单词 | 交杯酒 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 交杯酒—formal exchange of cups of wine between bride and groom as |
3月16日晚上军舰举行了官方酒会,法国交通部长Thierry Mariani先生及一众官方代表及法国社群代表出席。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | Minister of State for Transport Mr.Thierry MARIANI, [...] many official guests and the representatives of the French community were present. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
一些人可能会指出,双方在几个星期前曾有过交锋,在联赛杯中维冈曾重创西汉姆。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Some people may point out that the sides met a few weeks [...] ago and Wigan thrashed West Ham inthe LeagueCup. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
壹些人可能会指出,双方在几个星期前曾有过交锋,在联赛杯中维冈曾重创西汉姆。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Some people may point out that the sides met a few weeks [...] ago and Wigan thrashed West Ham intheLeague Cup. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
电力塔按其形状一般分为:酒杯型、猫头型、上字型、干字型和桶型五种,按用途分有:耐张塔、直线塔、转角塔、换位塔(更换导线相位位置塔)、终端塔和跨越塔等,它们的结构特点是各种塔型均属空间桁架结构,杆件主要由单根等边角钢或组合角钢组成,材料一般使用Q235(A3F)和Q345(16Mn)两种,杆件间连接采用粗制螺栓,靠螺栓受剪力连接,整个塔由角钢、连接钢板和螺栓组成,个别部件如塔脚等由几块钢板焊接成一个组合件,因此热镀锌防腐、运输和施工架设极为方便。 onearrows.com | power tower its shape is [...] generally divided into: thewine glass type, cathead [...]type, font, stem fonts and five bucket Purpose: [...]Strain tower, straight line tower, angle tower, transposition tower(tower replacement wire phase position), terminal tower and across the tower, the structural features of the tower are space truss structure, the rod is composed mainly by single equilateral angle or combination of angle iron, material generally used Q235 (A3Fboth) and Q345 (16Mn), the connection between the rod crude bolt by bolt shear connection, the whole tower angles, connecting steel plates and bolts, the individual components, such as tower leg by a few pieces of steel plate welded into a combinationparts, hot dip galvanized anti-corrosion, transportation, and construction is extremely convenient. onearrows.com |
秘书长报告详述了在各种背景下 [...] 提高健康水平和针对预防和治疗艾滋病毒/艾滋病、减少危险行为、在低收入国 家防治传染病、防止滥用烟草和酒精、减少道路交通事故和枪械暴力的干预措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Secretary-General detailed a variety of interventions for improving health and reducing risk behaviours in various contexts, directed at HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, combating infectious diseases in [...] low-income countries, preventing tobacco use and alcohol [...] abuse, and reducing roadtraffic accidents and firearms [...]violence. daccess-ods.un.org |
在早定价/标准价的基础上享有一定的折扣(交通,机票及酒店除外)。 msccruises.com.cn | Exclusive discount on cruise booking [...] (excludes flights, transfers, excursions and hotels). msccruises.com.eg |
此外交换书籍,大堂酒吧,真正的热咖啡,厄瓜多尔啤酒;邮票,明信片和纪念品的销售。 instantworldbooking.com | Besides exchangebooks, lobby bar, real hot [...] coffee, Ecuadorian beer; stamps, postcards and souvenirs for sell. instantworldbooking.com |
然而,危机造成财产损失几乎是广义的选项获得了特殊的内涵策略的可能性对冲投资组合的股票的回报率,可以实现在几个方面,同方股份上升,低,甚至是“杯酒人生”。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | However, the crisis which then caused property losses almost generalized gained special connotation strategies with options, the possibility of hedging the portfolio of shares and the rates of return that can be achieved in several ways, with the shares rising, low or even "sideways". en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
从酒店信步可达交通要站(汽车站、火车站和机场),购物中心,旅游景区,会展中心以及写字楼等。 shangri-la.com | It has easy access to all transportations(train and bus stations, and Airport), shopping and sightseeing places, and exhibitions and city offices. shangri-la.com |
按合同规定,巴西公司 Huhtamäki 应于 2009 年 11 月向古巴交付一台酒精饮料装瓶旋转机,古巴与这家公司已有一段时间的联系。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cuba had a contract to take delivery, in [...] November 2009, of an alcoholic beverage rotary bottling machine from the Brazilian company,Huhtamaki,with [...]which it had previously done business. daccess-ods.un.org |
寻找以下产品出口中国: 葡萄酒杯、木塞起子、瓶盖/塞、防 滴环、温度计以及其他所有和品酒有关的配套产品。 maxicom.de | The following is being sought for [...] export to China: wine glasses, corkscrews, [...]bottle caps, drip rings, thermometers and other [...]accessories for enjoying wine. maxicom.de |
这里是高档的银行区和花园,走过席勒的雕像,就是横跨6个街区的火车站红灯区了,像一个酒 杯,里面的哈气呼呼闷响:高档的银行职员在这里显示他们的魅与力,低档的酒店开了阴红的灯光,开了又关,关了又开。 shanghaibiennale.org | Here is a forest of high-class banks; walk past a statue of Schiller, and you arrive in six square blocks of the Bahnhofsviertel red light district. shanghaibiennale.org |
