单词 | 亚洲盃 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 洲—continent 洲n—islandn
而年底,我也将再次回到Porsche盃,驾驶着Porsche赛车,迎战亚洲各站赛事,其中包括了9月底在F1赛事期间,同时举行的新加坡Grand [...] Prix大赛。 oris.ch | Later in the year, I’ll be back in my Porscheto [...] race at some of the bigraces in Asiaincludingthe up-coming Singapore [...]Grand Prix [...]during the Formula 1 weekend at the end of September. oris.ch |
亚洲卫星亦计划掌握来自体坛盛事之临时使用业务机会,例如伦敦 二零一二年奥运会和残疾人士奥运会及二零一二年欧洲国家盃足球赛。 asiasat.com | AsiaSat also plans to capitalise on occasional-use opportunities arising from major events such as the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games and the UEFA EURO 2012 soccer tournament. asiasat.com |
因此, 即使未来卫星容量增加,我们深信亚洲卫星仍能够维持市场领导者的地位。 asiasat.com | As a result, we are confident that we will remain the market leader despite any future increases in capacity. asiasat.com |
保时捷总代保时捷总代理 永业也於车展开幕记者会当天, 盛大举办全新 911 车款发表会,此次发表会吸引了上百位媒体及贵宾的光临,全新的911 发表会特别邀请保时捷亚洲卡雷拉盃官方媒体代言人及在华人地区颇负盛名的 F1主播龚怀主先生担任主持人,也象徵保时捷品牌的赛车基因与热情,紧接在科技前卫的机械舞表演後,全新 911 由保时捷亚太区总裁 Christer Ekberg 与保时捷总代理 永业李智龙总经理的揭幕下正式与国人见面,在会场里展出的一黑一白全新 [...][...] 911,以极高的 911 车型辨识度但绝对创新的外型再加上全新设计的驾驶舱,获得现场来宾的注目跟一致的好评,车展现场也运用巨大的液晶电视墙放映并介绍全新 911 车系的相关性能及配备的影片,让现场的车迷可以更快速的了解完整的第七代 911 车系。 pap.porsche.com | At the launch event, videos on the features of the Porsche 911 model line were played on the large-sized LCD wall, so that attending sports car fans could quickly learn about the seventh-generation 911. pap.porsche.com |
作为最早进军亚洲市场的卫星营运商之一, 我们拥有多个经悉心安排的 C [...] 波段轨道位置,令我们处於有利的位置,迎合市场增长的需求。 asiasat.com | As one of the earliest satellite [...] operators to enter the Asian market,we have [...]a selection of well-coordinated C-band slots, [...]putting us in a good position to meet the increasing demand. asiasat.com |
持香港特区护照 香港冰协通知,球员递交之个人资料有助香港队向IIHF报名参加2013亚洲冰球挑战盃(成年男子组),惟香港冰协仍需从报名之球员中选拔,故已递交个人资料之球员非即时入选香港队。 hkahc.com | Nationality: Hong Kong Passport Holder According to HKIHA, submission of personal data does not guarantee to be on ... hkahc.com |
now TV透过逾180条频道,为香港客户提供各类本地、亚洲及国际节目,包括西班牙甲组足球联赛、英格兰足总盃、美国职业篮球、法国网球公开赛、美国网球公开赛、ATP世界网球巡回赛、国际羽毛球超级系列赛、世界桌球巡回赛、一级方程式赛车及PGA巡回赛。 ipress.com.hk | now TV serves Hong Kong with more than 180 [...] channels of local, Asianandinternational programming, including premium content such as Spanish La Liga ,English FA Cup, NBA, French Open, [...]US Open, ATP World Tour, [...]BWF Super Series, World Snooker Tour, F1 and PGA Tour. ipress.com.hk |
本公司於九十五年推出许多创新且受到市场高度 欢迎的加值服务产品,包括:首创市场的行动条 [...] 码、利用3G视讯所发展出的777影音即时乐、与 Bridge Mobile Alliance会员在亚太地区同步推出的 Mobile ESPN、与证券公司合作推出行动看盘下单 服务、与朱铭美术馆合作成立「全国第一座手机 语音导览示范旗舰馆」、与台湾之光王建民有约的洲际盃赛事3G Live直播、与宏碁合作推出全新的 「行动新世代校园服务方案」,以及与万事达卡合 作推出亚洲第一支NFC Mobile PayPass™感应式手 机刷卡等服务。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | As a market leader in launching innovative products, the Company set several milestones in 2006: 1) the first operator to introduce QR code services and 3G video entertainment portal, 2) the first operator in Taiwan to launch Mobile ESPN through a joint regional marketing campaign of Bridge Mobile Alliance, 3) the first operator to provide mobile stock monitoring and trading services in cooperation with securities houses, 4) the only sponsor and operator to offer 3G live TV for Chienming Wang’s games in the 2006 Intercontinental Cup, 5) the first operator to offer handset-based mobile audio [...] guides at Juming Museum, [...] 6) the firstoperator to launch an exclusive dual-mode GSM/WiFi handset, the TG310, and provide mobile campus packages in cooperation with Acer, and 7) the first operator to introduce Asia’sNear Field Communication [...](NFC) Mobile [...]PayPassTM handset in cooperation with MasterCard International. english.taiwanmobile.com |
