测量值和其他辅助性证据相联系,否则用处有限。
Attempts were made to compensate for this deficiency by requesting documentation related to provenance, but this will only have limited value unless it is linked to measurements and other supporting evidence.
[...] extra copies of Certificate of Origin and/or [...]
other documents.
结果,携带科索沃“产地证书” 印章的产品现遭拒 绝,不得进入或经过塞尔维亚境内;而且波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那还将其作为来自 非中欧自由贸易协定区的产品,征收关税。
As a result, products carrying a Kosovo “certificate of origin” stamp [...]
are currently refused entry into, or transit through,
Serbia and are charged with Customs duties by Bosnia and Herzegovina as products originating from a non-CEFTA party.
不必亲自访问相关机构,即可在贸易网站上递交及受理装船单、提单、 产地证 明 、 货物运输保险、汇票等单据。
The portal made it possible to submit and receive
documents such as shipping request, bill of
[...] lading (“B/L”), certificate of origin (“C/O”), [...]
cargo insurance, and bill of exchange
without having to visit relevant authorities or government institutions.
另外,我司可以提供产品的中华人民共和国海关进口货物报关单,或者中华人民共和国出入检验检疫局出具的卫生证书,或者出口国出具的 产地证 书 来 证明产品的原产地国家。
In addition, we can provide customs declaration forms, sanitary certificates and certificate of origin for each and every of our product.
报关的最重要单据是报关单,出口商还须同 时附上发票 ( 标明货物重量) 和产地证明。
The most important document for customs clearance is the customs declaration, which must be accompanied by the exporter’s invoice (indicating the weight) and confirmation of origin.
如果要适用优惠关税 税率或者产品需要再出口,则须提供 产地证 明。
A certificate of origin is required if one wishes to benefit from preferential duty rates or if the goods are to be re-exported.
安 全理事会还在这项决议中决定,塞拉利昂政府通过 产地证 书 制度管制的钻石不 受这些措施约束。
In the same resolution, the Council also decided that diamonds
controlled by the Government of Sierra
[...] Leone through the certificate of origin regime [...]
would be exempt from those measures.
如在进口国与出口国的政府之间定有关税协定,用条约形式规定了协定税率(AGREED CUSTOMS RATE),或两国之间条约上规定了最惠国条款(MOST FAVORED NATION
[...] CLAUSE),买方往往要求卖方提供有效 产地证 明 书 来证明进口货物的原产地确系缔约的对方国才能获得相应的税率待遇。
If Tariff Agreement between the governments of the importing and exporting countries exists, with stipulating AGREED CUSTOMS RATE in treaty, or MOST FAVORED NATION CLAUSE is provided in the pact between two countries, then
a buyer usually requires the seller to
[...] provide a valid certificate of origin to [...]
prove that the country of origin for  inward
cargo is really the contracting partner country before get the appropriate tax treatment .
华洲公司单证部可为客户代理各类目的港清关文件,主要代办的单证:一般 产地证 ( CO )、普惠制 产地证 ( FO RM A、FORM E、FORM F、FORM N、FORM B、FORM P、FORM X)、贸促会证明书、CIQ装运前检验、纸箱证、邀请函、香港转 产地证 / 转 载 产地证 、 阿 根廷认证、 阿曼香港领事馆认证、巴西领事馆认证、厄瓜多尔使馆认证、卡塔尔使馆认证、黎巴嫩使馆认证、土耳其使馆认证、委内瑞拉使馆认证、埃及Invoice认证、阿联酋(迪拜)香港领事馆认证、哥伦比亚使馆认证、科威特使馆认证等。
The main documents we can make are as follows:general certificate of origin (CO), the GSP certificate of origin (FORM A, E, FORM FORM F, FORM N, FORM B, FORM P, FORM X), the CCPIT certificate, CIQ inspection before shipment, carton card, invitation letter, Hongkong RE-EXPORT CO/reprint CO, IRAM, [...]
Oman consulate in
Hongkong, Brazilian consulate, Ecuador embassy authentication, Qatar embassy certification, Lebanon authentication, Turkey embassy authentication, Venezuelan embassy certification, Egypt invoice with the authentication, the united Arab emirates (Dubai)  embassy in Hongkong, Colombia authentication, Kuwait embassy authentication and so on.
[...] 委员会税务与海关联盟总局海关政策司正在计划开发无纸化自报 产地证 书系 统,这样,欧盟贸易伙伴可专一地通过单一电子平台进行联接和操作。
The EC-TAXUD Customs Policy Directorate is
planning the development of a paperless
[...] self-declared certificate of origin system [...]
with which European Union trade partners
could interface and operate exclusively through a single electronic platform.
