

单词 交契

See also:

a contract
carved words

External sources (not reviewed)

(a) 待有關契約準備妥當後,我們會向立法會秘書處 交契約 副本㆒份
we will provide
[...] a copy of the Deed to the LegCo Secretariat [...]
when available
小型农业生产企业也参与上述过程 – 自耕 农场的数量已减少到 2 000
[...] 个左右,这是因为许多小农场也加入生产合作社或签 订农业租赁合同交易契约。
The small agricultural producers participate in all the above mentioned processes – peasant farms, the number of which has decrease with around
2,000 units, as they associate in production cooperatives or participate in agricultural
[...] lease contracts and transactions.
土地註冊處今日發表的每月統計數字,為二零零九年四月份送交土地 註冊處註冊的物交易契約數字。
The figures are contained in the monthly
statistics released today by the Land
[...] Registry on deeds relating to property transactions received for [...]
registration in the Land Registry in April 2009.
(v) 為特殊個案設立土地“ 換地前地價” 準則查詢機制,有助 加快處理土交換/契約修訂的個案
(v) Setting up a mechanism for the enquiry of the
“before value” of land for special cases, thereby helping to speed up the
[...] processing of land exchange/lease modification cases
委員會亦極表遺憾的是,儘管地政總署理應知 悉竹篙灣船廠用地的污染程度可能較預期嚴重,卻未有審慎評估接受“現 況”條款的潛在風險及財政影響,或在該用地的土 交 還 契 據 內 加入一項彌 償損失條款。
The PAC is also gravely dismayed that the Lands Department had not critically evaluated the potential risks and financial implications of accepting the "as is" clause, or included an indemnity clause in the Deed of Surrender of the site, when it should have been aware of the possibility of a greater extent of contamination at the site.
委員會詢問,在土交還契 據內加入“現 況 ”的條款是否常見, 以及在自願交還土地的情況下支 [...]
付 的 補償金額 ,會否 有別於在收地情 況下支 付 的 補償金額 。
The Committee enquired whether it was common to include an “as
[...] is” clause in Deeds of Surrender, and [...]
whether the level of compensation to be paid
under voluntary surrender was different from that of resumption.
鑒 於上述回應,委員會要求地政總署署長翻 查 過往紀錄, 藉 以
確 定 當 時的地政總署署長是否在 知 悉 除污費會大幅增 加 超 過 4 倍 ( 由 2,200萬元增 至 1億 元 )的情況下,仍獨
[...] 自決定在竹篙灣船廠用地的土交還契 據內加入“現 況 ”條 款;若然,他 [...]
作出這 個決定的理據為何。
In view of the above reply, the Committee requested the Director of Lands to ascertain, by checking of past records, whether the decision to include the “as is” clause in the Deed of Surrender of the PB shipyard site had been made by the then Director of Lands on his own,
despite knowing the significant increase in the
[...] decontamination cost by more than four [...]
times from $22 million to $100 million;
if so, what the rationale behind his decision was.
(iii) 部分立 法會議 員曾多次提 醒 政府當 局有關用地的 污染程 度 可 能較預期 嚴 重 ; 及 (b) 地政總署未 有在竹篙灣船廠用地的土交還契 據 加入 一 項 彌償損失條 款
(iii) some Legislative Council Members had, on a number of occasions, alerted the Administration to the possibility of a greater extent of contamination at the site; and
我們預期在未來數週,當 更多貸款機構簽署交回政府的契約 後 ,貸款機構的數目將會持續 增加。
We expect that the number of PLIs
will continue to increase in the coming weeks when more of them have
[...] signed and returned to us the deed with Government.
k 結構型商交易依契約內 容可分為股權連結商品交易及保本型商品 交易。
The structured notes transactions of Cathay Securities [...]
can be divided into equity-linked notes and principal guaranteed
notes based on the terms of the contracts.
[...] 公司已於二零零六年九月十二日反訴台積電,就(其中包括)台積電違反合約及違反默示的 真實公交易的契諾, 要求台積電作出損害賠償。
On September 13, 2006, the Company announced that in addition to filing a response strongly denying the allegations of TSMC in the United States lawsuit, it filed on September 12, 2006, a cross-complaint against TSMC seeking,
among other things, damages for TSMC’s breach of contract and breach of implied
[...] covenant of good faith and fair dealing.
局長可能會說:“阿達,我們計的不是這條數,發展商還 會改變土地用途,‘land
[...] exchange and lease modification’,即土交換 和修改契。
The Secretary may say, "Tat, this is not how we make
the calculations because developers can also apply for change of land
