

单词 交易量

See also:

交易 pl

dealings pl
deals pl

交易 v

trade v
deal v


(business) transaction
business deal

External sources (not reviewed)

交易量是由 我們經營船用燃料的聯屬公司Chemo il 的 交易量 綜 合 計入石油組別數字所致。
The remainder of the gain was derived from our marine bunker fuels affiliate Chemoil, into the Oil group figures.
In case Net
[...] Deposit, Equity and Traded Volume lead to different [...]
commission rates, Dukascopy Bank applies the lowest (as
illustrated in the examples below).
[...] 的上線提升了對證券交易的支持,同時也釋放了中後台的 一定資源,將在未來幾年內滿足海通國際客 交易量 增長 的需要。
The introduction of the MSSE system not only enhanced the support to securities dealings, but also released some resources of
our middle and back office operations to
[...] satisfy the growing transactions volume of our clients for [...]
the next few years.
在 2012/13 财政期间,预计战略部署物资的往 交易量 将 进 一步增加。
The volume of transactions involving strategic [...]
deployment stocks is expected to show a further increase in the fiscal period 2012/13.
鑒於利率掉期合約及不交收遠期外匯合約交 易量龐大 ,從風險管理的角度衡量,政府建議首先 向利率掉期合約及不交收遠期外匯合約實施擬議 [...]
Having regard to the large trading volumes of interest rate swaps [...]
(IRS) and non-deliverable forwards (NDF) and from the risk
management angle, the Government proposed that the application of the proposed regulatory regime should start with IRS and NDF.
對 於延長 "禁止買賣"期 會 導 致
市場流 通 量 減少的關注 問 題,證監會署 理行政總 裁 回 應時表 示,根據證監會在 2008年 對 市場交易進行 的 分
[...] 析,雖 然董事曾 偶爾進 行股份交易,但他們交 易 量 與 市場總成 交 量 相 比 ,實在 微 不足道 。
In response to concerns about reduced liquidity in the market as a result of the extension of the "black out" period, CEO/SFC Atg advised that according to the analyses of market transactions done by SFC in 2008, while directors had
conducted share transactions
[...] occasionally, the volume of directors' trading was insignificant [...]
compared with the total market turnover.
因此,仅武器一项(不包括弹药)与 Manjus 将军所辖网络交易量价值就高达每月至少 300 000 [...]
美元,即每年 360 万美元。
The value of this trade to General Manjus’s [...]
network would therefore be worth a minimum of $300,000 per month or $3.6 million
per year for weapons alone, excluding ammunition.
[...] 序,利用单一和同类技术管理方法)、功能质量(用于规划活动报告的分析中所强调的维护 措施)和财务质量(提高预算管理效率, 交易量 减 少约 75%)。
The aim of the reorganization is to optimize operational quality (by using a single, and therefore homogeneous, method of technical management, based on standard quality control procedures described in activity reports), functional quality (for the planning of conservation measures highlighted in the analysis of the activity
reports) and financial quality (greater efficiency in the management of the budget,
[...] reducing annual transactions by about 75%).
最低总体拥有成本——凭借单一刀片服务器配置可实现超过14万实时计 交易量 / 秒 ( TPS)的性能,Openet提供了更好的性价比。
Lowest TCO - With more than 140,000 real-time charging TPS in a single blade server configuration, Openet delivers more performance for the price.
它結合了時間的鐘錶製造商的戰略,為他贏得了他的成功在世界的書面父實體滿足一個全球性的市 交易量 的 需 求,而車間生產的限量版和稀有的收藏家。
It combines the time watchmakers a strategy that earned him his success in the world of
writing: a parent entity meets the needs of a
[...] global market volumes, while a workshop [...]
produces limited editions and rarities for collectors.
草間彌生雖然是國際知名的藝術家,超過90間博物館收藏她的作品,然而她的藝術 交易量 與 知 名度仍舊不成比例。
Even though Yayoi Kusama is an internationally renowned artist whose work is found in the collections of more than 90 museums around the world, her eminent status and critical acclaim
are not quite reflected in the sales of her artwork, or the degree of visibility her
[...] oeuvre enjoys with global collectors.
[...] 域相关的原油价格基准;汇集主要买家和卖家的支持,以确保充足 交易量 ;建 立适当的储存基础设施和创建有利监管的框架;并确保稳健的金融市场,以支持 [...]