产地证明、 品种纯度、水果成分、虚假标签、生产流程控制和样品相似性
How Bruker’s food screening, juice testing and wine testing solutions help to analyze origin authenticity, species purity, fruit content, false labeling, production process control and sample similarity based on Spin-Generated Fingerprint (SGF) Profiling.
请注意: 生效日期由2013年1月1日起,所有运往伊拉克的集装箱货运将必须一并提供由伊拉克驻货品原产国大使馆加盖印章认证的 产地证 明 书 及商业发票。
Please be informed that with effective from 1st January 2013, all cargoes destined to Iraq will require the certificate of origin and commercial invoices to be stamped by the Iraqi Embassy at the country of origin.
(6) 合同方应在交货时提供所有 Alpla 约定的或通常要求的文件(如发票,货运单据,产 地证书, 符合性声明,保证书,技术文件,操作说明)。
(6) Delivery/performance is only provided in full if the contractual partner has submitted to ALPLA all agreed documents or documents usually required (e.g. invoices, freight documents, certificates of origin, declarations of conformity, letters of guarantee, technical documents, operating instructions).
这些基石投资者包括博时基金管理有限公司,系中华人民共和国全国社会保障基金理事会部分股票组合的全权管理人;ING Clarion Real Estate Securities, LLC,一家在美国注册的投资管理公司,专门从事股权 地产证 券 的 管理;利安资金管理公司,东南亚最大的资产管理公司;世邦魏理仕国际 地产证 券 有 限责任公司,代表全球机构投资者管理全球 地产证 券 ; Alibaba Group Treasury Limited;周大福代理人有限公司;Lim Eng Hock(又称Peter Lim) 全资拥有的Jovina Investments Limited;南丰集团的两个成员公司;以及Owl Creek Asset Management L.P.
Ltd, the discretionary manager of certain equity portfolio of the National Council for Social Security Fund of the People’s Republic of China, ING Clarion Real Estate Securities, LLC, a U.S. registered investment management firm specializing in the
management of equity
[...] real estate securities, Lion Global Investors Limited, one of the largest asset management companies in Southeast Asia, CB Richard Ellis Global Real Estate Securities, LLC which manages global property securities on behalf of institutional investors around the world, as well as Alibaba Group Treasury Limited, Chow Tai Fook Nominee Limited, Jovina Investments Limited which is wholly-owned by Lim Eng Hock [...]
(also known as Peter Lim),
two member companies of the Nan Fung Group and Owl Creek Asset Management L.P.
在工作方案项下,共计 46 642 100 美元(重计费用前),比 2010-2011 两年期增加 2 772 200 美元,用于:订约承办顾问,根据现有估计为 4 个合同顾问,负责就北美、欧洲和亚洲股票市场和全球固定收益及实物 资产投资组合提供咨询(16 979 600 美元);股票分析工具(1 000 000 美元);1 个外部管理员负责维持和扩大基金现有的公开上市地 产证券投 资组合(2 800 000 美元);小型资本基金外部管理员若干 (18 000 000 美元);风险和合规科 1 次专业基准服务(50 000 美元); 聘雇 1 个外部税务顾问以在各个不同的当地辖区聘用合格的法律和 税务顾问(2 400 000 美元);双重托管人若干和1个独立的总账管理 人(5 412 500 美元)
Under programme of work, a total of $46,642,100 (before recosting), an increase of $2,772,200 compared to 2010-2011, comprising contractual advisers, based on present estimates of the four contracted advisers that provide advice on the equity markets of North America, Europe and Asia, and the global fixed-income and real assets portfolios ($16,979,600); the equity analytical tool ($1 million), an outside manager to maintain and expand the Fund’s existing portfolio of publicly traded real estate securities ($2.8 million); external managers on small capitalization funds ($18 million); a specialist benchmark service for the Risk and Compliance Section ($50,000); the retention of an external tax adviser to retain legal and tax counsel qualified in various local jurisdictions ($2.4 million); and dual custodians and an independent master record keeper ($5,412,500)
资金已经分配,以调整主要银行和金证 券市场的资本,稳定地产市场 ,支持中小型企业, 并增加对社会边缘群体的社会福利和养老金支付。
Funds had been allocated to recapitalize the major banks and financial securities market, stabilize the housing market, support small and medium-sized enterprises, and increase social benefits and pension payments for socially marginalized groups.




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