

单词 交卸

See also:

remove or strip

External sources (not reviewed)

一个代表 团指出为通过第 56/509 号决议作出的倡议;鉴于大会在该决议中决定提前至少 三个月在每届会议开幕前选举主席,因此提议应尽可能富有成效地利用这三个 月,经验教训报告应在选举后立即 交 , 卸 任 主席在届会结束时提交后续报告。
One delegation, noting its initiative in adopting resolution 56/509, by which the Assembly decided to elect its Presidents at least three months in advance of the opening of each session, proposed that these three months should be used as productively as possible and that a lesson learned report should be handed over immediately after the election and a follow-up report from the outgoing President at the closing of the session.
[...] 問工程師未有充分遵守有關的《工務局技術通告》的規定,並無在合 約中載列規定承建商須交卸置計 劃的條款。
The Committee pointed out that according to paragraph 6.12(a) of the Audit Report, the consulting engineer had not fully complied with the
requirements of the relevant WBTC to incorporate a clause in the contract requiring
[...] the contractor to submit a disposal plan.
至於政府工程,承建商必須交拆卸程序的施工方法綱領,作為廢物管理計劃的一部分,用意是方 [...]
For government works, the
[...] contractor is required to submit a method statement [...]
on the sequence of demolition to facilitate
effective recovery of reusable/recyclable portions of the C&D materials as part of the Waste Management Plan.
凭借多年的工程项目经验积累,完善的网络覆盖、先进的技术装备、资深专家团队和严格的操作规范,振华能够为客户提供全面、专业、个性化的工程物流解决方案,对各类复杂的工程项目实施全程物流策划和现场操作服务,工作范围从启运地接货一直到工地现 交 货 卸 车 , 其中包含整个物流项目的管理和策划、内河运输、沿海运输、远洋运输、空运、清关、超大件运输、驳船转运、码头的管理和装卸操作等等,具体工作流程为
With years of accumulated experience for construction projects, perfect network coverage, advanced technology, senior experts and strict operation specifications, Zhenhua can provide customers with comprehensive, professional, characteristic construction logistics solutions, and implement whole-process logistics planning and spot operation for various complicated construction projects, with operating range from
receiving at place of
[...] departure to delivery & unloading on building-site, which includes management & planning, inland water transport, coastal [...]
transport, ocean freight, airfreight, customs
clearance, super large cargo transport, transfer by lighter, dock management and loading & unloading operation, etc. with specific flow as follows
若沒有交檢查 報告,卸樓宇則屬違法。
Any works to demolish a building will be
[...] illegal in the absence of a submitted inspection report.
一旦与相关各方达交货和装卸协议 ,将通过南苏丹共和国的一名代理 按出炼厂价向南苏丹共和国供应成品油。
The refined product will be supplied to the Republic of South Sudan ex-refinery, through an agent of the Republic of South Sudan upon agreement on delivery and handling with relevant parties.
如果要在A出口加建升降機,成本 太高,既要交圖則,又要卸現時的一些扶手電梯,然後再興建 塔。
It has to submit plan and demolish some existing escalators, [...]
and then construct the lift tower.
該壁球場交建築署拆卸以便重建維多利亞 公園游泳池。憑藉第185號法律公告,該壁球場將從該條例附表4 中剔除。
By L.N. 185, it is removed from the Fourth Schedule to the Ordinance.
通过这些功能,适配器将作为一台2层硬 交 换 机 ,用 卸 载 虚 拟平台内外的虚拟机流量的网络管理。
With these capabilities, the adapter will
function as a Layer 2
[...] hardware switch to offload network based management of VM traffic that [...]
is internal or external to the virtualization platform.
B2.1 有关面积测量、浸酸和(或)化学规格的索赔通知,必须在货物到达买方仓库或由买方负责存放后14天内提出,但无论如何不得晚于在目的 港/交货地卸货最后一天后28天。
B2.1 Notice of a claim relating to measurement, pickling and/or chemical specification must be submitted within fourteen days of the goods arriving at buyer’s warehouse or being
stored under buyer’s
[...] control but in no case later than twenty-eight days after last day of landing at port of destination/place of [...]
有㆟認為,從某種角度來看,政府要求經濟條件較佳住戶 交 雙 倍 租,是 卸 提供 房屋的責任。
It has been suggested that by asking better-off tenants to pay double rent, the
[...] Government is somehow shirking its responsibility for [...]
housing provision.
(6) 經營一般商人、貿易商、佣金經紀人、進口商、出口商、托運人及船東 、冷凍商、租船商、貨運代理、銷售代理、及製造商分代理、代理及承
[...] 商、遊客及旅遊代理、拍賣商、評估師、估值師、測量師、保付代理商 、個人及促銷代表、保理人、店主、古 交 易 商、 裝 卸 商 、 包裝商、倉 儲保管商、漁夫及拖網捕漁者、馬具商、建築商,以及一般建築工程承包 [...]
