单词 | 些微 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 些微 noun—grain n微微 noun —curvilinear nSee also:微—micro- • miniature • surname Wei • one millionth part of • ancient Chinese state near present day Chongqing • abtruse
它们几乎是以相同的用语予以起 草的,尽管在措辞上有一些微小的 变动。 daccess-ods.un.org | They are drafted in nearly identical [...] terms, despite some slight variations in [...]wording. daccess-ods.un.org |
在充分执行 政府的重返社会方案之前,继续执行 这 些微 型 项目对于维护有利条件以执行和平 进程剩下来的任务至关重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | Pending the full implementation of the [...] Government’s reintegration programme, the [...] continuation of those microprojects is crucial [...]in maintaining conditions conducive to [...]the implementation of the remaining tasks of the peace process. daccess-ods.un.org |
此 外,需求量将逐步降低,直至低于作为副产品生产 的 些微 CTC 数量。 multilateralfund.org | Furthermore, demand will progressively decline to a point where it will be lower than the minimum amount of CTC being co-produced. multilateralfund.org |
这些微型企业的生产率很低, 所以创造体面工作机会和减少就业不足的能力有限。 daccess-ods.un.org | The poor [...] productivity of these microenterprises undermines their [...]ability to generate decent jobs and reduce underemployment. daccess-ods.un.org |
她指出 了对案文的一些微小改 动,以反映在措辞上已经达 成一致。 daccess-ods.un.org | He pointed out a number of minor revisions [...] to the text to reflect the language that had been agreed upon. daccess-ods.un.org |
我支持之餘,亦想提㆒提我對這個動議本 身的㆒些字眼有些微言。 legco.gov.hk | Apart from that, I also have a few words to say about the wording of the motion. legco.gov.hk |
這即是說,如果製冰的水含有致病微生物,在使用冰塊時,這 些微生物或會活躍起來,並使食用冰塊的人受感染。 cfs.gov.hk | This means that if harmful microorganisms are present in the source water from which the ice is made, they may also be viable in the ice when it is used, and capable of causing infection in the customer. cfs.gov.hk |
請注意,在本使用手冊中所提及的功能及 影像可能因為您購買的產品以及居住的地 區而有些微的差異。 avermedia.eu | Please be noted the functions and images may vary depending on the product you purchase and the area you live. avermedia.eu |
我提及我国人民这些微不足 道的成果,只是为了 借助实际事例来证明我们的信念,那就是,海地所需 [...] 要的是与本国政府密切配合提供的大量而且中立的 援助,这种援助有助于海地的发展,有助于克服影响 海地和有损海地人民稳定与进步的巨大社会经济困 难和差距。 daccess-ods.un.org | I mention these results in all the [...] modesty of our people merely to cite practical examples in support of our conviction [...]that what Haiti needs is substantial and impartial aid, closely coordinated with the Government, that contributes to its development and helps overcome the immense socio-economic difficulties and disparities affecting Haiti and hindering its people’s stability and progress. daccess-ods.un.org |
狀況報告:整體的狀能相當好,只是圈足外緣 呈 些微 乎 其 微的傷缺(最大的為0.2厘米)。 e-yaji.com | Condition: The overall condition is very [...] good except for a few tiny nibbles to [...]the outer footrim (max 0.2 cm). e-yaji.com |
總而言之,中大、港大以至其他專業機構的調查,基於調查方法、時間和頻次的不同,數字上出 現 些微 差 異 不足為奇。 hkupop.hku.hk | In sum, based on different research methodologies, survey periods and frequency, it is not surprising that the figures recorded by CUHK or HKUPOP, or even other professional survey institutes may differ. hkupop.hku.hk |
CASPEROMETM是一种以1比1的比例混合高度标准化的乳香提取物和卵磷脂的新配方,同时加入 一 些微 晶 纤 维素以改善其存态。 ipress.com.hk | CASPEROMETM is a new formulation combining a highly standardized Boswellia [...] extract with lecithin in a 1:1 ratio, [...] with one part of microcrystalline cellulose being [...]also added to improve the physical state. ipress.com.hk |
弹性体表面上的这些微油滴 形成了一层薄膜, 它在某些应用领域中对改善部件的功能和密封性能发挥了决定性作用。 wacker.com | The oil droplets form a film on the [...] surface of the elastomer that greatly improves the part's functionality and sealing [...]action in several application areas. wacker.com |
军事行动构想的基础还包括提供特定支援部队,特别是工程能力(全部官兵 为 850 人),这些部队可以支持特派团在道路和机场方面的要求,同时在协助政 [...] 府建设地方社区的社会和经济发展所必须的基础设施方面发挥哪怕 是 些微 的作 用,尤其是在那些受冲突影响的社区。 daccess-ods.un.org | The military concept of operations is also based on the provision of certain enablers, in particular engineering capability (850 all ranks), that can support the mission’s road and airfield requirements and, at the same time, play a role however minor in helping the Government to build the [...] infrastructure necessary for the social and economic development of local communities, [...] in particular those affected by conflict. daccess-ods.un.org |
全球的企业使用这些微软的 工具来协作完成他们的自动化业务处理的目标。 evget.com | Organizations [...] worldwide using these Microsoft tools can incorporate [...]them in their business process automation objectives. evget.com |
改善微肥的施用数量、质量、时间和施用地点,以及进口 一 些微 量 营养元素作为肥料。 fertilizer.org | Improvement of micronutrient fertilizer availability in quantity, quality, time and place; and import of micronutrients as fertilizers. fertilizer.org |