Building blocks of such a market include identifying a crude oil price benchmark relevant for the region; gathering
support from key buyers and sellers
[...] to ensure adequate trading volumes; building adequate [...]
storage infrastructure and creating
a conducive regulatory framework; and ensuring robust financial markets to support hedging and trading.
吾 等 知 悉 於 二 零 一一年 八 月 二 十 六 日 中 國基建 港 口 有 限 公 司(「 本 公 司 」)之 股 價 上 升及股 份 成 交 量 上 升 , 茲 聲 明 , 除 本 公 司 已 就 可 能 出 售 全 資 附 屬 公 司 CIG Port Holdings Limited 而 於 創 業 板 網 站 於 二 零 一一年 四 月 八 日 , 二 零 一一年 七 月 七 日 及 二 零 一一年 八 月 七 日 刊 登 之 公 告 所披露 之 資 料 外 , 吾 等 並不知 悉 導 致 有 關 價 格 上 升交 易 量 上 升 之任何 原 因 。
We have noted the increase in price and the increase in trading volume of the shares of CIG Yangtze Ports PLC (the ‘‘ Company’’) on 26 August 2011 and wish to state that we are not aware of any reasons for such increase in price and increase in trading volume save as the information of the Company disclosed in the announcements dated 8 April 2011, 7 July 2011 and 7 August 2011, which have been published on the GEM website regarding the possible disposal of CIG Port Holdings Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary.
本季度鋅精礦市交易量稀少 ,但現貨市場業務持續進行,處理費用遠低於年度合約水平。
Zinc concentrate market trade volumes were thin in the [...]
quarter, however spot market business continued with treatment charges
well below annual contract levels.
英國倫敦是夢想之城,人們熱愛過去與光輝,歷史與現代在此共融,一同創造世上極具活力的場所;這座城每年吸引的直接外來投資額高居世界之冠,也是全球金融重鎮,每 交易量 大 於 紐約、東京與法蘭克福;倫敦人文薈萃,博物館、劇場與藝術收藏既多又豐富,在文化層面傲視全球。
It is the city that attracts the highest amount of Foreign Direct Investment per year of any other city
around the world; it is the world’s financial power house,
[...] with more daily transactions than New York, [...]
Tokyo and Frankfurt.
虽然亚交易量与全 球金融危机前相比,仍低30%,2011年的显著回暖有望代表着全 交易量 更 深层次转变的开始。
[...] although the Asia-Pacific region now accounts for 21 percent of the global PE industry, that level is still lower than its share of global GDP, which has [...]
reached 28 percent.
对于在Dukascopy银行拥有一个以上交易帐户的客户,净入金,帐户净值 交易量 被 累 积并计算出所收取佣金,适用于所有帐户。
For Self Traders with several margin accounts with Dukascopy
Bank, Net Deposits,
[...] Equities and Traded Volumes are cumulated to define a unique volume commission [...]
rate applied to all margin accounts.
图形化的分析告诉我们,通过IBOVESPA(理论上Bovespa指数 交易量 最 大的股票投资组合),股市将在牛市通道,而这反过来又反弹高(LTA)和平行的趋势线之间。
The graphical analysis shows us,
through the Ibovespa (theoretical
[...] portfolio with the most traded shares on Bovespa) [...]
that stocks move in a bullish channel,
which in turn bounce off the trend line between high (LTA) and its parallel.
可以預期的是,離岸市場交易量將 在 某一天超過非交割市場,兩個市場最終將趨於相同。
It is anticipated that the offshore market will at some point overtake the non-deliverable market in terms of activity and the two markets will effectively converge.
惟 營 業 收 入 之 對 價 為 一 年 期 以 內 之 應 收 款 時 , 其 公 帄 價 值 與 到 期 值 差 異 不 大交 易 量 頻 繁 , 則 不 按 設 算 利 率 計 算 公 帄 價 值 。
However, receivable from sales maturing within one year or less may not be valued at fair value according to the imputed interest rate when the discrepancy between their fair value and value at maturity is small, and sales occur frequently.
申请中需说明交易区,交易的兆 交易量 , 每 兆升价格和申请有效期内的交易次数…...相关交易区 的每次交易中都将把有效申请包括在内。
Offers must
[...] define the trading zone, volume for trade in megalitres, price per megalitre and the number of exchanges for which [...]
the offer is valid….
100微型手交易量后, 您可以收回奖金。
You can withdraw the bonus after
[...] making 100 Micro lots of trading volume.
创记录的设置策略——凭借每台策略刀片服务器最高达 11 0 0 0 交易量 / 秒 (TPS)的性能,Openet创下了行业性能记录,使得运营商可以基于服务、用户或上下文(context)采用实时、个性化的策略快速管理网络资源。