[...] use through land exchange and lease modification.
其次,這些銘文也促進社區互動機會,我在閱讀一塊記錄道路修建過程的牌匾時,有兩位女士走上前,向我說明當地歷史,也邀請我下次前往地方博物館,牌匾成為人們對 交 談 的 契 機。
I was standing in front of one plaque reading about how the road was once a native trail and two ladies approached me.
除非以书面形式另行约定,这些日期不应解释为对发货交 货的承诺契约性同意。
These dates will not be construed as promises or contractual agreements to ship or deliver goods unless specifically agreed to in writing.
行预咨委会经询问获悉, 联刚特派团正在最后敲定交总部的 契 约。
Upon enquiry, the Committee was informed that MONUC was in the process of finalizing
[...] its compact for submission to Headquarters.
第 6 部(草案第 64 及 65 條)對《物業轉易及財產條例》(第 219 章)
[...] 作出修訂,在該條例中加入新的第 13A 條,以界定土地的賣方於土地售賣 的交易完成時向買交付業權契據的 義務。
A new section 13A is to be added to that Ordinance
to define the obligation of a vendor of
[...] land to deliver title deeds to the purchaser [...]
on completion of the sale of land.
年的裁决并没有授予交人任何财 契 约 , 因为该土地仍然是缔约国的财 产。
With regard to the State party’s argument that the authors failed to
exhaust domestic
[...] remedies, the authors submit that the Patras Municipal Court decision of 2005 did not confer any property deed to the authors, [...]
as the land continues
to be property of the State party.
研讨会取得了成功,东盟地区论坛各国 交 部 长 以此 契 机 , 在菲律宾马尼 拉第 14 届东盟地区论坛部长级会议上通过了一项支持该决议的声明,他们在声 明中鼓励东盟地区论坛与会者,根据 1540 委员会 2006 年 4 月给安全理事会的报 告(S/2006/257 和 Corr.1)所载建议,作为持续执行第 1540(2004)号决议的进程 的一部分,酌情向 1540 委员会提供关于本国执行情况的补充资料,包括路线图 或行动计划。
Building on the success of the workshop, at the 14th ARF Ministerial Meeting in Manila, Philippines, ARF Foreign Ministers adopted a statement in support of the resolution, by which ARF participants were encouraged to provide, as and when appropriate, additional information to the 1540 Committee on national implementation as part of the ongoing process of implementation of resolution 1540 (2004), including, inter alia, in the form of a road map or action plan, as recommended in the 1540 Committee April 2006 report to the Security Council (S/2006/257 and Corr.1).
l 子公司國泰世華銀行截至民國 96 年 3 月 31 日止,與國泰證券投資
[...] 信託公司所經理之國泰全球貨幣市場證券投資信託等六檔基金進行 遠期外交易,其契約名 目本金金額為美金 102,265 仟元。
c. As of March 31, 2007 the notional
amount of the forward Cathay United
[...] Bank entered into transactions with Cathay Global [...]
Money Market Fund etc. (the funds
are managed by Cathay Securities Trust Co.
另外,建 議 又准許黃維則堂在為契業主辦修訂 交 換 分 租 契 約 的 手續㆗, 收取㆒筆不多於政府所收取補㆞價 10%的費用。
In addition, it was proposed to allow the Tong to charge sublessees an administrative fee of not more than 10% of the land premium payable by the sublessees to the Government for modification and exchange of subleases.
B. 子公司國泰世華銀行截至民國 96 年及 95 年 3 月 31 日止,與子公
[...] 司國泰人壽進行遠期外匯及換匯換 交 易 , 其 契 約 名 目本金金額 分別為美金 2,445,332 [...]
仟元及 544,267 仟元。
(b) As of March 31, 2006 and 2007, the notional amounts of the forward and
cross-currency swaps Cathay United
[...] Bank entered into transactions with Cathay Life [...]
were US$544,267 and US$2,445,332, respectively.
政 府的其㆗㆒項建議是在建築物進行重建時,黃維則堂可就此 契 約 的 修訂 交 換 , 向批戶 收取㆒筆不多於政府收取的補㆞價 [...]
According to one of the government proposals, the Tong will be allowed to charge sublessees not more than an amount
equivalent to 10% of the premium charged by the Government
[...] for modifications and exchanges for the purpose of [...]
C. 子公司國泰世華銀行截至民國 96 年 3 月 31 日止,與子公司國泰 世紀產險及國泰證券投資信託股份有限公司所經理之國泰全球貨 幣市場證券投資信託等六檔基金進行遠期外 交 易 , 其 契 約 名目 本金金額分別為美金 50,604 仟元及 102,265 仟元。
(c) As of March 31, 2007 the notional amount of the forward Cathay United Bank entered into transactions with Cathay Century and Cathay Global Money Market Fund etc. (the funds are managed by Cathay Securities Investment Trust Co.
根据这一要求, 大会和会议管理部与秘书长签契约,规定对交文件实行零容 忍政策(A/61/483 和 A/62/608)。
In response to this request, the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management has entered into a