(6) To carry on all or any of the businesses of general merchants, traders, commission agents, importers, exporters, shippers, and ship-owners, refrigerators, charterers, forwarding agents, sales agents and sub-agents for manufacturers, agents and sub-agents for carriers, brokers and agents for brokers, purchasing agents, wharfingers, ware housemen, furnishers, tourist and travel agents, auctioneers, appraisers, valuers, surveyors, del credere agents, personal and promotional
representatives, factors, shopkeepers,
[...] antique dealers, stevedores, packers, storers, fishermen [...]
and trawlers, saddlers, builders,
building, engineering and general contractors, metallurgists, and undertakers of all kinds of works, enterprises or projects whatsoever.
由此对港口散货机械的作业效率和环境保护等有了更高的要求. 我们对港口散货机械的电控设计和调试有着丰富的经验,目前已累 交 付 装 / 卸 船 机 , 堆取料机等散货机械电控62台套,其中包括效率高达3500吨的韩国连续卸船机, 达到12000吨的巴西SUDES港装船机,以及达到10000吨的阿曼SOHAR堆取料机。
As the world population growth and economic development, especially China, India, Brazil, Russia and other emerging countries, the rapid development of commodity trade has risen sharply in all countries and regions of the bulk cargo handling demand more and more by the bulk of port machinery
operations have higher
[...] efficiency and environmental protection requirements and we harbor bulk mechanical design and commissioning [...]
of electrical control
has a wealth of experience, has delivered total loading / unloading machines, stackers and reclaimers electric machines and other bulk cargo machine 62 sets, including the efficiency of up to 3,500 tons of ROK continuous ship unloader, 12,000 tons of Brazilian SUDES Hong Kong ship loader, and 10,000 tons of Oman SOHAR stacker.
我们不仅专长于抛/喷丸工序,而且能设计并提供完整的、自动化物料处理解决方案,包括屏蔽 交 付 、 物料装载 卸 载 , 并运 交 付 给 生产线上的下一道工序。
We not only specialise in the blast process, but can also design and deliver a complete, automated, materials
handling solution to include
[...] masking, delivery, loading and unloading of the components, and delivery [...]
to the next process in your production line.
由於大部分人 士均支卸除港交所規管上市的職能,劉 議員促 請政府當局加 快 諮詢程序 ,以盡早落實有關建議。
As there was an
[...] overwhelming support for the removal of the listing function from HKEx, Ms LAU urged [...]
the Administration to
expedite the consultation process for early implementation of the recommendation.
在车内发现了 2 把步枪,装了 30 发子弹的 9 个弹盒,1
[...] 枚防御炸弹、1 枚攻击型炸弹和 1 个装了以色列制造的 2 枚远程引爆 炸弹的 1 个黑袋子,这些物品交给了工程 卸 除 引 信。
Inside were two rifles, nine magazines loaded with 30 rounds, a defensive bomb, an offensive bomb and a black pouch
with two remote detonation bombs of Israeli manufacture,
[...] which were handed over to the military engineers to be defused.
假如九號碼頭計劃觸礁,現時葵涌區因貨櫃 卸 而 引致 的 交 通 擠 塞問題,亦難望得以 根治。
Should CT9 project be shelved, it will not make things any
easier to uproot the existing traffic congestion problem caused
[...] by the loading and unloading of containers at Kwai Chung.
卸下供电电源 / 交流发电机组件,第 32 页。
Remove the power supply/alternator assembly, page 32.
為此用途而預支的營運資金,須於有關議 卸 任 時 交 還行 政管理委員會。
Funds advanced in this respect have to be returned to the Commission when the Member concerned ceases office.
如果主席有留意,報章有報道,而居住於港島區的市民亦會知道,會展 的展覽上星期閉幕時,由3時起便有不少貨車在會 卸 貨 , 引致灣仔至 上環出交通擠塞,部卸貨船亦投訴此情況令它們排放出污染氣體。
President, if you have paid attention to newspaper reports, as it was known to residents of Hong Kong
Island, should have
[...] learnt about the traffic congestion from Wan Chai to Sheung Wan when many trucks started unloading goods from 3.00 [...]
pm when an exhibition
at the HKCEC drew to a close last week.
運輸署在中區的主要道路包括畢打街、皇后 大道中及干諾道中均有設立限制區,禁止上落乘客及 卸貨 物,以保交通流通。
To ensure smooth traffic flow, the Transport Department (TD) has designated restricted zones at major roads in Central
including Pedder Street, Queen's Road Central and Connaught Road Central
[...] to prohibit loading/unloading of passengers or goods.
工程計劃的核准範圍包括(a)擴闊仁愛廣場與皇珠路之間一 段長約 1.5 公里的屯門公路市中心段,由雙程雙線分隔車道改為雙程三 線分隔車道;(b)興建 1 條長約 450 米的單線行車天橋,由屯興路沿青 海圍延伸,最終與屯門公路往九龍方向行車道連接;( c) 拆 卸 及 重建 4 條 現有行人天橋,並在施工期間提供 2 條臨時行人天橋;(d)安裝相關的 隔音屏障及隔音罩;以及(e)進行相關的土木、結構、環境美化和土力 工程,重置現有設施,以及進行緩解環境影響、渠務、道路照明、水管交通輔助設施的工程。
The approved scope of the project comprises (a) widening of 1.5 kilometres long of Tuen Mun Road (TMR) between Yan Oi Town Square and Wong Chu Road from a dual two-lane to a dual three-lane carriageway; (b) construction of a single-lane flyover of approximately 450 metres long, which extends from Tuen Hing Road and runs along Tsing Hoi circuit to merge eventually with the TMR