哈瓦那酒吧储藏了古巴最好的朗姆酒,但也搜罗了加勒比和世界其他地方的朗姆酒,将香港最广泛的朗姆酒带给你 — [...] 从容易调制成鸡尾酒的朗姆酒到罕见的陈年老酒,再到世界上绝无仅有的朗姆酒,比如说来自巴巴多斯的圣尼古拉斯·艾比朗姆酒,价格为$278一杯!酒吧里总是有几种正在酿制的朗姆酒,经常提供给路过的客人。 ilovelkf.hk | Havana Bar stocks its country’s namesake’s finest rums, but has also scoured the rest of the Caribbean and other parts of the world to bring you probably the most extensive rum offering Hong Kong has to offer – from the easy drinking rums for cocktail mixing to aged and mature rums of a rarer nature, up [...] to one of the most exclusive rums in the world, such as the [...] St. NicholasAbby rum fromBarbados, [...]priced at $278 a shot! ilovelkf.hk |
每一杯酒都有一个故事,哈瓦那酒吧启迪饮酒者们去了解经典朗姆鸡尾酒背後的故事。 ilovelkf.hk | With every good drink comes a good yarn and Havana [...] Bar enlightens drinkers to the backstory [...]behind some of its rum-based cocktail classics. ilovelkf.hk |
花上三年时间研究质料、光线和设计细节,United Crystal Woods的四个系列捕捉的是大自然之美 — Forest of Dreams (La Forêt des [...] [...] Songes)的水晶烛台和花瓶反映Baccarat的非凡工艺;Kings of Forest (Les Rois de la Forêt)气派慑人的酒杯澄明剔透俨如王者;自称美酒快乐主义者的Wanders在Woods of Euphoria (L’Ivresse des Bois)的酒杯刻上他的小丑鼻签名式以作点缀;Spirits of the Woods [...](Les Esprits des Bois)则巧妙地将鹿的形态约化成巨型烛台。 think-silly.com | Taking three years to research on material, light and design detail, the four series of United Crystal Woods capture the beauty of nature — Forest of Dreams (La Forêt des Songes) crystal candlesticks and vases reflect Baccarat’s expertise and style in crystals; Kings of Forest (Les Rois de la Forêt) features four majestic, [...] clear crystal vases [...] that resemble the monarchs; Wanders, a self-proclaimed hedonist ofgreatwines,infuses his talents and humour into Woods of Euphoria (L’Ivresse des Bois) [...]wine glasses by engraving [...]them with his favourite clown’s nose seal. think-silly.com |
我们也有以下服务:行李寄存,安全保险箱,交换书籍,大堂酒吧,真正的热咖啡,厄瓜多尔大啤酒;为出售邮票,明信片及纪念品,以信誉卡,在顶部平台,西班牙语课程享用早餐费,等.. instantworldbooking.com | We also have the following services: Luggage storage, [...] securitylockers, exchangebooks, lobby bar, real hot coffee, Ecuadorian big beer; stamps, [...]postcards and souvenirs [...]for sell, payments with credit card, breakfast served at the top terrace, Spanish Classes, etc... instantworldbooking.com |
指葡萄酒需要"呼吸",就是说当酒倒入另一个容器里,例如将酒倒入一个酒杯,和空气接触之后,散发出比原来更馥郁的香气。 emw-wines.com | Denotes the act of allowing the wine to "breathe"; [...] ie: when wine is poured into another [...] container, suchas a wineglass, the admixture [...]of air seems to release pent-up aromas which [...]then become more pronounced, in many cases, as minutes/hours pass. en.emw-wines.com |
酒店的交通运输合作伙伴蓝鸟集团公司(BlueBird Group),可提供接机服务和出租车服务等多种交通选择。 shangri-la.com | There are numerous options to [...] reach Shangri-LaHotel,Jakarta. Guests [...]can choose between hotel limousine pick-up and taxi, [...]provided by our transportation partner Blue Bird Group. shangri-la.com |
董事在履行董事职务时可报销所有交通费、酒店费及所有其他合理支出, 包括出席董事会会议、委员会会议或股东大会之往返交通费,或处理本公司业务时或 [...] 履行本公司董事职务时录得之其他费用。 hongkongfoodinvestment.com.hk | The Directors shall also be entitled to be [...] repaid all travelling, hotel and other expenses [...]reasonably incurred by them respectively [...]in or about the performance of their duties as Directors, including their expenses of travelling to and from board meetings, committee meetings or general meetings or otherwise incurred whilst engaged on the business of the Company or in the discharge of their duties as Directors. hongkongfoodinvestment.com.hk |
为方便顾客透过与有名的洋酒专家的交流,从而认识复杂的洋酒世界,美酒中心於2008 年成立。 frenchmay.com | The Fine WineCentre was established in 2008 to lead customers through the complex world of wine with [...] the most prominent and [...]highly-respected wine experts. frenchmay.com |
在音乐演出方面:上海轻音乐团携国家一级作曲家、指挥家、上海慈善基金会会歌《蓝天下的至爱》创作者屠巴海先生,上海海第一支爵士乐队Jimmy [...] King乐队成员、前上海交响乐队声部长91岁高龄的郑德仁先生,两位上海老歌的演唱嘉宾“上海歌姬”林宝小姐和被众多媒体誉为“最具周璇神韵”的香港歌手黎蕙兰小姐带来了余音绕梁,让人久久回味的上海老歌,共同呈现衣香鬓影、杯觥交错的老上海之夜。 ailingfoundation.com.cn | In terms of music performance, Shanghai Light Music Orchestra with national level composer and conductor who has written the theme song of Shanghai Charity Foundation [...] voice bears the closest resemblance to the “Golden Voice” of [...] Zhou Xuan, together making asplendid,unforgettable night. ailingfoundation.com.cn |
如果你正在考虑一个品牌的葡萄酒瓶,那麽我们强烈推介我们的订制的礼品套装:成套礼盒包括一对酒杯和一瓶的葡萄酒, 整套产品更放在一个定制礼品盒内 brandhk.com | If you are considering a branded wine bottle, then we [...] highly recommend looking at our [...] gift sets: wine glasses and a bottleof wine in a bespoke [...]gift box with foil stamp logo. brandhk.com |