

单词 亚马孙



Amazon River

See also:

horse or cavalry piece in Chinese chess
knight in Western chess
surname Ma



External sources (not reviewed)

较早前有新闻指政务司司长发出电邮,要求高官 接见叶刘淑仪,而且也真的接见了,在座的林瑞麟局长见过她局长局长也见过她。
There was news earlier about the Chief Secretary for Administration sending e-mails to ask senior officials to meet with Regina IP, and they did meet with her.
[...] 人士在报章表示,原来“上海仔”亦透过他社团中的一些徒子协助国家收集一些反恐的情报。
What is so amazing is that, as reported in the
press, "Shanghai Boy" has also
[...] deployed some of his South-Asiansubordinates in his syndicate [...]
to collect intelligence relating
to anti-terrorist activities for the nation.
加州大学洛杉矶分校的人类学家 Carolina Izquierdo於2004年花了数个月时间亚马一个部族共处。
In 2004, Carolina Izquierdo, an anthropologist at UCLA, spent several months with a tribe in the Amazon.
九十四年度为本公司司旧公司旧东信电讯公 司。
TAT (including the former TAT) and Mobitai (including the former Mobitai) mainly provide second-generation GSM wireless communication services.
官员中跌幅明显的有廖秀冬、许仕仁、林瑞麟 ,而得分不及50的问责官员亦由一人增加至二人。
Officials with biggest drops include Sarah Liao, Rafael Hui,
[...] Stephen Lam, Frederick Ma andMichael Suen.
阿巴斯caliphs正式基於其债权向宝座就其後裔从阿巴斯(公元566-652 ) ,最年长的叔叔穆罕默德,在据此後裔,他们把自己作为合法继承者的先知,作为反对以 马亚,华夏
The Abbasid caliphs officially based their claim to the throne on their descent from Abbas (AD 566-652), the eldest uncle of Muhammad, in virtue of which descent they regarded themselves as the rightful heirs of the Prophet as opposed to the Umayyads,the descendants of Umar.
2014S主题概念:欧式贵族尚蒂利轻薄风、精致复古摩登田园风 亚马林植物草本灵感的表现。
SS 2014 Theme: European Noble Chantilly Lightsome, Delicate Retro and Modern Rural “Lace on Lace” Style; Big sheets of leaves, big flowers of tropical plants impel us to enter the Amazon jungle.
於新闻发布会上香指出 耆老就业培训计划是联邦政府的 唯一就业计划﹐专门帮助没有工 作的低收入长者﹐而 NAPCA 的 耆老就业培训计划亦是服务弱耆老社区的唯一就业计 划。
During the Los Angeles press
[...] conference, MiriamSuen pointed out that the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is the only federal employment program targeted to assist unemployed low-income seniors, and NAPCA SCSEP was the only employment program focused on serving the disadvantaged AAPIagingcommunity.
2.1 在亚太区国家之中,澳洲、斐济、印度、印度尼西西古、尼泊尔、新西兰、菲律宾、斯里兰卡、大韩民国及泰国 均有设立全国性的人权委员会。
2.1 Among countries in the Asia-Pacific, Australia, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, the Republic of Korea and Thailand have established national human rights commissions.
九十四年度为本公司司旧 公司旧东信电讯公司。
Because of the short maturities of these instruments, the carrying values represent a reasonable basis to estimate fair values.
The Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle is also working on other inventories, on the island of Santo, on Vanuatu, in New Caledonia, in Madagascar, in the caves of southern China, and also in the Fynbos, a fabulous natural vegetation specific to South Africa.
九 十 五 年 度 以 行 动 通 讯 业 务 为 主 , 系 将 本 公 司 、 子 公 司 新公 司东 信 电 讯 公 司 视 为 独 立 之 现 金 产 生 单 位 。
In 2006, the Group was engaged in mobile service only and identified the Corporation, TAT and Mobitai as independent cash-generating units.
Amazon offers a free application that turns Apple devices on a Kindle (your own e-reader) and thus opens his immense catalog to millions of potential customers.
在我们欢迎来自世界各地客户的同时,政府限制与本公司禁止GDMFX开通账户,源於下列限制和/或外国资产管制处认可的国家: 阿富汗,博茨瓦纳,缅甸 ,科特迪瓦 (象牙海岸),古巴刚过民主共和国, 利比里亚前政权查尔斯泰勒, 冈比亚,加纳,几内亚比绍, 几内亚科纳克里, 伊拉克,吉尔吉斯斯坦,莱索托,利比里亚,利 尼日尔,朝鲜,塞内加尔,塞拉利昂,索马里,叙利亚,塔吉克斯坦,多哥,土库曼斯坦,乌兹别克斯坦,也门,埃及, 和津巴布韦。
While we welcome clients from all over globe, governmental restrictions along with our company policies prohibit GDMFX from opening accounts originated from the following restricted and/or OFAC sanctioned countries: Afghanistan, Botswana, Burma (Myanmar), Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Cuba, The Democratic Republic of Congo The former Liberian Regime of Charles Taylor, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Guinea Conakry, Iraq, Kyrgyzstan, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya Mali, Niger, North Korea, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Syria, Tajikistan, Togo, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Egypt and Zimbabwe.