雖然 現時很多人已申領了援助,包括傷殘津貼或綜援,但大家可看到,他們倚靠 這些微薄的 收入來維持基本的生活需要,已經存在困難,遑論讓他們參與正 常的社交活動,甚至尋求進修或就業了。 legco.gov.hk | While many of them have been drawing welfare assistance, including the disability allowance or CSSA, we can see that it is already difficult for them to meet the basic needs of living with their meagre income, not to mention participating in normal social activities and even pursuing studies or seeking employment. legco.gov.hk |
民意研究計劃主任鍾庭耀分析:「特區政府領導班子的民望,近期出現 一 些微 妙 的 變化。 hkupop.hku.hk | Robert Ting-Yiu Chung, Director of Public Opinion Programme, [...] observed, "There are some subtle changes in the [...]popularity of the government's core leadership. hkupop.hku.hk |
参加两个研讨会的有来自肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚、乌干达和英国 的研究机构、政府机构、高等院校和企业,以及非政府组织的 60 [...] 余位代表,议题涉及如何 建立微生物长期保持机制,如何提供识别及控制 这 些微 生 物 的资源。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The workshops brought together over 60 participants from research institutions, government agencies, universities and industry in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and the United Kingdom, as well as from NGOs to analyse [...] how the facilities needed for the longterm [...] preservation of micro-organisms can be [...]established and the resources to characterize [...]them and harness their properties provided. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这 种情况不仅有可能破坏国际社会在非洲之角地区取得 的些微成就,还提供了滋生极端主义和暴力的沃土。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also threatens not only to erode the tenuous gains made by the international community in the Horn of Africa region, but also provide a fertile environment for extremism and violence. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些微 小的感光器件分散在视网膜 上,每一种都有着不同的作 用。 motion.kodak.com | These microscopic sensors are distributed [...] across the retina, and each type serves a very different purpose. motion.kodak.com |
這些微控制 器擁有一個內置的硬件支持的的IEEE 1588時間戳創造和滿足所有條件的一個高度精確的時間同步分佈式網絡中的設備。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | These MCUs have a built-in [...] hardware support for the creation of the IEEE 1588 timestamp and fulfill all the conditions for [...]a highly accurate time synchronization of devices in a distributed network. en.developmentscout.com |
阿尔及利亚政府谨明确表示,此合并定期报告提交 的 些微 延 迟 ,绝不反映 故意逃避 国际义务,而是 [...] 表明阿尔及利亚政府对提交一份有质量 的报告的关注 , 使 报告显 示上次提交报告以来所取得的进展 , 特别是在 与 《公约》条款有关的所 有领域中取得的进展。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Algerian Government wishes to make [...] it clear that the slight delay in the submission [...]of this combined periodic report [...]in no way reflects a deliberate wish to evade an international obligation, but rather expresses its concern to submit a qualitative report, showing the progress made since the submission of the previous reports, in particular the progress made in all areas relating to the provisions of the Covenant. daccess-ods.un.org |
中方研究人员已经确定了这些微生物 所产生的多种抗生素类型,并正同他们的CSIRO同事一起寻找其中涉及的各个基因。 australiachina.com.au | Chinese researchers have identified several types of [...] antibiotics produced by these microbes and with their [...]colleagues at CSIRO are working to identify the genes involved. australiachina.com.au |
当轴向震动发生时,托钻可以些微地 上 升,直到台肩c碰到一固定之定位。 oris.ch | If an axial shock occurs, the endstone can lift slightly until the shoulder strikes a fixed part of the setting. oris.ch |
效果颜料由很多片状金属微粒组成, 这 些微 粒 含有铝粉(俗称银粉)、铜粉(俗称金粉)、片状锌粉(有别于球状),也包括作为基片载体的包覆了金属氧化物(如TiO2)的无机物云母。 eckart.com.cn | Effect pigments are flake-shaped metallic particles composed [...] of aluminium (silver bronze), copper or brass (gold bronze), [...]or zinc (zinc flakes in contrast to zinc dust) or consist of inorganic mica as a platelet carrier which is coated with metal oxide (e. g. TiO2). eckart.net |
当深黑色喷涂太湿太厚时也会产生不良效果,颜料中的 一 些微 小 颗粒会浮到漆膜表面,产生所谓的“ 烫 金 效 应 ”。 de-beer.com | This happens because the tiniest particles in deep black tend to rise to the surface, giving off a “bronzing effect”. de-beer.com |
此瀏覽器版本中的某些版面上的某些資料的顯示格式可能 有 些微 差 異。 rocars.gov.hk | Some information on the screen may be displayed in an unexpected format with this browser version. rocars.gov.hk |
这样定义纳米技术显然过于宽泛,但是在 化学、物理学和生物学中的纳米级物质研究至 少已有 100 年历史,而有关这些微小物质的结 构、组成和存在的争论时间更长。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Chemistry, physics and biology have worked with objects that are at the nanoscale for at least 100 years, and have debated their structure, composition and even existence for much longer. unesdoc.unesco.org |
國泰航空收益管理總經理歐永棠表示:「比對去年八月運力有明顯的上升幅度,主要集中於澳洲、北美及印度航線,而客量僅錄 得 些微 增 幅。 swirepacific.com | Cathay Pacific General Manager Revenue Management Tom Owen said: "The number of passengers carried rose only marginally in August against a significant rise in capacity compared to last year - mainly on routes to Australia, North America and India. swirepacific.com |