[...] carriageways; (c) demolition and reconstruction of four existing footbridges, and provision of two temporary footbridges during the construction period; (d) installation of associated noise barriers/enclosures; and (e) associated civil, structural, landscaping and geotechnical works, reprovision of existing facilities, environmental mitigation, drainage, road lighting, water mains and traffic aids works.
(6) 收購、開發、管理、特許使用、租賃、出租、出售 交 換 及以其他方式利用 任何土地及/或樓宇,尤其為建築目的透過設計及平整而建設、改建、 卸、 裝飾、管理、維護、裝修、裝置及改善各類樓宇,栽種、鋪平、排污、養殖、 耕作、根據樓宇租約或建築協議出租或出售,及就上述任何項目向建築商、 租戶及其他人士墊付款項及與彼等訂立各類合約及安排。
(6) To acquire, develop, manage,
[...] license, hire, let, sell, exchange and otherwise howsoever turn to account any land and/or building and, in particular, by laying out and preparing the same for building purposes, constructing, altering, demolishing, pulling down, decorating, [...]
maintaining, furnishing, fitting up, and improving buildings of all kinds, and by planting, paving, draining, farming, cultivating, letting on building lease or building agreement or for sale, and by advancing money to and entering into contracts and arrangement of all kinds with builders, tenants and others in connection with any of the foregoing.
正在进行的向私营公司交保护计划的工作以及其他相关改革应当咨询受益 人的意见,因为国家有义务维护、保护和确保在其管辖范围内充分享有权利,不 能把这种义务卸给其他人。
The ongoing transfer of protection schemes to private companies and other related reforms should be made in consultation with beneficiaries, in the understanding that the State obligation to uphold, protect and ensure the full [...]
enjoyment of rights
within its jurisdiction cannot be delegated.
她 詢問,除 港交所外 ,是否 所有回 應 者 均 關注到港交所 在 執
[...] 行規管上市職能方面存 在 利 益衝突的問題,並贊同 專家小組有卸除港交所規 管上市職能的建議。
She questioned whether all respondents except HKEx were concerned about the conflict of interests in HKEx’s
performance of the listing function and agreed with the Expert Group’s
[...] recommendation of removing the function from HKEx.
在進行大規 模 或 重 大工程 時 ,根據《建 築 物 ( 拆卸工 程 ) 規例》,認 可
[...] 人士/註冊結構工 程 師 必須先 行制訂一套卸計 劃交建 築 事務監督核准, 方 可展開拆卸工 程 。
In those cases the provisions of the Building (Demolition Works) Regulations apply and the Authorized Person/Registered
Structural Engineer must prepare a Demolition Plan
[...] and have it approved by the Building Authority before [...]
demolition begins.
第十三条 特定义务
[...] 一、在第十二条规定的责任期内,除须遵循第二十六条的规定外,承运人应 妥善而谨慎地接收、装载、操作、积载、运输、保管、照料 卸 载 并 交 付 货 物。
The carrier shall during the period of its responsibility as defined in article 12, and subject
to article 26, properly and carefully receive, load, handle, stow, carry,
[...] keep, care for, unload and deliver the goods.
六、㈠ “履约方”是指承运人以外的,履行或承诺履行承运人在运输合同
[...] 下有关货物接收、装载、操作、积载、运输、照料 卸 载 或 交 付 的 任何义务的人, 以该人直接或间接在承运人的要求、监督或控制下行事为限。
( a ) “Performing party” means a person other than the carrier that performs or undertakes to perform any of the carrier’s obligations under a contract of carriage with respect to
the receipt, loading, handling, stowage,
[...] carriage, care, unloading or delivery of [...]
the goods, to the extent that such person
acts, either directly or indirectly, at the carrier’s request or under the carrier’s supervision or control.
祈炳達先生在函 件 中所作出的言 論,只是記錄了專家小組向政府傳 達了一 個 信息的事實,作為該 小組就其工作進展於2002年 12月 向當局提供 的 最 新 資 料 ,而該 信息的內容 是:大部分人 士均支卸除港交所規管上市的職能,以及強 烈 支 持港 交所把 此項職能移 交證監 會。
The remarks made in Mr CLARKE’s letter only recorded the fact that the Expert Group conveyed to the Government the message of the overwhelming support for the removal of the listing function from HKEx and strong support for its transfer to SFC in December 2002, as part of a progress update on the Expert Group’s work.
但是,就安理卸任主席提交的报 告而言,真正 系统性的办法尚未到位,而且也没有对在主席任期内 [...]
确定的问题采取后续行动,这阻碍了讨论和执行务实 解决办法的工作。
However, with
[...] regard to the reports submitted by outgoing Presidents [...]
of the Council, there is no real systematic method
in place or follow-up on the problems identified during their terms of office, which impedes the discussion and implementation of practical solutions.




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