梁先生虽然注意到当局所研究的7个司法管 辖区(即艾伯塔省、加利福西巴省、新斯科舍省、安大略省及得克萨斯州)均对 有限责任合夥订有特定规定,但政府当局的文件并 无清楚表示在该等海外司法管辖区,一般合夥的专 业弥偿保险额是否较低。
While noting that there were specific requirements for LLPs in the seven jurisdictions studied, i.e. Alberta, California, Malaysia, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Texas, Mr LEUNG said that it was not clear from the Administration's paper whether there were lower professional indemnity insurance for general partnerships in these overseas jurisdictions.
建构一个由 Puppet 推动的架构让网站能自动部署到多 亚马EC2 动态伺服器之上。
Designed and implemented a Puppet-powered infrastructure for automated deployment of hosted sites across multiple dynamically managed instances at the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) environment.
The largest river in the world, the Amazon,
[...] begins in Peru and much of the world's [...]
highest navigable lake, Titicaca, is within Peruvian territory.
产群组划分为本公司、旧公司公司转投资 - 24 之旧东信电讯公司等现金产生单位。
As of December 31, 2005, goodwill amounting to $5,881,350 thousand and $532,679 thousand was allocated to the carrying values of the operating assets of the former TAT and the former Mobitai, respectively.
考虑到梁先生在红湾半岛事件中的主导和统筹角色、 公众认为太低的契约修订补价款额、新世界中国地产聘请梁先生的始 末因由(包括该职位可能是为梁先生而设),以及上文所述有关郑家纯
[...] 调查有关梁展文先生离职後从事工作的事宜专责委员会(“专责委员 会 ”)同 先生在出席研讯时所表达的看法,即公众有理由怀疑 [...]
梁展文先生受聘於新世界中国地产是与红湾半岛事件相关的一项延 後利益回报。
Having regard to the steering and co-ordinating role of Mr LEUNG in the Hunghom Peninsula case, the exceedingly low lease modification premium in the eyes of the public, the circumstances surrounding Mr LEUNG's employment with NWCL (including the possibility that the post was tailor made for Mr LEUNG), as well as the intricate connections among Dr Henry CHENG, Mr Stewart LEUNG, Mr CHUNG Kwok-cheong and Mr LEUNG Chin-man as mentioned above, the Select Committee to Inquire into Matters Relating to the Post-service Work of Mr
LEUNG Chin-man agreed with the view
[...] expressed by Mr Michael SUENatthe hearing [...]
that, there were grounds for the public suspicion
that Mr LEUNG Chin-man's taking up of the employment with NWCL was a deferred benefit related to the Hunghom Peninsula case.
陈婉娴议员:主席女士,刚才在恢复二读辩论时,我觉得我就这个部分谈得 不够细致,我很想跟谈论一下,因为在审议条例草案的时候 ─ [...]
我刚才在发言的最後部分指出,我们所有的同事(包括今天提出修正案和不 同意条例草案第 3 条者),早已希望跟局长讨论出一套方案。
MISS CHAN YUEN-HAN (in Cantonese): Madam Chairman, I think when I spoke earlier during the resumed Second Reading debate on the Bill, I did not cover all the details relating to this part,
and I very much wish to discuss it
[...] with Secretary MichaelSUEN because during the [...]
scrutiny of the Bill, as I pointed out
in the last part of my speech earlier, all colleagues (including sponsors of the amendments today and those who disagree with clause 3 of the Bill) had long hoped to discuss with the Secretary in order to come up with a proposal.
在开放水域童声壮观卡普"锦鲤",大实例的淡水鱼 亚马和从厄瓜多尔到澳大利亚。
In open waters dwells spectacular Karp "Koi", large instances of freshwater fish of the Amazon River and from Ecuador to Australia.
Throughout the second period of theUmayyads, representatives of this family were among their most dangerous opponents, partly by the skill with which they undermined the reputation of the reigning princes by accusations against their orthodoxy, their moral character and their administration in general, and partly by their cunning manipulation of internecine jealousies among the Arabic and non-Arabic subjects of the empire.
从葱郁 ,朝气蓬勃丛林亚马 ,居五色鸟如金刚鹦鹉 ,大猫 , 有趣的爬行动物和珍稀动物 ,如巨型水獭 , 以後 ,透过云林区的东部安第斯山坡观赏熊仍在流浪, 跨越1982年的高坡上punas家珍稀猫科,马驼 ,羊驼 , 胆小和濒危鼎和3种壮观的火烈鸟 , 您将举行出神的风光和向往去寻找惊人的野生动物如你 旅行下来乾燥森林西部山区经绿油油的河谷切割成为世界的平川 沙漠和对太平洋沿岸那里你可能遇到鲸鱼 海豹和各种各样的候鸟和本地鸟类 .