compact with the SecretaryGeneral which provides for
[...] zero tolerance of late submission of documents (A/61/483 [...]
and A/62/608).
地政總署署長重申,政府一直堅持九倉須 就換地條件所訂的21年期新契繳交 十 足市值補 地價,而該租契的補地價是由地政總署的專業人員 [...]
D of L re-iterated that the Government had all along insisted that Wharf must pay a full
market value premium for the 21-year
[...] new lease under the land exchange and the premium for [...]
the OT Lease was assessed by professional
staff of LandsD staff in accordance with professional valuation principles.
(c) 動議批准根據協議擬進行之全部其 交 易 , 以及授權董事或正式獲授權之董事委 員會就使協議、收購事項、配發及發行代價股份生效或與上述各項相關而作出其 認為屬必要、適當、合宜或權宜之所有行動及事宜、代表本公司簽署及簽立所有 文件或協議契約,並作出所有事宜及採取所有行動,並同意作出董事或正式獲 授權之委員會認為符合本公司及其股東整體利益之所有有關變動、修訂或豁免或 事宜(包括所有與協議所規定之條款並無基本差別之文件或任何條款之任何變動、 修訂或豁免)。
(c) THAT all other transactions contemplated under the Agreement be and are hereby approved and the Directors or a duly authorised committee of the board of Directors be and are/is authorised to do all such acts and things, to sign and execute such documents or agreements or deeds on behalf of the Company and to do such other things and to take all such actions as they consider necessary, appropriate, desirable and expedient for the purposes of giving effect to or in connection with [...]
the Agreement, the
Acquisition, the allotment and issue of the Consideration Shares, and to agree to such variation, amendments or waiver or matters relating thereto (including any variation, amendments or waiver of such documents or any terms thereof, which are not fundamentally different from those as provided in the Agreement) as are, in the opinion of the Directors or the duly authorised committee, in the interest of the Company and its shareholders as a whole.
政府在㆒九九㆔年八月給黃維則堂的函件 ㆗表示,黃維則堂為批戶進契約 修訂 和 交 換 時 ,不應收取費用,並且指出這是在㆒九八 [...]
In a letter to the Tong in August 1993, the Government pointed out that the Tong
should not charge any fees when handling
[...] modifications and exchanges for sublessees and [...]
that this was merely the usual practice before 1981.
連同完成 補地價的土契約修訂、土交換、 港鐵公司和市建局的招標項目, 以及無須補地價的私人重建項目,我們預計在未來3 [...]
年至4 年,會有 61 000個一手住宅單位供應給市場。
Taking into account further sites made available through lease
[...] modifications and land exchanges with premium paid, as [...]
well as projects to be tendered by
the MTRCL and URA, and other private redevelopment projects not subject to premium payment, we estimate that a total of 61 000 first-hand private residential units will come on the market in the next three to four years.
借鉴国际著名大学的办学模式,以上海交通大学与美国密西根大学共建机械工程学 院契机,秉承交通大 学的优良传统和办学特色,以工程理论和工程实践教育为课程体 系核心,构建基础宽厚扎实、学科交叉融和的机械大类创新人才培养教学平台。
Using the model of famous overseas universities for reference, taking the advantage of Shanghai Jiao Tong University cooperating with the University of Michigan to reconstruct mechanical engineering school, keeping the tradition and characteristics of Jiao Tong University, we reconstruct the mechanical engineering academic platform of innovative talents cultivation with wide and solid base and interdiscipline, regarding engineering theory and engineering practical education as core of the platform.
(B) 本公司可以加蓋印章之書面文件,一般地或就任何特定事項授權任 何人士為其受權人代其簽契據及 文件,以及代其訂立及簽署合約,而該受權人 代本公司簽署及加蓋其印章之所契 據 均 對本公司具約束力,並如同 契 據 已加 蓋本公司印章之相同效力。
(B) The Company may, by writing under its seal, empower any person, either generally or in respect of any specified
matter, as its attorney
[...] to execute deeds and instruments on its behalf and to enter into contracts and sign the same on its behalf and every deed signed by such attorney on behalf of the Company and under his seal shall bind the Company and have the same effect as if it were under the [...]
seal of the Company.




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