亚 洲五号卫星是 EBU 全球视像传输网络的重要部份,用以传送来自欧洲及亚洲各地的视像内容, 包括娱乐、文化、音乐、新闻及实时的顶级体育赛事,如奥运会、世界盃和欧洲联赛冠军盃等。 asiasat.com | AsiaSat 5 is now an integral part of the EBU’s global content delivery network which distributes entertainment, culture and music content, and live sports and news events such as the Olympics, WorldCup,and theUEFA Champions League from Europe and across Asia. asiasat.com |
图一:康宏金融集团主席王利民(右)今年参与绿色力量环岛行赛事,其率领的「S@CONVOY」於香港保险业联会盃比赛中卫冕亚军奖项。 convoyfinancial.com | He led the team "S@CONVOY" and [...] defended the second place in the HKFI Cup race. convoyfinancial.com |
香港马球发展及推广协会参与的首个活动为「FIP雪地马球世界盃赛2012」,将於2012年2月2至12日於天津环亚国际马球会举行,是国际马球联合会 (FIP) 首次主办的雪地马球比赛。 snowpoloworldcup.com | The FIP SnowPolo World Cup 2012, thefirst snow polo event organized by FIP, which will [...] take place at Tianjin Goldin Metropolitan [...]Polo Club from 2 February to 12 February, 2012, will be the first major polo event to be co-organized by the HKPDPF. snowpoloworldcup.com |
我们於年内提供即时传送二零一二年欧洲国家盃这项每四年一度举行之欧洲最大型国际性运动 赛事。 asiasat.com | During the year, we provided live transmission of the UEFA Euro 2012, the biggest international sporting event in Europe held every four years. asiasat.com |
比赛模式方面,添加了有「南美自由杯」之称的南美洲联赛冠军盃(Copa Libertadores de America),旧有的欧洲联赛冠军盃(UEFA Champions League)和欧霸盃 (UEFA Europa League)则取得大量球队的正式使用授权,包括拜仁慕尼黑、巴塞隆拿、皇家马德里和国际米兰等,资料终能如实呈现。 think-silly.com | Copa Libertadores de America is now added to the game, as well as UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League [...] (including FC Bayern Munich, FC Barcelona, [...]Real Madrid C.F. and F.C. Internazionale Milano), as they received approvals from most of the football teams involved. think-silly.com |
环亚国际马球会不但是「FIP雪地马球世界盃赛2012」的主办赛场,并定期举办其他盛大国际赛事,如春季、秋季马球赛及从青少年到专业球员的不同级别的马球赛事。 snowpoloworldcup.com | Apart from being the host venue of the [...] 2012 inaugural FIP Snow Polo WorldCup,major international fixtures on [...]the Club’s annual calendar [...]include various spring and autumn tournaments and matches for different levels of play from youth to professional. snowpoloworldcup.com |
展望未来,我们会继续扩充机 队 [...] ,加强网络, 并 致 力 巩固香港作为亚 洲首屈一 指 的航空及物流枢纽地位。 swirepacific.com | Looking ahead, we will continue with plans [...] to grow our fleet, strengthen our network and enhance Hong [...] Kong’s position asAsia’s leading aviation [...]and logistics hub. swirepacific.com |
在博览会期间,机票及酒店都格外紧张;加上欧洲国家盃临近,结果仅有两天时间去参观所有艺术博览会,於是便选定了「Art [...] Basel」、「Liste08」及「Scope」三个风格截然不同的博览作为是次行程的重点。 think-silly.com | Withthe UEFA dates approaching, ‘Art Basel’, [...] ‘Liste08’ and ‘Scope’ were my priorities for the two days I had. think-silly.com |
向来热衷参加各类行山及马拉松比赛的康宏金融集团主席王利民,今次与另外两位康宏同事组成「S@CONVOY」,最终以6小时48分钟完成50公里完成比赛,卫冕香港保险业联会盃亚军宝座;另外,由前线理财顾问组成的「康宏动力」及「Convoy 25」分别以8小时50分钟及3小时11分钟,取得50公里季军及25公里亚军。 convoyfinancial.com | Mr. Quincy Wong, Chairman of Convoy Financial Group, has always been keen on participating in all kinds of hiking and marathons. convoyfinancial.com |
康宏精英分别组成「S@CONVOY」、「康宏动力」以及「Convoy 25」,出战环岛行慈善赛的香港保险业联会盃,分别赢得50公里赛事的亚军及季军,以及25公里赛事的亚军。 convoyfinancial.com | The Convoy elite formed "S@CONVOY", "Convoy [...] ACT" and "Convoy 25" to take part in the Hong [...] Kong Federation of Insurers(HKFI) Cup of the Green Power Hike charity race. convoyfinancial.com |
同时,本集团将在香港、中国及亚洲主要城市物色物业发展及投资 收购机会,并且在这些高速增长的地区内进一步建立其优质物业发展商之市场地位。 wingtaiproperties.com | At the same time, the Group will look for property development and investment acquisition opportunities in Hong Kong, and gateway cities in China and Asia to further establish its presence as a leading developer of premium properties in this fast-growing region. wingtaiproperties.com |