From the verdant, vibrant jungles of the Amazon, home of colorful birds such as the macaw, big cats, fascinating reptiles and rare mammals such as the giant otter, onwards and up through the cloud forests of the Eastern Andean slopes where spectacled bears still roam, across the sierra and the high altiplano punas, home to rare big cats, llamas, alpacas, the timid and endangered vicuna and three species of spectacular flamingo, you will be held spellbound by the scenery and fascinated to go in search of the amazing wildlife as you travel down through the dry forests of Western mountains via lush green valleys incised into one of the world's driest deserts and on to the Pacific coast where you may encounter whales, seals and a wide variety of migratory and local birds.
Professional juvenile dancers from 15 countries including Canada, Turkey, Australia, China, Singapore, the Philippines, the Czech Republic, Ecuador, Romania, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Macau, Korea and Thailand will bring ballet, modern dance and folk dance brilliantly to life.
梅尔尼克担任亚马林碳夥伴”(Amazon Forest Carbon Partnership)集团顾问,这个集团同玻利维亚、巴西、哥伦比亚、厄瓜多和秘鲁当地的环境信托基金进行合作,旨在为未来建立一种“不必用森林被砍 碳信用额”的最佳做法。
He is advising a group called the Amazon Forest Carbon Partnership that is working with local environmental trust funds in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru to establish the best practices for future so-called “avoided deforestation carbon credits.
商 誉 本公司及子公司依财务会计准则公报第三十五号「资产减损之 会计处理准则」规定,将产生现金流入之最小可辨认资产群组依年 度划分如下:九十五年度为本公司、子公司新 公司新东信电讯公司。
In conformity with SFAS No. 35, “Accounting for Asset Impairment,” the Group identified the Corporation, TAT and Mobitai in 2006 and the Corporation, the former TAT and the former Mobitai in 2005 as the smallest identifiable group of cash-generating units.
双环设计的 Shogun 戒指,镶有白色和墨蓝色长方形切割水晶,犹如为纤纤玉指提供保护的优雅银盔甲,魅力十足之余,更为我们的灵感女神增添一份硬朗帅气 亚马情。
Providing total glamour and Amazonian attitude for the muse, the double Shogun ring is like a piece of elegant silver armor for the fingers, set with baguette-cut crystals in Crystal and Montana colors.
法国国际学校柴湾新校舍於2012年2月17日举行开幕典礼,并邀请了香港特别行政区教育局局先生、Agency for French [...]
Schools Abroad董事Anne-Maries Descôtes女士、法国驻港澳总领事栢雅诺先生及法国国际学校主席Florence Grelon女士出席。
The new Chai Wan Campus of the French International school of Hong Kong was
officially opened on Friday 17th of February
[...] by Mr MichaelSuen,Secretary for [...]
education, Mrs Anne-Maries Descôtes, director
of the Agency for French schools Abroad, Mr Arnaud Barthélémy, Consul general of France in Hong Kong and Macau and Ms Florence Grelon, President of the French International School.
委员察悉,在加拿大爱伯达省、安大略省、卑斯省巴省及美国德克萨斯州的有限法律责任合夥法例中,每项 均订有条文,对确实知悉失责行为,但没有作出合理的努力加 以阻止的合夥人,剔除其作为有限法律责任合夥的合夥人可享 有的保障,而在加拿大安大略省及美国德克萨斯州的有限法律 责任合夥法例中,每项亦订有条文,对理应知道有关失责行为, 但没有作出合理的努力加以阻止的合夥人,剔除其作为有限法 律责任合夥的合夥人可享有的保障。
Members note that each of the LLP legislation in the provinces of Alberta, Ontario, British Columbia and Manitoba of Canada and the State of Texas of US has a stipulation that removes LLP protection for a partner who has actual knowledge of the default but failed to exercise reasonable diligence to remove it, whereas each of the LLP legislation of the province of Ontario of Canada and the State of Texas of US also has a stipulation to remove LLP protection for a partner who ought reasonably to have known of the default but failed to exercise reasonable diligence to prevent it.
在政府未能清楚交代现时政府总部未来的安排与规划、为展计划重新进行具公信力的环境影响评估,以及清楚 解释於址兴建政府总部的迫切性及需要之前,本小 组委员会并不支持在址兴建新政府总部。
That, as the Government has yet to give a clear account of the future arrangements and planning for the existing central government offices, conduct afresh an environmental impact assessment of credibility for the Tamar development project and explain in clear terms the urgency and need for a new central government complex at the Tamar site, the Subcommittee does not support the development of a new central government complex at the Tamar site.




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