

单词 交并

External sources (not reviewed)

在法院要求买 卖双方提交的所有证据都已交并做 出裁定之前,法院将继续维持原判。
The Court proceeded to reserve judgment until all evidence it had required from the parties had been delivered and decided upon.
Canada would be doing so the following year and continued to work to improve the circumstances of persons with disabilities.
委员会建议大会注意到 36
[...] C/COM ED.DR.1 号文件,该文件由斯里兰卡交并得 到 阿 富汗、阿尔及利亚、不丹、多民族玻利维亚国、柬埔寨、科特迪瓦、古巴、刚果民主共和 [...]
(伊斯兰共和国)、伊拉克、日本、约旦、肯尼亚、科威特、老挝人民民主共和国、黎巴 嫩、马来西亚、马里、蒙古、摩洛哥、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦、菲律宾、俄罗斯联邦、沙特阿拉 伯、塞内加尔、新加坡、苏丹、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、泰国、阿拉伯联合酋长国、委内瑞拉 (玻利瓦尔共和国)、越南、也门、赞比亚和津巴布韦附议。
The Commission recommended to the General
Conference that it take note of document
[...] 36 C/COM ED.DR.1 submitted by Sri Lanka and [...]
co-sponsored by Afghanistan, Algeria,
Bhutan, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Cambodia, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Djibouti, Egypt, Greece, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mali, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Singapore, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Viet Nam, Yemen, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
该决议草案由苏丹交,并得到 葡萄牙、叙利亚阿拉伯共和国、 中国、尼日利亚、科威特(2)、伊拉克(3)、吉布提(4)、马达加斯加、也门、巴西、阿尔及利 [...]
基纳法索、毛里塔尼亚、厄立特里亚、南非、摩洛哥的支持,在委员会之外征求了意见后对该草案 进行了修改,并根据丹麦和俄罗斯联邦在委员会的辩论中提出的口头修改意见作了修改(第 33C/66 号决议)。
(submitted by Sudan and supported by [...]
Portugal, Syrian Arab Republic, China, Nigeria, Kuwait,1 Iraq,2 Djibouti,3 Madagascar,
Yemen, Brazil, Algeria, Ghana, Japan, United Republic of Tanzania, Niger,4 Ethiopia, Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burkina Faso, Mauritania, Eritrea, South Africa, Morocco), as amended following a consultation process outside the Commission and as amended orally in the Commission during the debate by Denmark and the Russian Federation (33 C/Resolution 66).
每年的申诉统计、具体内 容的分析报告以及所做出的决定都要以工作报告的形式向乌兹别克斯坦议会的两 个议院交,并在互联网上予以公布。
Statistics on complaints and an analysis of their substance and the recommendations issued are sent in the form of an annual report to both chambers of the Oliy Majlis and published on the Internet.
尤其是,委员会强调必须确保这些详细论述各种相 关议题以供委员会审议的文件能以委员会会前文件的形式 交 , 并翻 译成亚太经社会的所有四种正式语文。
Particularly, it stressed the necessity to ensure that documents which circumstantially contained issues for
consideration of the
[...] Committee be presented in the form of pre-session Committee papers, and translated [...]
into all four official languages of ESCAP.
如果执行委员会没有另做决定,此项核查必 须与各付款申请一起交,并且必 须提交本协定第 5(a)款中列出的所有 相关年份消费量核查,因为核查报告尚未得到委员会的认可; (c) 书面说明计划提交下一次付款申请的前一年、同时包括该年的将开展的各项 活动,重点说明这些活动之间的相互依存性,并考虑在执行前几次付款中积 累的经验和取得的进展;按日历年将要提供的计划中的数据。
If not decided otherwise by the Executive Committee, such a verification has to be provided together with each tranche request and will have to provide verification of the consumption for all relevant years as specified in sub-paragraph 5(a) of the Agreement for which a verification report has not yet been acknowledged by the Committee
[...] 时,我们可以确切地说,第二轮民主选举标志着刚果 民主共和国一个时代的最终结束,在这个时代中,权 力的交并非基于民主准则,并且选举进程的资金主 要由国际社会提供。
Today, when we look back at what really took place and when we look to the future, we can say with certainty that the second round of democratic elections represent a definitive end in the Democratic Republic of the
Congo of an era during
[...] which the transfer of power was not based on democratic norms and the funding [...]
of the electoral process
was provided mainly by the international community.
该等风险、不定因素及假设包括,但不限于公司在2012年3月22日 交并 发 布 在SEDAR的“管理层讨论及分析”中“风险及不定因素”一节所描述的情况,并且可能使实际事件或结果与任何前瞻性陈述预测的结果大不相同。
These risks uncertainties and assumptions include, but are not limited to, those described in the section of the Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) entitled "Risk and Uncertainties" as filed on March 22, 2012 on SEDAR, and could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in any forward-looking statements.