Record setting policy - With up to 11,000 TPS per Policy blade, Openet sets industry performance records and enables operators to quickly manage network resources with real-time, personalized policies based on service, subscriber, or context.
在选择货币、设交易量后,点击‘完成’,交易指令将会生效,被执行的交易将会显示在‘未平仓头 [...]
When you click on the OK button after determining currency pair
[...] (Instrument) and amount (Number of Lots), [...]
the order is activated and the executed
trade will appear in the ‘Open Positions’ window.
如佣金支付基交易量、交易次数 或类型,本公司可能与第三方分享此类信息,但是如未经您进一步的书面同意,本公司不会披露有关您每一次交易的所有细节。
Where the commission payment
[...] is based on transaction volumes, numbers or types of transactions, [...]
we may share that information
with that third party, but we will not disclose the full details of each of your transactions without your further written consent.
以下列出了一些最常见的技术指示器: 累积分配 涨跌比率 臂指标(TRIN) 保力加通道 商品通道指标 移动平均数(多种) 移动平均指标 麦加伦波动指标 动量 平交易量 抛物 线 相对强弱指标(RSI) Stochastic(快慢两种) 易变性 市场推动预计,并且往往与认知相反!想想这句经典的股市格言 -“趁谣言吸购,在消息公布后抛售”。
Here is a list of some of the most common technical indicator:
cumulative distribution ratio
[...] index go up drop arm (TRIN) the strength add channel commodity channel index moving average (many) moving average index mecca Aaron fluctuation index momentum balance volume parabolic relative [...]
strength index
(RSI) Stochastic (speed of the two) market volatility is expected to promote, and often and cognitive instead!
东京 – 2009 年 2 月23日(美国商业资讯)– 亚洲领先的交易平台和流动性提供商
[...] Tora(www.toratrading.com)今日宣布,该公司在 2008 年连创记录交易量、市场份额和 TORA Compass 的新交易功能取得显著增长。
TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Tora (www.toratrading.com), the leading trading platform and liquidity provider for Asia, announced today that 2008 was a record
year, having generated
[...] significant growth in trading volume, market share and new trading capabilities [...]
in TORA Compass.
在2009,首个 MT4 ECN 交易平台, 结合0.1 最低交量, 快速执行和先进的 资金管理技术(PAMM accounts), [...]
推向外汇市场 ,因此,完成了ECN 技术在MT4 外汇交易环境的革新.
In 2009, the first ever MT4 ECN trading platform, coupled with 0.1 minimum [...]
lot, super-fast execution and advanced Money
Management technology (PAMM accounts), was introduced to the market, thus, completing the ECN technological revolution in the MT4 FOREX trading environment.
附属履行机构( 履行机构) 已开始根据第3/CMP.7 号决定第2和第3 段规定的
[...] 任务,审议以下事项:审查并酌情修改下一个承诺期的承诺期储备的设计,以支 持排量交易的有 效运作,为此除其他外应考虑到有关衡量、报告、核实和遵约 [...]
The Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) initiated its consideration of the review and revision, as appropriate, of the design of the commitment period reserve for the subsequent commitment
period, to support the effective
[...] operation of emissions trading, taking into account, [...]
inter alia, the relevant rules, modalities,
guidelines and procedures for measuring, reporting, verification and compliance in accordance with the mandate set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 of decision 3/CMP.7.
背景:在第3/CMP.7 号决定中,《议定书》/ 《公约》缔约方会议决定在
[...] 第八届会议上审查并酌情修改下一个承诺期的承诺期储备的设计,以支持排量 交易的有 效运作,为此除其他外应考虑到有关衡量、报告、核实和遵约的规则、 [...]
Background: The CMP, by decision 3/CMP.7, decided to review at its eighth session, and revise as appropriate, the design of the commitment period reserve for the subsequent
commitment period to support the effective
[...] operation of emissions trading, taking into account, [...]
inter alia, the relevant rules, modalities,
guidelines and procedures for measuring, reporting, verification and compliance.




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