她在介绍秘书长关于人权理事会第十届和第十 一届会议通过的决议和决定引起的订正概算的报告
[...] (A/64/353)时说,咨询委员会建议应每年提供订正概 算,这是第一份按照此建议交并在 随 后获得大会第 63/263 号决议认可的报告。
Introducing the report of the Secretary-General on revised estimates resulting from resolutions and decisions adopted by the Human Rights Council at its tenth and eleventh sessions (A/64/353), she said that it was the first report to be presented in accordance with the Advisory Committee’s recommendation, which had subsequently
been endorsed by the General Assembly in its resolution 63/263, that such revised
[...] estimates should be submitted annually.
(4) (a) 本议定书于递交四份批准书、接受书、同意书或加入书三个月后生效,条 件是至少其中一份书件由一《马德里协定》(斯德哥尔摩)成员国 交 , 并 且 至 少其 中有另一份由一非《马德里协定》(斯德哥尔摩)成员国或第(1)款(b)段提及的组织之 一递交。
(4) (a) This Protocol shall enter into force three months after four instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession have been deposited, provided that at least one of those instruments has been deposited by a country party to the Madrid (Stockholm) Agreement and at least one other of those instruments has been deposited by a State not party to the Madrid (Stockholm) Agreement or by any of the organizations referred to in paragraph (1)(b).
委员会在审查交并收到的与根据本议事规则第93和第95 条进行的访问有 关的资料或在访问期间提交或收到的资料之后,应通过秘书长将指定的委员所获 [...]
After examining the information submitted and received in connection [...]
with or during the visit in accordance with rules 93
and 95 of the present rules, the Committee shall communicate the findings of its designated members, through the Secretary-General, to the State party concerned, together with any observations and recommendations.
注意到在此方面未来政治地位研究委员会主席 交 , 并在 2 008 年太平洋区 域讨论会上分发的文件中所载信息,其中请特别委员会审查该领土作为非自治领 [...]
Noting, in that regard,
[...] the information contained in the paper [...]
provided by the Chairman of the Future Political Status Study
Commission and distributed at the 2008 Pacific regional seminar requesting the Special Committee to review the Territory’s status as a Non-Self-Governing Territory, with a view to accepting the Territory’s future political status once chosen by its people
为了进一步提高我们期望的透明度,黎巴嫩建议,按 照安理会暂行议事规则第 48 条的规定,增加全体会 议与闭门会议相比较的次数,并且视情况需要,增加
[...] “阿里亚办法”会议和非正式互动会议的次数,以便 加强开放性交,并且使非安理会成员国也能够有地 方发言权。
With a view to further enhancing the transparency to which we aspire, Lebanon proposes an increase in the number of open meetings as opposed to closed meetings, in line with rule 48 of the provisional rules of procedure, and, as appropriate, an increase in the number of Arria Formula meetings and
informal interactive sessions, so as to
[...] enhance open-door diplomacy and allow non-member [...]
States to have their say as well.
作为裁谈会现任主席,我认为,巴西作为主席 交并 载 于 CD/1889 号文件 的最近一项决定草案是一个良好而公平的折衷方案,为照顾到所有相关国家提供 了可能性。
As the incumbent President of the Conference, I feel that the recent draft decision contained in document CD/1889, presented by the presidency of Brazil, is a good and a fair compromise, offering possibilities for all the States concerned to be accommodated.
根据同样规定,秘书处还要向《公约》缔约方和签署方转交修正提案 并交 送保 存人以供参考。
In accordance with the same provisions, the secretariat will also communicate the proposed amendment to the Parties and signatories to the Convention and, for information, to the Depositary.
第十一条 货物的运输和交付 承运人应根据本公约,按照运输合同的条款将货物运至目的 并交 给 收 货人。
The carrier shall, subject to this Convention and in accordance
with the terms of the contract of carriage, carry the goods to the
[...] place of destination and deliver them to the consignee.
并交流各种合作网络和平台的益处、做法和实施方面的经验,并 为今后的行动提供指导和建议。
Discuss and share experience on the benefits, practices and implementation of various cooperation networks and platforms and provide guidance and recommendations for future action.
理事会应继续充当就各国与特别程序之间的合 作开展公开、透明和建设性讨论的论坛,使得能够查 并交 流 良 好做法和经 验教训。
The Council should remain as a forum for open, constructive and transparent discussion on cooperation
between States and special procedures, allowing for the
[...] identification and exchange of good practices [...]
and lessons learned.
在全球层面上,难民署通过机构间保安网的每周电视电话会议而与联合国 安全和保安部经常地协并交流信息。
At the global level, UNHCR regularly coordinates and exchanges information with UNDSS through the weekly teleconference meetings of the Inter-Agency Security Management Network.
3.104 为了循序渐进地登记损失索赔,并使受影响的巴勒斯坦自然人和法人更加了解能否进行损失索 赔登记和办理登记的要求,有必要:(a) 在巴勒斯坦被占领土,包括东耶路撒冷及其周围开展 外联活动;(b) 开展理赔活动,包括向可能的索赔人分发索赔表,向可能的索赔人提供填写索 赔表的技术援助,收集索赔并交给 位 于维也纳的登记册办事处;(c) 处理收集的索赔表,并 准备好将它们提交给联合国损失登记册委员会;(d) 审查索赔表,并将委员会认为符合索赔标 准的索赔列入登记册。
3.104 In order to accomplish progressive registration of damage claims and increased awareness on the part of the affected Palestinian natural and legal persons about the possibility of and requirements for filing damage claim forms, it would be necessary to: (a) undertake outreach activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in and around East Jerusalem; (b) conduct claim intake activities, including distributing claim forms to potential claimants, providing technical assistance to potential claimants in completing the claim forms, and collecting and delivering claim forms to the Office of the Register in Vienna; (c) process the claim forms collected and prepare them for submission to the Board of the United Nations Register of Damage; and (d) review claim forms and include in the Register those claims that the Board decides are in conformity with established criteria.
(a) 由伊朗国民将去氧麻黄碱贩运至该区域的现象日益增多,为应对此问 题,该区域的各国政府应当鼓励其禁毒执法当局与伊朗伊斯兰共和国的对应当 局建立业务联系,并与之密切合作以交流关于参与贩运去氧麻黄碱人员及其所 用方法的信息并交流其 他可能促成更密切业务合作以查找、逮捕并捣毁相关 辛迪加组织的信息
(a) In response to the increasing flow of methamphetamine being trafficked into the region by Iranian nationals, Governments of the region should encourage their drug law enforcement authorities to establish operational contacts with their counterparts in the Islamic Republic of Iran and work closely with them to exchange information about those involved in trafficking in methamphetamine, the methods they have used and other relevant information that would lead to closer operational cooperation to target, arrest and dismantle the syndicates responsible
[...] 关系,使活动与伙伴国家的发展计划和系统保持一致,确保政策的连贯性,以及 侧重于监测和评估援助方并交流成 果。
Other elements involve working more in partnership, aligning activities with the development plans and systems of the partner
country, ensuring policy coherence, and focusing on monitoring and evaluating the aid
[...] programme and communicating results.
(a) 与各国、有关联合国机构、国家人权机构、不同法律体系专家和民间 社会组织开展对话,以确定、推广 并交 流 有 关废除歧视妇女的法律或在执行或影 响对妇女有歧视的法律的最佳做法,并编写这一方面的最佳做法的简编
(a) To develop a dialogue with States, the relevant United Nations entities, national human rights institutions, experts on different legal systems,
and civil society organizations to
[...] identify, promote and exchange views on best practices [...]
related to the elimination of laws
that discriminate against women or are discriminatory to women in terms of implementation or impact and, in that regard, to prepare a compendium of best practices
值得注意的另一个重要趋势是全球性 的银行主宰了银行的并交易。
Another important trend noted is that global banks have
[...] dominated these transactions.
经商定,评注第 63 段(正常交易转让定价)将载列关于目前正在拟订的发展 中国家转让定价实用手册的参照说明 并交 叉 参 照第 9 段(联营企业)。
It was agreed that paragraph 63 of the commentary (non-arm’s-length transfer prices) would include reference to the practical manual on transfer pricing for developing countries currently in preparation and a cross-reference to article 9 (associated enterprises).
各方均应签并交付任何其他方可能要求的 额外文件及文书,以更好地证明或实行本文所载 [...]
协议,包括第 11 条所载权利转让及程序,并且进 一步同意,PCGS 有权倚赖并受益于该等条款及程 序。
Each party
[...] shall execute and deliver such additional [...]
documents and instruments as any other party may request to better
evidence or effectuate the agreements contained herein, including the assignment of rights set forth in Section 11, and procedures, and further agree that PCGS is entitled to rely upon and benefit from those terms and procedures.
设在 Dung 的联刚稳定团联合信息业务中心与美国信息融合小组以及非 洲联盟区域特遣部队联合业务中心(在其投入运作后)开始定期分并 交流信息,尤其是高时效和可采取行动的信息,以增加军事行动实效。
MONUSCO Joint Information and Operations Centre in Dungu begins regular information-sharing and exchange with the United States information fusion cells and, when operational, the African Union Regional Task Force Joint Operations Centre, especially with regard to time-sensitive and actionable information to increase the effectiveness of military operations.
[...] 集团以及科特迪瓦之友等非政府组织进行接 并交 流 信 息,以期开展对话,协助 政府打击钻石走私活动。
The Group recommends that the Government continue to engage and exchange information with all stakeholders in
the diamond sector including non-governmental
[...] organizations such as GRPIE, and [...]
Friends of Côte d’Ivoire, in order to establish
a dialogue that can assist the Government in fighting diamond smuggling.
结果领域 3.5:切实有效的知识共享系统,包括传统知识a 共享系统在全球、区域、分区域 和国家四级得到建立,以便为决策者和终端用户提供支持,具体做法包括找 并交 流 最佳 做法和成功事例。
Outcome area 3.5: Effective knowledge-sharing systems, including traditional knowledge,a are in place at the global, regional, subregional and national levels to support policymakers and end users, including through the identification and sharing of best practices and success stories.




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